Deathwalkers - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

1970 Blue Marvel II

This is long BTW guys.

We open on Lichidus overseeing a global watch on their hybrid army. The vampires are weak from giving blood, the werewolves are underfed. He monologues about how the streets of the world shall soon be slick with blood. The pain and suffering caused by brutal sacrifice will bring forth the elder god, Cthon, to this dimension as he feeds on the tormented souls.

A Deathwalker cleric interjects, informing him that the Blue Marvel and his followers have almost stumbled upon a second Deathwalker base. Lichidus orders him to release the werewolves…

Cut to scene in a forest near Tunguska. Adam, Blade, the Bear and James Falsworth, in Union Jack uniform, have been searching for the Talisman of Kamar Taj which has been used to create hybrid warriors for the evil Deathwalkers. They are also searching for James’ brother John. John was subject to the Deathwalker’s hybrid program, mutating his DNA together with that of a vampire. He has managed to evade the group for 5 days but they had finally spotted him and the trail has led them here. Adam is in touch with Candace and Kevin who are monitoring their progress using the instruments in the appropriated Deathwalker base.

They hear the pad of footsteps in the snow, approaching rapidly. They can't see much in the dark, save for the occasional reflection of the torchlight in moving pairs of eyes. Union Jack hurriedly lights a flare as they hear several growls. In the red light of the flare, they see they are surrounded by werewolves. The three super-powered allies surround James, for protection, as the werewolves attack.

Blade has silver blades (obvs), Union Jack has silver bullets and the Bear has a silver tipped bear claw manicure (though she holds back from going full bear). The silver was meant to give them an advantage over vampires but find it works well against the werewolves. Adam is using his anti-matter blasts to great effect but can't fly up or Union Jack will be exposed. They have become an effective fighting unit after encountering several vampire clusters in this desolate part of Siberia.

Blade is caught by a werewolf claw and Union Jack is momentarily exposed. An assailant takes the opportunity and is closing on James. Adam considers using a concussive blast (it's risky as it will knock everyone out, even him), but is caught off guard as vampire John leaps down and saves his brother.

Fighting alongside them, Blade has to fight his instincts to not stab him. John is injured but they fight off the werewolves till each is unconscious or deceased. Blade's fighting style and modus operandi has led mostly to the latter, while the others tried to be more careful. This causes some conflict in the group, particularly between Blade and the Bear, who is a hybrid herself.

The final werewolf is left to flee. Blade and the Bear pursue while Adam takes the survivors back to base. John's love for James is holding his vampire side at bay and he submits to a power dampening collar and then first aid. The wound is not too serious and James gives a temporary patch up. James sits near a cadaver for warmth, John is not bothered by the cold being a half-vampire. They sit and talk. John was captured by Hydra and was hybridised by them without the Talisman, though they thought they had killed him and discarded him in a mass grave nearby.

John, now feeling a bit more human thanks to the collar, is ashamed of what he's become and how many people he's hurt. James says how much control do you have? John says not much, though some days are better than others. Then Adam returns to take them back to base one on each arm.

The Bear and Blade have followed the werewolf to an entranceway, where a heavy metal door has been torn off its fixings and lies in the snow.

The enter carefully and quietly but encounter no resistance. There are only bodies and not enough of each one left to turn. There is one young Deathwalker, dressed in the tattered remains of their uniform, among the cadavers. The sight of their fallen former comrades awakes their human half and they weep for what they have done. This was the fleeing werewolf. They lament the curse given them by Lichidus and wish that someone could release them from it.

Blade obliges and stabs him through the heart from behind, killing him just as the Bear had begun to explain that S.H.I.E.L.D. were working on a cure.

Livid, she angrily tells him they could have saved the youngster. Blade says there's only one cure for a werewolf. Death.

In a rage at Blade's lack of compassion, she nearly turns full bear. The sudden arrival of Adam brings them back from the brink and he tries to help resolve their differences. 

Blade shushes the group and they all hear metallic clanging from within the base.

Cut to Lichidus being informed that the group have destroyed the Tunguskan werewolves. Lichidus reasons that they may still have an advantage, there is one surviving cleric at that base.

Back at the base, John and James are convalescing. Candace is in conversation with Peggy about the vampire hybrids. Kevin is bored.

Curiosity gets the better of him and he looks in on them. He sees a little vampire girl has dropped her toy and he slowly, carefully moves over to give it back to her in her holding cell. She and her family are grateful, but a lot of the others hiss at his prolonged presence. Kevin freezes at the intense response, not knowing quite what to do.

Hearing the commotion, Candace puts her hand on his shoulder and takes him back into the main area and says I told you quite clearly not to go in there young man and asks him what he thinks he was doing. Kevin explains about the little girl and the doll and reminds her that she said they used to be like us and how his parents are always talking about doing the right thing, no matter the cost.

Candace relents a little and admires his compassion and bravery. She says he is turning into a fine young man, and asks him not to get too brave.

She then goes to try and check in with Adam, but there is only static.

In the other base Adam, Blade and The Bear have followed the sound down a broken lift shaft and along a corridor. It is a cell block. There is one cell door not busted out of or busted into by werewolves.

Inside is a man (Keith David) dressed in robes more colourful than a Deathwalker's, though they have faded over time. They ask how he alone was able to survive the werewolf onslaught. He says a simple incantation held the door firm against attacks, though it was difficult to keep his concentration under the circumstances. His name is Kaluu. 

They cautiously free him and he is very grateful and offers to assist them, swatting away a fly. He seems to know a lot about the Talisman of Kamar Taj, what the Deathwalkers were doing with it (Bear confirms this) and, most importantly, where it is now.

They ask him how he knows so much about the Talisman and he suddenly clams up.

He tries to change the subject and asks for help to find a sling ring, swatting away the fly again. He receives no response so starts ransacking corpses. Bear fears he may be a Deathwalker mage that was hiding from werewolves. Blade continues to question how he knew so much about the Talisman. Adam tries to keep things calm but it's not working. Under pressure, Kaluu blurts out that he was a student at Kamar Taj who found out that a lot of people wanted the Talisman so he snuck in and stole it, selling it to the highest bidders, the Deathwalkers. The whole gang rage in disbelief as he works to pry a sling ring from some cold, dead fingers. His admission causes the Bear to go full bear, who pursues Kaluu down the corridor in a rage. He manages to get the sling ring and portals out just in time. Only he is out of practice and ends up in a cell down the corridor and keeps popping in and out of the corridor from different doors as the Bear gives chase with other two caught between the destruction of the cell block and an angry Bear. Chaos.

Eventually they are all portalled out one by one with a wary Adam last followed, at the last moment, by the fly.

He arrives at the Sanctum Santorum with Blade poised to strike, Bear suspended in mid air and Kaluu begging forgiveness from a bald woman.

She is, of course, the Ancient One (Michelle Yeoh, I figure it's a better part than a Ravager cameo or a magical auntie). She is astounded at his audacity, to return after all these years to the scene of the crime. She is still angry about the theft but is more concerned with who he sold it to. She also points out how reckless it was to use magic in a Deathwalker base and bring their artifact (the stolen sling ring) back to the Sanctum as it could give them access to Kamar Taj.

Adam says they were alone.

She says that doesn't matter, they have other means.

Kaluu protests that he was trapped in an enclosed space with a bear and didn't have time to think.

The Ancient one replies that he had time to think of himself and not the consequence to others.

He says he didn't know what they were going to do with it.

She says you didn't care. You just cared about the price, now that price is about to be paid by the whole world, possibly the universe.

At this moment, the fly moves from Adam's shoulder to the stolen sling ring on Kaluu's finger. We zoom in on it and see that it is a fly/Deathwalker hybrid and it activates the ring opening a massive portal which floods with Werebats and Deathwalker mages.

The gang, Kaluu, the Ancient One and the Kamar Taj defenders fight valiantly and gain the upper hand. Then they hear sounds of battle from elsewhere. The Ancient One deduces what they're after and takes Adam to the library. They are just time to see Lichidus himself unshackling the Darkhold and taking it into his hands. They try to pursue him but he sends mages and hybrids to stop them. They eventually win out but Lichidus is gone, swiftly followed by the remaining mages. They swiftly overpower the were-bats and the Ancient One catches the were-fly. The Deathwalkers had managed to magically cover their tracks however.

She thanks the gang for the help in defending Kamar Taj. She admonishes Kaluu for allowing Lichidus in but recognises that he stood and fought, he didn't run or turn on his team like before. Perhaps, she says, there is hope for him yet. She asks him to tell her everything he knows about Lichidus’ plans.

Lichidus and his cronies celebrate their victory and he tells them to prepare for the ritual, Cthon is coming!

Meanwhile Peggy has arrived and scores of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are cautiously escorting the vampire and werewolf hybrids into cells on Howard's 70s-looking Quinjets. Candace is telling Peggy her concern over not being able to raise the team and is suggesting storming the base when a portal opens and Adam casually asks Candace, Kevin, Peggy and the others whether they'd like to join them in the stronghold of the Sorcerer Supreme. 

The Ancient One explains that the Talisman of Kamar Taj is actually of extra terrestrial origin. The practice at Kamar-Taj was to use it to bond with or absorb animals, spirits and demons.

If the talisman is broken, it will undo all that it has done. It is said that it will transport the one responsible for breaking it across the stars and itself too. They don't know where it takes you.

The Ancient One takes Adam, Candace and Peggy to One side as they seem to be the most level headed in the group. They leave Kevin with James and the Bear. Blade and John brood separately and Kaluu studies a volume of Ancient wisdom.

Ancient One: A very unusual group you lead.

Adam: Our coming together was haphazard, but we share certain…interests.

AO: It is a brave man that fights alongside a woman that could transform into a bear at any moment.

Candace: Bear knows who her allies are.

AO: You gave consideration to her turning on her allies before? You are taking a former Deathwalker to battle Lichidus.

C: Bear knows who her allies are.

AO: And the vampire and the one who hunts them…do they know who their allies are?

Adam: Well, John, I can't vouch for, but James trusts him. Eric is headstrong, but we can't do this without them. I see how hard they are fighting their instincts.

AO: What happens if they lose that fight?

A: They answer to me.


Kevin (noticing lots of withering stares and whispering directed at Kaluu): Why are they looking at you like that?

Kaluu (not looking up from his book): Because I was once partners with Yao.

Kevin: Who?

Kaluu: The (*sighs*) Ancient One…and then I betrayed her. Twice.

Kevin (now fascinated): What did you do?

We flashback to Kaluu and Yao being good friends and the most prominent sorcerers at Kamar-Taj. Yao is tasked with leading the training programmes and Kaluu is head of temple security.

When the Sorcerer Supreme passes, Yao is chosen to succeed them. Kaluu tries to be supportive but finds it difficult to take orders from his friend. When she starts to remove herself from the others and appears occasionally sporting an item that had been forbidden under the previous regime, like the eye of Agamotto, some jealous sorcerers suspect she is using the Darkhold. Kaluu,  his resentment growing, uses the Darkhold himself to increase the jealousy and resentment among the other sorcerers (psychic hypnosis, denoted by a purple flash in the eyes), eventually staging a coup and putting a spell of immobility on Yao. His ambition is corrupted by the spellbook and he gives Kamar-Taj wealth and prosperity at the expense of nearby villages and starts raising an army to conquer the earth. Eventually he leans too heavily on the Darkhold and the energy drawn (from the Dark Dimension) starts being pulled back, leaving Kamar-Taj in disease and pestilence. The disaffected sorcerers turn on him and free the Sorcerer Supreme who overpowers Kaluu and sends all the energy he drew back to the Dark Dimension, restoring balance. Kamar-Taj begins to recover and Kaluu is forced to undergo the Runes of Kof-Kol, causing him to forget all the dark magics he has learned. This also, accidentally, causes him to forget all his sorcery.

Yao forgives him and patiently begins to teach him again. Harbouring humiliation and resentment for centuries, Kaluu slowly builds up his powers. But one day, he steals the Talisman and a sling ring and doesn't come home…

Back in the present, after some consideration, the Ancient One agrees to help them. She portals Adam's team back to the Playground while the sorcerers prepare an assault team.

Back at the base, Howard has been busy. He has identified the unique signature of the Talisman and has traced it back to a disused subway station in New York. They discuss the personnel, how best to coordinate with the Kamar-Tajians, plan of attack etc.

Cut to Lichidus reciting from the Darkhold. Back at HQ the captured hybrid's eyes flash purple (indicating psychic hypnosis). Lichidus is repressing their human half, causing them all to go feral. Distracted by the commotion, the staff don't notice an operator being psychically controlled to turn off the power dampening collars. They are soon breaking loose and causing death and havoc in the base.

In the chaos, a small number of Deathwalkers portal in and try to snatch hostages/sacrifices (this is shown happening all over the world). One tries to take Candace but she whups them. One tries to take Peggy but she whups them. One tries to take Howard but Candace and Peggy whup them.

They seem particularly interested in Kevin. Kaluu is trying desperately with his limited magic to keep him safe.

The Ancient One portals in with her assault team and helps gain the upper hand. Kaluu runs over and says that they have Kevin. Peggy tells them to go as they can deal with the remaining hybrids, they have Spitfire and Union Jack II. She sends them with the Howling Commandos. They are reluctant to leave the base under siege, but want to help James. And they have to do what Peggy says anyway.

The Ancient one says she must stay to protect against further magical intrusions and psychic hypnosis attacks. She tells Kaluu she trusts him to make the right choices after seeing how he tried to protect Kevin, restores his memories and tells him to lead her assault team. 

Adam and Candace, distraught but determined, lead Bear, Blade, James, John and the Howling Commandos.

They are portalled to the tunnels either side of the abandoned station. They Ancient One had seen that one side is protected by Deathwalker mages and the other by hybrids.

Adam's team are against the hybrids and Kaluu's against the mages.

Kaluu is a little rusty but improvises well, his team is well trained and they advance quickly.

Adam's team is finding it harder due to sheer numbers of hybrids, but they do slowly make progress. They take a defensive formation and shuffle along while Adam alternates between keeping a chasing pack at bay and clearing a path ahead. This method is ammo heavy for those without powers and there are a limited number of silver bullets. The variety of hybrids also makes it difficult as some fly and some crawl, and they attack in different ways. John asks to have his collar turned off as they need him at full strength. Adam reluctantly agrees and James turns off his brother so collar.

Attacks are now taking place across the world; were-panthers in Wakanda vs Dora Milaje, were-bears and were-wolves in Russia vs the People's Protectorate (; were-sharks in Talokan vs Namor and his army etc.

Back in the tunnels, Kaluu's group reaches the platform. They see Lichidus reciting from the Darkhold as his mages sacrifice their prisoners (he wears the Talisman). Kaluu calls for him to stop.

Lichidus (stopping): You may interrupt the ritual but you cannot stop it.

Kaluu: I can stop you, permanently.

L (indicating the other tunnel): Your friends are close to their doom.

K: They would want me to save the universe rather than them. Do the right thing, no matter the cost.

L: Are you sure you can stop me before they are overwhelmed? As you will then be overwhelmed?

Quick cut to Adam's group, beset on all sides, mostly out of ammo. The Commandos are brandishing silver daggers and only use their pistols when they are in trouble. John is able to fend off hybrids when they get too close as he is immune to their bites. He is struggling to keep his blood lust under control; Blade has seen this and is struggling not to take him out too. Adam can't use a full blast as he might take out the whole tunnel.

Kaluu realises that Lichidus is right and takes his team (who think he's making a bad choice) to rescue Adam and Candace's team.

As Lichidus continues the ritual, they manage to trap the hybrids in the mirror dimension which is quite a feat as they are many. The sorcerers have to stay to keep them trapped.

Scores of Deathwalker troops and mages pour out from the platform exits and the battle restarts allowing Lichidus to continue with the ritual. He notices that it is beginning to take effect and encourages his cronies to spill more blood for Cthon.

We cut to Mount Wundagore where a portal opens and we see a faint likeness of Cthon in the blackness within.

Kaluu is beginning to get his confidence back and is dealing with the mages single handed, though he is thwarted in his attempts to get to Lichidus. Adam's team are making short work of the troops.

Lichidus confronts them with Kevin and Adam makes them all stand down.

As they're about to be captured Kaluu sneakily snips the Talisman from round Lichidus’ neck by quickly opening and closing a small portal. He then traps them all in the mirror dimension and they battle Lichidus and the Deathwalker mages and troops. He manages to keeps Kevin out of it to protect him, but Lichidus is formidable and takes all of Kaluu's attention. The other Kamar-Tajians are starting to tire and they can't keep their mirror dimension going and they are being overwhelmed by the hybrids, though they put up a fight.

Kevin realises what he has to do and smashes the Talisman on the floor saying “Do the right thing no matter the c-” as he disappears and his parents look on in horror. The hybrids are restored to human form and run into the tunnels away from the battle. They are portalled out by remaining sorcerers.

The battle scenes around the world see confusion as the hybrids return to their human (or Talokanil) state.

Adam, in his rage, rapidly takes out the other Deathwalkers. He is starting to build his power level. Kaluu binds Lichidus so he can't escape.

Lichidus appeals to Kaluu saying that he can have the Darkhold if he stops Adam. Kaluu will not ignore Kevin's sacrifice. Lichidus appeals to Blade saying the book contains the Montesi formula, a spell to destroy all vampires. Blade would rather fight vampires than demons.

Lichidus appeals to Bear saying he can tell her who she is. She says she would rather eat him.

Adam tells the other sorcerers to get everyone out and he brings the tunnel down on Lichidus, ending the ritual and closing the portal.

Adam protects Kaluu and brings him out too. It is a victory, but not a complete one.

Kevin is gone to goodness knows where in the universe.

Bear is not cured. The Ancient One hypothesises that she was hybridised so long ago that her dna has mutated and the bear is now part of her.

John is not cured as he was hybridized by Hydra without the talisman. Having had his collar switched off and subsequently broken he had gone feral during the battle and fed on many enemies. He is ashamed and runs away into the night.

Mid credits:- Blade is not sure he made the right choice. James insists he did, but Howard admits he was only close to a cure for vampire hybrids, not full vampires, so Blade will have to continue to do his thing. James offers to go along with him if Eric helps him track his brother down to see if Howard's cure will work. He agrees.

Post credits:- At Adam's base Peggy, some S.H.I.E.L.D. staff and the Ancient One are brainstorming ideas on where Kevin might have gone and how they might travel to find him. Howard (calling on his brand new video screen technology, which goes slightly awkwardly) says he he can get them up into space but is a good few years away from intergalactic travel. Adam says again if he travelled alone he might be able to travel fast enough…Candace replies there is no way she's leaving her boy out in the universe all alone. She insists there has to be a way. Kaluu says there is, according to the Darkhold…he volunteers to help Adam and Candace cross the universe to find Kevin, using the Dark Dimension. The Ancient One urges them not to let the Dark Dimension corrupt them, particularly Kaluu. He says that Kevin was the first person to treat him with dignity and respect for centuries, he will not let his standards drop again.

They gather equipment and supplies, say their goodbyes, are wished good luck and leave.

Peggy then approaches the Ancient One and wants to work more closely with Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One says, “Have you ever heard of the Runes of Kof-Kol?”, implying she is going to wipe S.H.I.E.L.D.’s memory of the battle.


Regarding MichelleYeoh as the Ancient One instead of Tilda Swinton. There is nothing wrong with Swinton's acting, just reversing the ethnicity switch whilst keeping the gender switch. I can see that marvel were trying to avoid the magic asian/wise old man trope but you can't ditch an Asian character and make them white instead! This conversation will be revisited when we get to Iron Fist…

Also, I think Lichidus is underwritten in these two movies. So I may revisit this if I come up with any ways to improve that.

Possible adventures in space while looking for Kevin:

Herbert Wyndham (a very talented human scientist) expressed an interest in buying the Talisman from Kaluu, so they track him down. He had been commissioned (abducted from earth) by the Spartoi to terraform a planet as a waystation for their Empire. However, they did not care for his work and withdrew his commission so he decided to start his own terraforming business.

The team discover the Talisman was made by a being called Enitharmon who had told Herbert it could aid the terraforming process as a shortcut to genetic hybridisation to optimize things like plant growth and pest resistance. 

The team will end up helping the woman who would become Meredith Quill escape her death sentence at the hands of the Spartax royal family. She is also part of the royal family.

Meredith and J'Sonn

Possibly Enitharmon? Rintrah?

Definitely Adam, Candace and Kaluu.

Also:- Union Jack and the Blade Series

Eric and James adventures as they stop vampires, thwart conspiracies and search for John. John is now calling himself Baron Blood.

Regularly featuring James’ children (Spitfire and Union Jack II). 

Peggy will make at least one appearance 

They will visit Bear, now calling herself Ursula. She has joined the People's Protectorate and we will get to meet that team.

There has to be a storyline about James wife (she was an Inhuman, but why did she run away? Where did she go?)

And Dracula has to get in there somewhere as well.

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