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1 year ago

1959 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 2

S.H.I.E.L.D. has been running pretty smoothly for some time now. But a pair of terrible twins are about to disrupt things for the team…Fenris! They are older (77) in 1959 (their age is related to where The Gifted is in this timeline) and some of their story will be told in flashback.

They have been setting up Hellfire Club chapters around the world, trying to manipulate world events in the club's favour. They create terrorist incidents and blame them on other factions, plant misinformation etc. They have also been finding or rescuing promising mutants then enticing/forcing them to join.

Nathaniel Essex is referred to as "our employer" but never by name. No one has been able to work out how the bombs were planted in these incidents, but Howard works out that Fenris are the bomb, managing to link these incidents together and build up a profile for the now elderly Von Struckers. 

In a slight rework from the original The Gifted timeline, the London incident should be 1915 and it's the Police in pursuit, Rio should be 1930 with SSR investigating and pursuing. They manage to evade capture until this series. 

They chase them across the world after the latest incident in Plac Zamkovy, which kills hundreds. They can't figure out what gives them this power (no one knows about mutants, except Otto Strucker). They finally catch up with them and Andrea is killed before they can detonate. Andreas flees to grieve and consider his next move.

They have embedded themselves in Hydra to disguise their true allegiance.

Peggy, Howard, the Howling Commandos, Brian and Jacqueline Falsworth are all present but Adam Brashear is now off world and Sousa 'died' in 1955 as per original AoS s7 continuity. James Braddock (actor tbc) is more prominent here after being a background character previously, also he had "mystically given" powers, but kept them secret from all but a select few, also a great scientist. Very useful for S.H.I.E.L.D. and S.T.R.I.K.E.

As a second arc in this series Howard and Anton Vanko finalise their prototype for the arc reactor. Howard wants to keep developing it in secret, with a view to sharing it when he is sure it can't be copied or duplicated without them both. He has learned his lesson from season 1 of Agent Carter where some of his technology was dangerously flawed or misappropriated. He doesn't want the arc reactor rushed. He doesn't want the technology to fall into the wrong hands. Vanko wants to patent it and start selling the idea straight away. 

Vanko: It's too important not to share it right now.

Stark: I see that it could help the world right now, but I am not prepared to compromise on safety or security. If we rush out a design that could be reverse engineered relatively easily it could start another world war.

V: You just don't want to share the technology with Russia, do you? You think Russia is Leviathan? You think I am with Leviathan? I have known you 13 years Howard…

S: Now Anton, it's not like that, I just need to put in some checks and bal-

V: You want to take all the credit! Where is the proof I was involved in the design if there is no patent?

S: Now wait a minute Anton-

V: You want all the profit too?

S (scoffs): This shouldn't be about money.

V: This is easy for you to say. You live in America like a billionaire,  I live here like a Russian immigrant.

S: I pay you well enough Anton…Let's just…let's just cool off…talk about this in the morning. We can work this out.

V (tersely): Good night, Mr Stark.

By the next morning, Vanko has gone and so have the blueprints. S.H.I.E.L.D. tracks him down and recover the blueprints and hand him over to the company lawyers who have him charged and deported. Howard is too angry to object to the industrial espionage charges or the deportation. He does, however, offer to pay Vanko his share of any profits their design makes. Vanko refuses, arrogantly thinking he can recreate the designs on his own in Russia. He cannot and ends up drunk and destitute setting up Iron Man 2.

Post credits:-

With the Fenris bomb duo out of the picture, we see Sebastian Shaw at the Las Vegas chapter of the Hellfire Club taking a phone call from his employer saying he "would be delighted to be the new black king". After he hangs up he says "now to find myself a queen".

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1 year ago

1957 The Blue Marvel

The movie is set on the west coast of America. That is where we first meet Adam in Agent Carter s2, so it makes sense that he and his family would settle somewhere familiar.

We open on a homeless veteran, disheveled clothes and an unshaven face, but has kept himself in shape. He is begging for money.

A young man of colour drops a coin into his cup but it phases through, landing on the sidewalk. He is confused but the vet explains it happens sometimes.

The young man is verbally abused by some racist douches. He is in the middle of sticking up for himself when the veteran intervenes. The situation gets violent causing the vet to dissociate because of his PTSD. He is in full flashback for a moment. When he comes back to himself, one of the douches is beating him up (he also has douchey views about homeless people). He reacts instinctively and strikes the man and he flies across the road, crashing into a vehicle. The driver is shaken but unharmed.

Local police take notice and chase the veteran and the innocent man, who run together initially. The young man is angry because he felt he had it under control. The vet then draws attention away from the young man and manages to get the police to pursue him instead, then disappears after rounding a corner.

Cut to a family scene at the Brashear’s new home. Adam Brashear, Marlene, now Adam's wife, and their young son Kevin are still trying to come to terms with civilian life after Adam was told to stop superheroing by the President. Marlene has changed her name to Candace to hide that she is ex-S.H.I.E.L.D., but has a good fake CV which includes telephone exchange operator and talent agent. So she is quite employable whereas no one will touch Adam with a barge pole except for offers to be a super-mercenary, which would mean he was breaking the law.

She is therefore the sole wage earner and Adam stays home to look after Kevin. They are both frustrated because they know they could be doing more, but the family unit is a happy one nonetheless. Trying to do the right thing no matter the cost.

Peggy Carter, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. makes an official visit as she has volunteered as Adam's ‘handler’ to ‘make sure’ he isn't superheroing. They joke about whether he is superheroing, chat about family life and Peggy coos over the baby. While she is doing this she writes a note to say their place is bugged. Candace had figured as much. She gives them each a tiny in-ear communicator, newly invented by Howard Stark. She then takes her leave.

She leaves Adam changing Kevin's diaper and Candace reading a magazine, whilst they secretly await instructions. After she is safely on her way she communicates the incident with the homeless veteran, the young man and the racist thugs. Adam can respond to some of it as he can pretend he is talking to the baby. Candace will respond while pretending she is fascinated by what's in the magazine.

Peggy goes on to say that S.H.I.E.L.D. examined the thug and found traces of zero matter on him. She adds that the veteran was reported to have ‘simply disappeared’.

When Adam comes back he sees that Candace has written ‘Conner?’ on the bottom Peggy's note. He silently concurs.

Peggy tells him there will be an advert in the paper tomorrow for a factory worker and that Adam should come for an interview.

In this “Interview” Peggy and Howard make an agreement that Candace will search for Conner in communication with Peggy while Adam and Howard try to recreate the machine that cured Adam of his intangibility back in Agent Carter s2.

Both teams succeed in their task. Candace and Peggy locate Conner and convince him to come in peaceably when they mention Adam’s name. They bring him in and Adam and Howard stabilise him. They theorise that further treatments may cure his intangibility.

Seemingly more stable now, a freshened up Conner goes out for a walk with Adam and Candace. Conner wants to superhero with him and is very angry about the racist Presidential edict. A racist incident on the street towards Adam and his family causes Conner to flip out and accidentally disintegrate a guy.

Police arrive quickly on the scene while Adam is trying to talk him down. However, Adam is arrested for it after Conner disappears.

Conner reappears and goes ape when he finds out what happened to Adam as it wasn’t his fault and destroys the police station, freeing Adam but killing, maiming or hurting many. Conner tells Adam that they can stop this, end racism, make the world a more equitable place. Adam asks how many lives that would cost and knows it wouldn’t achieve Conner’s aims anyway. This leads to their first battle. People see the return of the Blue Marvel and see that he is trying to stop this destructive character.

Conner disappears again. Adam is now a fugitive too.

Conner tries to make up for his mistakes and tries to superhero but he is starting to become unstable again and needs more treatment, but is stressed and fuelled by guilt. Every time he uses his power more zero matter damage is caused. Adam manages to track Conner down with Candace and a Howard gizmo, but realises he is unwittingly causing a zero matter singularity to emerge putting the city in danger and possibly the state and beyond if it can’t be controlled. It is starting to pull things into the dark dimension as it is essentially a wormhole between the two.

He warns Conner, but Conner wonders if it would be such a bad thing if the human race was wiped out, reasoning that people are the problem with the world. Adam tries to talk him down while they battle. But as the fight goes on Conner’s readings show that it is too late to cure him and he will explode and the singularity will continue to grow.

As per Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel;

"if i can sync with his energy and release a large enough positive plasma charge I might be able to initiate a chain reaction causing him to implode.”

The gang realise that Adam's plan could well work, but may cause a large antimatter explosion. Adam and Candace revisit doing the right thing no matter the cost. He takes Conner out of earth's atmosphere and he implodes, ending the Dark Dimension singularity. Everyone thinks the Blue Marvel died in heroic sacrifice, but S.H.I.E.L.D.’s advanced tracking equipment shows that he is re-entering the atmosphere. They allow the world to go on thinking he died (“Anti-man defeated by Blue Marvel sacrifice!” scream the headlines).

S.H.I.E.L.D. do get reprimanded for ignoring the Presidential edict but the White House accepts there were mitigating circumstances.

Adam returns and the Brashears realise they will have to live their lives on the run. They are sorry that their son won't have much of a life, but are glad they can go back to making a difference (covertly, of course).

Post credits:- Namor shows the Brashears to their new underwater base. It was called in as a favour by Peggy and the Talokanil were happy to build it for him as a thank you for his help at the Battle of Wakanda. Namor questions why he doesn't ignore the disrespectful edict and use his powers to rule the surface world. Adam and Candace explain that they have a calling to do the right thing, no matter the cost, to help those that cannot help themselves.

Namor concedes that he would do the same for his people.

We end as they check out the (secretly) provided S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment that will allow them to monitor world events.

There will be rumours of The Blue Marvel helping those in need for years to come.

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9 months ago

1970 Blue Marvel II

This is long BTW guys.

We open on Lichidus overseeing a global watch on their hybrid army. The vampires are weak from giving blood, the werewolves are underfed. He monologues about how the streets of the world shall soon be slick with blood. The pain and suffering caused by brutal sacrifice will bring forth the elder god, Cthon, to this dimension as he feeds on the tormented souls.

A Deathwalker cleric interjects, informing him that the Blue Marvel and his followers have almost stumbled upon a second Deathwalker base. Lichidus orders him to release the werewolves…

Cut to scene in a forest near Tunguska. Adam, Blade, the Bear and James Falsworth, in Union Jack uniform, have been searching for the Talisman of Kamar Taj which has been used to create hybrid warriors for the evil Deathwalkers. They are also searching for James’ brother John. John was subject to the Deathwalker’s hybrid program, mutating his DNA together with that of a vampire. He has managed to evade the group for 5 days but they had finally spotted him and the trail has led them here. Adam is in touch with Candace and Kevin who are monitoring their progress using the instruments in the appropriated Deathwalker base.

They hear the pad of footsteps in the snow, approaching rapidly. They can't see much in the dark, save for the occasional reflection of the torchlight in moving pairs of eyes. Union Jack hurriedly lights a flare as they hear several growls. In the red light of the flare, they see they are surrounded by werewolves. The three super-powered allies surround James, for protection, as the werewolves attack.

Blade has silver blades (obvs), Union Jack has silver bullets and the Bear has a silver tipped bear claw manicure (though she holds back from going full bear). The silver was meant to give them an advantage over vampires but find it works well against the werewolves. Adam is using his anti-matter blasts to great effect but can't fly up or Union Jack will be exposed. They have become an effective fighting unit after encountering several vampire clusters in this desolate part of Siberia.

Blade is caught by a werewolf claw and Union Jack is momentarily exposed. An assailant takes the opportunity and is closing on James. Adam considers using a concussive blast (it's risky as it will knock everyone out, even him), but is caught off guard as vampire John leaps down and saves his brother.

Fighting alongside them, Blade has to fight his instincts to not stab him. John is injured but they fight off the werewolves till each is unconscious or deceased. Blade's fighting style and modus operandi has led mostly to the latter, while the others tried to be more careful. This causes some conflict in the group, particularly between Blade and the Bear, who is a hybrid herself.

The final werewolf is left to flee. Blade and the Bear pursue while Adam takes the survivors back to base. John's love for James is holding his vampire side at bay and he submits to a power dampening collar and then first aid. The wound is not too serious and James gives a temporary patch up. James sits near a cadaver for warmth, John is not bothered by the cold being a half-vampire. They sit and talk. John was captured by Hydra and was hybridised by them without the Talisman, though they thought they had killed him and discarded him in a mass grave nearby.

John, now feeling a bit more human thanks to the collar, is ashamed of what he's become and how many people he's hurt. James says how much control do you have? John says not much, though some days are better than others. Then Adam returns to take them back to base one on each arm.

The Bear and Blade have followed the werewolf to an entranceway, where a heavy metal door has been torn off its fixings and lies in the snow.

The enter carefully and quietly but encounter no resistance. There are only bodies and not enough of each one left to turn. There is one young Deathwalker, dressed in the tattered remains of their uniform, among the cadavers. The sight of their fallen former comrades awakes their human half and they weep for what they have done. This was the fleeing werewolf. They lament the curse given them by Lichidus and wish that someone could release them from it.

Blade obliges and stabs him through the heart from behind, killing him just as the Bear had begun to explain that S.H.I.E.L.D. were working on a cure.

Livid, she angrily tells him they could have saved the youngster. Blade says there's only one cure for a werewolf. Death.

In a rage at Blade's lack of compassion, she nearly turns full bear. The sudden arrival of Adam brings them back from the brink and he tries to help resolve their differences. 

Blade shushes the group and they all hear metallic clanging from within the base.

Cut to Lichidus being informed that the group have destroyed the Tunguskan werewolves. Lichidus reasons that they may still have an advantage, there is one surviving cleric at that base.

Back at the base, John and James are convalescing. Candace is in conversation with Peggy about the vampire hybrids. Kevin is bored.

Curiosity gets the better of him and he looks in on them. He sees a little vampire girl has dropped her toy and he slowly, carefully moves over to give it back to her in her holding cell. She and her family are grateful, but a lot of the others hiss at his prolonged presence. Kevin freezes at the intense response, not knowing quite what to do.

Hearing the commotion, Candace puts her hand on his shoulder and takes him back into the main area and says I told you quite clearly not to go in there young man and asks him what he thinks he was doing. Kevin explains about the little girl and the doll and reminds her that she said they used to be like us and how his parents are always talking about doing the right thing, no matter the cost.

Candace relents a little and admires his compassion and bravery. She says he is turning into a fine young man, and asks him not to get too brave.

She then goes to try and check in with Adam, but there is only static.

In the other base Adam, Blade and The Bear have followed the sound down a broken lift shaft and along a corridor. It is a cell block. There is one cell door not busted out of or busted into by werewolves.

Inside is a man (Keith David) dressed in robes more colourful than a Deathwalker's, though they have faded over time. They ask how he alone was able to survive the werewolf onslaught. He says a simple incantation held the door firm against attacks, though it was difficult to keep his concentration under the circumstances. His name is Kaluu. 

They cautiously free him and he is very grateful and offers to assist them, swatting away a fly. He seems to know a lot about the Talisman of Kamar Taj, what the Deathwalkers were doing with it (Bear confirms this) and, most importantly, where it is now.

They ask him how he knows so much about the Talisman and he suddenly clams up.

He tries to change the subject and asks for help to find a sling ring, swatting away the fly again. He receives no response so starts ransacking corpses. Bear fears he may be a Deathwalker mage that was hiding from werewolves. Blade continues to question how he knew so much about the Talisman. Adam tries to keep things calm but it's not working. Under pressure, Kaluu blurts out that he was a student at Kamar Taj who found out that a lot of people wanted the Talisman so he snuck in and stole it, selling it to the highest bidders, the Deathwalkers. The whole gang rage in disbelief as he works to pry a sling ring from some cold, dead fingers. His admission causes the Bear to go full bear, who pursues Kaluu down the corridor in a rage. He manages to get the sling ring and portals out just in time. Only he is out of practice and ends up in a cell down the corridor and keeps popping in and out of the corridor from different doors as the Bear gives chase with other two caught between the destruction of the cell block and an angry Bear. Chaos.

Eventually they are all portalled out one by one with a wary Adam last followed, at the last moment, by the fly.

He arrives at the Sanctum Santorum with Blade poised to strike, Bear suspended in mid air and Kaluu begging forgiveness from a bald woman.

She is, of course, the Ancient One (Michelle Yeoh, I figure it's a better part than a Ravager cameo or a magical auntie). She is astounded at his audacity, to return after all these years to the scene of the crime. She is still angry about the theft but is more concerned with who he sold it to. She also points out how reckless it was to use magic in a Deathwalker base and bring their artifact (the stolen sling ring) back to the Sanctum as it could give them access to Kamar Taj.

Adam says they were alone.

She says that doesn't matter, they have other means.

Kaluu protests that he was trapped in an enclosed space with a bear and didn't have time to think.

The Ancient one replies that he had time to think of himself and not the consequence to others.

He says he didn't know what they were going to do with it.

She says you didn't care. You just cared about the price, now that price is about to be paid by the whole world, possibly the universe.

At this moment, the fly moves from Adam's shoulder to the stolen sling ring on Kaluu's finger. We zoom in on it and see that it is a fly/Deathwalker hybrid and it activates the ring opening a massive portal which floods with Werebats and Deathwalker mages.

The gang, Kaluu, the Ancient One and the Kamar Taj defenders fight valiantly and gain the upper hand. Then they hear sounds of battle from elsewhere. The Ancient One deduces what they're after and takes Adam to the library. They are just time to see Lichidus himself unshackling the Darkhold and taking it into his hands. They try to pursue him but he sends mages and hybrids to stop them. They eventually win out but Lichidus is gone, swiftly followed by the remaining mages. They swiftly overpower the were-bats and the Ancient One catches the were-fly. The Deathwalkers had managed to magically cover their tracks however.

She thanks the gang for the help in defending Kamar Taj. She admonishes Kaluu for allowing Lichidus in but recognises that he stood and fought, he didn't run or turn on his team like before. Perhaps, she says, there is hope for him yet. She asks him to tell her everything he knows about Lichidus’ plans.

Lichidus and his cronies celebrate their victory and he tells them to prepare for the ritual, Cthon is coming!

Meanwhile Peggy has arrived and scores of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are cautiously escorting the vampire and werewolf hybrids into cells on Howard's 70s-looking Quinjets. Candace is telling Peggy her concern over not being able to raise the team and is suggesting storming the base when a portal opens and Adam casually asks Candace, Kevin, Peggy and the others whether they'd like to join them in the stronghold of the Sorcerer Supreme. 

The Ancient One explains that the Talisman of Kamar Taj is actually of extra terrestrial origin. The practice at Kamar-Taj was to use it to bond with or absorb animals, spirits and demons.

If the talisman is broken, it will undo all that it has done. It is said that it will transport the one responsible for breaking it across the stars and itself too. They don't know where it takes you.

The Ancient One takes Adam, Candace and Peggy to One side as they seem to be the most level headed in the group. They leave Kevin with James and the Bear. Blade and John brood separately and Kaluu studies a volume of Ancient wisdom.

Ancient One: A very unusual group you lead.

Adam: Our coming together was haphazard, but we share certain…interests.

AO: It is a brave man that fights alongside a woman that could transform into a bear at any moment.

Candace: Bear knows who her allies are.

AO: You gave consideration to her turning on her allies before? You are taking a former Deathwalker to battle Lichidus.

C: Bear knows who her allies are.

AO: And the vampire and the one who hunts them…do they know who their allies are?

Adam: Well, John, I can't vouch for, but James trusts him. Eric is headstrong, but we can't do this without them. I see how hard they are fighting their instincts.

AO: What happens if they lose that fight?

A: They answer to me.


Kevin (noticing lots of withering stares and whispering directed at Kaluu): Why are they looking at you like that?

Kaluu (not looking up from his book): Because I was once partners with Yao.

Kevin: Who?

Kaluu: The (*sighs*) Ancient One…and then I betrayed her. Twice.

Kevin (now fascinated): What did you do?

We flashback to Kaluu and Yao being good friends and the most prominent sorcerers at Kamar-Taj. Yao is tasked with leading the training programmes and Kaluu is head of temple security.

When the Sorcerer Supreme passes, Yao is chosen to succeed them. Kaluu tries to be supportive but finds it difficult to take orders from his friend. When she starts to remove herself from the others and appears occasionally sporting an item that had been forbidden under the previous regime, like the eye of Agamotto, some jealous sorcerers suspect she is using the Darkhold. Kaluu,  his resentment growing, uses the Darkhold himself to increase the jealousy and resentment among the other sorcerers (psychic hypnosis, denoted by a purple flash in the eyes), eventually staging a coup and putting a spell of immobility on Yao. His ambition is corrupted by the spellbook and he gives Kamar-Taj wealth and prosperity at the expense of nearby villages and starts raising an army to conquer the earth. Eventually he leans too heavily on the Darkhold and the energy drawn (from the Dark Dimension) starts being pulled back, leaving Kamar-Taj in disease and pestilence. The disaffected sorcerers turn on him and free the Sorcerer Supreme who overpowers Kaluu and sends all the energy he drew back to the Dark Dimension, restoring balance. Kamar-Taj begins to recover and Kaluu is forced to undergo the Runes of Kof-Kol, causing him to forget all the dark magics he has learned. This also, accidentally, causes him to forget all his sorcery.

Yao forgives him and patiently begins to teach him again. Harbouring humiliation and resentment for centuries, Kaluu slowly builds up his powers. But one day, he steals the Talisman and a sling ring and doesn't come home…

Back in the present, after some consideration, the Ancient One agrees to help them. She portals Adam's team back to the Playground while the sorcerers prepare an assault team.

Back at the base, Howard has been busy. He has identified the unique signature of the Talisman and has traced it back to a disused subway station in New York. They discuss the personnel, how best to coordinate with the Kamar-Tajians, plan of attack etc.

Cut to Lichidus reciting from the Darkhold. Back at HQ the captured hybrid's eyes flash purple (indicating psychic hypnosis). Lichidus is repressing their human half, causing them all to go feral. Distracted by the commotion, the staff don't notice an operator being psychically controlled to turn off the power dampening collars. They are soon breaking loose and causing death and havoc in the base.

In the chaos, a small number of Deathwalkers portal in and try to snatch hostages/sacrifices (this is shown happening all over the world). One tries to take Candace but she whups them. One tries to take Peggy but she whups them. One tries to take Howard but Candace and Peggy whup them.

They seem particularly interested in Kevin. Kaluu is trying desperately with his limited magic to keep him safe.

The Ancient One portals in with her assault team and helps gain the upper hand. Kaluu runs over and says that they have Kevin. Peggy tells them to go as they can deal with the remaining hybrids, they have Spitfire and Union Jack II. She sends them with the Howling Commandos. They are reluctant to leave the base under siege, but want to help James. And they have to do what Peggy says anyway.

The Ancient one says she must stay to protect against further magical intrusions and psychic hypnosis attacks. She tells Kaluu she trusts him to make the right choices after seeing how he tried to protect Kevin, restores his memories and tells him to lead her assault team. 

Adam and Candace, distraught but determined, lead Bear, Blade, James, John and the Howling Commandos.

They are portalled to the tunnels either side of the abandoned station. They Ancient One had seen that one side is protected by Deathwalker mages and the other by hybrids.

Adam's team are against the hybrids and Kaluu's against the mages.

Kaluu is a little rusty but improvises well, his team is well trained and they advance quickly.

Adam's team is finding it harder due to sheer numbers of hybrids, but they do slowly make progress. They take a defensive formation and shuffle along while Adam alternates between keeping a chasing pack at bay and clearing a path ahead. This method is ammo heavy for those without powers and there are a limited number of silver bullets. The variety of hybrids also makes it difficult as some fly and some crawl, and they attack in different ways. John asks to have his collar turned off as they need him at full strength. Adam reluctantly agrees and James turns off his brother so collar.

Attacks are now taking place across the world; were-panthers in Wakanda vs Dora Milaje, were-bears and were-wolves in Russia vs the People's Protectorate (; were-sharks in Talokan vs Namor and his army etc.

Back in the tunnels, Kaluu's group reaches the platform. They see Lichidus reciting from the Darkhold as his mages sacrifice their prisoners (he wears the Talisman). Kaluu calls for him to stop.

Lichidus (stopping): You may interrupt the ritual but you cannot stop it.

Kaluu: I can stop you, permanently.

L (indicating the other tunnel): Your friends are close to their doom.

K: They would want me to save the universe rather than them. Do the right thing, no matter the cost.

L: Are you sure you can stop me before they are overwhelmed? As you will then be overwhelmed?

Quick cut to Adam's group, beset on all sides, mostly out of ammo. The Commandos are brandishing silver daggers and only use their pistols when they are in trouble. John is able to fend off hybrids when they get too close as he is immune to their bites. He is struggling to keep his blood lust under control; Blade has seen this and is struggling not to take him out too. Adam can't use a full blast as he might take out the whole tunnel.

Kaluu realises that Lichidus is right and takes his team (who think he's making a bad choice) to rescue Adam and Candace's team.

As Lichidus continues the ritual, they manage to trap the hybrids in the mirror dimension which is quite a feat as they are many. The sorcerers have to stay to keep them trapped.

Scores of Deathwalker troops and mages pour out from the platform exits and the battle restarts allowing Lichidus to continue with the ritual. He notices that it is beginning to take effect and encourages his cronies to spill more blood for Cthon.

We cut to Mount Wundagore where a portal opens and we see a faint likeness of Cthon in the blackness within.

Kaluu is beginning to get his confidence back and is dealing with the mages single handed, though he is thwarted in his attempts to get to Lichidus. Adam's team are making short work of the troops.

Lichidus confronts them with Kevin and Adam makes them all stand down.

As they're about to be captured Kaluu sneakily snips the Talisman from round Lichidus’ neck by quickly opening and closing a small portal. He then traps them all in the mirror dimension and they battle Lichidus and the Deathwalker mages and troops. He manages to keeps Kevin out of it to protect him, but Lichidus is formidable and takes all of Kaluu's attention. The other Kamar-Tajians are starting to tire and they can't keep their mirror dimension going and they are being overwhelmed by the hybrids, though they put up a fight.

Kevin realises what he has to do and smashes the Talisman on the floor saying “Do the right thing no matter the c-” as he disappears and his parents look on in horror. The hybrids are restored to human form and run into the tunnels away from the battle. They are portalled out by remaining sorcerers.

The battle scenes around the world see confusion as the hybrids return to their human (or Talokanil) state.

Adam, in his rage, rapidly takes out the other Deathwalkers. He is starting to build his power level. Kaluu binds Lichidus so he can't escape.

Lichidus appeals to Kaluu saying that he can have the Darkhold if he stops Adam. Kaluu will not ignore Kevin's sacrifice. Lichidus appeals to Blade saying the book contains the Montesi formula, a spell to destroy all vampires. Blade would rather fight vampires than demons.

Lichidus appeals to Bear saying he can tell her who she is. She says she would rather eat him.

Adam tells the other sorcerers to get everyone out and he brings the tunnel down on Lichidus, ending the ritual and closing the portal.

Adam protects Kaluu and brings him out too. It is a victory, but not a complete one.

Kevin is gone to goodness knows where in the universe.

Bear is not cured. The Ancient One hypothesises that she was hybridised so long ago that her dna has mutated and the bear is now part of her.

John is not cured as he was hybridized by Hydra without the talisman. Having had his collar switched off and subsequently broken he had gone feral during the battle and fed on many enemies. He is ashamed and runs away into the night.

Mid credits:- Blade is not sure he made the right choice. James insists he did, but Howard admits he was only close to a cure for vampire hybrids, not full vampires, so Blade will have to continue to do his thing. James offers to go along with him if Eric helps him track his brother down to see if Howard's cure will work. He agrees.

Post credits:- At Adam's base Peggy, some S.H.I.E.L.D. staff and the Ancient One are brainstorming ideas on where Kevin might have gone and how they might travel to find him. Howard (calling on his brand new video screen technology, which goes slightly awkwardly) says he he can get them up into space but is a good few years away from intergalactic travel. Adam says again if he travelled alone he might be able to travel fast enough…Candace replies there is no way she's leaving her boy out in the universe all alone. She insists there has to be a way. Kaluu says there is, according to the Darkhold…he volunteers to help Adam and Candace cross the universe to find Kevin, using the Dark Dimension. The Ancient One urges them not to let the Dark Dimension corrupt them, particularly Kaluu. He says that Kevin was the first person to treat him with dignity and respect for centuries, he will not let his standards drop again.

They gather equipment and supplies, say their goodbyes, are wished good luck and leave.

Peggy then approaches the Ancient One and wants to work more closely with Kamar-Taj. The Ancient One says, “Have you ever heard of the Runes of Kof-Kol?”, implying she is going to wipe S.H.I.E.L.D.’s memory of the battle.


Regarding MichelleYeoh as the Ancient One instead of Tilda Swinton. There is nothing wrong with Swinton's acting, just reversing the ethnicity switch whilst keeping the gender switch. I can see that marvel were trying to avoid the magic asian/wise old man trope but you can't ditch an Asian character and make them white instead! This conversation will be revisited when we get to Iron Fist…

Also, I think Lichidus is underwritten in these two movies. So I may revisit this if I come up with any ways to improve that.

Possible adventures in space while looking for Kevin:

Herbert Wyndham (a very talented human scientist) expressed an interest in buying the Talisman from Kaluu, so they track him down. He had been commissioned (abducted from earth) by the Spartoi to terraform a planet as a waystation for their Empire. However, they did not care for his work and withdrew his commission so he decided to start his own terraforming business.

The team discover the Talisman was made by a being called Enitharmon who had told Herbert it could aid the terraforming process as a shortcut to genetic hybridisation to optimize things like plant growth and pest resistance. 

The team will end up helping the woman who would become Meredith Quill escape her death sentence at the hands of the Spartax royal family. She is also part of the royal family.

Meredith and J'Sonn

Possibly Enitharmon? Rintrah?

Definitely Adam, Candace and Kaluu.

Also:- Union Jack and the Blade Series

Eric and James adventures as they stop vampires, thwart conspiracies and search for John. John is now calling himself Baron Blood.

Regularly featuring James’ children (Spitfire and Union Jack II). 

Peggy will make at least one appearance 

They will visit Bear, now calling herself Ursula. She has joined the People's Protectorate and we will get to meet that team.

There has to be a storyline about James wife (she was an Inhuman, but why did she run away? Where did she go?)

And Dracula has to get in there somewhere as well.

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7 months ago

1970 Agents of Shield series 3

Episode 1:

We start with Magneto receiving a distress call from Mystique. He is not happy that she has found him, as this means the government can find him too. She says she has no one else to turn to. Charles is falling apart after losing his ability to walk, being betrayed by his best friend, losing his fiancée (Moira) and most of his young charges being drafted for the war. The Brotherhood is gone and everyone else is dead, drafted or after her. He reluctantly agrees and clandestinely goes to her location, a nearby dive bar. When he meets her, she charms him into momentarily letting his guard down. She immediately clamps a hidden power dampening collar on him. A squad of government enforcement agents with plastic rifles and rubber bullets cram into the bar followed by Dr Valerie Cooper.

Mystique: Did we pass?

Cooper: You apprehended the most dangerous mutant on the planet without bloodshed…you will be an asset to the team. Welcome aboard Raven.

Erik Lehnsherr, I am arresting you for the assassination of President John F. Kennedy…

Magneto (while Cooper continues): Why did you betray me?

Mystique (quietly): Erik, everything I said is true. You will be much safer where you're going.

Cut to Peggy in discussion with her team, which now consists of:

Howard Stark - R&D (and science)

Hank Pym - science (and R&D)

Jacqueline Falsworth - demolition, espionage 

Brian Falsworth - combat, espionage 

James Braddock - pilot, combat, espionage

Having been made aware of mutants through their battles with Fenris, Xavier's X-Gene theory and the events of First Class they are urged to look into the disappearance of Evangeline Whedon, a noted human rights lawyer who is secretly a mutant. She had been working for the U.N. when she vanished. The urging came from Moira McTaggart who has seen a number of her mutant contacts disappear.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. team head to the U.N. building in New York. They are interviewing building staff and diplomats and investigating Whedon's office. Stark and Pym have found singed carpet fibres in an otherwise immaculate office. The interviewees remember Whedon arriving that day but no one saw her leave.

Suddenly Valerie Cooper marches in with her men, and demands to know what they think they're doing. They explain who they are and why they're there. She tells them that the matter they are investigating is a matter of national security and is highly classified. Jacqui asks if that means they knew where Whedon was. Cooper repeats that it is highly classified and forces them to halt their investigation. Braddock goes to call Peggy. Stark and Pym get in an argument with Cooper's men who are trying to confiscate their gathered evidence and equipment. Forge, all suited and booted, tries to reach a compromise where the evidence is confiscated but not the equipment. Cooper is not keen.

In all the commotion, Jacqui is pulled aside by a diplomat and is told that he saw Whedon being taken away by Cooper and her team. Jacqui tries to encourage them to come forward but they are very reluctant and manage to break away and go round a corner. When Jacqui catches up there is only a young woman coming towards her.

Jacqui (to woman): Have you seen a gentleman come this way? Older gentleman, grey hair?

Woman (pointing to the stairwell): Oh, I saw a man duck through those doors there.

Jacqui (hurrying to the doors): Thank you Miss…?

Woman (calling after her): Darkhölme, Doctor Darkhölme.

Raven smiles to herself and goes to join Forge and Cooper.

The next day, Peggy is in a debrief with the team as Val is with hers.

We switch between them:

Peggy wants to know what happened to the mystery diplomat. Jacqui is still surprised that he was sprightly enough to get away from her.


Val, meanwhile, is telling off Forge for undermining her while she was trying to control the situation. Forge insists he was trying to calm things down so that they could get what they needed and leave without conflict. Val snaps that he shouldn't back down to a rival agency when there's so much at stake.


Howard informs the team that the singed carpet fibres did not match the carpet in the office (he knows as the analysing machine had already finished before the samples were confiscated). And Brian had informally charmed Whedon's secretary and she confirmed that the office had been completely redecorated the day she disappeared.


Forge: Would it be so bad if S.H.I.E.L.D. found out? We could cooperate, share resources…

Val: No. We cannot risk mutants becoming public knowledge. Not until we have the situation under control.

Irene Adler: Miss Whedon, you have been very quiet. It is you they're looking for after all.

Evangaline (now revealed as part of Val's team): Val, you know my feelings on the matter. I'd much rather go home.

Val: NO! You cannot go home. Not until we have-

Raven (interrupting): When will that be!

(Meeting descends into chaos)


Peggy wonders if anybody found out what agency they were with, as they didn't show their badges. James believes, from their uniforms, that they were CIA. Peggy resolves to talk to President Nixon about it.

Pym is irate that his technology nearly fell into the CIA's hands. “Your technology?” queries Howard. They bicker over whose technology it is. (Meeting descends into chaos)


A man wearing a dark green suit and glasses, and sporting a crop of bright orange hair enters the fray.

It is Henry Peter Gyrich.

Gyrich: Enough! Agent Cooper answers to me and my answer is also no! No one is going home, we are not cooperating with anyone and we will deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. when the time comes.

Now, more importantly, you have your new target.

Raven: Magneto isn't enough?

Gyrich: Oh Magneto was just the beginning…


Peggy: Moira McTaggart has had a tip off about another target. We believe this man, known as Azazel, is next. He is known to S.H.I.E.L.D. from an attack on one of our U.S. bases in ‘62. Very dangerous, killed several agents. Also believed to have been part of a mutant terrorist organisation known as the Brotherhood. Believed to be hiding in Germany.

Howard (looking at his photograph on the projector screen): Shouldn't be too hard to spot.


Gyrich dismisses everyone and reminds them that they will receive their assignments from Agent Cooper separately from now on and that information will be given on a need to know basis only, no more leaks! And vows that they will find the traitor, with warnings of dire consequences for them. Dr. Darkhölme does not leave and sits staring at the image on the projector screen.

Val: Something the matter Dr. Darkhölme?

Raven: I thought, as Miss Whedon is staying on base, I could complete her profile. I haven't had a chance to speak to her yet.

V (crouching next to Raven's seat, speaking quietly): I know you were once…close…with Azazel. But he's one of our most wanted. Very dangerous. And we can't bring him in without you.

R (also softly, looking down): I can't. 

V: The deal was for the Brotherhood. All of them. So if you want that pardon…

Gyrich (noticing the furtive conversation): Problem, Darkhölme? 

R (standing): No problem.

(Shoots Val a dirty look before she leaves)

Flashback to around a year earlier. We see Raven in an off the book, makeshift maternity suite. She is close to giving birth. The ‘doctor’ has the ‘nurse’ mop their brow. The medical team look nervous. An anxious Azazel paces the room.

Azazel: Is there a problem with the delivery?

‘Doctor’ (sweating and shifty): No, no problem.

A (to Raven): I don't like this, we're too exposed.

Raven (tersely): Where would you have me do this? Mm? On the stained linoleum floor of that crappy ‘safehouse’ apartment? The neighbours would have heard me screaming and called 911 on us.

A: This doctor seems nervous. What school did you say you graduated from anyway?

‘Doctor’ (shakily): I've been very honest with you. I told you I dropped out of medical school, but I can deliver babies. I've done it successfully 14 times.

A: How many times have you done it unsuccessfully?

R: Have you considered they may be nervous because there's a man who looks like a demon angrily questioning their credentials?

A: …

R: What normal hospital would let you stalk around the delivery room? I told you to disappear before we got here…

A: No way. I'm not leaving you. Not here with these Sapiens.

R: …and it's not like Eric gives us health insurance. I should never have reached out to you in the first place.

There is a disturbance down the hallway. Raven tells Azazel to go as she can pass as a Sapien but he obviously can't. He wants to take her but she doesn't want to risk teleportation with a baby still inside her.

He bampfs away just as Val Cooper and her agents burst into the room despite the protestations of the staff.

Val (brushing off a ‘nurse’): May I remind you that the only reason you aren't all being arrested for running an illegal maternity hospital is the information we were given.

I am pleased the information was good. But where is the demon?

‘Doctor’ (sheepishly): He left.

Raven (glaring at the doctor as she is cuffed and has a power dampening collar fitted): Azazel was right. It was you.

‘Doctor’ (sighs): Yes. They offered me a medical license and funding for a legitimate community clinic.

V: Do remember, there are to be no more mutants here. That was the deal.

‘Doctor’: Do remember that we are delivering a baby here! You were supposed to wait outside.

V: We couldn't risk an escape…do what you need to do. 

The staff, trying to ignore the armed agents, and Raven successfully deliver the baby. The baby is blue, marked from birth as a mutant. Cooper offers to take care of the baby. Raven is having none of it and calls for Azazel. He bampfs in and grabs the baby, he tries to get to Raven but is met with lots of gun barrels pointing at him.

Kayla, a nurse, grabs Cooper by the back of the neck and tells her to point her own gun against her head. She is compelled to do so by Kayla's touch as she is a mutant too.

As Azael reaches out for Raven an agent sneaks up behind Kayla and snaps a collar on her. Cooper is released and lowers her weapon. In the confusion Raven screams at Azazel to leave with the baby. Reluctantly he does so.

Raven (both devastated and furious): You are lucky I still need medical treatment,  otherwise I would have wiped the floor with your agents and dived through the window. 

Val (to Raven): We'll make sure you get the care that you need.

Val (to ‘Doctor’): Any other mutants in here I should know about?

Our deal is now off, by the way.

Val (to agents): This nurse may be of interest to Stryker. Take them away.

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4 months ago

1970 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. series 3 Episode 2

Open on Azazel running, bamfing all over the place. Special forces are armed and in pursuit. It doesn't seem to matter where he bampfs to, someone is always there, or nearby, to intercept.

We cut to the S.H.I.E.L.D. team in their headquarters, tracking Azazel's movements and trying to coordinate teams. It seems like they are the ones pursuing him. But then on the third intercept, in Kazakhstan, they are almost beaten to it by another special forces team. They get in each other's way and Azazel is gone again. The two teams argue.

We cut to Val, who is livid. She wants to know how S.H.I.E.L.D. is one step ahead, how they are everywhere our teams are supposed to be. She is very suspicious of Irene as she is directing the manhunt with her (secretly) precognitive powers. She denies it but Val knows that Gyrich will have serious questions.

Azazel bampfs to location near his and Mystique's old apartment. Under his breath he wonders what made him come back here. He tries to clear his head for his next move when he spies…across the street…could it be? It's Mystique, gesturing for him to come over to a closed down store. He does and follows her inside without being spotted.

Mystique: Are you okay? Are you being chased?...Who's chasing you?...Azazel…

Listen, I know we're not together anymore but of course I'll help you…

Azazel: You can't. They keep showing up everywhere I go. I don't know how they know where I was going to. I don’t even know where I'm going to…

Wait, how did you know where I'd be?

M: …

A: Mystique? 

M: …I have…a friend who can see into the future.

A: Does your friend work with a SWAT team? Because that would explain a lot.

M (not answering the question): I can get you out of here, but you're going to have to trust me.

A: And why should I do that?

M: I trusted you to take the baby somewhere safe, didn't I?

A: …Yes

M: …Where did you take it…?

A: Those armed goons could be here any minute…please.

M: …Okay. See that truck across the street?

A: Yeah.

M: Take us to the trailer.


A: Wow. There is a lot of gear in here. Is Magneto helping you out?

M: No. I don't work for him anymore.

A: Who do you work for?

M: Myself…

I can tell you who's chasing you…

A: Who?

M: If you tell me where you took the baby.

A: Your foresight friend can't tell you that?

M: If I knew where we were going before and I got caught then…

A: They might get it out of you.

M: Where did you take the baby?

A: You mean our baby? Jeez.

M: Answer the damn question Azazel.

A (hesitantly): …Germany.

M (overlapping dialogue): Germany!?/

A: Shit!/ I knew if you found out you'd be angry…but…

M: Why Germany? I mean Canada or maybe even Mexico, but…damn right/ I'm angry about that!

A: I/ just wanted to…

M: Germany is nearly 4000/ miles away! By air!

A: I just wanted/ to…

M: You think/ it will be easy to get on an aeroplane?

A: Good God! Let me finish…I wanted to make sure the he was someplace safe.

A: Where the sapiens wouldn't find him.

A: With people I could trust.

M: …It…

A: Mystique.

M: Not ‘him', it.

M: Unless I'm holding that baby in my arms I don't want to think of it as a person. No connection. It is an it.

A: Then why do you care where ‘it' is?

M: Because I still want it in my arms…Irene says there's a 43% chance that we leave here and go to find the baby, you and me.

A: Irene?

M: My…foresight friend.

A: Your friend…is a girl? Just when you had me thinking I had competition.

M: Oh grow up.

A: There are less complicated ways to ask a guy out you know.

M: Don't flatter yourself. This is not about us. This is about freedom and finding our child.

This dialogue is cut here with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Val's troops continuing the search, maps being looked at, the rival teams in Kazakhstan arguing etc. Towards the end of the sequence we see Val realise she hasn't seen Raven for a while. She approaches Irene, leans in and whispers in her ear, “Where is Raven Darkhölme?”.

Mystique leaves Azazel in the back as he is ‘too conspicuous’ in the front. She genuinely thinks about making a run for it, but Val has discovered the double cross and contacts her on a secure frequency, convincing her to come back for Irene. She says Irene is not strong like Mystique and the finger of suspicion is already pointing at her and she can't protect her from Gyrich.

Mystique reluctantly agrees to bring him in to protect Irene. Azazel gets the jitters and wants out but realises he can't bampf away, he just materialises in the same spot, he is trapped in the van. Mystique hedged her bets and brought a van designed by Forge to neutralise his power. He bangs on the truck for her to let him out.

Good girl says Val in her ear. She yanks out the earpiece but goes back to hq anyway, for Irene.

Meanwhile, Peggy is having a somewhat heated exchange with the President. Peggy is adamant that she must speak to the team that is targeting mutants as she believes there is a more humane way to deal with the issue. Nixon is adamant that there is no such team. That he has never approved any agency to carry out these actions. But he does recognise the rise of these ‘mutants’ as a threat.

Peggy is not fooled by any of this and reiterates her concern and reminds him that S.H.I.E.L.D. has a deal with the American government where they don't keep secrets from each other.

After she hangs up she asks Howard if he is ready to trace the President's next call. Howard and the others are worried what will happen if the President finds out his call was traced. Peggy just says, “Then make sure he never finds out”.

Nixon is rattled and calls Henry Peter Gyrich to tell him that S.H.I.E.L.D. are on to them.

Gyrich believes the team's next target could be useful in this situation. Sean Cassidy has been seen/heard approaching New Jersey. He believes Cassidy is making his way to Camp Lehigh. Gyrich actually sees this as an opportunity to solve three problems:

Confirm and expose Raven Darkhölme as a traitor 

Capture Sean Cassidy and reduce the threat posed by him and Moira McTaggart. 

Destroy S.H.I.E.L.D.

He prepares to tell the team their next target.

We cut to Peggy on the phone to Moira McTaggart the next day. Moira warns them Sean is coming. Their source has told them Freedom Force's next target was Angel Salvadore and he wanted to be involved with the counter operation (Angel was once his friend).

The team start to wonder what that noise is. Moira says, that'll be Sean, you hear him before you see him.

Sean Cassidy comes in and introduces himself. He says the information only came in last night and he got there as quick as he could. The team are impressed with his powers.

He tells them where Angel is expected to be and when Cooper's team are expected to strike. They prepare to head out.

Cut to Val's small team. A couple of undercover agents are reporting on Salvadore's movements.

As they are preparing to go Jacqui melts together the doors of the store Freedom Force was hiding in, forcing them to find another exit and buying time.

Meanwhile Sean has intercepted Angel and is trying to convince her to come with him. She is caught off guard and torn between flying off and listening to him. She stays and he tries to convince her a government agency is after her. She reminds him that is nothing new for her. He tells her they have Magneto and Azazel, that they are coming for any and all mutants. This gives her pause.

As they are talking the Freedom Force (FF) agents have found an alternative route and swarm to their location.

Cassidy takes out the first with a sonic scream. Angel takes out another with her hardening goo spit thing (that is totally stolen from Toad in the 2000 movie). The agents keep on coming. Brian appears, bends the barrel of an agent's gun and then uses that agent to take out a bunch of others.

Jacqui arrives and puts a protective ring of fire around the group, with the threat of expanding it if they are threatened further.

Above, two snipers are taking aim at Jacqui. They ask for confirmation on the shot.

Howard pulls up with Hank. Asks him if he's sure his contraption will work. ‘Oh it'll work’ says Hank, testily.

He exits the car, puts on the mk I helmet, jumps and shrinks. This propels him way up the fire escape. He reaches the top of the building in two leaps. ‘Well I'll be…’ admires Howard.

The first sniper goes to check the noise from the fire escape. As his partner receives the go ahead for the shot, the first sniper is seemingly beaten up by an invisible assailant. As the 2nd sniper radios through an incomprehensible message about an attack by the invisible man, Hank's suit fails and he appears, full size. Dumbfounded for a second, the sniper is just recovering his wits (and his weapon) when Hank just charges him, knocking them both off the roof. They battle on the way down.

Hank's suit finally releases the Pym Particles and he leaps safely from the falling sniper and lands within Jacqui's flame barrier and returns to full size. Everyone is surprised as Hank had kept his project secret from everyone.

The sniper lands on his Freedom Force Colleagues and they are given permission to shoot through the flames.

As they open fire, James Braddock pulls up in an unmarked S.H.I.E.L.D. van. They bundle in, Angel Salvadore and all, and speed away.

After evading the agents at the scene,  they realise they are being followed by a black sedan on the highway. A window rolls down on the sedan and an FF agent fires.

Hank: Brian, open the doors.

Angel: Are you crazy? They're shooting at us!

H: I'm gonna stop them shooting.

James (Calling from the front): There's no need. Stark bullet-proofed it.

H: But what if they follow us to Camp Lehigh? What if they shoot out the tyres?

Jacqui: Dr. Pym, please! You'll be killed…

H (to Brian): Just…open the doors Falsworth! I know what I'm doing. 

Brian obliges and Hank leaps out of the back of the van, shrinking as he does so.

The process fails halfway through and he smashes, full size, into the windscreen of the Sedan. His speed relative to theirs and his super secret Pym Tech suit protect him from serious injury.

Hank and the FF agents are dazed. They recover first and the shooter readies their pistol. Fortunately the suit tech works this time and he shrinks and enters the vehicle through the open window. While the agents wonder where he went, he operates the hood release causing it to catch the wind and flap up, obstructing their view. He catches sight of Howard speeding behind them to catch up and radios for him to pull up alongside.

As the FF Sedan crashes into a barrier, Pym leaps into the cabriolet. Howard swerves to avoid the crashing vehicle and the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles speed off to Camp Lehigh. 

When the rescue team return to base,  they start to celebrate and Sean is catching up with Angel.

Peggy upbraids them and tells them not to celebrate as she knows there will be consequences for what they have just done.

Back at FF headquarters, Val Cooper brings the ‘bad news’ of Salvadore’s escape to Gyrich. He is not upset, he simply smiles, points out that S.H.I.E.L.D. have ‘crossed the line’ and adds…

“Release the hounds…”

We flashback to Irene's psychology evaluation from a few weeks before.

Dr Darkhölme gets her to state her name and job title for her recording. They go through some details of her past, but not too deep yet.

Raven circles back to Irene's job.

Raven: You are in their foresight division.

Irene: Yes.

R: It's your job to predict what is going to happen before it happens.

I: Yes.

R: And you're usually correct. Is that right?

(*Irene nods*)

That's quite a skill.

I (after a pause): May we stop the recording for a moment.

R: Agent Cooper prefers that we get this all on tape.

I: I would like it to be private.

R: …

I: After you have heard it you may decide whether to put it on tape.

R: …Interview paused at 4:45pm.

(*stop the tape*)

What did you have to say that couldn't be on the recording Irene?

I: My predictions are not a skill.

R: No? What are they then?

I: …A gift…Like yours.

R (somewhat rattled): …What do you mean?...A gift from who?

I: I am a mutant. Like you.

R: …Did Cooper put you up to this?

I: No. Frau Cooper does not want us to know each other's secret.

That we are not the only one.

That we are both mutants, both being held here against our will.

R: How do I know Cooper's not listening right now?

I: She is not. No one is. The others trust you. Cooper trusts you.

R: Why should I trust you?

I: You will come to trust me because my precognitions are accurate…

My probabilities are accurate…

They will save lives…

Mutant lives…

I believe we will do this work together. I believe that it is our destiny.

R: Irene…I…I'm just trying to survive here.

I: Well…you have been tasked with capturing the other Brotherhood members, yes?

R: …Yes.

I: There is a 43% chance that when you find Azazel you will leave with him to find your child. I can give you the time to get away.

R: …You can do that? You can get me out of this. And get me to the baby.

I: Yes. The chance is only based on the path you choose. If you decide to leave with Azael then you will be successful.

R: And if I do leave? What happens to you and the others?

I: …Nothing is for certain. It all depends on the choices we make.

R: What about working together? Our ‘destiny’?

I: That is your decision to make.

*There is a loud knock on the door*

Guard (from the other side): Dr Darkhölme! Cooper says to wrap it up. You're needed in the command centre. 

*A moment's silence…aaaaand scene.*

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I was just informed Llane Wrynn and Howard Stark have the same actor. This makes Medivh also Bucky Barnes, Lothar becomes Steve Rodgers (That checks out)...

Additionally, this makes Turalyon become John Walker, which is a bad look. Khadgar is Peggy, and Danath Trollbane is Sam Wilson.

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6 years ago

Bruce : Do you want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?

Steve: Not really

Bruce: If the height of a step is off by as little as two millimeters, most people will trip.

Steve: I don't care. 2 millime--? That doesn't seem right.

Tony: It's true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12. Howard broke his clavicle.

Bruce : Is that why they sent you to boarding school?

Tony: No. That was the result of my work with lasers

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Tony: what-- what is this? What is this!!?

Peter: something your father clearly never gave you...

Peter: a hug

Tony: Aaaaahh

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I always find it interesting when Howard appears in Cap's film or in any story that takes place in the 40s/60s because he is a very cool character (in my opinion the best part of Captain America) he is a very fun guy and a friend really good, and then him in iron man 2 and more things and he's a awful father to tony and it's kind of funny how some people can be great in some relationships and terrible in others, how howard can be a great companion a a great friend, a great husband but a terrible father; Maybe he just shouldn't be a father, some people aren't meant to be fathers... and thinking about it now, that's pretty sad

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3 years ago

Samberly: Jason said its my turn with the braincell.

Howard: Square up.

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3 years ago

Peggy: Is Howard always like this when he loses?

Jarvis: Oh, yes. You should’ve been there for the Great Jenga Tantrum of 2015.

Howard: You bumped that table and you know it!

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3 years ago

Dooley: How do I even begin to explain Peggy Carter

Daniel: Peggy Carter is flawless.

Dottie: She has two guns and a Sweet Dreams lipstick.

Angie: I hear her nail polish is ensured for $10,000.

Colonel Phillips: I hear she works on USO shows in Italy.

Bucky: Her favorite colors are victory red and army green.

Howard: One time, she met Captain America at Camp Lehigh.

Steve: And she told me I was pretty.

Jack: One time, she punched me in the face.

Jack: It was awesome.

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2 years ago

Peggy: Are you drunk?

Howard: Only on the spirit of Christmas!

Jarvis: And the spirit of whiskey.

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2 years ago

Jarvis: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn’t what I meant.

Howard, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I’m TOO friendly? There’s no pleasing you.

Peggy, who broke into their house and hour ago: Two sugars please.

Howard: Coming right up.

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2 years ago

Howard: Jarvis, gather the others. We need to have another Peggy-is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-her-before-she-hurts-someone convention.

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2 years ago

Howard: I think it’s time I get my life in order.

Jarvis, narrating: But he did not get is life in order. In fact, he got drunk last night and fought a raccoon.

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2 years ago

‘Can I copy the homework?’

Angie: I can help you with it!

Daniel: Yeah, sure.

Jack: Bold of you to assume I did the homework.

Peggy: lol, nope.

Jarvis: Wait, we had homework?!?!?!

Howard: *read 5:55pm*

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