Deeper Voice - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
I Tried My Best To Photoshop Chris Evans But I Think He Still Looks Hot Haha!
I Tried My Best To Photoshop Chris Evans But I Think He Still Looks Hot Haha!

I tried my best to photoshop Chris Evans… but I think he still looks hot haha!

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Actor Chris Evans cleared his throat as he stood in the recording booth, ready to deliver his lines for the iconic character Buzz Lightyear. He’d landed the role of the titular character in the new upcoming movie, and was excited to be part of such a lavish project.

“To infinity, and beyond!” Chris announced, puffing out his chest to deepen his voice. He peeked over at the director who was on the other side of the glass, a glazed look on his face.

“Um, Chris,” he said as he leaned over and pushed a button to allow his voice to echo out over the intercom in the tiny recoding booth where the actor was, “that was nice… but why don’t we try to add a little more baritone to your voice?”

The actor nodded, thinking that it was an odd critique. He was well known for his roles in superhero films, so having a deep masculine voice was never really an issue for him. He shrugged and chalked it up to production wanting him to match the natural deepness of Tim Allen’s.

He cleared his throat again. “To infinity, and beyond!” He made sure to lower his voice as best as he could, feeling the vibration deep in his muscled chest.

For a second time, Chris looked over at the director who had a frown set deep on his face. “Not quite deep enough,” he muttered, reaching over and pressing a few buttons on the control panel before him.

Chris felt a rush of wind from the A/C unit, a tingle spreading over his skin and making his face feel a little prickly. The sensation was gone as soon as it had come, making him doubt that anything had happened in the first place.

“Try it one more time,” the direction grinned.

Chris Evans nodded and steeled himself to bellow out the iconic line. He sucked in a deep breath of air and puffed out his mighty chest, his pecs straining his shirt to the limit. “TO INFINITY, AND BEYOND!” the hunky actor bellowed, a sexy bass-like quality consuming his voice. It was deep in the sense that it oozed masculinity and sent a rumble throughout Chris’s muscles as he spoke.

The director’s grin widened and he clapped his hands. “Perfect!” he cheered.

Chris Evan’s own smile stretched out his face and he nodded. “Thank you,” he said, his voice still a deep bellow, sounding several octaves deeper than his usual speaking voice. The actor flinched and cleared his throat a couple times before trying again. “Thank you…”

His voice got caught in his throat as he heard the deep bellow from earlier seemingly stuck in it.

Chris took his headphones off and rubbed at his throat in wonder.

“What the hell?” he asked aloud in his bass-filled new voice, but winced when his hand brushed up against his chin which felt like it was much lower than it should’ve been.

Gasping, the hunky actor looked at his blurry reflection in the windows of the recording booth, his stomach dropping at what he saw. As impossible as it was, Chris Evans’s chin had seemingly tripled in size, looking incredibly wide and broad and stretching his face and adding exaggerated length to it. With shaky hands, Chris ran his hands over his new chin, feeling his familiar stubble and the physical sensation receptors on his skin picking up on it perfectly.

“Wh-what happened to me?” he uttered in his deep, bellow voice.

The director just continued to grin before he leaned over and spoke into the intercom again. “We spent a lot of money getting you onto this project,” he explained to the altered man. “I just need to make sure the production company’s investment is protected.”

“You can’t do this!” Chris shouted, trying not to look at his warped reflection, feeling as if he were staring into a funhouse mirror whenever he caught sight of his massive jaw. He tried to leave the recording room to find a doctor or someone who could help him and return him to his normal form. He had no idea how he could get any new roles now by looking like a caricature of some action figure with such a huge chin. And he sounded ridiculous with his bass-filled voice that put James Earl Jones to shame. However, the door was locked, effectively trapping the actor in the recording booth.

“No, you’re not going anywhere,” the director scoffed. “Now we have to record the next two movies in the series because Disney milks everything to death.”

Chris Evans paled, running his hand over his rounded and bulging chin in disbelief as he stared at his shocked, altered face.

“Aww, don’t be so nervous Chris,” the director teased. “Think of it: You will be the best voice actor from now on with that hot, sexy baritone you possess.”

Chris Evans sighed, feeling defeated and having no idea what else to do. “Fine,” he muttered, and even though he tried to speak softly his voice still bellowed out deeply and manly, like he was imitating some cartoon superhero, which was how he would sound forever and for the rest of his roles.

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