Definition Of Punk - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I'm so so sorry to break this to you. You're not a punk. Mcr and top and Chr*stianity are not punk. Please...please stop.

Oh, I've been waiting for this...

*cracks knuckles*

First off, what authority do you have to decide what is punk and isn't? By definition a punk is someone who listens to punk music, believes in not selling out and supporting individuality. It's a social movement, not a faith based one.

Punk can go right in line with any religion and many different beliefs. If you're trying to tell people they can't be punk based off of their religion you seem to be pretty intolerant of my lifestyle. That sure as hell ain't punk, just like cussing a homosexual for their personal lifestyle choices ain't punk. Being yourself is punk. Love is punk, and Jesus is love. You can't argue with that. Jesus sat with and loved on the broken nobodies of our society and spit on the organized religions of His time. What's more punk than that?!

And as far as music, yes I love TOP and MCR! I'm also obsessed with the Front Bottoms and love me some good Showbread every now and then. If you took a few minutes to check my bio and Google those bands, you'd see one is hardcore punk and one is folk punk. You seem to not know your shit my man, especially to be going around policing other people minding their own business. I'm new to the punk scene and still learning the music and whatnot. If you were a true punk veteran, you'd be hyping up my learning process and giving me band recommendations instead of trying to police strangers on the Internet.

And all that being said, you don't know me! How can you judge someone you don't know? Blows my mind. Going around calling people posers, judging people and not respecting others is the least punk you can be. You wanna call people out to feel better about your own shortcomings? Go punch some "punk" Nazis and be useful at least.

Being bold is punk. You weren't even bold enough to leave your own username up, anon. Ha.

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1 year ago

To the internet "punk" elitists:

Let's stop arguing about what's punk and what isn't and just be ourselves.

THAT'S the truest form of punk rock.

The scene has changed so much since the 70s, becoming needlessly strict and gatekeeping. It begs the question: has the definition of the scene itself changed over the years or have the types of people in it changed? My vote is the second. There's so many bigoted arguments and extremist definitions that I'm not even sure if there IS a true definition anymore unless we stick with the ogs.

Point is, just be yourself. Listen to the music, rebel, have firm beliefs and stop giving a damn. You'll be a punk ass in my book.

Welcome to the fam.

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