Delirium Of The Endless - Tumblr Posts
This is the most precious thing I've ever read. 💕
actually still thinking about dream & delirium sibling things and the art by @bludotpng of del making moonflies out of dream’s coat...
thinking about dream making the dreaming shift around them so that they’re in a wide open meadow under a starry sky... waving his hand and suddenly del’s moonflies are real and flitting about... and he says, “my sister, is this what you imagined?” even though of course, he is lord of this place and knows it is exactly what she daydreamed. but del is nodding and reaching to curl her small fingers around his spindly ones and looking around with her face lit by wonder and the light from the moonflies, and he is glad he could make her happy for a little moment. dream knows he has much to make up for, but the universe is nothing but a series of moments attached to one another like a string of paper dolls and he thinks perhaps he can begin by filling the spaces in their togetherness with some modicum of happiness.
My favorite character type: wears every color in the rainbow, has mommy issues and has felt every emotion to ever exist (an oversimplification but you get it).

sleep and delirium, who were once dream and delight

Guys, I'm very close to 900 followers!
It's early, and I had another picture planned, but you guys are great! Let's have an amazing 2023!
Post from my art blog; you guys are pretty cool.

Delirium's mismatched eyes 🪅✨🦋
I just had to draw @artsyalice137 cosplay. 1 2
I think Del is my favourite sibling to draw, is always so fun with her 🥺💕

*I worship you Tumblr don’t remove it

Punk & goth & emo

I'm normal about the three of them

I listened to Androgynous by The Replacements and I had the urge to draw Dream in a skirt.
note to self: I should draw things floating around their heads more often, it’s cute.

real delirium hours feat. comic redraw
Bonus sleepover fit

Ok, so you know how Death doesn't need to introduce herself because when mortals look closely, they sense it?
Here are my headcanons:
Dream: The more you look at him, the less he makes sense. Looking at Dream too closely feels like a memory from your childhood so old and faded you can barely tell if you dreamed it or lived it. Looking deeper, you might notice him slightly flicker, as if his entire form is made of innumerous flickering grains of sand. It's common to see stars in his eyes, and hear a slight echo in his voice. When he leaves, you may wonder if he was actually real.
Desire: If you look to closely at Desire, you might forget there's such thing as a sexual orientation. Yes, you might want to f*ck them. If you're ace, you'll want to touch them as well. Their hair and skin look way too perfect, you just need to feel the texture. Children often ask to play with Desire. Sometimes Desire does play with them. Desire likes how easy it is to make them laugh or cry.
Despair: Looking at Despair gives you that feeling deep in your guts that a tragedy is about to happen. It brings vague discomfort you can't identify or stop.
After you stare for a while, the blood flowing through your veins, the movement of your lungs and the constant beating of your heart may start to deeply disturb you. You may want to rip off your own hair, skin, guts or other internal organs. Your body may feel like torture, and your existence like a cage. If you notice any of these symptoms, please look away while you still can.
DeLiRiuM: If you look closely at Delirium, you'll see her limbs grow more and more out of proportion. You might see her hair growing. You might see her hair shrinking. Your thoughts might vanish completely, or they might run too fast for you to understand. Her words only make sense until a second after she said them. After that, if you try to remember what she said, you'll only get gibberish, vague feelings and a lot of colors.

tried my hand at a portrait (for fancasting purposes. have fun guessing who it is🫣)
delirium - sketch study

he look so bonita!! (*^3^)/~☆

(thank you for 3k followers ily all!!)

Brief Lives: Role Swap AU!!
Doze 💤 & Delusion ꩜ of the endless
Since January, I've been wanting to redesign them because I wasn't pleased with what I originally drew in November.
!!!! Spoiler Warning for Brief Lives since I am going to be talking about it for a bit !!!!
What I had in mind was that Brief Lives plot is still the same but Delirium has the bright idea of switching places to keep things interesting on their journey to find Destruction (also because she wants Dream to have fun with her one last time before shit hits the fan)
AU Example: When Doze and Delusion end up in Destiny's Garden asking for an oracle, Destiny confronts Doze that she need to stop her own delusion and realize that she can't save her brother from what is about to come. When Doze collapses from the harsh truth, almost reverting back to Delirium; Delusion steps in.
Getting serious and is fearful for his little sister, his Dream side shows (eyes black with twin stars) telling Destiny to basically mind his own business. He tearfully notes that he knows that they must talk to his son but he's staying strong for Doze. Regrouping, Doze and Del go to meet Orpheus.
That's as far as my mind is willing to go with these silly doodles and AU before I let it become my personality.
Don't take this seriously, but I imagine Delusion voiced by Andrew Garfield okay Bye!

had to draw Matthew babysitting Delirium for personal reasons

I'm projecting mine and my older brother's relationship onto Dream and Delirium. ⌛🐠

What if Dream inspired Carrol to write Alice in Wonderland as a gift for Delirium?