Denzo - Tumblr Posts
9 months ago
was going through my old edits and found this... when I say WE WERE ROBBED, I mean it all these scenes are canon, it's insane
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this song was stuck in my head today and I'm thinking about these two again so I've decided I want this on main
they really are Something together
it's hard not to think of them in whump terms for me because they met in such a whumpee x whumpee scenario but like
they are both evil vampires (tm) most of the time so like both prior to and after that they're also very whumper x whumper
there's just something about how they meet as victims but also continue to enjoy kidnapping and general mayhem once they're back together
their tension is incredible really
definitely would've loved to see them kiss at least once. but the lip staring scene is still a delight
but yeah this is a beautiful video and an incredibly catchy song
love these two
the whole vampire blood eating curse thing is great tension too
all the ways they both would and wouldn't sacrifice for one another at various points woven through their relationship
murder husbands indeed
the vampire diaries
beautiful crime
damon salvatore
enzo st. john
blood tw
Damon looks so cute in the Augustine scenes too. his little smile. his hair when he leans on the cell bars
flashing tw
even in the tags i ramble
such a catchy song. I thought I'd found it on youtube but it doesn't sound exactly the same so I wonder if this is a remix
it's really good whatever it is
9 months ago
I was thinking about how a lot of people who are into the Vampire Diaries are also into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how there are some obvious parallels between the shows and between the relationships of Angel & Buffy and Stefan & Elena and then Spike & Buffy and Damon & Elena, but obviously they aren't exactly the same ships or characters, and it's made me curious. Fans of both, is there a correlation in what you ship?
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the vampire diaries
buffy the vampire slayer
I also thought about putting “witches rule and Tillow and Bamon are superior” as an option but those don't feel as parallel
Tillow and Bonora maybe but Nora isn't quite as significant to TVD and Bonora suffers from being an obvious rebound
I also learned you can't drag poll options around to reorder them sadly
but the good news is you can have more than 10 choices now
yeah I'm really curious because I feel like there's a correlation in what gifs I see people reblogging but I don't know how strong it'll be
oh I should tag the characters too
buffy summers
William Pratt
does Liam have a last name I don't remember
elena gilbert
damon salvatore
stefan salvatore
enzo st. john
is there a poly ship name for a stelena/delena ot3?
anyways. unleash the shipping discourse. I'm bracing myself. lol
I have my opinions but I think they're mostly on my sideblog these days
but yeah. please reblog for data points and all that
i ramble
even in the tags i ramble
6 months ago
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I think I've been using Bamenzolena most probably?
but sometimes I know I've said Bonlenamenzo too
I just now came up with the other two because I was trying to work through every conceivable iteration
I think Bonnie is first in most of her ship names and of course Bamenzo is the established term for the ot3 I'm meddling with
in a sense. I mean this isn't solely me meddling with Bamenzo. it's also me playing with “I love you like Elena loves you”
and it's also me wanting Delena and Denzo and Bonenzo to all exist at once too
I've never written an ot4 before. I've done some ot3 stuff‚ mostly spuffel. it's interesting‚ trying to balance all the characters
I'm not very far with it yet but here is a poll to make me think about it more :)
I should tag all the branches of ships
is there even a ship name for Elena/Enzo? I think there the farthest flung ship in the square tbh
I love making up funky words from too many people's names lol
the vampire diaries
shipping nonsense
also a way to lowkey advertise this fic I'm unlikely to ever finish lol. motivate me ;)
idk if anybody but me would be into this. not sure there's a lot of overlap in delena shippers and bamenzo shippers. but here I be :)
bonnie bennett
shoot I'm out of tags anyways vote now!
elena gilbert
damon salvatore
enzo st. john
there I deleted some so I could get all the characters on here lol
even in the tags i ramble