Bangel - Tumblr Posts

She Promised


First of all. I absolutely love Bangel, and it's been my absolute pleasure to be part of the IWRY Marathon (thank you so much to all involved in making this event possible!)

So... this is one of the first times I've done a gif, and the first time I've done one for a fandom. As for what's behind this piece... it's always been my headcanon that when Buffy promised she'd never forget, she kept that promise, even if no one ever knew.

She Promised

I also decided to create a simple wallpaper to go with the gif. The idea is the same as with the gif, representing Buffy's promise to never forget, and that even as years passed, even with everything she went through, she never did.

She Promised

Bangel forever... that's the whole point...

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"A visitant that crossed all barriers of time and space to right wrongs; a decision that will defy the past and set a new path towards the future; and a bond that, once formed, will never die…"

This is the very first Bangel fic I've ever finished, and I'm so, so very proud of it! Could it have been longer? Certainly, but still, I liked the idea, and I'm happy with how it turned out! Hope everyone who reads it enjoys!

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2 years ago


(Spoilers; just in case anybody hasn't watched it yet)

Buffy season 2 is just such a Rollercoaster of emotions (mostly in terms of Bangel)

First, we're like will they get together? Then they get together and we be like "YESS".

But then Spike tries to kill both of them and then there is this really emotional, heavy scene where they say they love each other and then Buffy says she's ready and they sleep together.

But then Angel (read: Angelus) wakes up and then starts killing people. Now Buffy and gang is confused and so is the audience. (I'm not sure about the timeline it's been long since I watched the show)

He starts killing people and his cruelty towards Buffy is just shocking cause aNgEL aCtiNG LiKe tHaT tOwaRDs bUfFy?!?!?!

Then you see Buffy suffering because this is the first time she slept with somebody and then he started killing randomly. We see her, we feel her.

(this is touched upon in season 4 again which is why this show is one of the best! The details people! DETAILS!)

Then we get to know about Angelus's curse. Now I felt bad but it made sense. Angelus was cruel. He was cursed with a soul and if he experienced a moment of true happiness then he would lose his soul. Then he spends the next 100 years as Angel trying to atone for his sins (I guess?). But the one moment he found happiness and it broke him

I don't know when this episode aired "I only have eyes for you"

But you have Buffy as James (best plot twist ever) and saying "You don't just wake up and stop loving somebody!" Which is literally what happened with Angel

And THEN he kills Jenny. Buffy realizes she HAS to kill him. (That episode was heartbreaking and also so twisted. Angelus is one kind of a villain!)

Then she has problems. Her mom found out about her slayerness, her friends were in danger, Giles was being tortured by Angelus, she has to team up with Spike to save the world because Angelus wanted to release hell (or something) AND she got kicked out of school.

Now she goes to kill Angelus and stop hell (cause that's her job as a slayer) and she gears up to fight. She's alone. She finds strength in herself and fights back and almost kills him but Willow decides to get Angel's soul back.

Now she's fucking torn because Angel doesn't remember anything but she has to kill him because killing him is the only way to stop hell. She takes a moment to herself and then kills him.

She leaves Sunnydale in the season finale.


This is the most emotionally tiring season yet I would watch it over and over BECAUSE OF the emotions portrayed. They don't make this kind of stuff now (maybe I haven't watched enough shows but there's a certain magic in this show which just can't be recreated)


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5 years ago
Angel 1.08I Will Remember You (November 23, 1999)
Angel 1.08I Will Remember You (November 23, 1999)
Angel 1.08I Will Remember You (November 23, 1999)
Angel 1.08I Will Remember You (November 23, 1999)

Angel 1.08 “I Will Remember You” (November 23, 1999)

“How am I supposed to go on with my life knowing what we had? What we could have had?” “You won’t. No one will know but me.” “Everything we did.” “It never happened.” “It did. It did. I know it did!….. I felt your heart beat.” “Buffy..” “No! Oh God. It’s not enough time.” “Shh, please. Please.” “No. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget. I’ll never forget.”

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‘Tis the season for gifs from the one Buffy Christmas episode :) I think I’ve already reblogged these like 5 times on blagueofchaos but I ought to put them on my proper blog. It’s always nice to have festive fandom gifsets :) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays all! 

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

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Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.
Consider: Spike, Buffy, And Angel Having A Romantic Picnic By The Beach At Night And Stargazing Together.

Consider: Spike, Buffy, and Angel having a romantic picnic by the beach at night and stargazing together. They may not be able to go picnicking in the daylight, but the night has charms of its own.

Also consider Angel and Spike getting competitive over who can name more constellations and who tells the stories that go with them better, haha :) 

Image sources: x x x+x;  x;  x x x 

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I was thinking about how a lot of people who are into the Vampire Diaries are also into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how there are some obvious parallels between the shows and between the relationships of Angel & Buffy and Stefan & Elena and then Spike & Buffy and Damon & Elena, but obviously they aren't exactly the same ships or characters, and it's made me curious. Fans of both, is there a correlation in what you ship?

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6 months ago

rewatching buffy season one, and i’d truly forgotten how much i love season one angel? it’s like, they weren’t completely sure how they wanted him to be portrayed yet, so he was less broody, and he was wittier, and he hadn’t hit second puberty yet. before him and buffy got toxic, they were so. sweet? like. id completely forgotten that his chest is literally BRANDED with her crucifix at the end of angel and omg???? and i’m definitely a sucker for relationships that are doomed by the plot, so maybe i’m biased but s1 bangel my beloved omfg

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