Derbymlp - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I draw some more art, but it was couple days ago and now I thought if posting it-

I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-

The first picture is a little picnic rp that me and some of my friends on pony town did :) we was trying to reform tierk

The other was base on the "royal Problem" episode but with tierk and his brother while Chrysalis trys to stop them

Discord and Tierk with some bunnies are also base on an rp

Also I thought of drawing tierk talking to a rabbit that soon end up being his pet (her name is cinnamon bun👌🏽)

Pony if shadow got free and now a pony friend for Stygian, but star swirl isn't so please 🙄

Then the last one is uh💀 backstabbing?

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