Mlp Scorpan - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

I'd like to add some more MLP species of my TCOD AU because I simply forgot they existed(._.)

To see fist part, go here:

I'd like to introduce you to human races that exist in my MLP AU:³ (I'll add more species as soon as I draw 'em) Let's begin^^ EARTH P

And second part here:

Yo, I finaly finished the rest of Equestrian species in my AU:D
I'm adding them for the pinned post, but I'd like you to apreciate them in here too^^ (Edit: I couldn't add(._.) To much images) When I wa



I'd Like To Add Some More MLP Species Of My TCOD AU Because I Simply Forgot They Existed(._.)

Almost no different from the regular humans in Equestria, just more ✨️crystal✨️ and Greek

The Crystal Empire once was lost under the reighn of the tyrant known as King Sombra, but hundreds of years ago this land was free once again and Crystalians never new any sorrows since then.

Even when one of tyrant's decendants tried to take over it again. Some people say that decendant was some sort of reincarnation of the King but Crystalians prefer to think it was just a crazy fan of his

Native Appleloosans, The Buffalo Tribe

I had NO IDEA how to portray Human!Buffalos without accidentaly making 'em too stereotype-y (._.)

So here, just have a cute doodle of Human!Little Strongheart👉👈

I'd Like To Add Some More MLP Species Of My TCOD AU Because I Simply Forgot They Existed(._.)


How the hay am I supposed to spell this correctly??:^:

A Distant Land is a mighty kingdom, home of such species as gargouilles and centaurs(despite the name, completely normal human race)

I'd Like To Add Some More MLP Species Of My TCOD AU Because I Simply Forgot They Existed(._.)

Current king, Scorpan, is the Greatest gargouille in the Distant Land's history. The kind and wise king who's only mistake was to let his older brother to go by the path of wrong...

And finaly...


These guys are not just ordinary humans they appear to be. Modern Draconeequi are born in human forms nowadays, though their real forms are the most terrifying... That's why even they are calling these their "Beast Forms". Their true forms vary from having horse body parts to not having such.(They're still called Draconeequi because they all are equaly powerful. And Grogar(and me) was just too lazy to give each specie of Draconeequus a special name)

Ancient powerful creatures, unable to die from old age. Their powers are so strong that a mortal body is unable to contain it without a cost. So most of them are born with some extra... features in which their magic is contained(horns, wings, tails, extra hands, etc.) Without these Draconeequus would be killed by their own magic destroying the "mortal" body. They're hiding these features with a spell, so no mortal is afraid of 'em.

Back in the ancient Equestria, when Draconeequi joined Fausticorn and lived in peace with other humans, there were about 150 families of such, playing an important role as nobility and guardians of Equestrian peace.

I'd Like To Add Some More MLP Species Of My TCOD AU Because I Simply Forgot They Existed(._.)

Discord and his cousin Eris are the last pureblooded Draconeequi left.

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2 years ago

they don't exist 😦

They Don't Exist
They Don't Exist
They Don't Exist
They Don't Exist
They Don't Exist

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2 years ago

I made this couple days ago but thought of posting it anyway- it's a picture of scorpan petting the honk honk

I Made This Couple Days Ago But Thought Of Posting It Anyway- It's A Picture Of Scorpan Petting The Honk
I Made This Couple Days Ago But Thought Of Posting It Anyway- It's A Picture Of Scorpan Petting The Honk

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2 years ago

I draw some more art, but it was couple days ago and now I thought if posting it-

I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-
I Draw Some More Art, But It Was Couple Days Ago And Now I Thought If Posting It-

The first picture is a little picnic rp that me and some of my friends on pony town did :) we was trying to reform tierk

The other was base on the "royal Problem" episode but with tierk and his brother while Chrysalis trys to stop them

Discord and Tierk with some bunnies are also base on an rp

Also I thought of drawing tierk talking to a rabbit that soon end up being his pet (her name is cinnamon bun👌🏽)

Pony if shadow got free and now a pony friend for Stygian, but star swirl isn't so please 🙄

Then the last one is uh💀 backstabbing?

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2 years ago

Brothers until the end

Brothers Until The End

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2 years ago

Here.. Have lil scorpan

Here.. Have Lil Scorpan

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2 years ago

New drawing coming soon :D

If g1 was g4 :0

New Drawing Coming Soon :D

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2 years ago


littlecowmoo - Barbatos

What had gone wrong to the art

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