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Spoilers DCA Ep 124
Sooo I’m probably looking too much into this but...
Jarlaxle strikes me as very smart and very specific in what he says.
The way he kept referring to Evelyn as “Lady” made me think that, it wasn’t so much to be charming, as it was him indicating that he knows EVERYTHING about the Wafflecrew.
I mean, it seemed like none of the others knew that Evelyn had the title “Lady” until the fireside episode 120 at PAX.
Given Jarlaxle’s relationship with Diath I’m thinking that this free and pointed use of Evelyn’s title was also a veiled threat to Diath.
I know everything, try me.

Diath pony done!

Paultin Pony is done!

Evelyn Marthain Pony all done and with her little family

And finished! Chris Perkins is done!!!

And that’s the Dice Camera Action, Wafflecrew feat. Chris Perkins pony set all finished! ... now what do i do with my life...

I may have done a really embarrassing happy dance when they showed the ponies i made 😭😭😭
I don’t believe in punishing people publicly for their mistakes in their private lives. I will always be a DCA fan, and a fan of all the cast. I know what is likely to happen to the show now and I’m gutted for everyone involved.
If the show continues i will continue to watch.
Please don’t spread the hate. It’s not the publics place. This is between to parties involved and nothing to do with us.