Evelyn Marthain - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Finally saw episode 115 of Dice Camera Action and I squeed at the little Paultin/Evelyn moment where she shows him the battleaxe and he looks at her not the axe and says “beautiful.”

I so believe he was talking about Evelyn, not the axe.

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6 years ago

So Simon is the only person alive who saw Evelyn beat the Soulmonger. I wonder if he’ll tell them? I wonder how they’ll react.

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6 years ago

Spoilers for Cuse of Strahd and Dice Camera Action-

So, last night my party arrived at the Tser Pool Vistani Camp and met Madam Ava. They stayed passed midnight and with perfect timing the druid asked what happened to the other adventurers who had come to Barovia.

Que the March of the dead on their way to Ravenloft with the Waffle Crew (sans Strix) at the head of the procession. I described each of them among a few other random spectors and my players didn’t catch on.

Later, after their card reading they knew that one of the Treasures was hidden at the Crossroads where they’d seen the Druid ganging on the way to the camp.

The card that revealed this was the “Thief”.

The party went back to the crossroads and the Rogue started to read the tombstones and rolled a Nat 20.

I started to read out loud the names on the tombstones: Diath Woodrow, Paultin Seppa, and Evelyn Marthain.

(My otherhalf squealed a tiny but when i said them but he kept quiet)

Then I described a single word beneath each name to represytheir crimes. Paultin and Evelyn had “Treason”, Diath had “Thief”.

They took the hint and respectfully dug up the grave finding the Tome of Strahd inside Diaths clothes. (The Rogue took his amethyst so I’m plotting Strix hunting him down for it.)

As they left theDruid said last rites over Diath’s body and called out to him, rolling a Nat 20 on charisma. He looked up and hovering over him was the sad lost ghost of Diath.

Diath saw that the druid had the book and knodded his blessing and understanding to someone else using it against Strahd. Then he faded away into the mists, and that’s where I ended the session.

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6 years ago

Isn’t anyone else concerned that The C Team are just planning on doing something with the rings? I mean, two parts of Evelyn’s soul are in there granting the rings their power. The odds of those pieces being ok after they finish the ritual or whatever, probably very slim.

Yet everyone is ok with this? I’m still mad at Diath for not demanding the rings return. He literally sold Evelyn’s soul, not knowing what impact that might have on her in the near future. He just assumed she’d be ok with it.

I really, really hope they don’t lose her for good because of those rings.

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6 years ago

Spoilers DCA Ep 124

Sooo I’m probably looking too much into this but...

Jarlaxle strikes me as very smart and very specific in what he says.

The way he kept referring to Evelyn as “Lady” made me think that, it wasn’t so much to be charming, as it was him indicating that he knows EVERYTHING about the Wafflecrew.

I mean, it seemed like none of the others knew that Evelyn had the title “Lady” until the fireside episode 120 at PAX.

Given Jarlaxle’s relationship with Diath I’m thinking that this free and pointed use of Evelyn’s title was also a veiled threat to Diath.

I know everything, try me.

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6 years ago

Anyone else obsessing a teensy bit over the Evelyn, Paultin ship fallout after that last episode?

Million Reasons by Lady GaGa started playing on my ipod and all I could think about was the song being Evelyn finally moving on.

This ship is gona sink so hard unless Paultin finally steps up!!

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6 years ago

You know you’re obsessed with Dice Camera Action when you dream that Evelyn wakes up in time to see Jarlaxle throwing her winged boots and prosthetic leg of the ship and into the sea. Claiming it’s for her own good and so that she will be his forever.

Only it wasn’t the characters i was seeing but the normal DCA setup with poor Anna sobbing and all the players getting mad at Chris.

I now live in genuine fear that one day this will happen.

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6 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dice Camera Action Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Paultin/Evelyn Characters: Paultin Seppa, Evelyn Marthain Summary:

Sooo following on the PAX episode with Evelyn and Jarlaxle I had a dream that he turned on Evelyn.

After watching the latest on stream episode and suffering through a very long and quiet work day I decided the dream deserved a fanfic.

So here’s my “what if” AU of the Ring of Winter fallout.

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6 years ago

I want the Evelyn/Paultin ship to sail so bad! Evelyn’s loneliness is so heartbreaking.

I used to be like that. I didn’t meet my otherhalf til I was 26, I’d watched everyone around me pair off and experience something I never had and when I finally did I realised I’d never really understood it either.

There were times when someone would come along with a kind word or smile and maybe flirt abit and I’d know they were bad news but part of me thought my loneliness was my fault and so I should go along with these people. It got me into some very bad situations I wasn’t ready for. Mybest friend had to interject herself more than once to keep me from making huge mistakes and I am forever grateful for that.

The Wafflecrew need to take a good look at Evelyn and recognise the Todd’s, Omin’s and Jarlaxle’s for what they really are. Our Angel Warrior needs a serious wall of protection around her until Paultin either admits his feelings, or someone comes along without an agenda who just truely loves her.

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5 years ago

After that last episode i just had to write a short fic on a tiny bit of fallout from the Jarlaxle/Evelyn/Paultin moment.


An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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5 years ago
Evelyn Marthain, Paladin Of Lathander. She Needs Armour And Boots Still But I Wanted To Show Off Her
Evelyn Marthain, Paladin Of Lathander. She Needs Armour And Boots Still But I Wanted To Show Off Her

Evelyn Marthain, Paladin of Lathander. She needs armour and boots still but I wanted to show off her Lathander boon marks first.

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5 years ago


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5 years ago
Evelyn Marthain Pony All Done And With Her Little Family
Evelyn Marthain Pony All Done And With Her Little Family
Evelyn Marthain Pony All Done And With Her Little Family
Evelyn Marthain Pony All Done And With Her Little Family
Evelyn Marthain Pony All Done And With Her Little Family

Evelyn Marthain Pony all done and with her little family

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5 years ago
And Thats The Dice Camera Action, Wafflecrew Feat. Chris Perkins Pony Set All Finished! ... Now What

And that’s the Dice Camera Action, Wafflecrew feat. Chris Perkins pony set all finished! ... now what do i do with my life...

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5 years ago
I May Have Done A Really Embarrassing Happy Dance When They Showed The Ponies I Made

I may have done a really embarrassing happy dance when they showed the ponies i made 😭😭😭

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