Did You Know A Whole Species Can Be Put In Stasis If You Get Rid Of Their Purpose? - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Shades weren't actually consider inferior or "not real ghosts" they were partial citizens of the infinite realms, just like zombies, revenants, city spirits and many others mortal realm based ecto-beings, or at least, they're supposed to be.

Pariah Dark had a purist mindset, any being that wasn't completely connected to the infinite realms, wasn't a citizen for him. During Pariah Darks reign of terror, the infinite realms were almost completely closed of from the mortal realms, unless Pariah was planning to conquer it.

With no contact to any other ghosts, the mortal realms base acto-beings were left with just Pariah Darks discourse of how they all weren't real ghosts, how they weren't real ecto-beings, and weren't accepted in the infinite realms.

Pariah Dark destroyed the system that was put in place by previous monarchs. Mortal realms based ecto-beings now didn't have access to the realms during Samhain. The permanent emergency portals on places where the veil is thin where closed. Guidance and aid from the realms was cut.

It all sucked. Mortal realm based ecto-beings (Let's call them the stranded, because that name is becoming to long) lost their access to health care, lost access to their species history, lost access to ectoplasm, they lost everything.

The stranded also lost any means to know what was going on in the realms. They didn't know the tyrannical terror that was unraveling there. All they knew was that the king cut them off, and that the infinite realms ghosts weren't showing up any more. After thousands of years, the stranded just accepted that they weren't consider ghost enough for the infinite realms and it's citizens as a fact.

Meanwhile, in the infinite realms. It took a couple millennia for the Ancients to finally figure they're differences and unite to trap Pariah Dark in the coffin of ever sleep. The infinite realms where a mess, everyone concentrated on trying to bring things back up, and no one thought about the stranded, who probably where doing better than them. Even after things got kinda sorted out, must ghosts had no idea how to reconnect with the mortal realms.

Fast forward to Danny turning on the portal, Feeding that mortal realm with the ectoplasm that it hadn't gotten in ages. Small natural portals where forming here and there, but with no system for the stranded to know about it, or anyone to seek them out.

Now, Phantom two years king, still dealing with Pariahs delayed paperwork, has just been informed about the existence of the stranded. No one bother to tell him that a huge amount of his subjects were cut from the infinite realms during Pariahs reign. Amity Park had one of the thinnest veils, so any ecto-beings there where infinite realms based, so he didn't even know they existed.

He's struggling with plans to speed run all the stranded process for citizenship and accomodations. He knows how it is to deal with suddenly being a different species while still being part of a mortal realm, but he had guidance from lots of ghost of the infinite realms. He feels terrible for all the stranded that had to deal with that on their own. Even more since most of them wouldn't be able to mask as a human and go back to their own life like he could being a Halfa.

He's reading through the incomplete records of the infinite realms support networks for the stranded that used to exist. Figuring how viable it would be to create them again, while opening well made permanent portals in hundreds of different mortal realms.

This, is what have the Justice League summoning the Hight King of the infinite realms. Out of nowhere, there are natural portals to the infinite realms popping up in random places.

"Not random, they're opening where the veil is already thin." - Constantine reminds them.

The portals doesn't seem to be hurting anyone, mortals can't even touch them, only those who have died before can see them, but they're portals to the land of dead opening out of nowhere! Some of JLD is even worried that they're mortal realm is collapsing.

So here they are, starting a summoning ritual, while Deadman is wondering if it is possible to die a second time from nerves.

DPxDC Prompt

It is common knowledge in the realms that a ghost that forms outside of the realms is a shade, an incorporeal being that rarely gains enough ectoplasm to interact with their environment, let alone hold a solid form.

Ghosts within the realms do not consider shades to be fully ghosts, they don't have the ectoplasm and they have never set foot within the realms in which all ghosts form.

But in the living realms, shades are the only form of ghosts humans ever heard of, let alone interacted with.

So when the Justice League makes plans to summon the king of ghosts, Deadman is understandably nervous being the only representing ghost, being held together by magic instead of ectoplasm at that. He isn't ashamed to say he was hiding behind Constantine, who knew if the king would be offended by his presence.

It probably would have been a good idea to inform everyone about different types of ghost before hand to avoid the absolute diplomatic nightmare that proceeded the Ghost King's arrival.

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