Digimon Xros Wars - Tumblr Posts
What if the Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon? Pt 1
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
So I am a huge fan of both Danganronpa and Digimon. Since they are both currently my hyper-fixations I decided to make this post. This is heavily inspired by YouTuber Karn EX who makes digimon related content. A lot of his videos discuss possible digimon partners and digivolutions for characters from various franchises such as Pokémon, Power Rangers, Kingdom hearts and many more. I highly recommend checking him out.
Before I start I want to state the rules I made for myself. First off I wanted to try to have the digimon partners to have a somewhat coherent digivolution line. Obviously some of my results do this better than others, but this is digimon. A cat can literally turn into an angel so I was kinda lenient with this rule. I also did not limit myself to a single line. So I am going to have digimon digivolve into something they do not actually digivolve into. But like I said digimon can have little to no connection when they digivolve so I don’t think that’s a major issue. I felt that this was the best way to chose the most suitable digimon possible for these characters. I will be giving each character a rookie, champion, ultimate, and mega digimon. I will also sprinkle in a couple alternate forms, such as dark digivolution.
Secondly I am going to try my best to connect the digimon with notable aspects of the characters. This can include details from their backstory, ultimate talent, role in the plot, death, executions, and even design. When making these decisions a person’s ultimate was my main priority, but some showed better than others.
My original plan was to put at least 3 characters in this post, but this post ended up being much longer than expected. This entire process takes a while so if this post does well, I will slowly do the rest of the V3 cast. For now I am just going to do my favorite characters randomly as I go unless if people ask for a certain character enough. If enough people want it I will do the characters from the first and second Danganronpa games as well. (Characters from the anime and Ultra Despair girls are a possibility but I will not make promises). Feel free to tell me what you think would be the best digimon for these characters as well. After this is only my opinion and nothing is set in stone.
Now that the explanation is done let’s get started with my favorite character:
Kirumi Tojo

Rookie: Morphomon

Out of all of the forms the rookie is what gave me the most trouble with Kirumi. Not a lot of digimon give off a maid vibes so I needed to get creative. I debated using Sistermon Blanc, but it just looked too similar to Sistermon Noir, which was what I wanted to be the champion form. In the end I went with Morphomon for a few reasons. It is an insect digimon which could fit into the spider theme of Kirumi’s clothes and execution since they’re both bugs. I know that there are spider rookie digimon but didn’t think digimon such as KoDokugumon fit Kirumi very well. I think a more cute and child-like digimon would fit better with motherly nature that many of the characters associated Kirumi with. Morphomon is also the main antagonist from the movie Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna, despite its seemingly innocent appearance. This fits into Kirumi being one of the most helpful, and selfless members among the V3 cast, which led to it being a huge shock when she was revealed to be the blackened of Chapter 2. Many of the V3 characters were in state of disbelief when they found out that she murdered someone.
Champion: Sistermon Noir

I know there is not really a connection between Sistermon Noir and Morphomon, but I really thought this was the best possible fit. Good thing Digimon do not need a obvious or even existing connection. I just felt like Sistermon Noir screamed Kirumi. It fits nicely into her goth aesthetic, and a nun is kinda close to a maid? Admittedly a lot of my digimon choices with Kirumi are a bit of a stretch. Also once again I think a more child-like digimon would work well as Kirumi’s partner.
Ultimate: Arukenimon

Here is that spider theme you have all been waiting for. I think that out of all the spider digimon Arukenimon fits Kirumi the best, so I had to use it as her ultimate. It’s the only spider digimon that does not look too creepy or gross. I also think it transitions nicely from being a human-like digimon to a human/spider hybrid digimon. Since Arukenimon is a main villain in Digimon Adventure 02, it can also allude to Kirumi being a blackened.
But in a universe where this was some sort of anime, I could totally see Kirumi having an alternative Ultimate in the form of Aegiochusmon Green.

It’s a more feminine looking digimon than Ajatarmon, but that is still a solid pick. I just think Kirumi is one of a more feminine female characters in Danganronpa. The main reason that I think this would be a good alternate Ultimate is because the thorny vines allude to the thorny vine that Kirumi had to climb up during her execution. A little grim, but since Kirumi has one of the most iconic, and brutal executions in Danganronpa I thought having a digimon referencing it would be fitting. I also think it is still a decent transition from Sistermon Noir.
Once again in some alternate universe where this is an anime or fanfiction, another alternate form in the Ultimate stage would be a dark digivolution. Since Danganronpa puts a huge emphasis on despair, I think discussing a dark digivolution would be appropriate. I could see Kirumi feeling very overworked and frustrated, especially if her partner has child-like personality like previously discussed. Maybe the rest of the cast have been asking her for a lot of extra favors and of course she won’t refuse them due to her selfless devotion. Then her digimon partner is not making the situation any better by acting like an ungrateful child and making even more problems for Kirumi to deal with. This causes a lot of tension between the pair, and the feelings of stress and anger combine into creating a dark digivolution in the form of AxeKnightmon.

Once again I think this is a good transition from Sistermon Noir. Kirumi’s selfless devotion reminds me a lot of knights, and many of the fantasy aus I have seen tell me that a lot of people think the same thing. So why not make the dark digivolution a dark knight? Axeknightmon is also a huge villain in the Xros Wars anime and manga, which makes this pick even more perfect. A knight full of bitterness and despair makes a perfect dark digivolution in my opinion. This also leads to a good connection to the final form that Kirumi’s digimon would take.
Mega: Queenchessmon

When I found this digimon I knew that this was the perfect mega for Kirumi. I can see each of my Ultimate picks transitioning nicely to Queenchessmon. She is a reference to the Prime Minister plot line that Kirumi had in her motive video. First of all a queen is a leader similar to a Prime Minister. Second of all in chess despite the King being considered the all important leader it does not really do anything. Instead the queen does most of the work and destroys everything in its path. This is a nice parallel to everyone thinking the Prime Minister was leading the country while in reality, Kirumi was acting as the de facto Prime Minister, and doing all the work. Also QueenChessmon gives off knight vibes, which is a good connection between it and AxeKnightmon. A just and loving digimon like Queenchessmon is honestly the choice that I am proudest of with this line.
I already have some of the rest of the characters planned out so hopefully I will post those soon. I hope you all enjoyed! Please let me know some other picks that you think would fit Kirumi better or even your own ideas for the rest of the cast.
What if the Danganronpa V3 Characters Were Given Digimon? Pt 2
Part 1, Part 3 , Part 4(I will add links as I get more done)
Hello everyone I am back! The only reason that this was was done relatively quickly was because I already had the digimon of this character planned, and I had a lot of free time. I just thought adding them last post would make it too long. I explain what the heck I am doing in part 1 so go check it out. But I do want to clarify a couple things I did not make clear in the first post.
1. Almost everyone will be given a dark digivolution of some kind. (There will be a couple exceptions that I will explain if I do those characters.) Since Danganronpa has a hope vs despair theme I think having an evolution that represents despair would be fitting. It is not a default digivolution though. It’s an Agumon to SkullGreymon scenario. They can happen at any stage (except rookie) since a dark digivolution has happened at least once in every stage in digimon media. So different characters are going to have dark digivolutions at different stages. Alternate evolutions (not dark ones) are a possibility but not a guarantee.
2. I will be doing my absolute best to not include repeats. If I do repeat it will only be one digimon in the line. But I will be more lenient with that rule if I do end up doing characters from different casts. This is mostly because a good handful of characters have similar (or in some cases the same) Ultimate talents, which do play a huge part in my decision process.
3. I realized that while making this post tumblr will only allow me to use 10 images per post. This is obviously a problem if I want to include pictures of a full digivolution line, including dark digivolutions and alternate forms, and the character. This makes it almost impossible for me to do more than one character with everything that I want in one post. So I will have to do only one character per post. But since some might take more thought than others, or I just really want to do more than one, separate posts could be posted on the same day.
Kaede Akamatsu

Before I start can I just say how hard it was to find digimon for Kaede! I wanted a music theme since she is the Ultimate Pianist and I knew trying to find something piano themed would be impossible. I did not realize that the most well know music themed digimon are the Gekomon line and I didn’t think they suited Kaede. When I thought I had something that kinda worked the Ultimate ruined it, so I had to scramble to find something that works. So her digimon line might seem a little odd but I think it works.
Rookie: Cutemon

After a lot of searching once I remembered Cutemon I thought that it would be a good rookie for Kaede. I believe that Kaede likes adorable things and Cutemon definitely fits into that category. Also since a lot of her color scheme is pink I figured a pink digimon would work well. Cutemon also has headphones which can kind of relate it back to the music/sound theme that I originally wanted. Rabbits also have big ears and have sensitive hearing which can tie back into music? I know it’s a stretch but like I said there are not a lot of music themed digimon and even less that fit Kaede. I briefly thought about using Shoutmon, but quickly decided that Cutemon was a better fit. (Shoutmon would be a better choice for a certain musician) I can totally see Kaede constantly cuddling and hugging this digimon because Cutemon is just so adorable.
Champion: TeslaJellymon

Yeah this is when things are starting to get a little weird for this evolution line. I originally wanted to use Turuiemon and then the rest of the default Lopmon line after. While I still think that would have worked there was a certain ultimate that was so perfect for Kaede that I needed to use it. While digimon do not need a super obvious or coherent transition, I still think that after I reveal the other digimon in the line many would agree that the transition from Turuiemon would have been a little wack. So I had to find some way to connect Cutemon to its future Ultimate. I thought about Seahomon since it’s head kinda looks like a trumpet and it can tie into the music theme, but that had the same problem as Turuiemon. Not as bad, but I wanted something better. In the end I figured that TeslaJellymon was the best choice. You can kinda see Cutemon in there. The antennae look similar to rabbit ears, the tentacles (?) look similar to Cutemon’s scarf, and the bits of pink kinda look like Cutemon burst out of its own fur. I actually think that the sweet Cutemon being given a more mischievous Champion form serves as a good parallel with Kaede. A lot of people look at Kaede as see a very cute, sweet, and innocent girl. While the first 2 are true Kaede is far from innocent. This can be seen through her more … perverted side of her personality. Have you seen her interactions with Tsumugi? She is very dirty minded! This can also be seen through her trying to kill the mastermind. TeslaJellymon also easily leads into an aquatic theme that will be very important for the transition into the Ultimate and Mega. 
Ultimate: Sirenmon

Ah yes the digimon that is the cause for all my grief. This digimon is the whole reason I had to revamp Kaede’s digimon line. Once I found out that Sirenmon existed I knew that I needed to give it to Kaede. Sirenmon fits into the music theme that I wanted for Kaede perfectly! It even has music notes in its design! It’s a perfect fit! But obviously going from a fighter rabbit to this bird/fish to another rabbit was not going to work, which is why I dropped the idea of using most of the Lopmon line. Since TeslaJellymon is a jelly fish and Sirenmon has fish-like characteristics I figured that the aquatic theme would provide a smooth enough transition. Sirenmon is also super adorable like Cutemon and I think it and Kaede would get along well.
Mega: AncientMermaimon

So the Mega left me kinda stuck for a while. I originally wanted to use Cherubimon Virtue, but I already explained why it wouldn’t work. So I decided to stick with the aquatic theme and use AncientMermaimon. Mermaids are commonly associated with songs and sirens, so it can kinda fit into the music theme I wanted. I could have gone more of the bird route with FrosVelgrmon, but other than the fact that it looks like it can be in the same line as Sirenmon there is no other good connection for it. It doesn’t really connect to Kaede at all. At least AncientMermaimon has some connection with Kaede working for it, even if I am searching for crumbs at this point.
Now it’s time for a dark digivolution. So I will once again be going into fanfiction/anime mode. I feel like the cause of her dark digivolution would be very similar to Tai and Takoto. Kaede can be very pushy and will get tunnel vision so bad that she won’t notice the problems that she will cause others. Her intentions are good, but everyone just ends up suffering. This can be seen through her insistence of the cast to keep going through the death road of despair, despite everyone repeatedly failing and getting injured. I can totally see her trying to force her partner to digivolve either because she is in a rush to get stronger or something bad happens and in her rush for revenge she forces her partner to digivolve to Cherubimon Vice.

Now that Cherubimon idea I had can finally be put into use. We lose the aquatic theme, but still think this works as a good dark mega for Cutemon. Not much for me to say. Cherubim on Vice is one of the most well known examples of a dark digivolution. Just the idea of something so cute turning into something so evil fits Kaede really well for some reason.
I will admit this line might not be the best pick, so feedback is always appreciated. I know the sudden aquatic theme may seem weird, (especially if I do a certain swimmer eventually), but I still think they managed to fit Kaede in some way. Sadly no alternate evolutions in this line. I just couldn’t find a lot to go off of, and I didn’t want to cause more suffering than this line already did.
Over a year ago I started watching Xros Wars. 3 days ago I finally finished Hunters last episode. To be fair in the interim I also watched... every other digimon anime in its entirety (except for some movies), finished Cyber Sleuth and played the entirety of Hackers memory.
But I do have some thoughts about Xros Wars, or at least how I'm interpreting things.
So. Taiki.
Taiki's is a “Paragon” type of hero whose biggest flaws are being too dedicated to helping people and as such sometimes collapsing. Admittedly far from my favorite type of character, even when done well. Xros Wars fortunately does make this a flaw that causes them issues at times. Unfortunately though, in my opinion, it does not properly acknowledge this flaw.
It causes problems in the Lake Zone, when it puts him out of commission. But aside from that it doesn’t really come up. It also sort of comes up again during the Death Generals arc, both with Gravimon’s core, and Yuu’s game. Two instances where it really is Taiki’s life vs. their goals. And the answer seems to be “Taiki is worth more healthy than he is sick/wounded/dead”. Which I think is a good take on the “too good” archetype. And it is something Taiki seems to do less as time goes on.
But I do think Taiki does have a different arc, that does actually get handled better that this ties into. Taiki’s final arc in relation to Apollomon boils down to sometimes, tough decisions have to be made. And I think this is what they were trying to do in episode 25. However, the situation that they are presenting isn’t really a “no good answers” deal, as much as it is Kiriha being an asshole. Taiki learning to have to make tough decisions is a great one for him. The only thing I would wish for in this regard is perhaps a better build up to this. But again, I think this is just a smaller piece of what is supposed to be Taiki’s main arc. But the core of this, is Taiki is someone who can’t turn his back on injustice, can’t turn his back on people. But is willing to throw himself into harm's way for other people. And these two points are related. It parallels Nene and Yuu’s relationship, in which Nene would do anything for Yuu, but in doing so fails to recognize Yuu’s autonomy which ends up hurting everyone involved. It foils Kiriha’s narrative in which he takes responsibility for being too weak to handle things when really he’s a victim.
While I don’t think it’s handled the greatest, I do think this is one of Xros Wars main points. You are not responsible for the actions of other people. You are worth just as much as any other person. Other people can be at fault. Other people can help you out. Everyone is an individual.
Taiki in episode 30 is not properly giving Akari and Zenjirou the space to make their own decisions. They can’t come anyway, but he’s not really allowing them autonomy. In fairness, Taiki accidentally put them in danger in the first place and it would make sense that he feels guilty for that. But Akari and Zenjirou are their own people who can make their own decisions, and I felt like Taiki grasped that at the end of that arc, or was at least on his way there. Which is why Taiki keeping things from Akari and Zenjirou in Hunters is dumb, although I'm not really judging questionable Hunters decisions in the context of judging Xros.
This also extends to Taiki’s “traumatic backstory” in which Taiki felt guilty about the decisions someone else had made. Manga Taiki had a similar incident, but that incident Taiki was at least a little more involved in the events that transpired. But in both cases, Taiki takes responsibility for something that is not his own fault, in what on the surface seems to be altruism, but is really egotistical. While I think I like the manga’s take on this better, the anime has its own charm in being such an insignificant incident that Taiki latched onto. Either way I think Taiki’s real arc in Xros Wars is coming to realize that he is just one person and that he can’t make decisions for other people. You might even be able to consider the final episodes of Xros Wars, when he willingly patches the torch to Tagiru to be accepting he can’t do it all (or the fact he’s literally too injured to do anything or a half-baked excuse to justify Tagiru, your choice).
Taiki is capable of denying others help, to a certain extent. Taiki denies helping Shoutmon, at first, because he doesn’t think Shoutmon is someone who's actually in trouble. At least, not to the point of prioritizing him over Zenjirou and Akari, who he stuck in another world, and that takes precedence. He thinks Shoutmon is asking for help for something unnecessary, for his own selfish dream. Taiki’s manga backstory actually makes more sense here because Taiki’s dream lead to hurting others, and that could make him more critical of self-aggrandizing dreams. But that’s a different story. Regardless, Taiki is easily persuaded and it seems it was the “Bigger” problem of Akari and Zenjirou that kept him from easily agreeing to help Shoutmon.
It’s also not as if Taiki is incapable of asking for or accepting help from other people, Akari in particular. In fact he depends on Akari’s help to do what he does. (Even if the show doesn’t acknowledge it past the first arc). But he definitely avoids drawing other people into problems, supporting those that are already involved.
Apollomon and Beelzebumon I think make this come full circle to Taiki. Beelzebumon died because he wouldn’t rest, but he made that decision for himself, a decision that Taiki earlier in the show was willing to make himself. And Apollomon suffered because Taiki refused to do something that he wouldn’t hesitate to do to himself if the roles were swapped.
There are hard decisions that need to be made in war. But the goal isn’t merely to disregard life when there’s bigger stakes. It's to accept that there are people who are willing to make sacrifices just like you are and accepting their autonomy in being part of these hard decisions. (If this makes sense?)
If we look at Shoutmon’s desire to be King, a King is fundamentally a person who makes decisions on behalf of a group of people. Shoutmon is perhaps a little more honest in his goals. Shoutmon wants to become king so others don’t suffer, and recruits people to his side to accomplish this task. Shoutmon deeply values his friends and allies inputs and wants to be strong enough for their sake, to be a leader. (Thanks episode 25). Meanwhile Taiki is recruited by others for their own goals, because he believes that he owes others his strength.
To be honest, I’m not sure if I’m reading too far into this or if this was obvious to everyone but me.
Taiki’s “thing” is his ability to hear the melodies of dying digimon. It’s not really explained why he can, nor does it need to be. It’s just a version of Takuya’s degree of spirituality, or Masaru’s excessive digisoul, or Taichi’s fateful digimon encounter. A thing that sets him apart from the crowd. I actually really like this concept, as Xros Wars does touch on the idea of different people having different destined roles. Being chosen children in unique ways. Xros Wars doesn’t quite do enough with this, or its music motif in my opinion, but this is a really good take on it and a good way of explicitly demonstrating Taiki’s empathy. I think it could be used a little more often, especially later on, but that’s neither here nor there.
Random Digimons: Neamon 💛

Random Digimons: Dracmon 🦇🖤🩵

Random Digimons: Gumdramon 🐉💜🔨