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Fairy Tail's Spriggan 12 named by me

(Going left to right, from bottom to top)
•First we got sand dude with the Einstein hair. Only named Einstein bc of the hair, is not very smert
•Next up is Zeref is my Senpai, who looks like an emo version of Lyon with a ponytail
•And the Big Kahuna, Zeref himself. Looking regal and adorable as fuck (I know he's a mass murderer but he has such a baby face)
•Our newest female antagonist with a crush on Lucy, my grumpy green sprout
•Then the thirsty Lesbian that messes with time so she can cut other girls' clothes off
•Mister only there for back from the dead character angst
•Dramatic dragon slayer that dies before he can do anything other than strike poses and make dramatic hand guestures
•Robot Mechanic who makes zero sense and needs to take a chill pill.
•Big foreheaded assassin who won't look at Lucy's exposed boobs (the only one who hasn't tbh)
•Red haired woman who is definetly not Erza's mother
•Villain that is apparently not Keys from tartaros but is exactly like him
•Old man that is somehow Zervis' love child
•And my personal favorite, blond orgasm jesus
Link to my review of the ft final season trailer here