Dinraal - Tumblr Posts

He looks like a lil bean I might redraw him to look more mean and scary as he's the dragons of power and fire.
Going to post farosh and naydra later on tonight

feeling sentimental tonight

*Gives you dragon grandparents*
*Also gives you zonai power/magic hypothesis*

Missed drawing some Zelda. So, what if the dragons could become guides and companions (with the bonus of being mounts) to Link? Farosh’s form was inspired by the mountain bucks, Dinraal’s, the water buffalos, and Naydra, the tabantha mooses.
The naydra outfit is so...
Oh my gosh
hey, remember yesterday when I said this armor

kind of looks like Dinraal

and that I hope there is armor based off of all the dragons.
Well, I was watching the trailer for the 20th time and

this basically confirmed it for me and I can’t wait to see one for Farosh as well