Zelda Fanart - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Posting Before The Next Ask Because I Was So Hyped Drawing This! So I Present My Take On Bellumbeck.
Posting Before The Next Ask Because I Was So Hyped Drawing This! So I Present My Take On Bellumbeck.

 Posting before the next ask because I was so hyped drawing this! So I present my take on Bellumbeck.

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4 years ago
 Ok So Expanding On The Ideia Of My Last Post, I Thought It Would Be Cool If Linebecks Markins Were Sensitive

  Ok so expanding on the ideia of my last post, I thought it would be cool if Linebeck’s markins were sensitive to the sun, so he has to wears a cool hat and gloves when out. (They also glow a little in the dark, I guess?)  Anyways, this was a nice shading exercise! I tested some stuff I saw on some tutorials and I think I learned a thing or two! I guess I spent the day drawing... It was very fun but I’m also tired as heck now XD  (now I will work on the asks. See ya in a few days!)

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4 years ago

Does Linebeck have any personality/story changes in your AU? I do enjoy ones where he is far more protective or paternal towards Link

 I don’t think I’ve changed him much, but I really like him being a sort of father figure to Link too. I like to think that they start off as just having a common goal, but with all the time they spend sailing together, they start to understand each other, and Linebeck has this deep respect for that kid who is by far the most noble person he has known. And Link always trusted Linebeck to be his better self, which helped him to get there.  Link also was very attached to Daphnes and viewed him as a father, and misses him deeply. So finding another older friend to share stories and adventures with was very good to the little guy.


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4 years ago
(I DREW LINKS SCAR IN THE WRONG EYE AND IM SAD)but Heres Some Telink To Lighten Your Night! (or Day.)I

 (I DREW LINK’S SCAR IN THE WRONG EYE AND I’M SAD)  but here’s some Telink to lighten your night! (or day.)  I just love them so much ;v;

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4 years ago
Ok, Ive Been Working On This One For Quite Some Time And I Think Its Finally ReadyAU Concept: In OoT,

ok, I’ve been working on this one for quite some time and I think it’s finally ready  AU concept: In OoT, instead of Link getting the master sword and sleeping for seven years, he’s not able to pull her from the pedestal (you know in BotW when you try to get the sword with not enough hearts? something like this happens).  So, Link travels across Hyrule and trains and lives with the many races of the land, learning their ways of fighting and their wisdom. He slowly becomes a hero to the people of the land and starts to be called “Link of all Hyrule”.  He keeps learning to get stronger in heart, body and mind, so one day, he may have the strenght needed to wield the sacred blade, and finally be able to defeat the king of evil.  I plan to work a little more on this AU. let’s see where it goes!

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4 years ago
LION KING OF THE RED LIONS!!Note: Ive Been A Little Busy Lately, So My Posting Schedule Will Be Very
LION KING OF THE RED LIONS!!Note: Ive Been A Little Busy Lately, So My Posting Schedule Will Be Very
LION KING OF THE RED LIONS!!Note: Ive Been A Little Busy Lately, So My Posting Schedule Will Be Very

 LION KING OF THE RED LIONS!!  Note: I’ve been a little busy lately, so my posting schedule will be very random for a while. I guess I’ll be able to pull some finalized fanart, but I expect to post less frequently. I’ll see how it goes.   And I thank everyone for your comments and feedback, that really motivates me! So bye, until next time. have a nice night/day!

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4 years ago
Ok But WHAT IF LINK ADOPTS A BABY GLEEOKI Dont Know, I Just Love Phantom Hourglass Gleeoks Design So

 Ok but WHAT IF LINK ADOPTS A BABY GLEEOK I don’t know, I just love Phantom hourglass Gleeok’s design so much. And I’m still trying to get over baby Volvagia from the manga so maybe this dragon can have a better ending

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4 years ago

How do you think Spirit Tracks will play up as an AU?

So, I’m not as attached to ST as I am to WW and PH (Haven’t even finished it yet) so I didn’t really think about an AU, execpt for: the hero of trains. I think he would be a lot more outgoing and talkative than the hero of winds - the kind of kid that will see a random person doing a random thing in the street and ask them what they are doing and why and what is their name. His right eye is also blue and he has a birthmark where the hero of winds had a scar (because reincarnation stuff i guess)


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4 years ago
So I Decided To Pick Up Again This Au IdeiaI Had Some Months Ago, TheLink Of All Hyrule Au.basic Premise:
So I Decided To Pick Up Again This Au IdeiaI Had Some Months Ago, TheLink Of All Hyrule Au.basic Premise:
So I Decided To Pick Up Again This Au IdeiaI Had Some Months Ago, TheLink Of All Hyrule Au.basic Premise:
So I Decided To Pick Up Again This Au IdeiaI Had Some Months Ago, TheLink Of All Hyrule Au.basic Premise:

 So I decided to pick up again this au ideia I had some months ago, the “Link of All Hyrule” au. basic premise: OoT, but instead of Link sleeping for seven years, he has to travel and train and grow stronger to one day become fit of wielding the Master Sword. Link: As he travels trough Hyrule, he starts to become a sort of myth. Many believe he is, in fact, the hero of legend meant to save Hyrule. They start calling him “the link of all hyrule” as he trained and lived with all the Hyrule races, carrying all of their teachings and strenghs (and in his armor, each piece a token from some time with a different race). His design was meant to show this, and also be a little reminiscent of the First Hero. Zelda: Design meant to mirror Hylia, with elements of Tetra. She lost her memory while living as Sheik to protect herself from Ganon, and travels many times alongside Link while in disguise. Even as Sheik, her desire to protect Hyrule shines strongly, and she ends up sharing a deep bond with Link. Ganon: As he became Demon King, he slowly started to lose more and more of his humanity, eventually reaching a form similar to his beast one. He was the one to scar Link, as the boy tried to protect Zelda, who was fleeing from the castle. Design inspired by that concept art in Hyrule Historia with a half-beast Ganondorf that I think too much about, with a bit of HW Ganon. that’s it for now. Also happy new year four days late, everyone!

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4 years ago
Missed Drawing Some Zelda. So, What If The Dragons Could Become Guides And Companions (with The Bonus
Missed Drawing Some Zelda. So, What If The Dragons Could Become Guides And Companions (with The Bonus
Missed Drawing Some Zelda. So, What If The Dragons Could Become Guides And Companions (with The Bonus
Missed Drawing Some Zelda. So, What If The Dragons Could Become Guides And Companions (with The Bonus

 Missed drawing some Zelda. So, what if the dragons could become guides and companions (with the bonus of being mounts) to Link?  Farosh’s form was inspired by the mountain bucks, Dinraal’s, the water buffalos, and Naydra, the tabantha mooses.

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3 years ago

 Hi fellas today I want to introduce to you this cursed crack ship that me and my bestie started last year as a joke but then went out of control to the point where we were planning a whole fic about them full of shenanigans, drama, character arcs and political twili plots

 Anyways I’m calling it midline

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3 years ago
Hi Tumblr, Im Currently Working On Some Stuff And Thats Why Ive Been Away From Here (and Probably Will

Hi tumblr, I’m currently working on some stuff and that’s why i’ve been away from here (and probably will stay like that for some time). 

But, since I missed posting, here’s some doodles on an AU where Link was raised by the gorons: They found him when he was still 4 or 5 years old, and took care of the boy. He can’t remember a thing from his past, but is very happy with his tribe, being closest to chief Darunia, warrior Daruk and young Yunobo. Although, he feels like the triforce mark on the back of his hand means something... And one day, destiny will call him.

He also has a very grumpy Eldin ostritch as his “horse”.

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2 years ago
Exercise For My Drawing Class! I Was Supposed To Draw Stuff In Different Styles And Chose Wolf And Midna

Exercise for my drawing class! I was supposed to draw stuff in different styles and chose Wolf and Midna for this one

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1 year ago
Sidon Painting Referenced From That One Age Of Calamity Screenshot! I'm Trying To Improve My Ability

Sidon painting referenced from that one Age of Calamity screenshot! I'm trying to improve my ability to paint using various screenshots from botw/totk/aoc since they're cel-shaded. Pretty happy with how it turned out.

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8 months ago

Link doesn't have a job therefore he does not need to pay taxes

clossifed - Classified

clossifed - Classified

Here's some doodles I made some time ago lol

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2 years ago
I Like The Gerudo From Zelda. Her Name Is Ruda.

I like the gerudo from Zelda. Her name is Ruda.

J'aime les gerudo dans Zelda. Son nom est Ruda

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2 years ago
Gerudo!Link, Dans Cet UA, Link Est Le Fils De Ruda Et De OcarinaOfTime!Link. Ruda Nomma Sont Aprs Le

Gerudo!Link, dans cet UA, Link est le fils de Ruda et de OcarinaOfTime!Link. Ruda nomma sont après le seul homme qu'elle ait aimée.

Ruda encore enceinte a été envoyé dans le future quelques années avant le Crépuscule. À cette époque, la guerre entre les gerudo et les hyliens était terminée mais les gerudo étaient très mal vu donc en utilisant la magie mère et fils déguisèrent leurs traits gerudo en hylien (Link devint alors une copie quasiment conforme à son père). Ensuite viens l'histoire du manga Twilight Princess, où Link reçoit un entrainement pour devenir chevalier dans la ville frontalière au désert Gerudo. Contrairement au manga, Link n'est pas le seul habitant de la ville à ne pas avoir disparu, sa mère est également là. Merci, OcarinaOfTime!Link ! Sa mère et lui part dans des directions opposer pour éviter des problème à Link. Ce n'est qu'une fois à Toal que Link est plus confortable à montrer sa vrai apparence à d'autre personne que Ruda.

Au lieu d'avoir le bouclier Hylien, Link a le bouclier des sept joyaux. Sa tenu est différente, toujours du même vert forêt mais elle faite plus pour la discrétion (pour un voleur) que la tenu traditionnelle de chevalier du champion d'Hylia (fait pour un chevalier).

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2 years ago
Gerudo!Link, In This AU, Link Is The Son Of Ruda And OcarinaOfTime!Link. Ruda Named Her After The Only

Gerudo!Link, in this AU, Link is the son of Ruda and OcarinaOfTime!Link. Ruda named her after the only man she ever loved.

Ruda, still pregnant, was sent to the future a few years before Twilight. At that time, the war between the gerudo and the hylians was over but the gerudo were very frowned upon so by using magic mother and son disguised their gerudo features as hylians (Link then became an almost exact copy of his father). Next comes the manga story Twilight Princess, where Link receives training to become a knight in the desert border town Gerudo. Unlike the manga, Link isn't the only townsman who hasn't disappeared, his mother is also there. Thank you, OcarinaOfTime!Link! He and his mother go in opposite directions to avoid problems for Link. It's only once in Toal that Link is more comfortable showing his true self to anyone other than Ruda.

Instead of having the Hylian Shield, Link has the Seven Jewel Shield. His outfit is different, still the same forest green but it does more for stealth (for a thief) than the traditional knight outfit of the champion of Hylia (made for a knight).

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