Dion Lesage X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

What your relationship was like

(warning:most are poly headcanons but i can make sepreate headcanons if requested or asked)

What Your Relationship Was Like

Clive Rosfield + Jill Warrick

-For starters Torgal just loves you <3 -seeing as torgal is family to them, his trust in you is important -if the wolf approves of you, dating one or even both will be a breeze -ultimate support group -when you have rough times they're there for you -Clive will help you by talking things out -he understand if you mind is conflicted or if you're mind is a overall mess -he's patent with you and willing to stay with you to figure things out -jill can't stand when you have low self esteem -self doubt and having a jumbled mind is also not new to jill and ,like clive, she understands the struggles of it -words of encouragement is a given when dating them -going out away from the hidaway by yourself will become much of a challenge -jill, clive, or torgal has to be with you -dating outlaws is not the safest option for they have just as many enemies as they do allies -so you definitely have to keep your wits bout you -jill and clive are affection people but they're probably both shy about expressing their love for you in public.

What Your Relationship Was Like

Joshua Rosfield+jote 

-Safety is number one with them - especially during the long journey with ultima and joshua's condition -due to this the relationship seems to be strained with very few intimate moments -jote takes up the main take carer role ensuring you and Joshua's health are at there best for the most part -when you're all resting from a long walk ,or because Joshua is coughing fit, she greatly appreciates when you help her or when you take initiative and take care of jote and Joshua -the best you'll get in terms of dates are long supply runs with jote when medicine is low or yall need to restock -the company cheers jote's morale and makes the journey worth it - although Joshua's condition makes it hard from time to time for him to participate in the mini date supply runs, he has other ways to spend some time with you -if jote does a solo trip, Joshua would offer to tell stories about his childhood or do fun makeshift games. - he doesn't want his condition getting in the way to have a normal relationship - although Joshua appreciates your support and willingness to see this though, he's not very fond of you joining them and makes it difficult if things if times get tough - despite these jote and Joshua are willing to make as many happy moments even if it's for a moment

What Your Relationship Was Like

Cidolfus Telamon

-Despite what happen with Benedikta,who’s not really fond with you, your relationship is quite a positive one -Although he can’t give you everything you wanted, he still insures you have a comfortable life -You’re also like a second parent to mid :) -something you have to get used to when being with him is the smell of smoke off of him and his expeditions to make the twins a better place -like clive and jill, cid is not fond of you going by yourself and is even more against of you helping the cause on a more hands on level -it’s dangerous out there and the last thing he want is you being kidnapped or be killed -he’ll never forgive himself if you got hurt - i feel like cid is a fairly romantic man -the type of person who would bring you flowers and your favorite treats when in stock -you’re one of his main drives to make the world a better place

What Your Relationship Was Like

Benedikta Harman

-very touchy ngl -very physically affectionate -cuddles are a must every night -i feel like she shows more of her softness and becomes more vulnerable with you -she trust you to vent all of her frustrations and express her true feelings -benedikta would never tell you her previous relations with cid,hugo nor Barnabas in fear of you leaving her like cid did or only be used by you like Barnabas dose -she spoils you with anything you desire that is in her power to give to you -anything to gain your attention and love -with you i feel like she’ll try to aim more for a general romantic normal relationship instead of something more sexual -I also think in her head she sees you as another cid with better qualities and differences which make her heart swoon

What Your Relationship Was Like

Dion Lesage + Terence

-your relationship is top secret for a multitude of reasons -you’re a target for enemy nations -his father may disapprove of the whole thing all together -his snake of a stepmother and brother -the counsel,astrologers -too many eyes that could pry to ya’ll temporary paradise -outsiders see you three as close friends and companions and the only few who are close to the prince -loyalty is important between you three -terence is willing to support whatever you do and be a pillar of support just like how he does with dion -Terence is willing to hear you out when days get tough and listen to your worries and offer solutions -terence will find opportunities and opening to spend time with you and help you with simpler things like shopping or running errands -Dion will make sure you’re treated like royalty -I feel like Dion make sures terence needs are met seeing he’s his lover after all so im dang sure he’ll spred the treatment to you when you join there forbidden relationship -dion likes to write letters for you and each letter have wyvern tail seeds for you to plant or wyvern tail flower -Being prince and leader of the dragoons makes him relatively busy so letter are one of the few way to communicate with you

What Your Relationship Was Like

Barnabas Tharmr + sleipnir Harbard

-honestly wishing u the best of luck -your treated like a god by them -sleipnir is your personal attendant given by barnabas which made him grow more fond of you -barnabas doesn't care for sleipnir's grown fondness as it's no different from sending a clone of himself just to have the clone like you - barnabas is a clingy man which is often shown through his touch or though Sleipnir's actions how he follows you much like a shadow -once you're in this relationship there's hardly any way out that doesn't result in turing you akashic -they don't  expect much from you, you're only human after all -what they do expect is 100% total loyalty to them and to ultima -you literally can do anything and get away with almost everything -want some jewelry? barnabas got them -want a massage? it would be sleipnir pleasure -want a kingdom destroyed? Odin's on there way -enemies? Dead -you have lots of privilege if you remain obedient and docile for them

What Your Relationship Was Like

Hugo kupka 

-S -I -M -P - you are officially benedikta 2.0 - he is horrendously down bad for you -kisses the ground you walk upon kinda bad -worships you really bad -he doesn't care if you love him back or not but he is really possessive -it's a given on how possessive he is to you for he doesn't want to lose you -he'll whispered sweet nothings in your ear and genuinely mean them -big into physical affection -honestly probably a great cuddler -he's big enough for the title - he's the type of person who would give you gifts and explained each one like he's offering them to a god then ends up saying something like; -"this necklace brings out your natural glow" -"gemstones matches with the shine in your eyes" -bro's absolute gone for you💀 - simps are not always a good thing but i guess it makes him really genuine tho -like you can have a bad day and he'll do everything in his power to make you smile -no matter the cost -probably has brought you up once in a meeting -in public i don't see him spreading your praises as much but the people surely know you exist and don't want to cross you.

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1 year ago

What your relationship was like

(warning:most are poly headcanons but i can make sepreate headcanons if requested or asked)

What Your Relationship Was Like

Clive Rosfield + Jill Warrick

-For starters Torgal just loves you <3 -seeing as torgal is family to them, his trust in you is important -if the wolf approves of you, dating one or even both will be a breeze -ultimate support group -when you have rough times they're there for you -Clive will help you by talking things out -he understand if you mind is conflicted or if you're mind is a overall mess -he's patent with you and willing to stay with you to figure things out -jill can't stand when you have low self esteem -self doubt and having a jumbled mind is also not new to jill and ,like clive, she understands the struggles of it -words of encouragement is a given when dating them -going out away from the hidaway by yourself will become much of a challenge -jill, clive, or torgal has to be with you -dating outlaws is not the safest option for they have just as many enemies as they do allies -so you definitely have to keep your wits bout you -jill and clive are affection people but they're probably both shy about expressing their love for you in public.

What Your Relationship Was Like

Joshua Rosfield+jote 

-Safety is number one with them - especially during the long journey with ultima and joshua's condition -due to this the relationship seems to be strained with very few intimate moments -jote takes up the main take carer role ensuring you and Joshua's health are at there best for the most part -when you're all resting from a long walk ,or because Joshua is coughing fit, she greatly appreciates when you help her or when you take initiative and take care of jote and Joshua -the best you'll get in terms of dates are long supply runs with jote when medicine is low or yall need to restock -the company cheers jote's morale and makes the journey worth it - although Joshua's condition makes it hard from time to time for him to participate in the mini date supply runs, he has other ways to spend some time with you -if jote does a solo trip, Joshua would offer to tell stories about his childhood or do fun makeshift games. - he doesn't want his condition getting in the way to have a normal relationship - although Joshua appreciates your support and willingness to see this though, he's not very fond of you joining them and makes it difficult if things if times get tough - despite these jote and Joshua are willing to make as many happy moments even if it's for a moment

What Your Relationship Was Like

Cidolfus Telamon

-Despite what happen with Benedikta,who’s not really fond with you, your relationship is quite a positive one -Although he can’t give you everything you wanted, he still insures you have a comfortable life -You’re also like a second parent to mid :) -something you have to get used to when being with him is the smell of smoke off of him and his expeditions to make the twins a better place -like clive and jill, cid is not fond of you going by yourself and is even more against of you helping the cause on a more hands on level -it’s dangerous out there and the last thing he want is you being kidnapped or be killed -he’ll never forgive himself if you got hurt - i feel like cid is a fairly romantic man -the type of person who would bring you flowers and your favorite treats when in stock -you’re one of his main drives to make the world a better place

What Your Relationship Was Like

Benedikta Harman

-very touchy ngl -very physically affectionate -cuddles are a must every night -i feel like she shows more of her softness and becomes more vulnerable with you -she trust you to vent all of her frustrations and express her true feelings -benedikta would never tell you her previous relations with cid,hugo nor Barnabas in fear of you leaving her like cid did or only be used by you like Barnabas dose -she spoils you with anything you desire that is in her power to give to you -anything to gain your attention and love -with you i feel like she’ll try to aim more for a general romantic normal relationship instead of something more sexual -I also think in her head she sees you as another cid with better qualities and differences which make her heart swoon

What Your Relationship Was Like

Dion Lesage + Terence

-your relationship is top secret for a multitude of reasons -you’re a target for enemy nations -his father may disapprove of the whole thing all together -his snake of a stepmother and brother -the counsel,astrologers -too many eyes that could pry to ya’ll temporary paradise -outsiders see you three as close friends and companions and the only few who are close to the prince -loyalty is important between you three -terence is willing to support whatever you do and be a pillar of support just like how he does with dion -Terence is willing to hear you out when days get tough and listen to your worries and offer solutions -terence will find opportunities and opening to spend time with you and help you with simpler things like shopping or running errands -Dion will make sure you’re treated like royalty -I feel like Dion make sures terence needs are met seeing he’s his lover after all so im dang sure he’ll spred the treatment to you when you join there forbidden relationship -dion likes to write letters for you and each letter have wyvern tail seeds for you to plant or wyvern tail flower -Being prince and leader of the dragoons makes him relatively busy so letter are one of the few way to communicate with you

What Your Relationship Was Like

Barnabas Tharmr + sleipnir Harbard

-honestly wishing u the best of luck -your treated like a god by them -sleipnir is your personal attendant given by barnabas which made him grow more fond of you -barnabas doesn't care for sleipnir's grown fondness as it's no different from sending a clone of himself just to have the clone like you - barnabas is a clingy man which is often shown through his touch or though Sleipnir's actions how he follows you much like a shadow -once you're in this relationship there's hardly any way out that doesn't result in turing you akashic -they don't  expect much from you, you're only human after all -what they do expect is 100% total loyalty to them and to ultima -you literally can do anything and get away with almost everything -want some jewelry? barnabas got them -want a massage? it would be sleipnir pleasure -want a kingdom destroyed? Odin's on there way -enemies? Dead -you have lots of privilege if you remain obedient and docile for them

What Your Relationship Was Like

Hugo kupka 

-S -I -M -P - you are officially benedikta 2.0 - he is horrendously down bad for you -kisses the ground you walk upon kinda bad -worships you really bad -he doesn't care if you love him back or not but he is really possessive -it's a given on how possessive he is to you for he doesn't want to lose you -he'll whispered sweet nothings in your ear and genuinely mean them -big into physical affection -honestly probably a great cuddler -he's big enough for the title - he's the type of person who would give you gifts and explained each one like he's offering them to a god then ends up saying something like; -"this necklace brings out your natural glow" -"gemstones matches with the shine in your eyes" -bro's absolute gone for you💀 - simps are not always a good thing but i guess it makes him really genuine tho -like you can have a bad day and he'll do everything in his power to make you smile -no matter the cost -probably has brought you up once in a meeting -in public i don't see him spreading your praises as much but the people surely know you exist and don't want to cross you.

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1 year ago

What makes them worry about there S/o

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

========Clive + jill============== -when you’re out for long periods by yourself This was briefly mentioned earlier but clive and(Mostly) Jill would feel uncomfortable leaving you to your own devices for longer periods far away from any safe spots like Martha’s rest. Both suggest to have someone to accompany you.

-when in battle It's not news that you'll have to draw weapons at someone but it's a event they wish you'd avoid. Battling is like playing a game with chance and skill so not even they would know if you'll make it out alive in a fight. Because of this, they wish you avoid conflict at all costs or let them help you solve the problem.

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

=======Joshua + jote============= -when you and joshua by yourselves -jote is protective over both of you -yall’s safety is very important to her so having you guys out by yourselves makes her anxious -on the otherside joshua would be in the same situation if you and jote are out alone together -not only he fears of you both not returning when he’s bedridden he also fears of ultima who might get in contact with either one of you -unlike clive and jill, this worry would only stem if you are out with joshua or with jote for a extended period of time -for example; jote is shopping for medicine while both you and joshua are out and about shopping for useful items. When she returns to the inn/hotel/home and realized y'all haven't return, she begins to worry

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Cid=============== -he’s not the biggest worry wart but he has his moments when he’s concern -you can be out for extended periods in time(like explorations long) -you could be traveling too close to odin's territory or hang around in the blight -what makes him worry the most is when you’re injured -getting hurt any sort of way makes his heart sink. -like who hurt you? What harmed you? -being hurt or you having a near death experience would traumatize him

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Benedikta============ -based on canon she has some sort of abandonment issues(from my pov when i was playing) -so she worries i can even say fears that one day you’ll leave her -especially if you became almost a perfect replacement for that empty hole cid left within her -she does her best to become a good lover to you and would hide things from you if it means she’ll stay with you -if she cares enough for you,she’ll even put away some of her selfishness and try to accommodate to your needs -but this fear also explains her possessiveness and can be somewhat controlling of you -the last thing she wants is you to leave her alone

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

======Dion + terence============== -most fears and worries come from Dion -boi has a lot going on and since he has a image to keep and responsibilities he does worry he’ll have little time to spend with you -Terence also has the same worries for he has to be by Dion’s side as his second in command -this worry of making you feel left out also stems from them being gone for long periods of time dealing with orders from Dion’s father,Sylvestre, casualty wanting a conquest -they also both worry if you’re caught in the crossfire of anything -be it monsters, akashic, or even if Dion has to use Bahamut on home turf -Dion dose worry about you getting hurt by him -Terence just worries if you get into any trouble without protection

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============ -barnabas dose fear about your death -although ultima’s ideals rain supreme, he does fear that he’ll lose the only think he cares about which is you -sleipnir holds similar worries and acts on these worries on barnabas’s behalf by granting you round the clock protection and advice so you wouldn't be turned akashic or end up parishing under any means -helicoptering you is just the side effect on having some power over odin -behind close doors barnabas truly worships you similarly to hugo -so you dying or having to be turned into basically a ether infused zombie is not something he looks forward to

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Hugo============ -like barnabas, he worries of your untimely demise -hugo wouldn't go so far as to helicopter you but would often suggest guards to accompany you or him -he always worries if something were to happen to you like a major injury -if you do end up fighting someone and you end up hurt, if the person who assaulted you is alive he would kill them and there entire bloodline and anyone involved -you’re his prize possession and he refuses to have anything happen to you

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1 year ago

What makes them worry about there S/o

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

========Clive + jill============== -when you’re out for long periods by yourself This was briefly mentioned earlier but clive and(Mostly) Jill would feel uncomfortable leaving you to your own devices for longer periods far away from any safe spots like Martha’s rest. Both suggest to have someone to accompany you.

-when in battle It's not news that you'll have to draw weapons at someone but it's a event they wish you'd avoid. Battling is like playing a game with chance and skill so not even they would know if you'll make it out alive in a fight. Because of this, they wish you avoid conflict at all costs or let them help you solve the problem.

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

=======Joshua + jote============= -when you and joshua by yourselves -jote is protective over both of you -yall’s safety is very important to her so having you guys out by yourselves makes her anxious -on the otherside joshua would be in the same situation if you and jote are out alone together -not only he fears of you both not returning when he’s bedridden he also fears of ultima who might get in contact with either one of you -unlike clive and jill, this worry would only stem if you are out with joshua or with jote for a extended period of time -for example; jote is shopping for medicine while both you and joshua are out and about shopping for useful items. When she returns to the inn/hotel/home and realized y'all haven't return, she begins to worry

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Cid=============== -he’s not the biggest worry wart but he has his moments when he’s concern -you can be out for extended periods in time(like explorations long) -you could be traveling too close to odin's territory or hang around in the blight -what makes him worry the most is when you’re injured -getting hurt any sort of way makes his heart sink. -like who hurt you? What harmed you? -being hurt or you having a near death experience would traumatize him

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Benedikta============ -based on canon she has some sort of abandonment issues(from my pov when i was playing) -so she worries i can even say fears that one day you’ll leave her -especially if you became almost a perfect replacement for that empty hole cid left within her -she does her best to become a good lover to you and would hide things from you if it means she’ll stay with you -if she cares enough for you,she’ll even put away some of her selfishness and try to accommodate to your needs -but this fear also explains her possessiveness and can be somewhat controlling of you -the last thing she wants is you to leave her alone

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

======Dion + terence============== -most fears and worries come from Dion -boi has a lot going on and since he has a image to keep and responsibilities he does worry he’ll have little time to spend with you -Terence also has the same worries for he has to be by Dion’s side as his second in command -this worry of making you feel left out also stems from them being gone for long periods of time dealing with orders from Dion’s father,Sylvestre, casualty wanting a conquest -they also both worry if you’re caught in the crossfire of anything -be it monsters, akashic, or even if Dion has to use Bahamut on home turf -Dion dose worry about you getting hurt by him -Terence just worries if you get into any trouble without protection

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============ -barnabas dose fear about your death -although ultima’s ideals rain supreme, he does fear that he’ll lose the only think he cares about which is you -sleipnir holds similar worries and acts on these worries on barnabas’s behalf by granting you round the clock protection and advice so you wouldn't be turned akashic or end up parishing under any means -helicoptering you is just the side effect on having some power over odin -behind close doors barnabas truly worships you similarly to hugo -so you dying or having to be turned into basically a ether infused zombie is not something he looks forward to

What Makes Them Worry About There S/o

====Hugo============ -like barnabas, he worries of your untimely demise -hugo wouldn't go so far as to helicopter you but would often suggest guards to accompany you or him -he always worries if something were to happen to you like a major injury -if you do end up fighting someone and you end up hurt, if the person who assaulted you is alive he would kill them and there entire bloodline and anyone involved -you’re his prize possession and he refuses to have anything happen to you

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1 year ago

What happens when your hurt

What Happens When Your Hurt

========Clive + jill==============

-depending on how bad or what happen -if you hurt yourself like you scrap your ankle because you’re not paying attention -jill will scold you a little while clive is carrying you to the infirmary to get it quickly patched up -if someone else hurt you(like you just came from a battle) -they would be even more concern and probably ban you for leaving by yourself for a while -if the perpetrator is still out there and yall happen to come across them,expect some side eyeing -not at you but at the person that harmed you -now if they mortality wounded you(like near death) -clive would definitely have some words but his blade will do the talking -there’s a good chance that the enemy who hurt you would live if put up against clive -not so much with jill -surprisingly,or not, jill would suggest to kill them or put them in a near death position like they did for you

What Happens When Your Hurt

=======Joshua + jote=============

-It’s unlikely you would get hurt for Jote and joshua would do there best to prevent you from using your blade -but if push dose come to shove and you do get hurt by someone, I don’t think they’ll seek revenge -they care most about you being alive and mostly unscaved -joshua would heal all of your injuries and make sure you don’t have any more -jote would scold you for taking the fight on your own and express GREAT concern for your well being -no they wouldn't punish the enemy themselves but, they’ll do their best to black mail the person and humiliate them -jote knows her way around the archives and joshua is fantastic connections -there social life could be CRUSHED if they really tried

What Happens When Your Hurt


-acts calm on the inside, probably fuming on the outside -although it doesn't take all of his mental strength to not find the guy and choke this person for hurting you -but he needs to make sure you’re alright -similar to Jote and joshua, he’s also more focus on your own well being then the enemy -he needs to know where you’re hurting and figure out if he has the connections,tools, or resources to help you -I don’t see him as the man to hold a grudge but he would be more weary of you leaving by yourself tho

What Happens When Your Hurt


-If you hurt yourself then she probably wouldn't care too much -if someone injured you then good chances there dead or being hunted by this women -she will not let this crime go unpunished -those who have harmed you WILL suffer the consequences -she may not hunt them to the ends of the earth but if you just happen to point them out on the streets one day, they’ll be gone the next

What Happens When Your Hurt

======Dion + terence==============

-Terence would be the one who treats your wounds 99.9% of the time -he had to take care of Dion so he’s most reliably in terms of taking care if injuries -Dion would check up on you making sure you’re ok and Terence is helping you as he should -now let's say you get hurt by someone else -Dion is fuming -he’s asking questions on who hurt you, where were you, How did this happen and Who in the world did this to you -Terence is acts calm on the inside, probably fuming on the outside pt2 -unlike dion ,who kinda just explodes, Terence will be asking if you are ok and treat your injuries -dion would order some dragoons to find the perpetrator as if they’re capable of hurting you at random who knows what would happen to someone else. -once found, this person will be trial and punished accordingly -I would say after this incident you would have more protection in place so this wouldn't happen again

What Happens When Your Hurt

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-dead -who ever hurt you is gone -there family is 100% also gone -it don’t matter if it’s emotional or physical damage barnabas takes any harm to you seriously -so who ever put you in harms way no longer exist in this world -oh and you will know what happened -after the deed is done Sleipnir would tell you the news about this person being dead while barnabas gives you all the details -”trust and believe, my raven none shall harm your feathers”

What Happens When Your Hurt


-also dead and most likely buried -unlike barnabas, he wouldn't show you the person’s dead corpse unless you want to -i also think he would do it in secret -he just want you to be happy and not see the more cruel side of him -your his precious gem and he doesn't want you to crack any time soon over trivial matters -he would only warn the family of the person who harmed you by presenting the dead person in front of the family

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1 year ago

What happens when your hurt

What Happens When Your Hurt

========Clive + jill==============

-depending on how bad or what happen -if you hurt yourself like you scrap your ankle because you’re not paying attention -jill will scold you a little while clive is carrying you to the infirmary to get it quickly patched up -if someone else hurt you(like you just came from a battle) -they would be even more concern and probably ban you for leaving by yourself for a while -if the perpetrator is still out there and yall happen to come across them,expect some side eyeing -not at you but at the person that harmed you -now if they mortality wounded you(like near death) -clive would definitely have some words but his blade will do the talking -there’s a good chance that the enemy who hurt you would live if put up against clive -not so much with jill -surprisingly,or not, jill would suggest to kill them or put them in a near death position like they did for you

What Happens When Your Hurt

=======Joshua + jote=============

-It’s unlikely you would get hurt for Jote and joshua would do there best to prevent you from using your blade -but if push dose come to shove and you do get hurt by someone, I don’t think they’ll seek revenge -they care most about you being alive and mostly unscaved -joshua would heal all of your injuries and make sure you don’t have any more -jote would scold you for taking the fight on your own and express GREAT concern for your well being -no they wouldn't punish the enemy themselves but, they’ll do their best to black mail the person and humiliate them -jote knows her way around the archives and joshua is fantastic connections -there social life could be CRUSHED if they really tried

What Happens When Your Hurt


-acts calm on the inside, probably fuming on the outside -although it doesn't take all of his mental strength to not find the guy and choke this person for hurting you -but he needs to make sure you’re alright -similar to Jote and joshua, he’s also more focus on your own well being then the enemy -he needs to know where you’re hurting and figure out if he has the connections,tools, or resources to help you -I don’t see him as the man to hold a grudge but he would be more weary of you leaving by yourself tho

What Happens When Your Hurt


-If you hurt yourself then she probably wouldn't care too much -if someone injured you then good chances there dead or being hunted by this women -she will not let this crime go unpunished -those who have harmed you WILL suffer the consequences -she may not hunt them to the ends of the earth but if you just happen to point them out on the streets one day, they’ll be gone the next

What Happens When Your Hurt

======Dion + terence==============

-Terence would be the one who treats your wounds 99.9% of the time -he had to take care of Dion so he’s most reliably in terms of taking care if injuries -Dion would check up on you making sure you’re ok and Terence is helping you as he should -now let's say you get hurt by someone else -Dion is fuming -he’s asking questions on who hurt you, where were you, How did this happen and Who in the world did this to you -Terence is acts calm on the inside, probably fuming on the outside pt2 -unlike dion ,who kinda just explodes, Terence will be asking if you are ok and treat your injuries -dion would order some dragoons to find the perpetrator as if they’re capable of hurting you at random who knows what would happen to someone else. -once found, this person will be trial and punished accordingly -I would say after this incident you would have more protection in place so this wouldn't happen again

What Happens When Your Hurt

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-dead -who ever hurt you is gone -there family is 100% also gone -it don’t matter if it’s emotional or physical damage barnabas takes any harm to you seriously -so who ever put you in harms way no longer exist in this world -oh and you will know what happened -after the deed is done Sleipnir would tell you the news about this person being dead while barnabas gives you all the details -”trust and believe, my raven none shall harm your feathers”

What Happens When Your Hurt


-also dead and most likely buried -unlike barnabas, he wouldn't show you the person’s dead corpse unless you want to -i also think he would do it in secret -he just want you to be happy and not see the more cruel side of him -your his precious gem and he doesn't want you to crack any time soon over trivial matters -he would only warn the family of the person who harmed you by presenting the dead person in front of the family

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1 year ago

really enjoyed your headcanons about the ffxvi characters, thank you! can i request jealousy headcanons for ffxvi please?

When they are jealous

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

========Clive + jill==============

-sometimes they get jealous of each other -it’s rare but it happens -it’s a simple case of if you hang out with one person more than the other -spending time more with clive then jill or vice versa -but they trust each other and realized each other's needs so it’s super rare for them to get envious of one another -nether Jill or Clive strike me as the jealous type -it’s the same with other people -being jealous of others is something I don’t see for they trust you a lot -but if someone doesn't get the hint then they’ll take action -Jill would tell the guy off then come to you to make sure you’re ok -clive would do the opposite

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=======Joshua + jote=============

-Also would be jealous of each other -unlike clive and jill this would be a tad bit more often -Joshua’s jealousy comes from his own illness and how it can handicap him -sometime you and Jote spent time more outside when he has coughing fits or needs to rest -to him it feels like the world is just spinning around while he’s just staying still -Jote’s jealousy comes from status and how limited she can provide for yall -she’s not a eikon nor someone of really high status(from what I’ve seen/heard) so she sometimes she feels like she isn't doing enough -this small insecurity ties into her jealousy -like clive and jill they wouldn't be so jealous of others

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-he’s one of those people you’d have to really try to get jealous -even if you tried he would know if you are trying to provoke or get a reaction from him -depending on how you do it. He would laugh at it -if someone were to hit on you for real i think he would handle it well -simply F off -he’s a loyalty man and trust you too much to think you would cheat on him -not to say he can’t get ticked off -like if someone doesn't get the hint he would take action.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like when is she not jealous -she’s a jealous as some reality TV wife in LA -if anyone even talks to you being a tad bit flirtatious or even touches you in places -little things ruffles her feathers -you are hers and hers alone and she doesn't share -at -all -not saying your not allowed to have friends but she just thinks that they might influence you to leave her -most of her jealousy stems from insecurities and past unsolved issues dealing with previous relations -to her you’re something that’s real and doesn't want to risk anything happening to the relationship both of you have with each other

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

======Dion + terence==============

-less envious of each other and more envious of you -lets say you’re just a normal citizen -your freedom makes them envious for they can’t get that as often as you -Dion is a prince and Terence is his attendant/Second in command of the dragoons -so schedules are pretty packed as is. -no they don’t hold this against you by any means -other then that jealousy is not something that is common other than jokes -although if someone were to flirt with you -Dion has a higher chance to get jealous first then Terence -Dion would be more vocal telling the flirt off while attending to you with terence to make sure you were comfortable.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-not to make them too yandere but… -they’d probably eliminate any potential rival or external influence -it don’t matter if they just cut the person out of your life or just kill them -barnabas's jealousy is borderline possession and gets offended if anyone thinks they can talk to you so casually -”you don’t need to be around these low lifes” -Sleipnir is no help at all to the perpetrator even if it is his job to keep you away from others -probably kills the people himself just for looking at you seductively -”keep your lustful gaze elsewhere.” :)

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like Benedikta but with more tolerance -he would “eliminate” potential rivals by making them broke or threats -he has so much confidence and pride he feels like there’s no way you would leave him for anyone else -he has so much power and other assets why could anyone else compare -he laughs as attempts to win your heart then punish the assailant later -not to say he’s not the jealous type for he certainly is -it’s just that hugo is more level headed then Benedikta

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1 year ago

really enjoyed your headcanons about the ffxvi characters, thank you! can i request jealousy headcanons for ffxvi please?

When they are jealous

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

========Clive + jill==============

-sometimes they get jealous of each other -it’s rare but it happens -it’s a simple case of if you hang out with one person more than the other -spending time more with clive then jill or vice versa -but they trust each other and realized each other's needs so it’s super rare for them to get envious of one another -nether Jill or Clive strike me as the jealous type -it’s the same with other people -being jealous of others is something I don’t see for they trust you a lot -but if someone doesn't get the hint then they’ll take action -Jill would tell the guy off then come to you to make sure you’re ok -clive would do the opposite

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=======Joshua + jote=============

-Also would be jealous of each other -unlike clive and jill this would be a tad bit more often -Joshua’s jealousy comes from his own illness and how it can handicap him -sometime you and Jote spent time more outside when he has coughing fits or needs to rest -to him it feels like the world is just spinning around while he’s just staying still -Jote’s jealousy comes from status and how limited she can provide for yall -she’s not a eikon nor someone of really high status(from what I’ve seen/heard) so she sometimes she feels like she isn't doing enough -this small insecurity ties into her jealousy -like clive and jill they wouldn't be so jealous of others

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-he’s one of those people you’d have to really try to get jealous -even if you tried he would know if you are trying to provoke or get a reaction from him -depending on how you do it. He would laugh at it -if someone were to hit on you for real i think he would handle it well -simply F off -he’s a loyalty man and trust you too much to think you would cheat on him -not to say he can’t get ticked off -like if someone doesn't get the hint he would take action.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like when is she not jealous -she’s a jealous as some reality TV wife in LA -if anyone even talks to you being a tad bit flirtatious or even touches you in places -little things ruffles her feathers -you are hers and hers alone and she doesn't share -at -all -not saying your not allowed to have friends but she just thinks that they might influence you to leave her -most of her jealousy stems from insecurities and past unsolved issues dealing with previous relations -to her you’re something that’s real and doesn't want to risk anything happening to the relationship both of you have with each other

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

======Dion + terence==============

-less envious of each other and more envious of you -lets say you’re just a normal citizen -your freedom makes them envious for they can’t get that as often as you -Dion is a prince and Terence is his attendant/Second in command of the dragoons -so schedules are pretty packed as is. -no they don’t hold this against you by any means -other then that jealousy is not something that is common other than jokes -although if someone were to flirt with you -Dion has a higher chance to get jealous first then Terence -Dion would be more vocal telling the flirt off while attending to you with terence to make sure you were comfortable.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-not to make them too yandere but… -they’d probably eliminate any potential rival or external influence -it don’t matter if they just cut the person out of your life or just kill them -barnabas's jealousy is borderline possession and gets offended if anyone thinks they can talk to you so casually -”you don’t need to be around these low lifes” -Sleipnir is no help at all to the perpetrator even if it is his job to keep you away from others -probably kills the people himself just for looking at you seductively -”keep your lustful gaze elsewhere.” :)

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like Benedikta but with more tolerance -he would “eliminate” potential rivals by making them broke or threats -he has so much confidence and pride he feels like there’s no way you would leave him for anyone else -he has so much power and other assets why could anyone else compare -he laughs as attempts to win your heart then punish the assailant later -not to say he’s not the jealous type for he certainly is -it’s just that hugo is more level headed then Benedikta

Tags :
1 year ago

really enjoyed your headcanons about the ffxvi characters, thank you! can i request jealousy headcanons for ffxvi please?

When they are jealous

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

========Clive + jill==============

-sometimes they get jealous of each other -it’s rare but it happens -it’s a simple case of if you hang out with one person more than the other -spending time more with clive then jill or vice versa -but they trust each other and realized each other's needs so it’s super rare for them to get envious of one another -nether Jill or Clive strike me as the jealous type -it’s the same with other people -being jealous of others is something I don’t see for they trust you a lot -but if someone doesn't get the hint then they’ll take action -Jill would tell the guy off then come to you to make sure you’re ok -clive would do the opposite

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=======Joshua + jote=============

-Also would be jealous of each other -unlike clive and jill this would be a tad bit more often -Joshua’s jealousy comes from his own illness and how it can handicap him -sometime you and Jote spent time more outside when he has coughing fits or needs to rest -to him it feels like the world is just spinning around while he’s just staying still -Jote’s jealousy comes from status and how limited she can provide for yall -she’s not a eikon nor someone of really high status(from what I’ve seen/heard) so she sometimes she feels like she isn't doing enough -this small insecurity ties into her jealousy -like clive and jill they wouldn't be so jealous of others

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-he’s one of those people you’d have to really try to get jealous -even if you tried he would know if you are trying to provoke or get a reaction from him -depending on how you do it. He would laugh at it -if someone were to hit on you for real i think he would handle it well -simply F off -he’s a loyalty man and trust you too much to think you would cheat on him -not to say he can’t get ticked off -like if someone doesn't get the hint he would take action.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like when is she not jealous -she’s a jealous as some reality TV wife in LA -if anyone even talks to you being a tad bit flirtatious or even touches you in places -little things ruffles her feathers -you are hers and hers alone and she doesn't share -at -all -not saying your not allowed to have friends but she just thinks that they might influence you to leave her -most of her jealousy stems from insecurities and past unsolved issues dealing with previous relations -to her you’re something that’s real and doesn't want to risk anything happening to the relationship both of you have with each other

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

======Dion + terence==============

-less envious of each other and more envious of you -lets say you’re just a normal citizen -your freedom makes them envious for they can’t get that as often as you -Dion is a prince and Terence is his attendant/Second in command of the dragoons -so schedules are pretty packed as is. -no they don’t hold this against you by any means -other then that jealousy is not something that is common other than jokes -although if someone were to flirt with you -Dion has a higher chance to get jealous first then Terence -Dion would be more vocal telling the flirt off while attending to you with terence to make sure you were comfortable.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-not to make them too yandere but… -they’d probably eliminate any potential rival or external influence -it don’t matter if they just cut the person out of your life or just kill them -barnabas's jealousy is borderline possession and gets offended if anyone thinks they can talk to you so casually -”you don’t need to be around these low lifes” -Sleipnir is no help at all to the perpetrator even if it is his job to keep you away from others -probably kills the people himself just for looking at you seductively -”keep your lustful gaze elsewhere.” :)

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like Benedikta but with more tolerance -he would “eliminate” potential rivals by making them broke or threats -he has so much confidence and pride he feels like there’s no way you would leave him for anyone else -he has so much power and other assets why could anyone else compare -he laughs as attempts to win your heart then punish the assailant later -not to say he’s not the jealous type for he certainly is -it’s just that hugo is more level headed then Benedikta

Tags :
1 year ago

really enjoyed your headcanons about the ffxvi characters, thank you! can i request jealousy headcanons for ffxvi please?

When they are jealous

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

========Clive + jill==============

-sometimes they get jealous of each other -it’s rare but it happens -it’s a simple case of if you hang out with one person more than the other -spending time more with clive then jill or vice versa -but they trust each other and realized each other's needs so it’s super rare for them to get envious of one another -nether Jill or Clive strike me as the jealous type -it’s the same with other people -being jealous of others is something I don’t see for they trust you a lot -but if someone doesn't get the hint then they’ll take action -Jill would tell the guy off then come to you to make sure you’re ok -clive would do the opposite

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=======Joshua + jote=============

-Also would be jealous of each other -unlike clive and jill this would be a tad bit more often -Joshua’s jealousy comes from his own illness and how it can handicap him -sometime you and Jote spent time more outside when he has coughing fits or needs to rest -to him it feels like the world is just spinning around while he’s just staying still -Jote’s jealousy comes from status and how limited she can provide for yall -she’s not a eikon nor someone of really high status(from what I’ve seen/heard) so she sometimes she feels like she isn't doing enough -this small insecurity ties into her jealousy -like clive and jill they wouldn't be so jealous of others

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-he’s one of those people you’d have to really try to get jealous -even if you tried he would know if you are trying to provoke or get a reaction from him -depending on how you do it. He would laugh at it -if someone were to hit on you for real i think he would handle it well -simply F off -he’s a loyalty man and trust you too much to think you would cheat on him -not to say he can’t get ticked off -like if someone doesn't get the hint he would take action.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like when is she not jealous -she’s a jealous as some reality TV wife in LA -if anyone even talks to you being a tad bit flirtatious or even touches you in places -little things ruffles her feathers -you are hers and hers alone and she doesn't share -at -all -not saying your not allowed to have friends but she just thinks that they might influence you to leave her -most of her jealousy stems from insecurities and past unsolved issues dealing with previous relations -to her you’re something that’s real and doesn't want to risk anything happening to the relationship both of you have with each other

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

======Dion + terence==============

-less envious of each other and more envious of you -lets say you’re just a normal citizen -your freedom makes them envious for they can’t get that as often as you -Dion is a prince and Terence is his attendant/Second in command of the dragoons -so schedules are pretty packed as is. -no they don’t hold this against you by any means -other then that jealousy is not something that is common other than jokes -although if someone were to flirt with you -Dion has a higher chance to get jealous first then Terence -Dion would be more vocal telling the flirt off while attending to you with terence to make sure you were comfortable.

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-not to make them too yandere but… -they’d probably eliminate any potential rival or external influence -it don’t matter if they just cut the person out of your life or just kill them -barnabas's jealousy is borderline possession and gets offended if anyone thinks they can talk to you so casually -”you don’t need to be around these low lifes” -Sleipnir is no help at all to the perpetrator even if it is his job to keep you away from others -probably kills the people himself just for looking at you seductively -”keep your lustful gaze elsewhere.” :)

Really Enjoyed Your Headcanons About The Ffxvi Characters, Thank You! Can I Request Jealousy Headcanons


-like Benedikta but with more tolerance -he would “eliminate” potential rivals by making them broke or threats -he has so much confidence and pride he feels like there’s no way you would leave him for anyone else -he has so much power and other assets why could anyone else compare -he laughs as attempts to win your heart then punish the assailant later -not to say he’s not the jealous type for he certainly is -it’s just that hugo is more level headed then Benedikta

Tags :
1 year ago

What are they like as yanderes

What Are They Like As Yanderes

========Clive + Jill==============

-borderline protective -both acknowledge that this isn’t healthy to think such things -trapping you -keeping you in the hideaway -do anything to keep you safe -so both are mutually confused how to handle thoughts like this -Clive would be the first to suggest to go against the dark thoughts no mater how much it hurts the both of them -There will be behavioral changes between the both of them -Jill would be more affectionate as would always have a hand on you -Clive would be more protective borderline territorial -only allowing those both Clive and Jill trust around you -depending on the situation and who it is they would kill for you -Jill more likely than Clive -There definitely a good yandere pair to have

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=======Joshua + jote=============

-protective af -one of them are around you at all times -Joshua is more tender around you -almost as if you’re made of glass -Joshua would have a love sick look about him when he’s around you -Joshua dose try to convince you to spend more time indoors in the safety of the home -Jote is more warm around you -she’s open with her emotions and would encourage you to do the same. -Jote wants you to rely on her like how joshua relied on her -she’s also very protective in public -they wouldn’t make you uncomfortable and understand your privacy so they won’t smother you -they would kill for you. Joshua especially

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-probably the chillest yandere -you wouldn't even know he was one until you get yourself into some danger -if you get hurt badly he wouldn’t let you back out of the hideaway for months -Cid doesn't like to trap you it goes against his ideals -But he does what he needs to do to keep you alive and safe til the end -Cid alway is around when you go outside of the hideaway -he is very handsy with you -if you’re uncomfortable with it he would back off -he would kill for you depending on the situation it was -best type yandere on the list

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-you’re not leaving her -not at all -she’ll keep you trap somewhere -she would make you a bearer to make it harder for you to leave and find safety -Benedikta would seduce you to her wim and make sure your whole world is about and for her -VERY handsy with you -she would take great offense if you reject her advances -punishment would be inplace if you break any rules -punishments includes; -NSFW punishments -chaining you up -isolation(which doesn't last long) -scaring -breaking bones -she dose love you and shows her tender side when you behave -absolutely would kill for you

What Are They Like As Yanderes

======Dion + terence==============

-both would be attentive yanderes -making sure you get all you want and ask for within there power -Dion would convince his father to keep you around the castle closer to Dion and Terence -while Dion is away Terence is there for your needs -just don’t hang out with anyone else but them -Dion would be more territory than protective especially after everything has been handed down to his little brother -Terence would be a enabler and helps Dion when deciding thing and ways to keep you safe without causing you stress -Terence is more rational and grounded then Dion -Terence recognizes thing about you and even changes and would adjust accordingly -Murder is not off the table for them -Both would 100% equally kill for you.

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-…… -where the heck would I begin with those two -crazy for you is a LARGE understatement -you WILL be Barnabas’s King/Queen -you have no choice -you should be happy they chose you -You are theres and they are yours -Barnabas is more… unhinged about you. -he doesn't want you to be around anyone but him(Sleipnir gets a pass) -His desire for you is great and will express his feelings around you or on you -Sleipnir is the Biggest enabler on this list -infact he would encourages Barnabas’s unhinge behavior -Surprisingly He’s more cruel towards you and initiates punishments if you misbehave or break any of there rules -Barnabas wouldn’t harm you physically so that’s where Sleipnir comes in and dose the punishments while he watches and scolds you -Barnabas would then comfort you if you in any pain like he didn’t order the punishment to happen -they would kill anyone for looking at you in some way

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-….Simp -and HIGHLY delusional -you can do whatever you want and he wouldn't bat an eye -unless you go off showing romantic feelings to another person -but the person would be punish by death and would be blind to your infidelity so… ya -he’ll be all over you and shower you with affection and Gifts -he’s so fixed up in his delusions it noticeable to anyone around him which is concerning sense he is Titan after all -your boundless freedom has a catch like all things do -all he ask is for you to love him and be there when he needs you -don’t be like Benedikta and sleep with someone behind his back or these privileges would be gone and you’ll get the other side of this man -controlling,dominating, and rough -if he didn’t consider your feelings at all you would be locked up in a golden bird cage and only meant for his eyes only

Tags :
1 year ago

What are they like as yanderes

What Are They Like As Yanderes

========Clive + Jill==============

-borderline protective -both acknowledge that this isn’t healthy to think such things -trapping you -keeping you in the hideaway -do anything to keep you safe -so both are mutually confused how to handle thoughts like this -Clive would be the first to suggest to go against the dark thoughts no mater how much it hurts the both of them -There will be behavioral changes between the both of them -Jill would be more affectionate as would always have a hand on you -Clive would be more protective borderline territorial -only allowing those both Clive and Jill trust around you -depending on the situation and who it is they would kill for you -Jill more likely than Clive -There definitely a good yandere pair to have

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=======Joshua + jote=============

-protective af -one of them are around you at all times -Joshua is more tender around you -almost as if you’re made of glass -Joshua would have a love sick look about him when he’s around you -Joshua dose try to convince you to spend more time indoors in the safety of the home -Jote is more warm around you -she’s open with her emotions and would encourage you to do the same. -Jote wants you to rely on her like how joshua relied on her -she’s also very protective in public -they wouldn’t make you uncomfortable and understand your privacy so they won’t smother you -they would kill for you. Joshua especially

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-probably the chillest yandere -you wouldn't even know he was one until you get yourself into some danger -if you get hurt badly he wouldn’t let you back out of the hideaway for months -Cid doesn't like to trap you it goes against his ideals -But he does what he needs to do to keep you alive and safe til the end -Cid alway is around when you go outside of the hideaway -he is very handsy with you -if you’re uncomfortable with it he would back off -he would kill for you depending on the situation it was -best type yandere on the list

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-you’re not leaving her -not at all -she’ll keep you trap somewhere -she would make you a bearer to make it harder for you to leave and find safety -Benedikta would seduce you to her wim and make sure your whole world is about and for her -VERY handsy with you -she would take great offense if you reject her advances -punishment would be inplace if you break any rules -punishments includes; -NSFW punishments -chaining you up -isolation(which doesn't last long) -scaring -breaking bones -she dose love you and shows her tender side when you behave -absolutely would kill for you

What Are They Like As Yanderes

======Dion + terence==============

-both would be attentive yanderes -making sure you get all you want and ask for within there power -Dion would convince his father to keep you around the castle closer to Dion and Terence -while Dion is away Terence is there for your needs -just don’t hang out with anyone else but them -Dion would be more territory than protective especially after everything has been handed down to his little brother -Terence would be a enabler and helps Dion when deciding thing and ways to keep you safe without causing you stress -Terence is more rational and grounded then Dion -Terence recognizes thing about you and even changes and would adjust accordingly -Murder is not off the table for them -Both would 100% equally kill for you.

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-…… -where the heck would I begin with those two -crazy for you is a LARGE understatement -you WILL be Barnabas’s King/Queen -you have no choice -you should be happy they chose you -You are theres and they are yours -Barnabas is more… unhinged about you. -he doesn't want you to be around anyone but him(Sleipnir gets a pass) -His desire for you is great and will express his feelings around you or on you -Sleipnir is the Biggest enabler on this list -infact he would encourages Barnabas’s unhinge behavior -Surprisingly He’s more cruel towards you and initiates punishments if you misbehave or break any of there rules -Barnabas wouldn’t harm you physically so that’s where Sleipnir comes in and dose the punishments while he watches and scolds you -Barnabas would then comfort you if you in any pain like he didn’t order the punishment to happen -they would kill anyone for looking at you in some way

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-….Simp -and HIGHLY delusional -you can do whatever you want and he wouldn't bat an eye -unless you go off showing romantic feelings to another person -but the person would be punish by death and would be blind to your infidelity so… ya -he’ll be all over you and shower you with affection and Gifts -he’s so fixed up in his delusions it noticeable to anyone around him which is concerning sense he is Titan after all -your boundless freedom has a catch like all things do -all he ask is for you to love him and be there when he needs you -don’t be like Benedikta and sleep with someone behind his back or these privileges would be gone and you’ll get the other side of this man -controlling,dominating, and rough -if he didn’t consider your feelings at all you would be locked up in a golden bird cage and only meant for his eyes only

Tags :
1 year ago

What are they like as yanderes

What Are They Like As Yanderes

========Clive + Jill==============

-borderline protective -both acknowledge that this isn’t healthy to think such things -trapping you -keeping you in the hideaway -do anything to keep you safe -so both are mutually confused how to handle thoughts like this -Clive would be the first to suggest to go against the dark thoughts no mater how much it hurts the both of them -There will be behavioral changes between the both of them -Jill would be more affectionate as would always have a hand on you -Clive would be more protective borderline territorial -only allowing those both Clive and Jill trust around you -depending on the situation and who it is they would kill for you -Jill more likely than Clive -There definitely a good yandere pair to have

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=======Joshua + jote=============

-protective af -one of them are around you at all times -Joshua is more tender around you -almost as if you’re made of glass -Joshua would have a love sick look about him when he’s around you -Joshua dose try to convince you to spend more time indoors in the safety of the home -Jote is more warm around you -she’s open with her emotions and would encourage you to do the same. -Jote wants you to rely on her like how joshua relied on her -she’s also very protective in public -they wouldn’t make you uncomfortable and understand your privacy so they won’t smother you -they would kill for you. Joshua especially

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-probably the chillest yandere -you wouldn't even know he was one until you get yourself into some danger -if you get hurt badly he wouldn’t let you back out of the hideaway for months -Cid doesn't like to trap you it goes against his ideals -But he does what he needs to do to keep you alive and safe til the end -Cid alway is around when you go outside of the hideaway -he is very handsy with you -if you’re uncomfortable with it he would back off -he would kill for you depending on the situation it was -best type yandere on the list

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-you’re not leaving her -not at all -she’ll keep you trap somewhere -she would make you a bearer to make it harder for you to leave and find safety -Benedikta would seduce you to her wim and make sure your whole world is about and for her -VERY handsy with you -she would take great offense if you reject her advances -punishment would be inplace if you break any rules -punishments includes; -NSFW punishments -chaining you up -isolation(which doesn't last long) -scaring -breaking bones -she dose love you and shows her tender side when you behave -absolutely would kill for you

What Are They Like As Yanderes

======Dion + terence==============

-both would be attentive yanderes -making sure you get all you want and ask for within there power -Dion would convince his father to keep you around the castle closer to Dion and Terence -while Dion is away Terence is there for your needs -just don’t hang out with anyone else but them -Dion would be more territory than protective especially after everything has been handed down to his little brother -Terence would be a enabler and helps Dion when deciding thing and ways to keep you safe without causing you stress -Terence is more rational and grounded then Dion -Terence recognizes thing about you and even changes and would adjust accordingly -Murder is not off the table for them -Both would 100% equally kill for you.

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-…… -where the heck would I begin with those two -crazy for you is a LARGE understatement -you WILL be Barnabas’s King/Queen -you have no choice -you should be happy they chose you -You are theres and they are yours -Barnabas is more… unhinged about you. -he doesn't want you to be around anyone but him(Sleipnir gets a pass) -His desire for you is great and will express his feelings around you or on you -Sleipnir is the Biggest enabler on this list -infact he would encourages Barnabas’s unhinge behavior -Surprisingly He’s more cruel towards you and initiates punishments if you misbehave or break any of there rules -Barnabas wouldn’t harm you physically so that’s where Sleipnir comes in and dose the punishments while he watches and scolds you -Barnabas would then comfort you if you in any pain like he didn’t order the punishment to happen -they would kill anyone for looking at you in some way

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-….Simp -and HIGHLY delusional -you can do whatever you want and he wouldn't bat an eye -unless you go off showing romantic feelings to another person -but the person would be punish by death and would be blind to your infidelity so… ya -he’ll be all over you and shower you with affection and Gifts -he’s so fixed up in his delusions it noticeable to anyone around him which is concerning sense he is Titan after all -your boundless freedom has a catch like all things do -all he ask is for you to love him and be there when he needs you -don’t be like Benedikta and sleep with someone behind his back or these privileges would be gone and you’ll get the other side of this man -controlling,dominating, and rough -if he didn’t consider your feelings at all you would be locked up in a golden bird cage and only meant for his eyes only

Tags :
1 year ago

What are they like as yanderes

What Are They Like As Yanderes

========Clive + Jill==============

-borderline protective -both acknowledge that this isn’t healthy to think such things -trapping you -keeping you in the hideaway -do anything to keep you safe -so both are mutually confused how to handle thoughts like this -Clive would be the first to suggest to go against the dark thoughts no mater how much it hurts the both of them -There will be behavioral changes between the both of them -Jill would be more affectionate as would always have a hand on you -Clive would be more protective borderline territorial -only allowing those both Clive and Jill trust around you -depending on the situation and who it is they would kill for you -Jill more likely than Clive -There definitely a good yandere pair to have

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=======Joshua + jote=============

-protective af -one of them are around you at all times -Joshua is more tender around you -almost as if you’re made of glass -Joshua would have a love sick look about him when he’s around you -Joshua dose try to convince you to spend more time indoors in the safety of the home -Jote is more warm around you -she’s open with her emotions and would encourage you to do the same. -Jote wants you to rely on her like how joshua relied on her -she’s also very protective in public -they wouldn’t make you uncomfortable and understand your privacy so they won’t smother you -they would kill for you. Joshua especially

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-probably the chillest yandere -you wouldn't even know he was one until you get yourself into some danger -if you get hurt badly he wouldn’t let you back out of the hideaway for months -Cid doesn't like to trap you it goes against his ideals -But he does what he needs to do to keep you alive and safe til the end -Cid alway is around when you go outside of the hideaway -he is very handsy with you -if you’re uncomfortable with it he would back off -he would kill for you depending on the situation it was -best type yandere on the list

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-you’re not leaving her -not at all -she’ll keep you trap somewhere -she would make you a bearer to make it harder for you to leave and find safety -Benedikta would seduce you to her wim and make sure your whole world is about and for her -VERY handsy with you -she would take great offense if you reject her advances -punishment would be inplace if you break any rules -punishments includes; -NSFW punishments -chaining you up -isolation(which doesn't last long) -scaring -breaking bones -she dose love you and shows her tender side when you behave -absolutely would kill for you

What Are They Like As Yanderes

======Dion + terence==============

-both would be attentive yanderes -making sure you get all you want and ask for within there power -Dion would convince his father to keep you around the castle closer to Dion and Terence -while Dion is away Terence is there for your needs -just don’t hang out with anyone else but them -Dion would be more territory than protective especially after everything has been handed down to his little brother -Terence would be a enabler and helps Dion when deciding thing and ways to keep you safe without causing you stress -Terence is more rational and grounded then Dion -Terence recognizes thing about you and even changes and would adjust accordingly -Murder is not off the table for them -Both would 100% equally kill for you.

What Are They Like As Yanderes

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-…… -where the heck would I begin with those two -crazy for you is a LARGE understatement -you WILL be Barnabas’s King/Queen -you have no choice -you should be happy they chose you -You are theres and they are yours -Barnabas is more… unhinged about you. -he doesn't want you to be around anyone but him(Sleipnir gets a pass) -His desire for you is great and will express his feelings around you or on you -Sleipnir is the Biggest enabler on this list -infact he would encourages Barnabas’s unhinge behavior -Surprisingly He’s more cruel towards you and initiates punishments if you misbehave or break any of there rules -Barnabas wouldn’t harm you physically so that’s where Sleipnir comes in and dose the punishments while he watches and scolds you -Barnabas would then comfort you if you in any pain like he didn’t order the punishment to happen -they would kill anyone for looking at you in some way

What Are They Like As Yanderes


-….Simp -and HIGHLY delusional -you can do whatever you want and he wouldn't bat an eye -unless you go off showing romantic feelings to another person -but the person would be punish by death and would be blind to your infidelity so… ya -he’ll be all over you and shower you with affection and Gifts -he’s so fixed up in his delusions it noticeable to anyone around him which is concerning sense he is Titan after all -your boundless freedom has a catch like all things do -all he ask is for you to love him and be there when he needs you -don’t be like Benedikta and sleep with someone behind his back or these privileges would be gone and you’ll get the other side of this man -controlling,dominating, and rough -if he didn’t consider your feelings at all you would be locked up in a golden bird cage and only meant for his eyes only

Tags :
11 months ago

If you're still taking Final Fantasy 16 requests (feel free to delete if not), can I get the characters with an s/o from our world (doesn't mention they're characters in a game) and manages to operate Fallen Technology because it's similar enough to our technology.

Sorry this is so long

 What If there S/O could operate fallen technology  

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

========Clive + Jill==============

-oh they’ll think that’s amazing! -Jill would encourage you use your talents to help the Hideaway -Clive,although curious about how you lean such a thing, would also encourage you to help out -definitely save clive half the trouble when going in dungeons(seriously magitek are annoying) -If you’re skilled enough to control the little magitek or even the golems this would be a huge help in protecting the hideaway from outside forces -both jill and clive would be reluctant to use your assets for any combat purposes due to there overprotectiveness over you -No matter if this ability is primarily magic based or more physical, they don’t want you to tire yourself out -also this ability can help on the enemy sides and they definitely don’t want that -Jill and Clive aren’t ones to pry into your secrets so If there’s a particular reason why and how you learned how to control fallen technology they won’t ask too many questions -at this point in the relationship, they trust you enough to make the right choices and tell them the truth when ready

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=======Joshua + jote=============

-would also be overjoyed about this power in fact would utilized this more then clive and jill. -they don’t want to exhaust yourself to death but more information about fallen tek is greatly appreciated and valued -Joshua would convince you to use this ability to control fallen technology inorder for jote and the Undying to conduct further research that can help defeat ultima with limited casualties ,prevent or contain the blight -Jote would be curious on how you gain these abilities -She wouldn't push on your secrets too much but would try to get you to spill -Jote wants no poison in the foundation of yall’s relationship -both would be more protective over you -especially when your powers can be used against their cause

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-suspicious of this control you have on fallen tek -I mean it makes cid’s hideaway safer sense it’s in a fallen structure assuming you could use the leftover fallen tek as security cameras -but there’s this lingering question on how where and why can you control fallen technology -like the others Cid doesn't want to pressure the answers out of you and would prefer you tell him the truth -But if you don’t mentioned it long enough or allow him to adapt to this ability, he doen’t push the conversation -as long as you’re using it for good -unlike jill,clive,jote,and joshua he wouldn't utilize you as much -maybe ask for you to get some patrolling golems to have outside in secret but the rest is up to you -If he really needs you then he’ll ask but other then that he’s chill about it and doesn't make a fuss

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-yeah… she’s gonna ask a ton of questions -gives you the “big stick” treatment -she love you but will drop you if you betray her -this especially if you just now shown her you could control fallen technology -you’re gonna have to do a lot of convincing to keep whatever secret you have that’s tied to this ability of yours -would definitely use you for her own personally gain -”if you love me so much can you just do this little thing” -she would use you to make a empire if you let her -she’d be queen while you be her one and only consort -it’s your reward for your outstanding loyalty

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

======Dion + terence==============

-”. . . .” -”I beg your pardon?” -Dion would have no idea how to approach this topic -Terence would not know how to react when he found out you can control fallen technology -Dion would become very protective with you and would encourage you not to get involved in any military or political schemes -Terence would be the same and would suggest you tell absolutely no body -people talk and If the king knows you will be exploited as another tool conquest along side dion -neither want that -They REFUSE to utilize this ability of yours and prefer you don’t use it unless absolutely necessary -they wouldn't love you less or look at you differently or ask how you even discover you can control fallen technology -they know you have this power and appreciate you tell them that much about yourself -But they don’t want you to use it unless you have to

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-yeah you’re gonna be used -A lot -they don’t care how you got or where you got it -Barnabas would be slightly curious on how and where and would 100% pressure you to answer -you have the option to lie although he would prefer the truth -regardless Barnabas would utilize you somewhat safely considering how valuable you are you can land in enemy hands -Barnabas would send you and Sleipnir to gather an army of magitek so conquest would be easier -Despite this, you will be kept on a tighter leash -They can’t have you betraying them now can they~ -things wouldn't change significantly other then you have more work then just warming the throne

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-would find it interesting -although this gives him even more reason to protect you at all cost -with such power you can easily be used to overthrow hundreds of kingdoms if you wanted too -No he wouldn't utilized this perhaps it’s because he view himself strong enough to keep you safe -although he wouldn't be as worried for he can just ask you to make your own guard squad when he has to use his man -He would personally go out and go into fallen structures and retrieve parts or full fallen tek equipment to use as much as you like -I don’t think he would act any different regardless

Tags :
11 months ago

If you're still taking Final Fantasy 16 requests (feel free to delete if not), can I get the characters with an s/o from our world (doesn't mention they're characters in a game) and manages to operate Fallen Technology because it's similar enough to our technology.

Sorry this is so long

 What If there S/O could operate fallen technology  

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

========Clive + Jill==============

-oh they’ll think that’s amazing! -Jill would encourage you use your talents to help the Hideaway -Clive,although curious about how you lean such a thing, would also encourage you to help out -definitely save clive half the trouble when going in dungeons(seriously magitek are annoying) -If you’re skilled enough to control the little magitek or even the golems this would be a huge help in protecting the hideaway from outside forces -both jill and clive would be reluctant to use your assets for any combat purposes due to there overprotectiveness over you -No matter if this ability is primarily magic based or more physical, they don’t want you to tire yourself out -also this ability can help on the enemy sides and they definitely don’t want that -Jill and Clive aren’t ones to pry into your secrets so If there’s a particular reason why and how you learned how to control fallen technology they won’t ask too many questions -at this point in the relationship, they trust you enough to make the right choices and tell them the truth when ready

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=======Joshua + jote=============

-would also be overjoyed about this power in fact would utilized this more then clive and jill. -they don’t want to exhaust yourself to death but more information about fallen tek is greatly appreciated and valued -Joshua would convince you to use this ability to control fallen technology inorder for jote and the Undying to conduct further research that can help defeat ultima with limited casualties ,prevent or contain the blight -Jote would be curious on how you gain these abilities -She wouldn't push on your secrets too much but would try to get you to spill -Jote wants no poison in the foundation of yall’s relationship -both would be more protective over you -especially when your powers can be used against their cause

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-suspicious of this control you have on fallen tek -I mean it makes cid’s hideaway safer sense it’s in a fallen structure assuming you could use the leftover fallen tek as security cameras -but there’s this lingering question on how where and why can you control fallen technology -like the others Cid doesn't want to pressure the answers out of you and would prefer you tell him the truth -But if you don’t mentioned it long enough or allow him to adapt to this ability, he doen’t push the conversation -as long as you’re using it for good -unlike jill,clive,jote,and joshua he wouldn't utilize you as much -maybe ask for you to get some patrolling golems to have outside in secret but the rest is up to you -If he really needs you then he’ll ask but other then that he’s chill about it and doesn't make a fuss

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-yeah… she’s gonna ask a ton of questions -gives you the “big stick” treatment -she love you but will drop you if you betray her -this especially if you just now shown her you could control fallen technology -you’re gonna have to do a lot of convincing to keep whatever secret you have that’s tied to this ability of yours -would definitely use you for her own personally gain -”if you love me so much can you just do this little thing” -she would use you to make a empire if you let her -she’d be queen while you be her one and only consort -it’s your reward for your outstanding loyalty

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

======Dion + terence==============

-”. . . .” -”I beg your pardon?” -Dion would have no idea how to approach this topic -Terence would not know how to react when he found out you can control fallen technology -Dion would become very protective with you and would encourage you not to get involved in any military or political schemes -Terence would be the same and would suggest you tell absolutely no body -people talk and If the king knows you will be exploited as another tool conquest along side dion -neither want that -They REFUSE to utilize this ability of yours and prefer you don’t use it unless absolutely necessary -they wouldn't love you less or look at you differently or ask how you even discover you can control fallen technology -they know you have this power and appreciate you tell them that much about yourself -But they don’t want you to use it unless you have to

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-yeah you’re gonna be used -A lot -they don’t care how you got or where you got it -Barnabas would be slightly curious on how and where and would 100% pressure you to answer -you have the option to lie although he would prefer the truth -regardless Barnabas would utilize you somewhat safely considering how valuable you are you can land in enemy hands -Barnabas would send you and Sleipnir to gather an army of magitek so conquest would be easier -Despite this, you will be kept on a tighter leash -They can’t have you betraying them now can they~ -things wouldn't change significantly other then you have more work then just warming the throne

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-would find it interesting -although this gives him even more reason to protect you at all cost -with such power you can easily be used to overthrow hundreds of kingdoms if you wanted too -No he wouldn't utilized this perhaps it’s because he view himself strong enough to keep you safe -although he wouldn't be as worried for he can just ask you to make your own guard squad when he has to use his man -He would personally go out and go into fallen structures and retrieve parts or full fallen tek equipment to use as much as you like -I don’t think he would act any different regardless

Tags :
11 months ago

If you're still taking Final Fantasy 16 requests (feel free to delete if not), can I get the characters with an s/o from our world (doesn't mention they're characters in a game) and manages to operate Fallen Technology because it's similar enough to our technology.

Sorry this is so long

 What If there S/O could operate fallen technology  

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

========Clive + Jill==============

-oh they’ll think that’s amazing! -Jill would encourage you use your talents to help the Hideaway -Clive,although curious about how you lean such a thing, would also encourage you to help out -definitely save clive half the trouble when going in dungeons(seriously magitek are annoying) -If you’re skilled enough to control the little magitek or even the golems this would be a huge help in protecting the hideaway from outside forces -both jill and clive would be reluctant to use your assets for any combat purposes due to there overprotectiveness over you -No matter if this ability is primarily magic based or more physical, they don’t want you to tire yourself out -also this ability can help on the enemy sides and they definitely don’t want that -Jill and Clive aren’t ones to pry into your secrets so If there’s a particular reason why and how you learned how to control fallen technology they won’t ask too many questions -at this point in the relationship, they trust you enough to make the right choices and tell them the truth when ready

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=======Joshua + jote=============

-would also be overjoyed about this power in fact would utilized this more then clive and jill. -they don’t want to exhaust yourself to death but more information about fallen tek is greatly appreciated and valued -Joshua would convince you to use this ability to control fallen technology inorder for jote and the Undying to conduct further research that can help defeat ultima with limited casualties ,prevent or contain the blight -Jote would be curious on how you gain these abilities -She wouldn't push on your secrets too much but would try to get you to spill -Jote wants no poison in the foundation of yall’s relationship -both would be more protective over you -especially when your powers can be used against their cause

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-suspicious of this control you have on fallen tek -I mean it makes cid’s hideaway safer sense it’s in a fallen structure assuming you could use the leftover fallen tek as security cameras -but there’s this lingering question on how where and why can you control fallen technology -like the others Cid doesn't want to pressure the answers out of you and would prefer you tell him the truth -But if you don’t mentioned it long enough or allow him to adapt to this ability, he doen’t push the conversation -as long as you’re using it for good -unlike jill,clive,jote,and joshua he wouldn't utilize you as much -maybe ask for you to get some patrolling golems to have outside in secret but the rest is up to you -If he really needs you then he’ll ask but other then that he’s chill about it and doesn't make a fuss

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-yeah… she’s gonna ask a ton of questions -gives you the “big stick” treatment -she love you but will drop you if you betray her -this especially if you just now shown her you could control fallen technology -you’re gonna have to do a lot of convincing to keep whatever secret you have that’s tied to this ability of yours -would definitely use you for her own personally gain -”if you love me so much can you just do this little thing” -she would use you to make a empire if you let her -she’d be queen while you be her one and only consort -it’s your reward for your outstanding loyalty

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

======Dion + terence==============

-”. . . .” -”I beg your pardon?” -Dion would have no idea how to approach this topic -Terence would not know how to react when he found out you can control fallen technology -Dion would become very protective with you and would encourage you not to get involved in any military or political schemes -Terence would be the same and would suggest you tell absolutely no body -people talk and If the king knows you will be exploited as another tool conquest along side dion -neither want that -They REFUSE to utilize this ability of yours and prefer you don’t use it unless absolutely necessary -they wouldn't love you less or look at you differently or ask how you even discover you can control fallen technology -they know you have this power and appreciate you tell them that much about yourself -But they don’t want you to use it unless you have to

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-yeah you’re gonna be used -A lot -they don’t care how you got or where you got it -Barnabas would be slightly curious on how and where and would 100% pressure you to answer -you have the option to lie although he would prefer the truth -regardless Barnabas would utilize you somewhat safely considering how valuable you are you can land in enemy hands -Barnabas would send you and Sleipnir to gather an army of magitek so conquest would be easier -Despite this, you will be kept on a tighter leash -They can’t have you betraying them now can they~ -things wouldn't change significantly other then you have more work then just warming the throne

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-would find it interesting -although this gives him even more reason to protect you at all cost -with such power you can easily be used to overthrow hundreds of kingdoms if you wanted too -No he wouldn't utilized this perhaps it’s because he view himself strong enough to keep you safe -although he wouldn't be as worried for he can just ask you to make your own guard squad when he has to use his man -He would personally go out and go into fallen structures and retrieve parts or full fallen tek equipment to use as much as you like -I don’t think he would act any different regardless

Tags :
11 months ago

If you're still taking Final Fantasy 16 requests (feel free to delete if not), can I get the characters with an s/o from our world (doesn't mention they're characters in a game) and manages to operate Fallen Technology because it's similar enough to our technology.

Sorry this is so long

 What If there S/O could operate fallen technology  

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

========Clive + Jill==============

-oh they’ll think that’s amazing! -Jill would encourage you use your talents to help the Hideaway -Clive,although curious about how you lean such a thing, would also encourage you to help out -definitely save clive half the trouble when going in dungeons(seriously magitek are annoying) -If you’re skilled enough to control the little magitek or even the golems this would be a huge help in protecting the hideaway from outside forces -both jill and clive would be reluctant to use your assets for any combat purposes due to there overprotectiveness over you -No matter if this ability is primarily magic based or more physical, they don’t want you to tire yourself out -also this ability can help on the enemy sides and they definitely don’t want that -Jill and Clive aren’t ones to pry into your secrets so If there’s a particular reason why and how you learned how to control fallen technology they won’t ask too many questions -at this point in the relationship, they trust you enough to make the right choices and tell them the truth when ready

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=======Joshua + jote=============

-would also be overjoyed about this power in fact would utilized this more then clive and jill. -they don’t want to exhaust yourself to death but more information about fallen tek is greatly appreciated and valued -Joshua would convince you to use this ability to control fallen technology inorder for jote and the Undying to conduct further research that can help defeat ultima with limited casualties ,prevent or contain the blight -Jote would be curious on how you gain these abilities -She wouldn't push on your secrets too much but would try to get you to spill -Jote wants no poison in the foundation of yall’s relationship -both would be more protective over you -especially when your powers can be used against their cause

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-suspicious of this control you have on fallen tek -I mean it makes cid’s hideaway safer sense it’s in a fallen structure assuming you could use the leftover fallen tek as security cameras -but there’s this lingering question on how where and why can you control fallen technology -like the others Cid doesn't want to pressure the answers out of you and would prefer you tell him the truth -But if you don’t mentioned it long enough or allow him to adapt to this ability, he doen’t push the conversation -as long as you’re using it for good -unlike jill,clive,jote,and joshua he wouldn't utilize you as much -maybe ask for you to get some patrolling golems to have outside in secret but the rest is up to you -If he really needs you then he’ll ask but other then that he’s chill about it and doesn't make a fuss

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-yeah… she’s gonna ask a ton of questions -gives you the “big stick” treatment -she love you but will drop you if you betray her -this especially if you just now shown her you could control fallen technology -you’re gonna have to do a lot of convincing to keep whatever secret you have that’s tied to this ability of yours -would definitely use you for her own personally gain -”if you love me so much can you just do this little thing” -she would use you to make a empire if you let her -she’d be queen while you be her one and only consort -it’s your reward for your outstanding loyalty

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

======Dion + terence==============

-”. . . .” -”I beg your pardon?” -Dion would have no idea how to approach this topic -Terence would not know how to react when he found out you can control fallen technology -Dion would become very protective with you and would encourage you not to get involved in any military or political schemes -Terence would be the same and would suggest you tell absolutely no body -people talk and If the king knows you will be exploited as another tool conquest along side dion -neither want that -They REFUSE to utilize this ability of yours and prefer you don’t use it unless absolutely necessary -they wouldn't love you less or look at you differently or ask how you even discover you can control fallen technology -they know you have this power and appreciate you tell them that much about yourself -But they don’t want you to use it unless you have to

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters

=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============

-yeah you’re gonna be used -A lot -they don’t care how you got or where you got it -Barnabas would be slightly curious on how and where and would 100% pressure you to answer -you have the option to lie although he would prefer the truth -regardless Barnabas would utilize you somewhat safely considering how valuable you are you can land in enemy hands -Barnabas would send you and Sleipnir to gather an army of magitek so conquest would be easier -Despite this, you will be kept on a tighter leash -They can’t have you betraying them now can they~ -things wouldn't change significantly other then you have more work then just warming the throne

If You're Still Taking Final Fantasy 16 Requests (feel Free To Delete If Not), Can I Get The Characters


-would find it interesting -although this gives him even more reason to protect you at all cost -with such power you can easily be used to overthrow hundreds of kingdoms if you wanted too -No he wouldn't utilized this perhaps it’s because he view himself strong enough to keep you safe -although he wouldn't be as worried for he can just ask you to make your own guard squad when he has to use his man -He would personally go out and go into fallen structures and retrieve parts or full fallen tek equipment to use as much as you like -I don’t think he would act any different regardless

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9 months ago

Inspired by the latest FF16 request, the reader from our world gets their secret reviled via their journal which had old polaroid photos of their latest trip to New York before getting isekai by truck-kun.

Side Note: Your work always makes my day, thank you. Also you are amazing.

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

------------Clive + Jill-------------

-Clive and jill would gosp about it to themself -like if there S/o tells them that there from another world, they would gosp about what questions they should ask -Jill is less surprise then Clive for you abilities seemed odd -none of them would ever bring up the fact that you left your diary open and they just happen to find it laying around for anyone to see -your secret is safe with them

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

---------Joshua + Jote-----------

-jote would want to confront you about it but she doesn't want you not to trust her after peaking in your book when cleaning 

-....yeah Joshua thought your diary was an actual book with a weird ending. Until he saw a page about himself 

Joshua if he got caught:

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

-he would never admit he read it all even if you told them the truth 

-he just nods his head and acts surprise about it all

-they wouldn't care that you’re from another world but would feel bad about you and how there’s a little to no chance of returning home

-they hope you find a home with them 

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-would genuinely feel guilty for reading a snippet of your journal -he would admit that he saw what you wrote about your past -he feels horrible that you were taken away just like that -by a truck,he probably thinks it some beast -other then that he doesn't care that much about his lover being from another world -the hideaway is full of outcast so you just fit right in

S/o: hey cid.. I’m not from this world


Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal
Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-she wants to feel angry that you never told her about this -but she also feels angry that your home was strip away from you just like that -half is genuine and half is just pity -she would confront you about what was written and would ask why you never said anything -it would hurt her a lot if you hide this part of your life from her but i don’t think she would be salty about it -she has stuff from her past she would hide from you too coughpast relationships cough -I don’t think she would get rid of your journal but would prefer if you didn’t hide anything important from her

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

--------------Dion + Terence------------

-would NEVER tell you that they took a peak in your book -but they would also feel bad that you were taken out like that -once you tell them where you’re from, they would ask a bunch of questions -”who’s truck-kun?” -”(name of place your from) sound like a nice place” -”what’s a ‘florida man’” -” why is the sound of a clock a ‘app’” -would encourage you keep this secret as well -Terence would make sure your journal is safe and tuck away -Dion would buy you a locket for your book -both would ask you to tell them stories about your home land

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

--------Barnabas +Sleipnir---------------

-oh they knew from the beginning -Barnabas would find out everything about you big or small -Sleipnir would think it laughable that you would hide this from them -but they would wait for you to come clean first -sure you’re from another world big deal but that might come with a advantage -lets say the world of FF16 was the videogame we all love -if Barnabas finds out about you playing 16 , he would utilize you so his plans can succeed -you could see the future after all

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-would look but wouldn't care to bring it up -it’s your choice if you wish to discuss your origins and at this point it doesn't matter -he loves you and would go to hell and back for you -you're from another world? Ok that’s nice what do you want for dinner -I just don’t see him caring that much -it doesn't change the way he sees you in fact it just amplifies your uniqueness

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9 months ago

Inspired by the latest FF16 request, the reader from our world gets their secret reviled via their journal which had old polaroid photos of their latest trip to New York before getting isekai by truck-kun.

Side Note: Your work always makes my day, thank you. Also you are amazing.

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

------------Clive + Jill-------------

-Clive and jill would gosp about it to themself -like if there S/o tells them that there from another world, they would gosp about what questions they should ask -Jill is less surprise then Clive for you abilities seemed odd -none of them would ever bring up the fact that you left your diary open and they just happen to find it laying around for anyone to see -your secret is safe with them

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

---------Joshua + Jote-----------

-jote would want to confront you about it but she doesn't want you not to trust her after peaking in your book when cleaning 

-....yeah Joshua thought your diary was an actual book with a weird ending. Until he saw a page about himself 

Joshua if he got caught:

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

-he would never admit he read it all even if you told them the truth 

-he just nods his head and acts surprise about it all

-they wouldn't care that you’re from another world but would feel bad about you and how there’s a little to no chance of returning home

-they hope you find a home with them 

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-would genuinely feel guilty for reading a snippet of your journal -he would admit that he saw what you wrote about your past -he feels horrible that you were taken away just like that -by a truck,he probably thinks it some beast -other then that he doesn't care that much about his lover being from another world -the hideaway is full of outcast so you just fit right in

S/o: hey cid.. I’m not from this world


Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal
Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-she wants to feel angry that you never told her about this -but she also feels angry that your home was strip away from you just like that -half is genuine and half is just pity -she would confront you about what was written and would ask why you never said anything -it would hurt her a lot if you hide this part of your life from her but i don’t think she would be salty about it -she has stuff from her past she would hide from you too coughpast relationships cough -I don’t think she would get rid of your journal but would prefer if you didn’t hide anything important from her

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

--------------Dion + Terence------------

-would NEVER tell you that they took a peak in your book -but they would also feel bad that you were taken out like that -once you tell them where you’re from, they would ask a bunch of questions -”who’s truck-kun?” -”(name of place your from) sound like a nice place” -”what’s a ‘florida man’” -” why is the sound of a clock a ‘app’” -would encourage you keep this secret as well -Terence would make sure your journal is safe and tuck away -Dion would buy you a locket for your book -both would ask you to tell them stories about your home land

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal

--------Barnabas +Sleipnir---------------

-oh they knew from the beginning -Barnabas would find out everything about you big or small -Sleipnir would think it laughable that you would hide this from them -but they would wait for you to come clean first -sure you’re from another world big deal but that might come with a advantage -lets say the world of FF16 was the videogame we all love -if Barnabas finds out about you playing 16 , he would utilize you so his plans can succeed -you could see the future after all

Inspired By The Latest FF16 Request, The Reader From Our World Gets Their Secret Reviled Via Their Journal


-would look but wouldn't care to bring it up -it’s your choice if you wish to discuss your origins and at this point it doesn't matter -he loves you and would go to hell and back for you -you're from another world? Ok that’s nice what do you want for dinner -I just don’t see him caring that much -it doesn't change the way he sees you in fact it just amplifies your uniqueness

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