Disability Headcanon - Tumblr Posts
Genshin cringe headcanons part 1: the travellers
This post reclaims the term "cringe". If you use it as an insult or is triggered by it, please, DNI
Name: Aether
Gender: trans man, he/him
Pictures of character:

Appearance: white, ethnically english, athletic, has braided long blond hair and brown eyes, scars through his body and face (including burn scars)
Age: chronologically unknown, but is phisically, mentally and psychologically 16
Sexuality: gay
Personality: kind, friendly, easily excitable, protective, joyful, hyperempathetic, trusts people way too much, knows how to read people very well, cries easily, can befriend anyone.
Area of greatest ability: travelling, communicating
Likes: travels, talking, being around people, sweets, gazing at the moon, helping others, being productive, mora
Dislikes: being manipulated, old creepy spaces, when Paimon screams, not knowing what people are talking about
Fears/triggers: the heavenly principles, being alone, someone touching the place his wings used to be
Kins: slime, light, yellow, cooking, stars.
Family: Lumine (biological twin sister) Paimon (found family lil sibling) Dainsleif (found family uncle)
Relationship status: has a crush on Lyney
Friends: basically 99% of vision ielders in Teyvat (non-vision holders don’t like them very much, so Aether’s close circle is limited to vision holders)
Disabilities: autistic and non-verbal, communicates through sign language.
Belief: believes the cosmos to be a god.
Name: Lumine
Gender: trans woman, she/her
Pictures of character:

Appearance: white, ethnically english, athletic, has tanner skin than Aether, short blond hair and blue eyes, scars through her body and face (including burn scars)
Age: chronologically unknown, but is phisically, mentally and psychologically 16
Sexuality: lesbian
Personality: sincere, grumpy, very protective and kind in private, brave, bold, just, hypoempathetic.
Area of greatest ability: Fighting
Likes: fights, listening to stories, hunting (it can be fatui, abyss mages or just some animal), meat, being around her friends, glaze lilies
Dislikes: people who are cruel, people who think of themselves as superior, the heavenly principles, being defenseless, bad parents
Fears/triggers: not being able to fight back, losing her family, friends or girlfriend, cruelty towards children
Kins: painting, nature, white, galaxy
Family: Aether (biological twin brother) Paimon (found family lil sister) Dainsleif (found family uncle)
Relationship status: dating Ayaka
Friends: surprisingly, she gets very well with vision holders and will refer to them as her friends. However, the same can’t be said about those that look on a bad way to them on the streets and later want her help
Disabilities: autistic and non-verbal, communicates through sign language
Belief: is an atheist
Name: Paimon
Gender: agender, she/they
Pictures of character:

Appearance: white, ethnically english, has albinism, white hair, blue eyes, has atrophied legs
Age: chronologically unknown, but is phisically, mentally and psychologically 6
Personality: chatty, communicative, easily excited, petty, naive, egohistical, very worried about her friends even though they doesn’t show it.
Area of greatest ability: learning languages
Likes: food, learning different languages, bright colors, when people are nice to them, talking, hearing Aether and Lumine's stories about other worlds
Dislikes: being yelled at, not understanding things, when she can't help Aether and Lumine
Fears/triggers: the heavenly principles, memory loss, losing her family, being called useless
Kins: plushies, food, sky, rainbow, glitter.
Family: Aether and Lumine (found family older siblings) Dainsleif (found family uncle)
Friends: she says they’s friends with everyone she talks to, but is specially close to Sigewinne, Itto, Diona, Klee, Yaoyao, Qiqi, Sayu Nahida
Disabilities: autistic, hyperverbal, hypermobile, has way too weak legs to walk on her own and uses a rollator when not flying, if human would be diagnosed with a neuromuscular disease and ehlers-danlos syndrome
Belief: believes a little bit in every religion they ever came across
Name: Dainsleif
Gender: nonbinary transmasc, he/they/it/zyr/ey/shadow
Pictures of character:

Appearance: white, ethnically german, pale, tall, has blond hair, blue eyes, eyebags, his scar looks like a Chemical burn one
Age: 554 chronologically, 54 physically
Sexuality: unlabeled
Personality: enygmathic, curious, kind, comprehensive, quiet, very attached to his principles.
Area of greatest ability: writing
Likes: sparing, talking about home, being around his niblings, gazing at the stars
Dislikes: the gods, talking to other people, the Abyss Order, being unable to help his people, sweet food
Fears/triggers: cataclismic events, giving up to corruption, things that resemble the destruction of Khaenri'ah
Kins: blue, black, painting, cleaning, space.
Family: Aether, Lumine, Paimon (found family niblings)
Relationship status: was dating Halfdan before the Cataclysm
Friends: today, the only person it says are zyrs friends are his old knight comrades
Disabilities: autistic, PTSD, depression, aphantasia, partially blind on his right eye, hypocondriac, chronic pain due to the curse, uses a cane to walk
Belief: is an atheist
All pictures are made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1931531
Genshin cringe headcanons part 2: knights of Favonius
This post reclaims the term “cringe”. If you use it as an insult or is triggered by it, please, DNI
Name: Amber
Gender: transfem parawoman, she/bun/red
Pictures of character:

Appearance: has chinese, german, russian and latin heritage, brown skin, is atletic, has long brown hair and brown eyes, small scars through her body, amputated below both knees
Age: 20
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: just, dilligent, variates between thinking quickly and panicking quickly, extrovert, passionate, kind, doesn’t detect lies and sarcasm, befriends most she meets
Area of greatest ability: teaching, athletics
Likes: running, gliding, adventuring, pigeons, hunting, competing, Baron Bunny, coffee, rabbits
Dislikes: enygmas, cooking, not knowing what people are talking about, when innocent people get hurt
Fears/triggers: being abandoned, being weak
Kin: drawing, red roses, bunny, shiny things.
Family: her (biological) grandpa, Collei (found family younger sister)
Relationship status: dating Eula
Friends: Kaeya, Albedo, Bennett, Diona, Fischl, Tighnari, Cyno, Jean, Klee, Lisa, Noelle, Sucrose, Venti
Disabilities: autistic, hyperactive, asthma, is amputated below both knees due to an accident when she was 13 and uses prosthetics
Belief: believes Barbatos in a way that resembles catholic beliefs
Name: Kaeya Alberich
Gender: gender non conforming man, he/she
Pictures of character:

Appearance: black, ethnically german, black eyes, black hair dyed blue in locs, eyepatch on the right side.
Age: 24
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: insecure under a mask, charming, sometimes lazy, curious, relaxed, likes a lot kids.
Area of greatest ability: teaching, talking
Likes: wine, peacocks, art, kids, playing tricks on others
Dislikes: grape juice, people threatening Mondstadt, his biological father
Fears/triggers: being abandoned, rain, someone finding out about his secret, fire
Kin: gold, coins, soft, calygraphy, ice, wine, jewelry
Family: Crepus (adoptive dad) Diluc (adoptive older brother) Adelinde (found family mom) Jean, Bennett, Klee, Albedo, Fischl, Razor, Qiqi, Diona, Hu Tao, Barbara, Collei (found family siblings)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Amber, Eula, Lisa, Rosaria, Venti, Thoma, Zhongli, Childe, Ayato
Disabilities: autistic, ADHD, carpal tunnel syndrome, blind in one eye since birth and wears an eyepatch
Belief: has a complicated relationship with religion, but to avoid discussions she says he believes Barbatos.
Name: Lisa Minci
Gender: cis woman, she/her
Pictures of character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, light brown hair she usually keeps tied, green eyes, thin and tall
Age: 27
Sexuality: bisexual
Personality: kind, efficient when she wants to, nice to kids, very organized, usually lazy, likes flirting with strangers, vengeful
Area of greatest ability: literature
Likes: reading, organizing, sleeping, tea, playfully flirting, calla lilies, soup
Dislikes: working, when people break the library's rules, screaming, pumpkins
Fears/triggers: dying way too soon due to her curse and not being able to do what she wants in her life
Kin: crystals, books, tea, purple, spooky stories, sweets
Family: Barbara (sister in law) Razor (adoptive nibling) Rosaria (found family) Cyno (found family brother) Collei (found family niece)
Relationship status: engaged to Jean
Friends: Albedo, Amber, Eula, Kaeya, Klee, Diona, Mika, Mona, Noelle, Sucrose, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Kaveh
Disabilities: depression, fibromyalgia, arthritis, vascular disease, sometimes uses a wheelchair
Belief: agnostic.
Name: Jean Gunnhildr
Gender: trans woman, she/her
Pictures of Character:

Appearance: tall, athletic, white, ethnically german, has blond hair in a ponytail, blue eyes and eyebags.
Age: 25
Sexuality: lesbian
Personality: kind, caring, responsible, serious, polite, ethical, easily anxious.
Area of greatest ability: leading, taking care of others
Likes: folk songs, poetry, romance books, legendary heroes stories, coffee, pizza
Dislikes: sleeping, being told what to do, being tired, when people are irresponsible
Fears/triggers: not being good enough, long training sessions, force-feeding
Kin: clouds, wind, flowers, grass
Family: Barbara (biological younger sister) Razor (nibling in law) Rosaria (family in law) Klee, Kaeya, Diluc (found family siblings)
Relationship status: engaged to Lisa
Friends: Albedo, Amber, Eula, Thoma, Miko, Ningguang, Alhaitham, Collei, Neuvillette
Disabilities: autistic, carpal tunnel syndrome, insomnia, chronic headaches
Belief: believes in Barbatos in a way that resembles catholic beliefs
Name: Eula Lawrence
Gender: trans woman, she/her
Pictures of Character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, has short black hair dyed light blue, an eye blue and the other brown, fat, stretch marks, scars through her body.
Age: 23
Sexuality: asexual demiromantic lesbian
Personality: confident, just, kind, playful on her own way, responsible, reliable, vengeful
Area of greatest ability: leading
Likes: philosophy, dancing, bladework, joking, cold, sweets
Dislikes: etiquette, her family, being mistreated, being misunderstood, thunders
Fears/triggers: etiquette classes, abusive families, being told she is like her father
Kin: snow
Family: Mika (found family little brother) Collei (sister in law)
Relationship status: dating Amber
Friends: Kaeya, Lisa, Jean, Yanfei, Albedo, Klee, Fischl, Noelle, Rosaria, Venti, Bennett
Disabilities: autistic, knee chronic pain, depression, uses a crutch to walk.
Belief: agnostic.
All pictures are made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1931531
Genshin cringe headcanons part 3: Mondstadt teens
This post reclaims the term “cringe”. If you use it as an insult or is triggered by it, please, DNI
Name: Barbara Pegg
Gender: trans girl, she/idol
Picture of Character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, fat, has long blond hair in two ponytails, blue eyes, is short
Age: 17
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Personality: caring, hard worker, charismatic through a mask, optimistic, insecure, thinks way too low about herself
Area of greatest ability: music
Likes: singing, praying, gazing at nature, taking care of others, sunflowers, seeing people happy, fish
Dislikes: bitter food, being unable to help, being way too tired
Fears/triggers: being compared to her sister, divorces, spooky stories
Kin: water, painting, slime, sky, flowers, fluffy, cute stuff, idol stuff.
Family: Jean (biological older sister) Lisa (sister in law) Rosaria (found family older sister)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Albedo, Bennett, Fischl, Mika, Sucrose, Venti, Mona, Amber, Diluc, Kaeya, Xinyan, Yun Jin
Disabilities: autistic, has schizophrenia, gets medicines with Albedo
Belief: believes Barbatos in a way that resembles catholic beliefs
Name: Bennett
Gender: transmasc demiboy, he/they
Picture of character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, tan skinned, has freckles, many scars through his body, very clear and almost white hair, green eyes, below the knee amputation on right leg
Age: 15
Sexuality: asexual biromantic polyamorous
Personality: optimistic, passionate, very inventive, resillient, extrovert, insecure, has low self-esteem
Area of greatest ability: travelling and mechanics
Likes: adventuring, being around his friends, cabbages, meat, when people smile
Dislikes: spicy food, being avoided, not finding anything in an adventure, their bad luck
Fears/triggers: being abandoned, the day his bad luck takes over
Kin: adventure, fire, eggs, red, orange.
Family: adventurers guild (adoptive family) Diona, Diluc, Kaeya (found family siblings)
Relationship status: dating Razor and Fischl
Friends: Albedo, Barbara, Mika, Noelle, Sucrose, Rosaria, Jean, Amber, Klee, Lisa.
Disabilities: autistic, partially deafblind (both on the left side), ADHD, dyspraxia, has a service dog called Roca that helps him on day-to-day tasks and when they gets hurt.
Belief: is agnostic towards Barbatos, but was raised in a way that resembles jewish beliefs and still practices it
Name: Fischl von Luftschloss Narfdort
Gender: transfem, she/raven/violet/prinzessin/crow.
Picture of character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, blond hair in two tails, green eyes, pear-like body.
Age: 15
Sexuality: polyamorous omnisexual
Personality: formal, weird, curious, insecure, goth, extrovert when with close people.
Area of greatest ability: acting, writing
Likes: prinzessin der verurteilung, having friends, crows, reading, night
Dislikes: not being recognized as Fischl, wine smell, being ignored
Fears/triggers: being alone, being called crazy, being called prinzessins deadname
Kin: prinzessin der verurteilung, purple, crows, princess, darkness, roleplay games, bats, spiders.
Family: Mona (biological cousin)
Relationship status: dating Bennett and Razor
Friends: Albedo, Barbara, Kazuha, Xinyan, Diluc, Jean, Kaeya, Lisa, Mika, Noelle, Rosaria, Sucrose.
Disabilities: autistic, psychosis, hurt her eye during an episode and uses an eyepatch, Oz is her service animal and helps her to cope with daily life, has medicine made by Albedo
Belief: has a wild range of beliefs that embraces all of Teyvat’s deities/divine beings, considers violetself as pagan.
Name: Noelle
Gender: trans girl, she/they.
Picture of character:

Appearance: short, ethnically german, white, very muscled, has brown hair dyed lilac, brown eyes.
Age: 14
Sexuality: asexual lesbian
Personality: polite, ethical, helpful, stubborn, independent, insecure, calm, kind.
Area of greatest ability: helping.
Likes: taking care of others, training, routine, wine smell, roses, salad, being comprehended by people her age
Dislikes: having unfinished tasks, resting, failing, banquets, rain
Fears/triggers: not doing enough to be considered worth loving, never accomplishing her dreams
Kin: cottagecore, pancakes, pastel colors, red, golden.
Family: knights of Favonius (found family)
Relationship status: single, has a crush on Lumine and Barbara
Friends: Barbara, Bennett, Diluc, Diona, Fischl, Mona, Rosaria, Venti, Zhongli, Itto, Gorou
Disabilities: autistic, OCD, arthritis, sometimes uses crutches to get around fast and not hurt her legs
Belief: believes Barbatos but does not does any practices, sometimes goes to church just to see Barbara
Name: Razor
Gender: transmasc nonbinary agender wolfgender, Wolf/it/he/they
Pictures of character:

Appearance: ethnically romani, dark skin, short, very muscled, long grey hair, lots of scars through its body, brown eyes.
Age: 15
Sexuality: asexual panromantic polyamorous
Personality: honest, very direct, does not understand jokes, lies or sarcasm, loyal, protective, kind, playful, blunt.
Area of greatest ability: the forest
Likes: meat, its friends, stars, wolfs lupical, the forest, running, potatoes
Dislikes: loud noises, being defenseless, bathing, speaking verbally, veggies
Fears/triggers: being weak, Abyss Mages, not protecting who he loves
Kin: Wolf, sky, moon, night, stars, blades, nature, electricity.
Family: lupical (adoptive family) Lisa (found family aunt) Rosaria (found family older sister)
Relationship status: dating Bennett and Fischl
Friends: Albedo, Amber, Barbara, Diluc, Kaeya, Klee, Mika, Noelle, Sucrose, Venti.
Disabilities: autistic and semi-verbal, ADD, pathelar condhromalacia
Belief: believes in the spirits of Teyvat’s nature, can be considered pagan
Name: Sucrose
Gender: transfem demigirl, she/they
Pictures of Character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, fat, freckles, blond hair dyed light green, brown eyes, glasses, burn scars and Chemical scars
Age: 15
Sexuality: aroace
Personality: insecure, timid, reclusive, curious, compassive, bonds easily over her favorite topics
Area of greatest ability: alchemy
Likes: organization, bones, mist flower corolla, sweets, talking about alchemy
Dislikes: being interrupted, being around strangers, mushrooms
Fears/triggers: being yelled at, breaking social rules without knowing, losing their friends
Kin: fluff, mint, butterflies, glitter
Family: Albedo, Klee, Noelle, Collei (found family siblings)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Diona, Heizou, Amber, Barbara, Bennett, Fischl, Mika, Razor, Venti
Disabilities: autistic, anxiety disorder, selectively mute, sometimes may write down in order to communicate
Belief: is an atheist
Name: Albedo
Gender: nonbinary transmasc, he/they
Pictures of Character:

Appearance: very thin, ethnically norse, white, very pale, braided blond hair, blue eyes, eyebags
Age: chronologically 300, physically and psychologically 17 (they have a complicated relationship with their own age, he likes a lot hangin with the teen because he feels like he is his true self and not attached to any of his past with Rhinnedotir, while feeling older and the same age as them at the same time)
Sexuality: gay-oriented aroace
Personality: blunt, reclusive, curious, artistic, introverted, very caring even though they doesn’t seem to.
Area of greatest ability: alchemy, art
Likes: drawing, investigating the world, experimenting, spiders, trees, being alone, desserts
Dislikes: social interactions, meat, not having enough time, being yelled at
Fears/triggers: Rhinnedotir, losing control over himself
Kin: garden, science, art, books, flowers.
Family: Alice (adoptive mom) Klee (adoptive lil sister) Kaeya, Diluc, Qiqi, Diona, Hu Tao, Zhongli, Childe, Sucrose (found family siblings)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Amber, Xingqiu, Yun Jin, Itto, Barbara, Bennett, Eula, Fischl, Jean, Mika, Mona, Noelle, Razor, Venti
Disabilities: autistic, low blood pressure, chronic fatigue, insomnia
Belief: is an atheist
Name: Mika
Gender: transmasc, any pronouns except for she/her
Pictures of Character:

Appearance: ethnically german, white, pale, very small, blue eyes, fluffy blond hair
Age: 14
Sexuality: questioning, on the aspec
Personality: timid, introvert, observing, more mature than he should be for his age, responsible, kind.
Area of greatest ability: cartography
Likes: maps, drawing, reading, camping, travels, meat
Dislikes: talking to strangers, alcohol, surprises
Fears/triggers: loud noises, children (except for Klee), hilichurls, Abyss Mages
Kins: does not has kin, but supports his friends who do.
Family: Huffman (biological older brother) Eula (found family older sister)
Relationship status: single
Friends: Albedo, Barbara, Bennett, Fischl, Jean, Kaeya, Klee, Noelle, Collei, Razor, Sucrose
Disabilities: autistic, social anxiety, chronic pain, uses a crutch to walk
Belief: believes Barbatos in a way that resembles jewish beliefs
All pictures are made with this picrew: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1931531
Alright so I pretty much said all of this verbatim on a reblog of someone else's post, but I wanted to put it here on my blog too.
As I've mentioned before, I would *very* much like to see Peri canonically having a disability that causes him to use his wand/cane and not just have it be an accessory, and so I analyzed the episodes he's in that I've been able to see so far and came up with a few observations:
As much as I'd be unopposed to seeing it portrayed, leg issues don't really seem like a major deal to fairies in general given as Cosmo misplaced his for most of an episode and a pair of sticks were a good enough replacement for him to have fun at the arcade in human form (without even drawing human attention)

And Peri can apparently use his powers as listed above without his cane since he doesn't always immediately have it on his person (especially since Dev & Hazel took his cane in Lost in Fairy World and he didn't have any power or mobility problems)
I *could* easily see him having some kind of magical fatigue issue or magical equivalent of hypotonia or balance disorder, since he's shown to be
very tired after a morning spent magically creating cupcakes (a probably small but very repetitive task that leaves him running low on energy)
When his stationary float is disrupted he remains seated instead of floating back up again

3. A minor contact/startle reflex is enough to disrupt his hover and cause him to immediately fall pretty hard if not very far

4. speaking of distance, he is shown to sometimes float a bit lower than his parents, which, while not consistent and likely just an animation choice, could tie in with the other points to support the diagnosis theory

However, pain may admittedly be more of a factor than the above images suggest,
he may not just be tired from shape shifting like I'd thought since right before that he was walking (albeit in horse form) and afterwards (low) cloud float is apparently easier and faster for him than just quickly trotting past his parents

He also didn't really seem to be having too much of a problem at all before he hit the ground

Where it goes to a definitely tired and possibly more pained look.
Maybe he didn't want to tell Dev that it was painful either out of pride or because he didn't want to potentially upset him and just went with "tired" because that was what he assumed. It'd be interesting to see if it happens again in a different form.
Personally I think it'd be cool to see both and have it be a chronic condition (directly magical or otherwise) that he already had before the series began (diagnosed or not).
If he's the first fairy kid born in a long time he probably would have been monitored very closely, but it may have taken a while for doctors to notice a problem since there was little reference for comparison and may have even caused some potentially serious problems that gave Comso & Wanda a bad scare, which could tie in pretty well with their developing a high amount of over protectiveness of him, and that in turn leading him to try and behave too far in the other direction (not seeking help when he really does need it, pushing himself way too hard and suffering the fallout which he then tries to hide, ect)
If he's undiagnosed but having the problems it could be interesting to see sort of an inversion of the "character must learn to accept their disability" storyline wherein he's more connecting certain events & symptoms and we get to see him adapting to accommodations and letting himself try different approaches moreso than to having new symptoms (though we as the audience may see these symptoms more or behaviors contextualized as symptoms where they weren't necessarily before).
Idk either way I just think it would be cool (and I've probably put away more analysis into this than will ever pay off lol)
also to everyone who draws him as a disabled mobility device user: ILY please draw more of it it feeds my soul
Yo!!! Hey everybody!
I had Service Shark Vark art!
Will repost with links to new fics!!!!
For those who don't know I have fics of headcanons for disabilities and Alastor has seizures, Vark is his service shark gifted to him by Vox!
Occasionally I might write where he's Vox service dog, tho

Talking shit to the haters

(Sorry if the perspective is off, Vox should be in the foreground here)
A close up of Vox because I just love the sass. He is tearing the demon apart verbally. And uploading the roast online too, lol

Also a cute quick doodle of playing fetch! When TV daddy finally puts down the phone!

Here are the fics it's currently Relevant to will update s needed;