Disco Elysium Skills - Tumblr Posts

lil doodle page of them plus closeups. Here’s Kim in the Kaneda jacket and Harry with makeup that he found in the dumpster on

Electrochemistry doodles. Um. I hate him a lot‼️‼️‼️‼️

blorbos!!! my skrunglies!!

hamber 🔨

DAY 1: LOGIC - Do it for the picture puzzle. Put it all together. Solve the world. One conversation at a time.

Hi. Um. I may have missed one day. Uh. I hope I can still participate bc this looks like a whole lotta fun!! Here’s Encyclopaedia my beloved,,,,

I love him sm but my ass does not pay attention when he talks 😭😭 WHAT HE SAYS IS SO INTERESTING I SWEAR I just have the attention span of 0.2 seconds

Previously created

ENCYCLOPEDIA - Strike a match, it's so dark without fire.
ENCYCLOPEDIA - Baby, burn something down to keep us warm!
Encyclopedia my BELOVED <333

Day three for goldmouth, the communist himself!
My wonderful and AMAZING friend Paracosm helped with the gold threads and the colouring she is seriously the best guys <333


.senob yrd ,yrd meht ,senob meht ,senob mehT - CIROTEHR
.senoJ yvaD fo rekcol eht ot nwod emoC - CIROTEHR
Smiles. Hope you can read reversed text

LOGIC Wield raw intellectual power. Deduce the world. So I realize I'm late for Skilltober but I've got a LOT of stuff happening this month including rehearsals for an upcoming musical and trying to reapply to get a teaching degree. I might not even be able to finish these drawings for this month but I really wanna try and do some them anyway because I love this game and I wanna make some fan art dammit! lol Anyway, I'll try and make more but no promises👍 I'm trying out a more painterly style for these so they'll resemble their in-game portraits more
![Three drawings of Encyclopedia from Disco Elysium. He is a muted blue humanoid figure with a misty open book on top of his head, black eyes and ink stained limbs, lacking a body below the hips. In the first drawing, he rests on top of a pillar as he raises an index finger. His eyes are closed as he explains something. The second drawing is them floating with their arms crossed, saying, "ENCYCLOPEDIA - What? Oh, yes, I hover and the pillar reappears from the floor when I land. | ENCYCLOPEDIA [Impossible: Failure] - What do you mean, my design used to have legs? They call me Pillar Bookhead for a reason, you know. I'm sure I would remember if I had legs."
The third drawing shows him excitedly flapping his hands, with flecks of ink flying from his stimming. He says, "ENCYCLOPEDIA [Easy: Success] - Oh, I have the *perfect* fun fact for this occasion! Now, did you know-"
At the bottom is his name "ENCYCLOPEDIA" with two filled in skill points, equating 4 points.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/51bdbdd948a0013e88fb49cc707865f9/99ef4d94616eaa98-4d/s500x750/1c9e997baaa0d038243fce136a0f8ba2178e9b9e.png)
DAY 2: ENCYCLOPEDIA - AFTER LIFE -- DEATH; AFTER DEATH -- LIFE AGAIN. AFTER THE WORLD -- THE PALE; AFTER THE PALE -- THE WORLD AGAIN. This is the great leitmotiv of humanism, a summary of the effect of the discovery of this isola -- the Insulindian -- on human thinking. A tremendous sea change akin to finding life after death...

DAY 3: RHETORIC - You – against the atom, the charm and the spin. Where the whole world failed – matter failed to bend to human will; human will failed to get out of bed and tie its laces – you alone, single-handedly, will rebuild the dreams of the working class. You are The Last Communist.

hamber 🔨

pep talk (original post)