Disenchantment X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Imagine being bean's little sister from disenchantment. You're more of what they considered "princess like," but like bean, you know how to kick ass. You have a good relationship with oona. You're a kind older sister to Derek. Dagmar may seem more focused on bean, but she still cares for you in her own way. Your aunt becca and Uncle cloyd somewhat like you, you're technically the only kid they tolerate. Let's say zog's glad you aren't completely like your sister. Bean loves and cares for you as an older sister. You've always been by her side fighting for what you believe in. You also treat luci like an actual cat. He says he doesn't like it, but we all know he's lying. Elfo also has a crush on you at some point but moves on. You also have a bunch of guys wanting to sleep with you, which gets on zog's nerves.

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