Dj Grooves - Tumblr Posts

he pecked that old man

hello discotrain nation ✌️

Holy shit, I finally drew the grooves perfectly. is it legal to pray for your own sketches :/ ? tomorrow I'll make an artik out of it :)

finished. that's fine :)
I suddenly remembered about the meme with yoda and decided to create this

Just recently I read an interesting story about my birds. I really liked her and drew the moment at the beginning of the fight.
here is the author @crescentblossom66

The bottom line is that Michelle, because of her good friendship with the conductor and with Dj Grooves, she does not know how to make friends with them. She is very nervous from this lack of success.
And most likely I won't post posts for a while because of my location. (I'm not at home in short)

and again I was late with the holiday. HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL
Character Analysis: Conductor and DJ Grooves
Before I start this analysis made out of reading too much into dialogue and overall being way too obsessed with chapter two of A Hat in Time, I want to clarify that I like both of the directors. Conductor is my favorite character in the whole game and DJ Grooves is another character that I enjoy (I agree with all of you DJ Grooves fans, that funky penguin isn't getting enough content).
I also want to try to make people think about those two more and make them less one dimensional in their fan works. I understand that it is very easy to see DJ Grooves as just the charming underdog with absolutely no bad bone in his body, and Conductor as nothing more than a deranged lunatic. I hope I can inspire with this and draw some attention to these two lovingly crafted characters.
I'll split this analysis into 4 parts:
First impressions of the directors
Conductor, the deranged psycho...or not?
DJ Grooves, charming or cunning?
Final Thoughts
1. First impressions of the directors
We first meet the two quarreling directors in Chapter two act 1. As soon as we enter the lobby of the huge building that we'll later know as Dead Bird Studio, we bare witness to an argument between the Sci-fi and musical making penguin, DJ Grooves, and Conductor, a strange-looking owl thing that makes Westerns. The first thing every player will notice is that both characters seem to act very differently to the whole argument. While the yellow owl stomps his foot in anger and seems very aggressive, his rival seems to not be too fazed by the whole argument, simply dancing and more or less ignoring the allegations and insults the other throws his way.
In the very first scene we learn that the DJ appears to be rather calm and collected, while his counterpart comes of as rather aggressive and downright vindictive, given that he locks the penguins into their side of the studio.
Those first impressions get strengthened even more if the player talks to the actors of the studio. The Express Owls appear very scared of their boss, the Conductor, informing the player that they're mere passengers on the train that the Western director operates, they also state that he makes unexpected stops and caused them to be late for their work and that they get randomly dragged into filming movies. The Moon Penguins on the other hand seem to idolize their boss, DJ Grooves, they even have a fan club in his honor. Those flipper-snapping birds also seem to be very hostile toward new people seeing the player as a threat for their idol and are rather rude to Hat Kid.
When the player makes their way through the vent to enter the studio itself, the interactions that the DJ has with his penguins are all pretty friendly, he encourages them and is pretty calm when his actors make mistakes during recording, even when the player disrupts the recording by jumping in front of the cameras, the former DJ seems to only act confused and just continues on with his filming.
The Conductor on the other hand yells at his actors nonstop, voicing his frustrations clearly, calling his actors lousy and terrible when they make mistakes. Unlike his rival, the yellow owl doesn't take kindly to his recording being disrupted and he yells and gets even angrier whenever the player decides to jump in front of his cameras.
All of this just reaffirms the impressions we had of the characters so far, and even the finale of the chapter only underlines this, as the penguin asks for our help with desperation, and even hands us a bird passport, while the owl wants to take us to jail for messing with the Annual Bird Movie Awards.
The player will come out of this drawing the conclusion that DJ Grooves is the underdog that needs help in beating his despicable rival, who seems to be a terrible person all around. As it is the nature of us humans, we want to see the lovable underdog win against the overconfident and cruel rival, as it is seen in most media.
The second act of chapter two, “Murder on the Owl Express”, takes us onto the beloved train of the Western director where we are greeted by said director on the small balcony at the back of the caboose. Nothing much will change for our perception of the character here. He seems to not care that he scared the owls and Hat Kid with a fake murder that the player will obviously notice as just a set up. He will once again remind us that he hates his rival's movies before we're given a time piece and go on our merry way back to the spaceship.
“Picture Perfect”, the third act of the chapter, brings us to a big set on the moon where the DJ greets us enthusiastically. He takes on a mentor role for Hat Kid as she tries to build her own fan base as she goes from endorsement to endorsement. We get once again remind that the DJ is the “good guy” of this story as the Moon Penguins around him are happy and upbeat as opposed to the tense Express Owls. This pleasant and colorful act also clashed hard with the more dreary and serious “Murder on the Owl Express” act that we went through earlier.
Things take a more drastic and extreme turn in the last two stages. In “Train Rush” the player will get told that there is a bomb on the train and they'll have to go and defuse it. It shows the lengths and extremes the Western director will go to just to get a few nice shots for his movies. His attitude toward Hat Kid is once again rather harsh and demeaning, as he blatantly states that he doesn't care for her or the owls, only his train seems of any concern to him. When the chapter is completed, he will brush aside the concerns of the young space traveler, telling her that all of this was done in the name of cinematography.
“The big Parade” also takes things to the extreme with electric floors and homing missiles. The DJ seems as pleasant as ever, informing the player that it will be easy and that all they have to do is walk around the place a bit which does little to prepare the player for the rather hazardous minutes ahead of them.
The final Chapter will be determined by whom the player chooses as the winner at the end of the four split chapters. If the player chooses the Conductor, things will remain like they were before, the Conductor will remain condescending toward Hat Kid and will even attempt to murder her, while the DJ will come to her rescue when he's needed the most. If the player chooses Grooves, however, things will take a twist, the DJ will betray the young girl and will fight her instead, and Conductor, very surprisingly, intervenes and saves the poor girl from certain doom.
If taken at first glance, it is pretty straight forward who the bad guy is supposed to be it's obviously the Conductor, right? He's a terrible person that treats everyone around him horribly, while DJ Grooves did absolutely nothing wrong and only tried his best to win all this time.
But is it really, dear reader? Is it really as clear-cut and black and white as that, I'll ask you? Is Conductor really an all around bad guy, as Mustache Girl would say, and is DJ Grooves really the uwu penguin that can't do any wrong like his Moon Penguins seem to view him as? Let's find out together.
2. Conductor, the deranged psycho...or not?
One of the crucial arguments people make when they talk about the narrative of story is that the Conductor is obviously a crazy, derange old man who cares about nothing and nobody aside from his movies and his train. It's easy therefore to shove him into the villain role, like the story portraits him, however, his character is a bit deeper than what people give him credit for.
The easiest way for me to explain this point is debunking or at least theorizing on a couple of questions to which the answers may be not as cut and dry as you may think. Those questions are:
Is the Conductor a cheater? Is he endangering his actors? Does he care about Hat Kid at all?
To answer the questions, we're going to look at it from the very beginning of the chapter again, starting with the first question, is the Conductor a cheater? In act one the Conductor accuses Hat Kid of rigging the awards in the favor of his rival, considering what his rival did as fraud and roping the young girl into helping him as well. He seems to have contempt for her as she disrupts the status quo, and the best course of action is to make sure that the odds are evened out again. Given that the owl is rather direct, straight forward, and quite honest, we can potentially see him as despising cheating. This can be further backed up as In chapter 6 he will mention that the DJ will mock him for cheating if word gets out that he cheated, this could imply that he never cheated before that, and thus the accusation that his rival based a lot of his argument on (Saying that he manipulated everything to make sure that he never wins, cheating, and fraud) could all just be illusions that the penguin made to justify that the yellow owl won every award except for one, and that the Western director never actually cheated and won his awards legitimately.

The second and bigger problem, and what is a lot harder to ignore is the question of whether or not he actually puts his actors into danger? I can already hear you facepalm and go “Duh! Have you actually PLAYED 'Train Rush'! That owl...thing is a psycho!” To which I will say “Method Acting” Regularly a technique used by actors to get into their roles by putting themselves into situations that the characters they're playing is in, in order to give a more convincing and expressive performance. The Conductor purposefully exposes the owls, and Hat Kid to the stressful situations and without telling them that they're recording to get better acting out of them.
This is confirmed when he tells Hat Kid that his script isn't ready in act 2, there he also says that he's not recording. We as the players know this whole scene is a set up, which is of course confirmed by the owl himself at the end of the act.

The owls seem just as clueless about it as the young space traveler, as they show fear and panic. (The only one clued in is the owl that plays dead, but none of the others know that he's pretending) This can of course be slightly debunked depending on the person or group you chose as the culprit. If you pick Hat Kid we don't know if she only picked herself just because, due to the owl simply saying that she put a rubber knife on him, but we were with Hat Kid the whole time...I mean we're controlling her so we would have seen if she had done that to the owl. It makes it probable that she simply lied, Conductor's dramatic retelling of the events also makes that more unbelievable, making it likely that she had no idea that it was a set up and just picked herself on a whim to see what would happen
To summarize, no owls were harmed during “Murder on the Owl Express”
I know you've been waiting, tapping your foot at me impatiently considering that “Train Rush” is the bigger issue. I can already hear you typing. “THE CONDUCTOR LITERALLY TELLS US THAT THERE IS A BOMB!”
Yes, that bomb existed, and yes, I know about that, but the important question is yet again, was anyone harmed? Where those risks calculated? What if I told you...that they were.
The owls do mention that they have more explosives on the train, which is true, but those are all on carts where we don't see any owls being in. The owls are all in areas that are more or less safe and none of them appear to be harmed. Even the band plays as if nothing is wrong, further confirming that they knew that they'd be safe.

As you know, the Conductor is at the front of the train the ENTIRE time we see him after the announcement. (I have no idea how he got to the front all the way from the caboose without us noticing, game logic, I guess) He could have switched that bomb off at any time. We never actually see the bomb blow up even if the time runs out, we simply die as if killed by an enemy, so it neither confirms nor debunks that the bomb blew up. Not even in chapter 6 do we see the bomb ACTUALLY exploding.
So is he endangering his actors? Physically no, mentally and emotionally, yes. His actions here still make it clear that he only see the owls as a means to and end, which is winning the award. The amount of stress and trauma he forces the Express Owls through is just collateral to him.
The last point on this list is does he show care toward Hat Kid aside from the finale?
Too many people say the switch in personality that Conductor shows when he saves Hat Kid from the demented DJ comes out of nowhere, and they do not see the build up that happened across the two chapters that lead up to chapter 6. I understand that wholeheartedly, because that build up is extremely subtle. It is very easy to go through both, chapter 2 and chapter 4, thinking that the yellow bird show no affection toward Hat Kid, especially when you consider that the DJ shows more affection for her in his chapters. The Conductor's shift in demeanor is very easy to miss. In act 1 the owl seems to dislike Hat Kid quite a lot for interfering, but there's two easily overlooked lines that show some growth.
I want you to look at those two pictures, the first is at the end of “Murder on the Owl Express”, while the second is taken at the end of “Train Rush”.

Do you see the slight switch in demeanor? The first one tells us that we should leave, but the line delivery even shows that he doesn't yell this time even if it has an exclamation mark. He speaks a bit more fondly of her in the second picture, saying that Hat Kid deserved the time piece instead of telling us to grab the supposed prop and scram.
I'm also going to briefly mention here that he still helps Hat Kid in chapter 5, and even apologizes for attempting to kill her (He tries at least, he's not very good at it) if he was chosen as the winner for the award. If he's the loser, he will express a bit of empathy for her for what his rival had put her through.
So, is the Conductor the good guy now? No...not by any means. He's still a very aggressive and competitive bird thing that doesn't value his actors too much and prioritizes his movies over everything. Some theories explain his behavior, but this analysis is based on what we actually see in game and theories and conclusions we can potentially draw from those facts. As it stands, he's very much still a bad person, but he has far more nuance when what people give him credit for, if you know where to look. I hope that my small analysis on him here has shown you that there is a potential for him to actually care about Hat Kid, and that the owl is just a tad bit kinder when he lets on.
3. DJ Grooves, charming or cunning?
Another thing that I and a few others hate to see is that people tend to view the charming and stylish former DJ as just the good guy that can't harm a fly, thus they think that Conductor winning, and the subsequent fight in which the DJ rescues us, makes more sense than if he back stabs the young girl he so affectionately calls his diva. Just like with his counterpart, there are a few things I have gripes with, but the ways in which the DJ is more twisted when he lets on are about as subtle as the ways in which the Conductor is kind.
Once again, we can ask a few questions to make it easier to understand where I'm coming from with this, those being: To what extend does DJ Grooves hate his rival? Is the DJ a manipulator?
I once again hear you guys typing a defense for the underrated costar of the second chapter of the game, telling me that the DJ never did anything wrong, that all he wanted to do was make good movies and defeat his angry and hostile rival once again. You may even say that the penguin doesn't really hate his rival all too much, seeing as he tries to stay mostly calm when talking to him...what you don't see is that he has a lot of contempt for the yellow bird, far more than he lets on.
When we first see him interact with his rival, he comes off as calm and collected, appearing to not take the argument too seriously. He takes a jab at the owl's struggles to come up with new ideas which leaves the yellow bird stunned for a moment. The fact that he know that his rival struggles with ideas and the fact he mentions it here is important, keep it in the back of your mind. The penguin seems to know exactly how to get under the other's skin and riles up the Conductor even more while he himself stays calm, he even dances during this whole exchange, showing how little it affects him.
The spite for his rival and his obsession with winning the award is a lot harder to see, and we only get a glimpse of it during act 6 itself if he's the winner were he makes it clear that he despises the owl, slandering his name even without the prove for it, and, if my own theory that I made earlier is true, that accusation has no leg to stand on.

The amount of vitriol in the voice of DJ Grooves (which is amazing by the way, kudos to the voice actor) shows just how frustrated and spiteful he really is, an amount of anger and hatred we've not heard from the penguin in any of his levels yet, is present. There is a few more instances other than this though that show his hatred for his rival and his obsession with winning the award.

These little newspaper clippings can be found in the basement of Dead Bird Studio and are placed on the wall outside of the trophy room. This room is situated right above the DJ's dressing room.

Conductor's is in a completely different area of the basement and not even adjacent to it, kind of making it questionable that the room belongs to Conductor like many people claim. There is a hallway, a room, and another hallway between his side of the studio and Grooves' side.
Also, why would he have a room above his rival's dressing room? But back to the posters. These poster show the Conductor in a bad light, the one on the top left seems to be an article on the Western director's first loss, while the one below that shows that something went wrong in his movies, saying that a “Calculated risk went horribly wrong”. It likely refers to the movie that cost the yellow owl award 42. It also isn't favorable for the yellow owl to be laughing at the misfortune of another bird, as the right clipping shows. All in all, those clips show embarrassing and more humbling moments of the owl, further proving that the room is Grooves', and that he hates his rival enough to remind himself that the strange yellow bird is far from perfect and in fact not untouchable. If that room really is Grooves, it shows an eerie obsession with winning, having over 200 plastic replica of the golden trophy, it shows just how far gone the penguin really is.
But it gets better, yes, dear reader, there's more, and this one can be completely missed if you pick the wrong character in a completely different act...and that act is “Murder on the Owl Express”!
You may be asking yourself “Huh? What does one of Conductor's acts have to do with DJ Grooves?” Well, the penguin mocks his rival not only in front of his whole crew...BUT IN FRONT OF HIS OWN AUDIENCE! I know pics or it didn't happen, you go.

THIS is why I told you to listen when I said that he hated Conductor a lot more than he lets on, it may appear as him being friendly, but look at the context, he's helping his poor, idea-less, incompetent rival create a story line. Is that friendly or detrimental? I'll ask you! Keep this screenshot in mind, it will be relevant again.
Have I convinced you that the penguin, REALLY hates his rival now? That the amount of anger he feels might even justify him snapping if he hadn't already? That he hides insanity and hatred behind his fashionable shades. If not, stay tuned, there's more.
Now, let me shatter your view of the 'uwu, I'm incapable of doing anything wrong' penguin even more. Let's focus on another important factor in this whole story, the main character, Hat Kid. We get roped into helping the DJ after he pleads for Hat Kid's help, telling us that is penguins are terrible actors. No, I'm not saying that he hates the Moon Penguins, given that the story book “Groovy Underdog” exists. It makes it clear that he's frustrated with their acting, but still tries hard to make it work even with them being bad at their jobs.
What I have an issue with is that he manipulates Hat Kid into helping him, which is the very thing that prompts Conductor to accuse her of fraud. DJ Grooves simply spotted an opportunity to beat his rival and win the award, the goal was not to help Hat Kid become famous, he simply more or less cheated by dragging an outsider into their quarrel.
The second instance that shows that the DJ is amazing at manipulating those around him is in the first act we see him again, act 3 “Picture Perfect”. He demonstrates an uncanny ability to wrap the viewers at home around his flipper. Everyone on the moon seems to know him as he himself says that everyone knows his name, and it is backed up by the amount of followers Hat Kid gains after every endorsement.
The best example of this is when Hat Kid takes a page out of Conductor's colorful dictionary and uses the word “Peck” ,a swear word in the bird world. Here the DJ shows that he knows his audience rather well, explaining that swearing on TV would get him into trouble, he knows that his image could take a blow if Hat Kid says the wrong thing. He quickly sweeps the occurrence under the rug and tells the space traveler to scram.
The entirety of act 3 shows perfectly how amazing the DJ is at manipulating people to his advantage, even Hat Kid doesn't catch on to what he's actually doing. He's using Hat Kid's cute, childlike charm and likability to his advantage, this is backed up in act 1 where he refers to Hat Kid as an innocent soul with a heart of gold before dismissing her right BEFORE he gets the idea to use her for his own gain.
He continues to manipulate the public and even the player's impression of him by presenting himself as a charming mentor character to Hat Kid, and an overall likable funky fellow. It's all a facade, a charade put on by him to hide his desperation for the victory, show the player, Hat Kid and the public what they want, a charming director who can't do anything wrong at all.
The cracks show in “The Big Parade”, act 5 of the chapter. He explains to us and to Hat Kid, that the parade will be easy, that all she has to do was jump and run around the rooftops...with not a single line does he mention the dangers we're actually facing. Electric floors, homing missiles and carnage, all presented as a happy-go-lucky movie with nice effects and pleasant music.

The audience of the movie doesn't see the danger, the difficulty and the hazardous chaos that Hat Kid navigates through. They only see the pretty colors, the nice effects and the cheery music so out of place in this nightmare. The DJ either doesn't know that Hat Kid is in danger, which is unlikely, or he doesn't care. In “Train Rush” The Conductor blatantly tells us that there's a bomb and that were in danger of the whole train blowing up, here, the disco-loving director shows that he cares as little for Hat Kid's safety as the Conductor does, he just doesn't blatantly tell us.
To summarize, the DJ feigns to care for Hat Kid and only sees her as a means to an end, just like his, apparently seen as more evil, counterpart. Speaking of his counterpart, I told you to keep that screenshot in mind where Grooves “helps” the Conductor with his movie.
I mentioned that he ruins the reputation of his rival, but he also BOOSTS HIS! He even makes clear who is speaking! In the line before the screenshot I took, he announces to everyone in the room and the audience that will watch this movie that HE is here to help his poor rival. It not ONLY mocks the Conductor for his lack of ideas, but it might boost his own movies as he's seen as a generous and helpful guy by the audience of Conductor's movies.
Once again I'll ask, just how innocent is that penguin really? Can you STILL claim that his shift in demeanor is out of character, when everything he does can point to him being just as deranged as his rival if not more so. I think that I have at least given you some food for thought...Maybe you will look at this flashy disco penguin in a different way the next time you play his levels...and you'll see the cold and calculated show he puts on for the viewers.
4. Final Thoughts
I hope that I managed to convey that both the Conductor and DJ Grooves are far more nuanced and interesting when we give them credit for, that chapter 2 can be far more interesting and less black and white when what people say. I personally love both characters a lot. Don't go chasing me with pitchforks for ruining the character for you, it's okay if you want to see DJ Grooves as nice and a cinnamon roll, and Conductor as a cold-hearted bastard. Everything is up to interpretation which varies from person to person. All I tried to accomplish was give food for thought and maybe explain a little why DJ Grooves as the winner makes more sense when people realize.
I'm always up for discussing chapter 2, as it's my favorite. Thank you for reading and have a nice day or night! You're awesome!
@majormeilani Here it is, you wanted me to tag you for this. I hope you liked it. Chapter 2 ftw!
"What does (censored) mean"he asks *the words were censored because he is a cartoon he said peck neck*
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"W-Who was that!"his ears turned into exclamation marks for a brief second before returning to normal(he also Glitched at the sound of bad words because he is against them)" wait a second does that mean I cussed..... oh no I am so sorry I didn't mean to say that and just didn't know bout it sorry for my foul language I will never say it again if my wife and kids were here I would have totally died *but you know kind of already did*.he whispered the last part.
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"T-that didn't sound like the w-wind are you lying is Somone else here with us?!?"he was starting to worry and melt more than usual he wasn't as brave as he used to be if he were still alive he would have faced it head on .
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"Oh that make sense I think I used to be an actor before I was forgotten but the showed I did never had voices so that may be why I'm not used to it.......... Wait I just realised somthing,something really important!!!"he seemed to get happier but like he just invented the greatest thing in existence.
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"Well since I'm a ghost most toons are scared of new if they can see or hear me but most toons can't see or hear me my wife...and kids."his mood dropped significantly almost like a switch was flipped then suddenly soft crying filled the air he was also melting a lot "......ha y-your the first one to ever talk to me in a long time.....sorry"he didn't want to cry but the memories were too fresh in his mind.
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"W-What is Subcon Forest but n-no I can't I H-have to watch m-my brother I-I may be dead B-but I don't know I-if t-the blot w-will c-come b-back a-and.."he didn't like thinking about the blot the thing that KILLED HIM.
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.
"T-Thank you I-I wouldn't normally c-cry but b-being a ghost changes you heh"huh a new friend I guess"man m-my kids would have l-loved to meet you but I wouldn't advise them coming here oh I ment t-to ask what type of movies do you make?"boss mood has been lifted a little condutor has been awfully quiet wonder what's gonna happen with conductor
Well how do you do,and were is conductor .....oh I didn't even ask your name I'm Oswald the L̴̛͚͉̯̼̣̓̿͗̀u̵̧͔͚̔̈̇̆́͠ç̸̱̻͉͑̇̌̆k̷̲̜͈̦̞͒̐ÿ̴̘̰́̾̎̚͠ rabbit.(he extends his hand but quickly pulls back remembering he is a ghost)
Grooves smiles. “I’m DJ Grooves, darling! Nice to meet you!” Grooves almost shook Oswald’s hand before they pulled away. Though he didn’t seem phased by it. “And Conductor darling.. he’s…” Grooves looks over to his side of the studio… wait is it… covered in whipped cream? the hel- heck? “… He’s fine.” you hear a distant and scottish “PECK NECK” from somewhere. hm.

Casually spends 10 hours on an art prompt immediately after it’s revealed
Happy Almost-Birthday to A Hat In Time!