Mustache Girl - Tumblr Posts

heni pls don't push get into an argument and push mu...

Casually spends 10 hours on an art prompt immediately after it’s revealed
Happy Almost-Birthday to A Hat In Time!

"...I didn't think you were coming back."
Day 1 - New Beginnings
I'm COMPLETELY late to Hatstache week but I can manage to get the rest of them done in time, right? ...right? :)

A trip to Alpine Skyline!
Day 2 - Exploration

Day 3 - Nostalgia

Day 4 - Standoff
Gonna try to at least get Day 5 done, but no guarantees about the others :/

"You gotta be more careful around broken Timepieces!" "Oh, come on, it's just a cut..."
Day 5 - Hurt
Well, Hatstache Week has come and past. I may still end up drawing something for the last two days, but for now I'd say this was a good first go at it!
Thinking about all the volcanoes surrounding the planet in the final chapter

Heating Up Mafia Town was Mustache Girl trying to initialize her master plan before she had the Timepieces to do so
Probably did some time shenanigans to make Every Volcano Ever erupt at the same time

Some cute kids in your recommendations:3
I'll always love this AU, well, others is good too, but...:D
As always, posting old arts
I'm sorry- T_T

I saw this while playing A Hat in Time and, being the little freak I am, did this ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
I'm just imagining one of the crows to got to hat kid and be like,"hello fellow express owl. Could you please help us with this vending machine. If you do, I'll never talk about you *insert least favorite body part and/or grunts* ever again
