Dj Lethal - Tumblr Posts
I mean, Fred was in the navy, military, whatever it was

Lethal: You're driving a car and then you see Wes and Fred in the middle of the road. Which do you hit first?
John: Oh! Definitely Fred!
I could never hurt Wes.
Fred: *Massaging his temples*
The breaks, John. You hit. The BREAKS.
Jdevil shenanigans ensue (poor wes)

Jdevil changed back the moment he saw Wes's embarrassment so he made Jon go through the awkward ass pizza dinner (Idevil loves torturing Jonathan Dj lethal and John Otto mention!? I just honestly wanted 2 draw jdevil
Hello vro

Been waiting for LB for hours and like an hour ago lethal was out lurking on stage I SCREAMED and my cousin was like why r u so excited cause he does not know anything about limp bizkit at all^
Wes was there too NO MAKEUP NO MASK omg!?
Limp bizkit bathroom photoshoot mood board 🎀

Making the unquestionable truth

Limp bizkit unauthorised 'Full Extreme' - Russia, 1999

Turn it up bitch video?? They are so backkk
I is SO HARD to find every pic from this shoot☹️


How are we feeling about the Turn It Up, Bitch music video..

I made sum buttons the other day :)

// fuck it i love you //
wes borland x fem! reader

summary: you and wes have had feelings for eachother since the sandbox days, but neither of you have ever admitted it, until alcohol and jealousy gets in the way.

chapter 2
❥༄ me and wes have known eachother ever since i was 10 and he was 12. that's when him and fred started hanging out, and with fred being my brother and us living in the same house and all, meant that me and wes saw each other basically everyday after school. most of the time him and fred would be in the garage playing their instruments or skating. but sometimes they would bug me. although it was really only fred who would do the bugging, wes was always kind to me and never even teased me.
❥༄ i was on the couch watching the simpsons, when fred and wes came in and took up the whole couch, fred stole the remote from my hands. "i'm watching something!" i tried to grab the remote back, but of course he was stronger. "so?" he chuckled. "hey wes what should we watch?" i could see wes out the corner of my eye. he had a hesitant look on his face that was mixed with, sympathy? "i'm fine with the simpsons, i've never seen that episode anyway" i turned my head fully to make eye contact with him, when he noticed he gave me a shy smile, i returned it, feeling butterflies in my tummy. fred looked at both of us with disgust "you guys suck!"
❥༄ that was a long while ago, now im in my junior year of highschool while fred and wes have been graduates for a year. they began taking their music seriously, and formed a band. i had to admit, they sounded pretty good. i knew they would make a name for themselves somehow. it was the end of the school day and i was waiting for fred to pick me up since my car was in the shop and none of my friends could give me a ride. after about 10 mins of waiting, fred pulls up with wes in the passenger seat. i gulped as i began to feel those butterflies i've been feeling for 6 years start their swarming again. i hopped in the back. "hey how was school?" fred asked. i shrugged and took my backpack off "it was whatever." he nodded and began driving away from the school "you hungry?" he asked. you were actually starving considering the lunch today was horrible. "yeah could we get taco bell?" i pleaded. Wes jumped up from his slouching position at this, "oh yeah i've been craving tb all day" he turned to give me a thumbs up and a wink. i gave him a sheepish smile and returned the thumbs up. fred groaned "fine but only cause i just got payed" he turned up his music and began driving to taco bell. yay! suddenly wes spoke up "hey who's gonna be at the party tonight?" party? you weren't invited! but then again, when were you ever invited to one? fred began listing some names when you suddenly interrupted him. "can i go?" fred started bursting out laughing. "yeah like i'm gonna bring my kid sister to a keg party." "i'm only 2 years younger asshole! come on please?" fred kept laughing "no way y/n. forget it" i let out a huff of air and opened my mouth to protest, but then wes spoke up. "come on dude let her go. i mean, what's the deal?" i felt my face get hot and i immediately shushed up. why was wes helping me out? did he want me there? ugh he made it so easy to like him. Fred looked at him, gob smacked "seriously? she's like 5 compared to us and everyone else there, she's never even been to a highschool party yet." you slapped the back of his neck, earning a groan from him. yeah it was the truth, but he just totally humiliated you in front of wes! "dude she's old enough to take care of herself. and wouldn't it be better if she went to her first party with us instead of some guys we don't even know? at least we'd keep an eye out for her." wes explained. Fred stayed quiet for a moment. i was in the backseat freaking out. why was wes helping me out so much? i mean of course i appreciated it but i was basically star struck. my brothers hot friend wanted me at a party? score! finally after about a minute of silence, fred spoke up. "fine" he grunted. "yay!" i gave him a hug from behind the seat. "but i don't want you talking to any guys besides me or wes ok? and stay where i can see you!" i wasn't really paying attention. i was just excited for my first party. "ok ok i promise!" he rolled his eyes as he pulled into the tb drive thru
❥༄ it was about 6 hours later and i was ready to go. i put my best makeup and outfit on along with the perfect hairstyle. i went downstairs once i was done, where i saw fred and wes waiting for me. fred jumped up from the couch, keys in hand. "finally!" i rolled my eyes and began following them out of the door, wes and i were trailing behind fred, when wes suddenly bent down to my level. "you look really nice tonight" when i looked up at him, he had a shy smile on his face, his cheeks a slight red, along with his ears. my face turned the same strawberry color as his as i looked down with the same smile as well. "thanks wes. so do you" he opened the backseat door for me, as usual, then hopped in the front with fred. my head was already spinning and i haven't even had any alcohol yet. ugh!
❥༄ we arrived to the party, and as soon as we entered the home it was being thrown at, you noticed a group of 4 waiting at the front door. 2 girls and 2 boys. one of the girls had skunk hair like christina aguilara with makeup like hers too. beside her was the other girl who had black hair with purple streaks. she had heavy dark makeup along with many facial and ear piercings. the two boys were dressed in the same style as fred and wes, basically matching. i suddenly understood what fred meant. i did feel 5 compared to these people. especially the girls. we began making our way towards them, fred and wes greeting the boys first, then the girls. fred began introducing me to everyone. "this is my sister y/n. y/n this is harmony, zayra, jay, and sean.” everyone said hi and waved, except harmony, she was just...staring at me. like i had something on my face. she was the one with the purple streaks. Zayra began to attack me with her compliments. "omg i love your outfit! where are your jeans from?" "oh they're miss mes. i got them at the mall a while ago." i said shyly. she put her arm around my shoulder, "another girl with taste! i like you already! let's go drink!" i obeyed her as she began dragging me to a counter that was littered with various liquor bottles and beer cans. empty and full. "so you're freds kid sister right?" she asked while handing me a shot of something. i was debating on drinking it or not. then i thought, fuck it. i downed it while making a face then answered. "yeah but i'm only younger by two years!" she let out a loud chuckle at my reaction. "you're so cute! you're my girl for the night, harmonys being weird." she said while rolling her eyes, then taking a shot for herself. i didn't wanna pry and ask why, i knew it'd be rude. so instead, i began copying zayra and downing shots like my life depended on it. zayra patted my back in response. "that's the spirit y/n!"
❥༄ it was a while later and the liquor was defiantly kicking in. me and zayra were dancing like crazy together when i suddenly spotted wes and harmony out the corner of my eye. it looked like they were arguing. wes kept looking away while harmony was forcing her hands on his face. i think wes felt me staring because he suddenly locked eyes with me, then me and harmony locked eyes. she grabbed wes's face and slammed their lips together. i looked away, feeling so crushed. how stupid could i be? why would wes want someone like me when he has someone like harmony in his life. she's so much older and cooler. she didn't have to beg her mom to add more minutes on her phone, or be forced to take algebra again. she was grown like wes. i knew i'd have to get over this school girl crush sooner or later, but i didn't think it'd go like this. i stooped dancing and leaned towards zayra's ear, "im gonna go get some fresh air." she nodded and continued dancing.
❥༄ i made my way through the crowd of bodies towards the backyard. whoever's house this was, is blessed. there was a huge pool, a hot tub, and a wooden porch swing. i decided to sit on the swing and pull out a cig from my back pocket. i groaned in frustration as i realized i didn't have a lighter. just then a shadow casted over me, and a voice spoke up. "need a light?" it was wes with his dark blue lighter. "yeah...thanks." i wasn't really looking at him as i spoke. he held the lighter to my lips, i positioned the lighter in a way where the embers would catch the fire being emerged from the metal object. i locked eyes with his big brown ones while doing so, it was like i was stargazing. i also didn't know if it was him or the liquor that was making me feel like i had to puke. he took the space next to me and began making the swing rock back and forth. i decided i needed to pop the question now or it would eat me alive. "so you and harmony?" he whipped his head towards me and began fidgeting with his ear. he only did that when nervous. "what about me and harmony?" he spoke. thanks to all those random shots me and zayra were pounding, i had an insane amount of liquid courage. "oh come on wes! i saw you two basically sucking each others faces. i mean why would you compliment me tonight if you dint like me?" he was staring at me for a while, then he began to speak up but i cut him off. "do you even know how long i've liked you? how much i like you?" things went quiet and he was just staring at me. after a minute he spoke up with a stern voice "do you mean what you say?" i looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. how clueless could he be? "yes! and i know you just see me as some stupid little girl, but i've liked you for years." i began to walk away. until he grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn around. "wow when did i ever say that?" he had a worried expression. "you don't have to! i can tell that's what you and harmony were thinking!" he shook his head before speaking. "y/n harmony's just some jealous ex who won't leave me alone." i looked up at him with my brows furrowed "really?" "yeah!" he said while nodding profusely. we stayed staring at eachother, awkwardly, until i decided to break the silence. "why did you guys break up?" he chuckled a little before he spoke up, he began playing with his ear again too. "when i realized i started liking someone else way more than i liked her." wow. i swore i heard my heart shatter for the second time that night. "who?" i asked, the question making my throat burn and eyes water. then he did something totally unexpected, he grabbed my face with both of his hands, cupping my cheeks with a soft smile, then he connected our lips. i felt like there were a million fireworks exploding all over my body, my hands were shaky and my heart was daring to jump out of my chest. the alcohol was definitely adding fuel to the fire as well. my head felt like it was spinning at 100 mph. the kiss lasted for a minute until i broke away. "does that answer your question?" he said in a dorky voice with a smirk. i giggled while swatting his chest. "yeah it did weirdo." he laughed again. he had this far away look in his eye, just staring at me before he began dragging me back to the party. "what are you doing?" i slightly yelped. "come on! i wanna dance!" he proclaimed with a huge smile. i happily obliged and began following him back into the house.
❥༄ i felt eyes on me as soon as we started dancing, i turned to see harmony, staring at me with daggers in her eyes. sober me would've ignored her, but drunk me had balls. i grabbed wes and kissed him, while keeping eye contact with harmony, just returning the favor! she stomped out the house through the front door. when i pulled away from wes, he looked at me with a huge smile and twinkling eyes. "what was that for?" he said with a chuckle. "i just...felt like it." i said with a giggle. he returned the laugh and we continued dancing. the night ended with me wearing wes's hoodie, and drifting off in the back of fred's car, forever grateful for this night.
// Fuck It I Love You • part 2 //

summary: after the party, you and wes talk more about your feelings for each other and things get a little heated

part 2 of this chap
❥༄ when i stepped out of fred's car, the night sky was jet black, accompanied with bright stars. i started giggling to myself because they looked like little specks of glitter. Fred gave me an irritated look, "get inside weirdo." i sneered at him while he pushed me towards the driveway, wes beside him laughing. I was still trying to wrap my head around the events that happened merely an hour ago. the whole thing happened so fast. it had me questioning wes's motives. i mean does he really like me or did he just tell me all that because him and harmony broke up? as we all stepped into the house, my thoughts were interrupted by fred's voice. "ah shit man, how are you gonna get home? me and y/n are way too drunk to drive you back, and i need my car tomorrow." i looked over at wes, he was looking at fred with a concentrated face. "i mean i could just crash here right? it wouldn't be the first time." fred looked down at his shoes, clearly thinking then shrugging. "yeah you're right, just take the couch." fred waved me and wes off, making his way to his room, leaving the two of us in the kitchen, alone.
❥༄ I awkwardly stared at my shoes, while wes scratched the beck of his neck. "well i guess that's my cue." i murmured along with a weak laugh. wes jumped up "oh yeah me too.." "well goodnight wes." i whispered. he looked at me and there was something about his eyes, it's like there was some kind of message in them, but i couldn't decipher it. "yeah goodnight y/n...sleep well." he gave me a small smile, i returned it and trutted up the stairs to my room. i shut the door with a sigh and changed into my pjs. i followed that up with brushing my teeth. i was about to wash my face, then i remembered i was probably going to have a gnarly hangover in the morning. i made my way downstairs where i saw wes on the couch, flipping through channels.
"whatchu doing?" i asked. He jumped a little, startled by my entrance. "nothing just racking up your guys cable bill. how about you? i thought you were going to sleep?" i leaned on the counter and sighed. "i was but i realized i'll probably feel like death tomorrow, so i came down here to get some water and pain killers. do you want any?" he shook his head "nah i didn't drink a lot, so i should be fine" i shrugged while grabbing a glass "suit yourself~" he laughed me off and returned to looking through TV channels. once i was done i began making my way back to my room until i noticed wes had no blanket, or pillow. really fred? "did fred not give you a pillow and blanket?" "nah hes a jerk" he said with a chuckle. i placed my water and pills back on the counter. "wait here." i went down the hall to get him his stuff.
i plopped the items down on the spot next to him on the couch. "thanks i appreciate it" he stammered. "n-no problem!" his nervous behavior was so cute, it was making me nervous as well! i turned to the tv and saw he was watching mtv downtown. "oh i love this show!" i said while placing myself on the couch. "can i stay and watch it with you? please!" he laughed at my pleading. his head was thrown back, and i could see the crinkles on the corner of his eyes, and how his smile curved up. how could someone be so effortlessly beautiful? "it's your house y/n, go ahead." i blushed in embarrassment, realizing he was right. "yeah i know...i just didn't want to keep you up." he looked at me, still smiling "don't worry, i'd stay up all night if you wanted me too." he confessed. i looked at him to notice he had a bashful look on his face. i smiled shyly in response and turned my attention to the tv screen in an attempt to stop myself from kissing him right then and there.
it was around 15 minutes later when the question began bouncing around my head again. did wes really like me? i let out an audible sigh, without meaning to, which made wes turn to look at me with a perplexed expression. "what wrong? are you cold?" he questioned while shoving more of the blanket towards me. "no i'm just...thinking." he raised an eyebrow. "about what?" i hesitated and began playing with my hair before i spoke up. " you really like me? or did you just do and say all that tonight because you and harmony broke up?" he positioned himself in a way that forced him to have hisbody fully towards me. "y/n...yes i really do like you. i mean i've known you since we were in elementary, why would i do something so cruel to you?" i sighed and ran my hands through my hair. "i don't know it's just...why now? why all of a sudden? i mean like you've said, we've know each for years, and i've liked you that whole time." i confessed, my voice getting more shaky as i continued, and my face reddening as well. "y/n look at me." i snapped my head towards him. if he was medusa i would still look. "first of all, i never knew you've liked me for so long, i'm flattered. second of all my-" he stopped to let out a light hearted chuckle. "my crush on you is kinda new..." i furrowed my brows. "what do you mean?" he began rubbing the back of his neck again "well i wanna say it started this year, i mean i've always just known you as my best friends little sister, but you've really changed. i mean looks and personality wise." i nodded at his confession. i guess you could say i had a "glow up." i didn't like bragging about my looks a lot but of course, i wanted to know more. "like what?" he looked at me, confused. "what do you mean?" i rolled my eyes at him. "what specifically about me changed?" he laughed dryly while turning away, a small tint of pink adorning his face. "come on, don't make me say it." i turned to him with a worried look. "what?" he sighed while looking back at me, then at my chest, then back at me. i scoffed and pushed his chest. "seriously?!" he threw his hands up in defense. "hey you asked." he said while chuckling. "i mean it's not like that's the only thing." he continued. "you've just really grown into your looks ok? and you've become such an...individual. you're just completely your own person, and i really dig that." my heart felt like it was going to jump right out of my chest, and i'm pretty sure my face was as red as a strawberry. with a shaky voice, i thanked him. "t-thanks wes that...means a lot coming from you." he laughed a little then asked, "what do you mean by that?" all while having a devilish smirk. i rolled my eyes "you know what i said...i've liked you for years."i looked up only to see he was already looking at me. i felt like he could see through me completely. see every secret and insecurity. every line and curve. he cupped my face and i was frozen, unable to speak or think, then our lips connected. the kiss was slow and passionate. despite it being the middle of november, his lips felt warm against mine. i felt like i had a wildfire all over my body. then he picked me up and sat me on his lap. i let out s small yelp, resulting in him pulling away and putting a finger over my mouth. "shh we don't wanna get caught " he said with a sly smirk. i nodded in agreement, i was like putty in his hands at this point. he put his hands in my hair and reconnected our lips. my hands found his chest and biceps. when did he get so buff? i moaned into his mouth, unable to contain the immense pleasure i was feeling he giggled into the kiss and began stroaking my hair, then he lightly tugged at it. "what did i just say baby?" my lip wobbled in embarrassment. "it's too much wes!" i said, my voice shaky and barely above a whisper. he began attacking my neck, littering it with love bites. i his myself in his arms and neck, my body was electric. "you're so adorable, it's driving me insane" // to be continued
// Fuck It I Love You • Finale //

❥༄ I was a whimpering mess, all of a sudden, we heard a door open. i jumped off of him and went to the other side of the couch, covering my entire body to hide my neck, wes fixed his hair and shirt and was staring intensely at the tv. a squinty eyes fred walked in front of us. "what are you guys doing?" i looked at wes, he turned to me, then fred. "well you didn't give me a blanket or pillow so y/n brought me some, and her favorite show is on so we've just been watching it." fred gave me and wes am unconvinced look then shrugged. "whatever. i came to get water so goodnight losers." he grabbed a bottle then retreated back to his room. i turned to wes wibt big eyes and a nervous smile. "close call." he said while having the same smile as me. "yeah." i got up from my position. "well i should probably head to bed, i've got school tomorrow." "yeah that's a good idea." he spoke, he had a bit of a sad look on his face though. i walked to the side of him and kissed his temple. "goodnight wes." he looked at me with a goofy grin. "goodnight y/n. don't let the bed bugs bite." i laughed and pushed his head away. he was such a dork sometimes.
authors note: IM SORRY FOR NO SMUT GUYS IDK HOW TO WRITE ITTT also the story had to be split up bc part 2 exceeded the character limit lol