Doai Lankmann - Tumblr Posts

(I’m definitely going to make this a series! This AU takes place in the modern day btw.)

The Hijacker

(A DOAI Fanfic)

Warnings: A little bit of horror

Word Count: 2830

The fact that a nonviolent, sweet Veldigun was lounging around their house was rather surreal to Alex. They knew that if they were caught by the foundation both they and Spec would be dead. However, they weren’t sure if Spec was aware of this reality.

Sizzling sounds and savory smells filled the house as Alex grumbled, rubbing their eyes. “Hmmm.” They hummed to themselves as they shuffled from their covers and out of bed. After getting into their asylum uniform, they stumbled to the door. “Sp…Spec?” Their voice was weak and soft as they now leaned their body against the bedroom doorway.

Across from them was the titular, sweet Veldigun. They were humming a lovely song as they seemingly were cooking breakfast. Spec turned their head and grinned at their roommate. “Good morning, Alex! I figured I would take care of breakfast this morning! How does eggs and bacon sound?”

Alex gave them a thumbs up and an appreciative nod, which made Spec chuckle slightly before returning back to the stove. Alex sat at the small dining room table, crossed their arms, and laid their head against their arms. “Not really a morning person, eh?” Spec asked, splitting the amount of eggs and bacon between the two. Alex slowly nodded. “Yeah…never have been.”

Spec softly laughed before placing a plate and a fork in front of Alex. “Want some coffee too?” Alex looked up at them with a soft grin. “You don’t have to do that, Spec.” The Veldigun just waved their claws with a wide smile. “It’s alright! Just a way to say thanks for taking me in.” They hummed as they poured a cup of coffee from the coffee machine.

“Ever had any coffee?” Alex asked, finally sitting up. “No, I don't have a coffee machine back at home.” Spec then eyed the machine curiously. “Go ahead and try some. You won’t regret it.” Alex said to reassure the Veldigun. Spec quickly took the opportunity. They poured themselves a small cup of coffee and took a sip.

Their pupils dilated as the coffee immediately began its effects. “Woah…I feel so productive right now!” Alex couldn’t help but laugh at Spec’s reaction. “See? Coffee works wonders.” They then took a swig out of their own coffee and started to munch on their breakfast. “This is good, Spec.” The Veldigun’s tail flicked happily. “Thanks!”

Spec then took their own plate and sat down across from Alex. Alex looked at their watch. “I need to head out for work in a bit.” Spec tilted his head. “Can I come with you?” The air felt like it turned into ice when Alex heard this question. They shook their head, almost aggressively. “No…I’m sorry, buddy. You…you can’t because my boss doesn’t really like it when his employees bring in their friends,” They swallowed hard, hoping that the Veldigun would believe the lie.

“Oh, okay. I guess that makes sense.” Spec said with a hint of disappointment as they ate their eggs. “Do you work at a factory or something?” Alex nodded, another lie. “Yeah, it gets really busy most of the time. I’ll see if I can try to get you something on my way home, okay?” Spec’s disappointment instantly faded and their tail flicked happily. “Are you sure?” Alex quickly nodded. “Thanks, man.” The Veldigun shyly grinned. “Of course.”

Shortly after that conversation, Alex hopped into their rickety, old car and drove off. Their heart was still pounding, knowing that Spec was naive to the situation in Eastridge. That sweet Veldigun did not deserve a painful death at the hands of the foundation. They knew that they needed to protect Spec, but they weren’t sure if they should keep Spec in the dark.

Then, a long, black and yellow, spiked tail seemed to suddenly appear in the road. Alex slammed on the brakes and shot up to see the tail slithering away. “Spec?” They said harshly under their breath. Alex jumped out of the car and quickly chased the tail. “Spec!” They yelled after it.

They ran through a seemingly endless amount of bushes and branches. “Spec! Buddy! What are you doing here?!” Alex’s lungs couldn’t handle the pressure any longer, so Alex fell onto their knees to catch their breath. “Spec…Please.” Alex huffed weakly, raising their head to try to see their roommate. However, it wasn’t their buddy that they saw.

A tall figure wearing the orange and yellow costume looked down at them. It’s face was much more distorted and it’s features were much more exaggerated. It became clear what the few differences between the Eastridge Demon and Spec were. The best way Alex could put it was that Spec was a cutesy version of the demon, while the demon was pure nightmare fuel. Alex backed away, hitting their back on a nearby tree.

Their heart pounded faster and faster as the Eastridge Demon trudged closer. It’s asymmetrical eyes stared them down before it stopped right at Alex’s feet. They shook in pure horror, not knowing what they could do to get away from the demon.

Then, the Eastridge Demon raised it’s clawed hand. “Relax, human.” It spoke softly. “I am not here to harm you.” It’s voice sounded like multiple voices layered onto one, making a very eerie sound. “Wha-huh?” Alex muttered weakly, flattening their back against the tree. “I said I am not going to harm you.” It said with annoyance.

“Th-then what are you going to do?” Alex asked, still shaking. “It isn’t necessarily what I’am going to do, but what you’re going to do.” Alex then stood up, confused by the Veldigun’s words. “What do you mean?” It sighed, then spoke in an irritated tone. “It seems that you have found my sibling and took them in.”

Alex could feel a sense of anger rising up within them. “What did you want me to do? They needed a home and a safe place from the foundation.” The Eastridge Demon growled. “This place will never be safe for them. They are too weak to survive on their own.” Alex huffed and raised their shoulders. “They survived this long.”

The Veldigun hissed before stepping closer. “They CAN NOT survive here!” It sighed once more before putting a clawed hand on it’s face. “Look, I need you to do something for him.” Alex raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?” The Eastridge Demon’s jaws opened up, revealing a large eye. “SEND THEM PACKING!”

Alex jumped back before shaking their head. “Why would you want me to do that? They would be in more danger alone out here then they are with me!” The Veldigun clenched it’s claws and growled. It raised it’s hands up, as if it was going to grab Alex, but it stopped itself. “Grrr, just keep them away from me! They are too weak and naive to be with other Veldigun.”

“I’ll be more than happy to do that.” Alex huffed back. “Just because they aren’t like the rest of you, doesn’t mean that they are worthless.” The Eastridge Demon turned away and growled. “I know you want answers as to what’s going on. I can’t give you the answers here, but I know someone who can.”

Before Alex could say anything else, the Veldigun bent down close to their ear, not close enough to touch them though. “My sibling has a computer, he needs to use it for his job after all, and I want you to go to it and say ‘I am seeking The Hijacker’. Do you understand?” Alex nodded and whispered. “I do.”

“Good.” The Eastridge Demon backed away. “One last thing before you head to the asylum.” The Veldigun put a claw to it’s throat. “If anything happens to Spec…” It then slides its claw over it’s throat. “Got it?” Alex nodded fearfully. “Good.” It turned away. “My name is Clyde by the way. I already know your name.” Alex nodded as they stumbled up. “Clyde…got it.” The Veldigun nodded. “Now run…You’re going to be late.”

“Shit! You’re right!” Alex immediately sprinted off towards their car. Clyde watched them as they did so. “Please…keep them safe. They are the best of us.”

After a long day at the asylum and having to explain why they were a few minutes late, Alex weakly walked back into their car. There was so much on their mind and so much to do. Still, they wanted to keep their promise that they made to Spec. They drove to the Halloween store that Clyde broke into and picked up a small gift. There they found out that there was another break in a few days ago. The culprit stole the same costume that Clyde did, but they actually left money to pay for it.

Alex laughed to themselves, knowing that Spec committed the victimless crime. The drive home was quiet and thoughtful. They thought about the opportunity to get some answers. This both excited them, but also scared them. Who knows what the truth was? It could be as simple as just a bunch of human eating monsters running around or it could be something much more. Whatever it was, Alex knew that they needed to find out the truth.

Stepping into their home gave a sense of warmth to Alex, especially knowing who would greet them as soon as they walked in. “Alex!” Spec squealed happily before hugging their human friend. “How was your day?” Alex chuckled as they returned the hug. “It was fine.” They broke away before holding up a small plastic bag. “I kept my promise. Here’s a little something for you!”

Spec gently took the small bag and opened it. Their eyes widened as they looked inside and reached into it. They pulled out a cute Bendy plushie. It was one of Baby Bendy from Bendy and the Dark Revival. “I actually remember everything you told me about the games last night. I figured that you would like it.”

The Veldigun’s eyes teared up and they hugged the plushie. “Thank you, Alex. This…this means a lot.” They looked at the plushie once more. “He’s got a little bow tie!” Alex smiled warmly, glad to see his roommate happy. “You’re welcome.” They hugged the Veldigun again. Spec’s tail flicked upwards. “Would you like to see my new setup? I needed to do it so I could finish editing one of my writing.” Alex nodded. “I would love that.”

Spec’s setup was rather simple. Two computers lay side by side on a desk. Accompanying them was a keyboard and mouse. Beside the chair was a medium sized hard drive. “Woah. This is actually really cool.” Alex grinned as they looked over the set up. “Yeah! One monitor is used to gaming and streaming movies. The other is for editing and writing my horror stories. I mostly play PC games, so that’s why I needed this large hard drive.” Pastra explained.

“Makes sense.” Alex nodded. “Do you enjoy your job?” Spec grinned and patted their feet. “Oh, I love it! It lets me write about any ideas I may have!” Alex smiled at their Veldigun friend. “I’m glad.”

Spec softly grinned before pointing at the first monitor. “Just so you know, you can play any video games you want on here. Just please don’t erase my save files.” Alex chuckled and raised their hand. “I won’t. Don’t worry.”

The Veldigun nodded before yawning, showing that they also have an eye in the center of their jaws. “Oof. I feel like curling up in bed. How about you?” Alex nodded with a tired smile. “Yeah, but I’m gonna stay up for a little longer. I’ll join you in a minute, okay?” Spec’s tail wagged as they held their plushie close to their chest. “Alright. See you in the morning, buddy.” With that, Spec walked off to catch some sleep.

This had made everything much easier for Alex. They immediately sat in the chair once Spec went to sleep. Alex then turned the first monitor on, showing a Halloween Home Screen. They knew what they had to do now. Leaning closer, Alex said what they needed to say. “I am seeking The Hijacker.”

The computer then turned to static, making a harsh buzzing noise as it did so. Alex covered their ears as the buzzing continued. Then…a voice came from the computer. “Hello ther-Oh. You’re not Spector.” The voice sounded like a glitchy cartoon villain’s voice. Alex looked closer at the monitor and was face to face with a more artistic version of his boss, Lankmann. “Who are you?” It asked. “Name and pronouns please!”

“I’m Alex Williams and I go by they/them pronouns.” Alex said as if he was talking to an AI. “Ah! So, you’re the wonderful Alex that Spector has been talking about!” It chuckled with a wide grin. “Glad to see he’s finally got a human on his side!” Alex nodded, confused. “Are you an AI?” The being shook it’s head. “Not at all, silly! I can just put myself into electronic devices! How do you think that I’m able to interrupt Spec’s writings?” It then laughed with glee. “Please, call me The Hijacker! Now, why is it that you summoned me?”

“I need to know more about the Lankmann Foundation.” The Hijacker’s goofiness immediately dropped when they heard that name. “Do you work there, Alex?” They asked with a stern voice. Alex nodded, fear creeping up their spine. The Hijacker placed a hand over their face. “I never wanted a human to get involved in this, but I guess it was inevitable.”

“Involved in what?” Alex crept closer to the monitor. The Hijacker seemed hesitant to answer. “Involved in my twin brother’s meddling.” Alex’s eyes widened. Where twins this common amongst Veldiguns? “How much have you seen?” The Hijacker broke Alex’s train of thought. “I…I saw many things. There are these people who are in bandages masks that treat the patients poorly. They made us believe that we needed to use these goggles to see what was real even though they actually make us not see certain things. Then, I saw Lankmann and this large, blue Veldigun with horns.”

“Winfrey…” The Hijacker whispered, intertwining their claws. “Is that their name? Why are they there?” The Hijacker sighed heavily with sorrow. “They are a prisoner of war.” Alex gasped. They had no idea the situation was this complex. “War? What war?” The Hijacker shook their head. “Let me tell you a story…”

“Thousands of years ago, Veldiguns used to torment humanity on a regular basis. They ate humans souls to grow stronger and to develop stronger supernatural powers. They created many of the old superstitions known to this very day. However, as time passed, as humanity evolved, so did we. Many of us desired to live in peace and to find our own futures, but others did not agree. What started as a topic of debate turned into a full blown war of ideals. Winfrey was a leader for the peaceful side. They believed that Veldiguns could decide what they wanted to do. Clyde and I stood beside them, but my brother found himself being a leader for the opposing side. Winfrey had been missing for years and we had no idea where they were. Clyde grew frustrated and sent me to watch after their sibling, Spec. As of right now, they are unaware of the war.”

Alex tried to catch their breath. This was too much. A war? A war between a species of very dangerous creatures? What in the hell could they do about it? “It’s alright, Alex. I know it’s a lot to take in. That’s why I didn’t want any humans to get involved in this.” The Hijacker spoke reassuringly.

“Why…Why keep Spec out of the loop? They deserve to know in case their sibling dies!” That was the only clear thought Alex could think of. “Because they are our last hope. The rest of us have left some sort of stain on this whole world, but they haven’t. Even then, they would be broken if they knew about the destruction we’ve caused.”

Alex sighed before resting their face in their hands. “Is there anything I can do? It’s too late for me to back out now.” The Hijacker nodded. “Luckily, I have a plan and you are the last piece that I need. Here and there, I’ll ask you for favors that I need you to complete. Some will be dangerous, even life threatening, but they are necessary in order for this to work. Alex, are you willing to take this responsibility?”

Alex thought for a second before they nodded. “Yes. I’ll help in any way I can.” The Hijacker nodded. “Great. Now, I’ll let Spec know whenever I need to talk with you. I’ll leave you be so you can get a good night’s rest. Goodbye!” The monitor then turned to static before turning back to the Home Screen. Alex rubbed his face, not knowing how to process this information. “What have I gotten myself into?”

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Different DOAI AUs As Memes!

Sitcom AU:

Alex: What are you doing in my house?

Clyde: I want a sandwich

Folie À Deux:

Alex: The voices! THE FUCKING VOICES!

Winfrey: They need some milk…

Brainwashed/Caretaker AU:

Mortimer: So, what would you like to eat?

Lankmann: The souls of the innocent…

Alex: A bagel

Lankmann: NO!!

Alex: Two bagels

The Williams Foundation:

CorruptedDoodles: Your new secret foundation is GREEN.

Alex: Wha-?

Troupe Of Eldritch Horrors:

Clyde: So Winfrey messaged me asking me if I wanted to hang out, but I responded with “No, I’m sorry I literally look like a clown right now and they saidd “Oh come on it cannot be that bad.” And I was like no…*starts cracking up* No you don’t-

Twins AU:

Alex (talking about Spector): And we are roommates.

Clyde: Oh my god, they are roommates.


Sitcom AU: @purplechaosguardian

Folie À Deux: @cardboardclownery

Caretaker: @corrupteddoodles

The Williams Foundation: @corrupteddoodles

TOEH: @troupe-of-eldritch-horrors

Twins: Me!

Reblog with different interpretations of the memes if u wanna!

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(Beware! This one is full of angst!)

The Archives

(A DOAI Fic!)

Warnings: Heavy angst, slight gore

Word Count: 1432

Sunday was the day that The Hijacker returned. Alex and Spec had been watching a horror movie in the living room when they called. The Veldigun’s monitor glitched and buzzed. “Oh, looks like Lankmann wants to talk to me.” Spec whispered, a hint of fear in their voice. Alex cliched when they heard that name, despite the fact that they knew it was just The Hijacker.

Spec hopped off the couch and ran over to the monitor. The familiar cartoonish voice echoed through the room. “Hello, Spector! How are you doing on this fine day?” The Veldigun tilted their head. “I’ve been fine. Just hanging out with Alex.” The Hijacker chuckled. “You really do love them, don’t you? Mind if I talk to them for a bit? I want to get to know them.”

Spec nodded without any hesitation then leaned back in the chair. “Alex! My story intruder wants to talk to you!” Alex held back a snicker as they stood up and went over to the desk. “Hello, Mister Story Intruder.” The Hijacker rolled their eyes. “Hahaha. Very funny.” Spec cracked up, flicking their tail rapidly. “I’ll leave you two alone. I hear the dusty attic calling my name.” The Veldigun then slithered away, leaving the other two alone.

“So…” The Hijacker began to say. “I have my first assignment for you. Don’t worry, this one is by far the easiest and the least dangerous.” Alex nodded, sighing in relief. “What do you need?” The Hijacker tapped it’s claws against it’s skull-like face. “I need to know how much information you have. Do you have any archives of the foundation?”

“I do.” Alex said with a slight nod. “My buddy managed to get quite a few of the archives before…” Their voice softened and trailed off as an image of their deceased friend appeared in their head. “Did the foundation…get to them?” The Hijacker seemed to quickly pick up on emotions. Alex nodded, tears forming in their eyes.

The Hijacker sighed heavily. “I’m really sorry for your loss. I’ve lost many comrades in this war and I know that I’m going to have to kill one in the future, so I understand your pain.” Alex nodded before wiping their eyes. “I’ll go grab the archives. It’s a USB drive, so it will feed the information right into you.” They then stood up and headed right to their bedroom. There, they stopped by their nightstand and dug into the top drawer. A black USB drive was now held tightly in their hand.

Alex couldn’t move. They held the USB ever so tightly as they felt tears run down their face. Shaking with pure emotion, they leaned their head on the nightstand and cried. Soft, quiet sobs escaped from them as they held the last memory of their friend in their hand. After a few minutes, Alex wiped their tears away and stood up.

Now, they had the strength to walk back to the desk. The Hijacker tilted their head when they saw Alex. “Are you okay?” Alex nodded. “There’s no need to lie to me.” The Hijacker spoke softly. “Look, after this meeting, go talk to Spector about losing your friend, just make sure you don’t talk about the foundation to them, okay?” Alex nodded weakly once again before plugging in the USB drive into the computer.

Cartoonish sparks bounced all over The Hijacker. It made a soft rumble as it absorbed the information. “Interesting.” It said as it finished. “We’re getting somewhere here.” Many different files swirled all around The Hijacker and it started to inspect them one by one. Images of Winfrey and the Halloween PSA of The Smiling Snatcher immediately caught Alex’s attention.

“They created the PSA?” Alex asked, tilting their head. “Looks like it.” The Hijacker said as it was reading some text files. “Looks like they’re trying to force feed Winfrey human souls.” It said as it turned to the picture of Winfrey. “This image is rather dark. Let me turn the brightness up for you.” So, The Hijacker did.

Alex widened their eyes as they saw the cruel reality that Winfrey was living. Large chains pinned the poor Veldigun to the floor, making it impossible for them to escape on their own. Cuts and bruises lined their body. Bones littered the floor and blood dripped from Winfrey’s maw. Tears also dripped from Winfrey’s eyes. “What are they doing to them?” Alex whispered in pure horror.

“Making them do what they hate.” The Hijacker answered before moving to another file. “This one is an audio file, so I’ll let you listen to it.” The Hijacker’s body drooped as the red in it’s eyes disappeared. Then, it’s maw opened.

“Experiment 21, this is my first experiment with a proper and intelligent being. This creature may be a raven, but it has much more brain power than a simple rodent. I extracted a sample from the traitor in order to continue this research. I pray that the legend is true. If it is true, then I can create the perfect specimens in order to win this war! They will know that our roots are where we need to stay! Eating souls is how we will keep our power and the rebels will fall to their knees!”

Alex shivered as they listened to the audio, but they had more questions than answers. “What is Dr. Lankmann talking about? A legend?” The Hijacker closed it’s jaws and turned back to normal. “Well, it’s complicated…” The Hijacker intertwined it’s claws. “There’s a legend from the olden days that stated that if another creature builds a strong bond with a Veldigun and they get infected, they will survive it and become another.”

Alex tilted their head, confused. “Well, it seems like they aren’t going to get too far. Looks like they’re skipping the bond part.” The Hijacker laughed. “He doesn’t know what love is! He believes that a physical bond is what they need, but that probably won’t yield good results.” It then looked at another text file. “I think I may have found your next mission.”

“What might that be?” Alex asked. “Well, there’s another archive that seems to be crucial to this case. In the file I’m looking at, it says that your boss has a USB of valuable information hidden in the lab.” Alex was even more confused. “A lab? I’ve never seen a lab in the asylum.” The Hijacker rumbled as it pulled up a map of the asylum. Everything was much more clear now. The Hijacker traced it’s claw from the entrance of the asylum to where the lab was.

The lab looked to be at the very back of the asylum. It was to the left of door 66 and seemed to be marked as a trap door. “It’s in the basement.” Alex mumbled to themselves. “There. In that lab, is what I need you to get. The archive is said to be in a chest near ‘The Monitor System’. It’s called The Exp Logs. Find it and bring it to me.”

Alex nodded. “It’s a good thing that I work tomorrow, so I’ll be able to get it soon.” The Hijacker nodded with a smile. “Good. Just remember that this mission will be incredibly dangerous. Do NOT get caught.” Alex flinched, but nodded. “I’ll try my best.” The Hijacker returned the nod. “Good…See you tomorrow, Alex!” Then, the monitor clicked off.

Alex spun around in the chair in order not to face the monitor. They buried their face in their hands, trying to understand and piece together what might be happening. All of this was just too much. Luckily, a sweet Veldigun came to the rescue.

“How was your talk, Alex?” Spec said as they entered the living room. “It was fine. They were nice.” They said in a somber tone. Spec tilted their head. “Hey, are you alright? Did something happen?” Alex clawed at their jeans. They couldn’t take this anymore, so they decided to take The Hijacker’s advice.

They stood up and walked right over to Spec. Wrapping their arms around them, Alex buried their head into the Veldigun’s shoulder and just started to sob. Spec was taken aback by their action, but they quickly wrapped their arms and their tail around their friend

Alex’s cries broke the Veldigun’s heart. “It’s okay, buddy. I’m here. I’m here.” Alex gripped the back of Spec’s costume tightly as they cried. “Oh, Mortimer…” Their voice was incredibly weak as they muttered their deceased name. Spec then understood what made them so upset. “I’m so sorry, Alex.”

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Mysteries be unwinding with this one!

Exp Logs

(A DOAI Fanfic!)

Warnings: Angst, slight blood, body horror

Word Count: 2407

Darkness surrounded Clyde as they groaned. The large Veldigun’s vision was incredibly groggy and their limbs felt weak. When they looked up, they saw their sibling, Spec, terrified and backing away from them. “Sp-Spec?” Clyde spoke weakly, trudging closer to them. “What are you doing here?”

“Stay away from me!” They shrieked, backing away even further. Clyde tilted their head. “Spec?” The smaller Veldigun yelped while Clyde looked behind them. Nothing was there. “Stay away from me, you monster!” Then, everything clicked.

“Spec. I did what I had to do! I need to protect you!” Clyde cried out, trying to reach for them. Spec curled up into a ball and backed up. “You killed children!” Clyde was trying to think of a response, but saw something behind their sibling.

“Spec! Look out!” Clyde yelled as they tried to rush over to the smaller Veldigun. Before either of them could do anything, a caretaker stabbed Spec through the back, causing the blade to go right through their chest. “SPECTOR!” Clyde screamed as they fell right in front of their bleeding, dying sibling.

But it wasn’t real. Clyde woke up in a pool of their own tears. They were shaking. They were shaking like a leaf even though they were a large and deadly creature. Clyde looked around the cave they decided to take shelter in and sighed. They winced to themselves before curling up, trying to fall back into their slumber.

This Monday was one of the most dreadful days of Alex’s life. They knew that this was incredibly important and had to be done, but they couldn’t help but dread every moment of it. So, they thought it would be best to attempt the theft near the end of their shift. Hours ticked by ever so slowly as the day went on, only causing the lump in Alex’s stomach to grow even heavier.

Eventually, they were in the last hour of their shift, six o clock. Alex sighed heavily as they tended to a sickly patient. “Am I going to die here?” The patient said in a hushed voice. Alex dishonestly shook their head. “No. You’re not going to die here. Just try to get some sleep, okay?” The patient nodded slowly before turning over in their bed.

Alex looked outside of the patient’s room, knowing their next destination. They felt their feet drag on the ground as they walked out and shut the door behind them. Red, flickering lights lined the long hallway, making them shiver. Alex took a deep breath. “Alright, Alex. This is your one shot. Don’t screw it up.”

Their legs felt like steel as they trudged through the hallway. Breathing became more and more difficult with every step. Alex headed down to door 66, seeing the familiar, yet terrifying doors. They quickly swirled their head and turned to their left. There, they only saw a dead end. Or so it seemed…

With closer inspection, Alex found a strange, yet small curve in the floor tile. They bent down and ran their hand over it before sticking their fingers beneath the curve. A slight pull was all it took to lift up the trap door. Now, Alex was peering into a dark tunnel with a ladder nailed to the wall. “Found it.” Alex said to themselves with a gulp of fear.

Swallowing their courage, Alex one foot on the ladder, then the other. Darkness swallowed them as they climbed further down into the underbelly of the asylum. After what seemed like hours, their left foot felt the flat surface of concrete. Taking off their goggles, Alex blinked so their eyes could adjust to the light.

Faint, flickering, white lights lined the roof of the hallway, creating an eerie feeling. However, the strangest part of the hallway was the seemingly endless amount of cages surrounded by stone that lined both sides of the tunnel. “What the hell?” Alex whispered to themselves as they walked through the hallway.

They tried to make as little noise as they could. Therefore, they were able to hear nearly every sound in the cellar. Groans and growls came from the cages as they walked passed. Alex tried not to pay attention to them, worried that whatever was in there would cause a ruckus if they did so. Then, they reached the lab.

Large, quietly buzzing monitors filled the back of the room, showing where every camera was in the entire asylum. A desk covered in messy papers was placed beneath the monitors and a surgical table covered in dried blood rested in the middle of the room. Various surgical tool sat on a stand to the right of the table. The stench was easily the worst part of the room. Death, blood, and various other depraved smells swirled around the room.

Alex gagged as they put a hand over their mouth. Their eyes began to sting slightly and they began stumbling towards the desk. “The chest…Where is that chest?” They opened their eyes slightly, trying to scan over the work. A tiny navy blue chest with red embroidery was tucked right under a monitor.

Alex quickly grabbed it and fumbled it open. Many small items were scattered inside of it. Rummaging through the chest, they felt around for anything that could resemble a USB drive. Then, their fingers grazed something that was thin and metallic.

They quickly pulled out the tiny object and examined it. It was a tiny USB drive and the steel colored base had writing written in Sharpie. It said, “Exp Logs”. They had found it. “Yes!” Alex quietly hissed and stuffed the USB in their pocket, but their joy was quickly short-lived.

The soft sound of thudding and claws scraping against metal alerted Alex. They looked around them, trying to find a place to hide. Having little time to look, Alex decided to hide under the desk. They bent down and crawled through the side, since the front was almost completely covered with a metallic plate.

Alex peeked underneath the plate only to see two caretakers walking through the hallway. They were as silent as always as they approached Alex’s hiding spot. Alex put a hand over their mouth so their breathing couldn’t be heard, but they couldn’t do anything about how fast their heart was racing. Then, the caretakers did something completely unexpected.

They started clicking and growling at each other. This behavior incredibly confused Alex. It was only then that they realized that the caretakers weren’t necessarily human. The caretakers clicked as they looked through some of the papers on the desk. Both of them took a few before turning around and walking away.

Every second felt dreadful to Alex as they waited to make sure that the caretakers were gone. Eventually, the cellar door clicked shut and Alex slipped out. They waited a few more seconds before booking it to the ladder. They couldn’t be happier to get out of that hell hole. Although, they could’ve sworn that they heard someone say their name.

Alex quickly shut the trap door and ran to clock out before heading to their car. Once they finally sat down in the driver’s seat, they pulled out the USB. “I did it…I fucking did it…” They gasped as they leaned their head against the seat. It took a few seconds to catch their breath before driving off.

“Hewwo?” Spec squeaked as Alex entered their house. “Hewwo?” This was just what they needed to cheer up, so they chuckled happily. “You’re always so silly.” Alex smiled at their Veldigun friend, which made them grin back. Then, their expression turned more somber. “Lankmann wants to talk to you again.”

Alex knew exactly why they were worried. “Spec, they weren’t the reason why I cried yesterday.” The Veldigun tilted their head. “Are you sure?” Alex nodded reassuringly. “I’m sure.” Spec flickered their tail wearily. “Okay…Just let me know if you need a hug or anything, alright?” Alex smiled warmly at them. “I will.”

Alex quickly booted up the monitor and was quickly met with The Hijacker. “Ah! Alex, nice to see you again!” It started to speak. “So, do you have it?” Alex nodded and showed it the USB. “Excellent! Now plug it in, would ya?” Without hesitation, Alex did as they were told.

Sparks danced on The Hijacker once again, absorbing the information. “This is…disturbing.” It said in a soft voice. “Can I ask you something before we start?” Alex nodded. “Anything.” The Hijacker sighed. “What was your friend’s name?” Alex raised an eyebrow, but quickly answered. “Mortimer Grey. He was an animator who made the tapes for the foundation. I used to work with them since I voiced Toon Lankmann.”

The Hijacker nodded as it started to look through the files. “Seems like they were highly respected in the foundation.” Alex nodded, confirming their statement. “They were…” A few seconds passed as The Hijacker was looking through the files. “I-I can’t believe this…He…He.” It murmured, scrolling through various files. “What did he do?” Alex gritted their teeth as the hairs on the back of their neck raised.

“He…He‘a been using your patients…as experiments.” The Hijacker then pulled up an image of a patient being forcibly strapped down onto the surgical table. Caretakers surrounded them, armed with syringes and scalpels. The poor patient was covered in cuts…and they’re limbs appeared to be discolored. Yellow and black stripes faintly covered their right arm and left leg. Despite this, Alex recognized the patient.

“That’s Simon!” They jumped out of the chair with gritted teeth. “I took care of them for a week before…before the caretakers took them.” Alex sat back down in the chair. “What have they done to them?”

The Hijacker shook their head. “It’s sickening, isn’t it?” It shuddered before scrolling through more photos. Alex saw each of them as they passed. A goopy, purple bird-like Veldigun was being tased by a caretaker. An experiment that looked like Mortimer’s Candy Mouse was sitting in the corner of their cell, sobbing. A green rabbit that looked like it had a box for a chest was biting one of the caretaker’s hands. Then, The Hijacker stopped. “Oh my…”

“What?” Alex raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?” The Hijacker turned to face them. “Your friend…they’re still alive.” Alex’s eyes widened as they gripped the edge of the chair. “How?! I saw the blood.” The Hijacker sighed before showing an image that made Alex feel ill.

A black and white striped hand covered most of the camera, but Alex could vaguely see a body behind it. The body wore black and white overalls and also had striped limbs like the rest of the experiments. Their face almost looked like a 1930’s cartoon character, but it was heavily distorted. The left eye was droopy and yellow. Their mouth looked to be incredibly outstretched. Judging by the jet black hair, Alex knew who they were.

“Mortimer!” Alex winced and buried their face in their hands. Don’t get them wrong, they were grateful that they were alive, but the constant pain wouldn’t be worth it. “Oh god…” The Hijacker shook in both disgust and rage. “This is beyond cruel. I can’t imagine the pain they must be feeling. Not to mention, being force fed the other patients souls.” It then continued to look through some text files. The Hijacker looked more and more disgusted with each note it read, but it stopped when it saw the schedule.

“Alex, I’m afraid that we need to hurry.” It spoke, concerned. Alex raised their head from their hands, trying to see why. The Hijacker pulled up the lab schedule. It was filled with injections, soul feedings, and surgeries, but one caught their eye. It said “New Subject For Biological Replacement: Alex Williams.” It was scheduled for next Monday.

Alex’s jaw dropped when they saw the listing. “I thought they were just going to kill me.” They said with a hitched breath. “This is…much worse.” The Hijacker nodded. “Then, it’s good that this is the last information we need. We now know what my brother’s goal is and we need to plan accordingly. I have your next objective.”

Alex leaned in closer. “What is it?” The Hijacker opened a photo of The Smiling Snatcher. “I’m guessing you’ve met them already?” Alex nodded begrudgingly. “Clyde…” The Hijacker raised an eyebrow. “Woah…Why the animosity?” Alex crossed their arms. “They are an asshole to Spec.” The Hijacker quickly responded with a quiet “Oh.”

“Look. I know it may not seem like it, but they really do have good intentions. I mean, why do you think I’m stuck in this monitor instead of being out there?” Alex tilted their head and The Hijacker seemed to sense their confusion. “A long time ago, I promised them that I would help to look after Spec. Spec doesn’t know this though. They just think that I just came along randomly to hijack their stories.”

Alex nodded, now understanding the situation better. “What do I need to do with Clyde?” The Hijacker waved their claws. “You need to find them and try to persuade them to create a plan for the raid.” Alex sighed, leaning their head against their arm. “Understood.”

“Keep your hopes up, Alex.” The Hijacker. “I know that this will be difficult, but it will be worth it. Just put this USB back as soon as you go to work tomorrow. See you soon.” The monitor turned off with a click and Alex was all alone. They leaned back in the chair and sighed. “This is so much worse than I thought.” They whispered.

“Alex?” Spec spoke softly as they peeked their head around the corner. Alex spun around to greet them. “Oh hey, Spec. We’re done talking, so do you want to do something?” Spec just tilted their head. “I’m just wondering if you are okay. I know that sometimes Lankmann can be a bit…much.” Alex just smiled warmly at them. “I’m alright. I am kinda tired though. Wanna watch a movie with me?”

Spec quickly nodded before the duo sat down on the couch. The Veldigun curled up beside Alex as they picked out ‘Aliens’ to watch. As the movie played, Alex couldn’t help but feel immense guilt for lying to Spec. They knew it was for their own protection, but it still felt wrong to lie to someone they were so close to, Still, they swallowed their emotions and continued to watch the movie.

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We’re almost there y’all! The next one is going to be the last one!

Target Practice

(A DOAI Fanfic!)

Word Count: 2316

Warnings: A deer gets shot

Midnight ticked on the clock as soon as the movie was over. Alex turned to look at the time and sighed heavily. Spec was still sleeping on their lap, tears gone from their eyes. Alex didn’t want to disturb them, but they had to get some sleep as well.

So, they slipped their arms underneath Spec and gently picked them up. Alex held them close to their chest and scanned their Veldigun friend. “You’re really light…” Alex whispered, wrapping their arms around Spec to give them more security. “Come on, buddy. Let’s get to bed.”

Alex carried the Veldigun to their bedroom. They didn’t even bother to get pajamas on and just put Spec at the end of their bed. Then, Alex tucked themselves into their bed. Their eyes felt incredibly heavy due to the stress of the day, so they were able to quickly fall asleep.

Hours passed before Alex felt a sudden chill run down their spine, causing them to wake. Their eyes shot open, looking around the bedroom for any disturbances. The first thing they noticed was a weight laying on their legs. Alex looked over to see Spec’s sleeping body laying on top of their legs, which made them smile softly.

However, their next discovery wasn’t as wholesome. Alex noticed a chilly draft coming from their window. Looking over, they saw that the window was wide open. “I could’ve sworn I shut that window.” Alex whispered to themselves. “That’s because I crawled in.”

Alex flipped over to see Clyde standing in front of their closet. They quickly put a hand over their mouth to prevent a yelp. With a pounding heart, Alex was able to catch their breath. “Clyde?!” Alex whispered. “What are you doing in my house?!”

Clyde shrugged their shoulders. “I figured that we should train a bit tomorrow.” Alex raised their eyebrows. “Train with what?” Clyde snickered as they dug into the closet. Then, they pulled out a duffel bag. “With these!” The Veldigun then pulled out a plethora of guns. Rifles, glocks, handguns, and even some smaller weapons like machetes and mace.

Alex widened their eyes. “Where did you get all these?!” Clyde chuckled, place a hand on their chest. “I made a little visit to the police station. Don’t worry, you won’t have to deal with being a fugitive.” Alex couldn’t believe what they were hearing! “You killed them?!” Clyde could barely hold back a cackle. “Oh hush. I only sucked the souls out of the ones that were complicit with murder. I just bribed the rest with keeping their lives.”

Alex was about to retort before easing themselves. Although they weren’t supportive of what Clyde did, it was helpful and they only killed those who actively helped the foundation. Plus, what were they going to do about it? Whack Clyde on the nose and tell them ‘No! Bad buppy!’? Yeah…they didn’t think so.

“Well…Thanks.” Alex spoke in an uncomfortable tone. Clyde seemed to take satisfaction in that. “Well, you’re welcome.” The large Veldigun shook their head and turned around. “Look, I know you don’t like me and I don’t blame you.”

Alex huffed, resting their back against the bed. “Just talk to them.” They stared at the ceiling and thought for a moment. “Why don’t you two try to talk tomorrow? If you’re going to help us train, we might as well make the most of it.” Clyde nodded. “I guess I could do that…Thanks.”

Alex shook their head and sighed. “You’re welcome. Now…get to bed,” Clyde chuckled before scurrying off. They decided to jump onto the couch, curl up, and fall asleep. Believe it or not, the Eastridge Demon can purr as well.

The sunlight shone through Alex’s, now closed, window. It shone right on their face, making them wake up almost instantly. Alex grumbled as they slid out of bed. They stretched, yawning in the process, then looked at the foot of their bed. Surprisingly, Spec was still sleeping peacefully. Alex smiled and gently petted them on the head. Then, they grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to change.

When they finished getting ready, Alex gently nudged Spec’s arm. “Hmm…” Spec grumbled, flipping over. “Spec, time to get up buddy.” The Veldigun’s eyes slowly opened in a daze. “Hm? Alex?” Alex gently smiled at them. “Hey buddy, your brother’s here.” Spec weakly raised their head. “Clyde? I thought…they wanted nothing to do with me.”

Alex shook their head. “No. They’re here and they want to train us so we’ll be okay.” Their soft voice sounded really reassuring and safe to the Veldigun. Spec raised their head, a small smile appearing on their face. They opened and closed their clawed hands, clearly asking for something. Alex laughed gently. “Alright. Alright.” Then, they gently picked up the Veldigun and placed them on their shoulders.

The duo walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Alex peered onto the table and saw a rolled up newspaper. A little idea popped into their head. They smugly grinned as they snatched the newspaper and walked over to the couch, where Clyde was sleeping.

“Get up, asshole.” With a quick wack, Clyde yelped and fell onto the floor. Spec giggled, technically squeaking, as Clyde scrambled to get up. “What the hell, man?” They growled and snapped their jaws. Clyde looked at the duo up and down, then snickered. “Y’all are dorks.” Alex raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Yeah, so what?”

Before they could continue their petty spat, Spec’s monitor started to buzz. “Oh! Lankmann’s calling!” Spec hopped off of Alex’s shoulders and scurried over to the screen. Alex and Clyde looked at each other, shrugged, then walked over to the monitor.

“Why hello there, Spector” The Hijacker greeted them. It squinted it’s eyes when Clyde and Alex became visible. “Oh, Clyde! It’s nice to see you again, buddy.” Clyde nodded. “Nice to see you too, Lankmann. It’s been awhile.” The Hijacker laughed, before looking at the three of them. “I’m guessing they know?” It said as it pointed at Spec. Alex nodded with a stoic expression. “Yes, they know and they want to help.”

The Hijacker sighed heavily. “I knew that they would find out eventually.” Spec winced and piped up. “I’m not useless, you know. I can help you guys.” The Hijacker slowly nodded. “I know. We just wanted you to stay safe.” Spec tilted their head and rumbled. “I know…but I don’t want my brother dead either.”

Clyde looked at them when they said that. A soft whimper escaped them. “I-I have a plan, Lankmann. I took some weapons and I figured I should train both Alex and Spec today to use them properly.” The Hijacker nodded and smiled. “That sounds like a great idea! Especially since the raid is gonna be tomorrow night. Try to train and plan today and let me know how it goes.” All three of them nodded before The Hijacker disappeared from the screen.

“Alright. Let’s get going.” Clyde huffed and stretched. “I’ll go grab the duffel bag. Meet me in the backyard.” Spec and Alex nodded and all three scurried off. After a few minutes, they all met in the backyard.

“Alex.” Clyde began to say. “Where would be the best place to shoot some guns in this damn county?” Alex squinted their eyes and sighed. “This place isn’t really a hunting town, but it is November…” Spec looked at Alex. “Deer season?” Alex nodded. “Deer season.” Clyde looked at the two of them. “Well, let’s head into the woods. Don’t worry about your license. The police won’t bother us anyway.”

Clyde, Alex, and Spec ventured deep into the wilderness, hoping to get far enough so their shots won’t be heard. They eventually stopped when there wasn’t a house in sight. “Alright.” Clyde puffed and panted. “I know we can’t really prepare fully, but the least I could do is have you practice your aim. Alex, do you know how to use a shotgun?”

Alex nodded. “I do. I’ve been hunting before, just not too many times.” Both Clyde and Spec nodded. Clyde put a hand into the duffel bag and pulled out a rifle, tossing it to Alex. Then they did the same for Spec. “There, I’m going to use my claws and powers to fight them, so I don’t need to do shit with these guns. Have at it. I’ll stand guard to make sure Herbert and those traitors don’t interfere.”

Alex shook their head and sighed. “Alright then…” Though, they had a plan in mind. Both Spec and Alex went to their desired hunting spots and began their training.

A few hours passed and nothing remarkable happened. Alex had collected a few deer, but Spec had collected none. They growled in frustration as they fiddled with the gun. Alex looked at them sympathetically then turned around and looked at Clyde, who was pacing back and forth.

“Psst. Clyde!” Alex hissed quietly. Luckily, this caught the large Veldigun’s attention. “What?” They spoke softly, as if something had been on their mind. Alex motioned towards Spec, who was trying to put more ammunition in. Clyde sighed nervously, understanding the assignment.

The large Veldigun walked over to their sibling. “Hey…Spec. What seems to be the problem?” Their voice was stiff and awkward. “I can’t seem to aim right.” Spec growled in agitation. “It looks like I’m right, but it misses completely!”

Clyde tilted their head curiously. “Show me how you aim.” Spec did as they were told and the problem was made clear. The smaller Veldigun’s hands shook rather harshly, which made Clyde worry. “Spec, you’re shaking too much. You can’t aim properly if you’re shaking.” Spec sighed and set the gun down. “I know…”

Clyde made a soft purr and sat down next to their twin. “I can tell when something is bothering you. So, what’s wrong?” Spec covered their face. “I’m not going to be able to do this. I’m too weak to even hold onto a gun! Let alone compared to you and the other Veldiguns.” Clyde made a soft, sorrowful purr as they wrapped an arm around them.

“I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Truth is, I don’t hate you or think you’re pathetic. I just…I just wanted you to stay away from this dreaded county.” Spec turned to look at Clyde as they continued. “I…I figured if I could make you hate me, then you wouldn’t put yourself in harm’s way. I know you. You’re stubborn and care too much about others. I…didn’t want to lose you too.”

Spec nodded, glad that they’re finally getting to talk with their brother. “I know that everyone here was just trying to keep me safe, but it’s not fair that you all have to suffer just because of me. Let me help you. I want to help you.” Clyde chuckled and held Spec close to them. “You’re too kind for this world.”

Spec giggled before looking at the gun in their hands. “I’m going to have to kill someone, aren’t I?” Clyde looked at them with a sympathetic expression. “Unfortunately, yes, but these people are horrible people. They have hurt and tortured others for a long time. What we’re doing is freeing them and destroying their captors.”

“This won’t be easy.” Spec said in a hushed voice. “It won’t, but guess what?” Spec turned to look at Clyde, who now smiled. “I’ll be here to help you when you need it…and your human partner too.” The last remark made Spec crack up. “Alex is a sweet person! You two just fight like cats and dogs.” Clyde tilted their head back and forth. “Yeah, yeah.”

A deer came into sight. It was far enough from them to where it couldn’t see them, but close enough in shooting range. With their calmed nerves, Spec raised the gun onto their shoulder. They shook slightly, but Clyde put a clawed hand on it to keep it still. “Steady…Steady.” Then, they moved their hand, so Spec could shoot.

A shot rang out in the forest and the deer dropped dead. “YES! Great job!” Clyde ruffled the top of Spec’s head, making them laugh. Alex smiled too, watching them from where they were perched. Clyde looked at their twin and Spec looked at them back with an eager smile. “Way to go, Spec. I’m proud of you.”

“So, how should we go about this?” Spec asked as they entered the house. “I mean, we need to have a plan, right?” Alex nodded and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil. They drew out a map of the foundation. “Already ahead of you.” Alex sighed as they finished.

Both Clyde and Spec looked over the map. “So…Winfrey is in room 66?” Clyde asked with a slight growl in their voice. “Precisely.” Alex said, putting the pencil away. “I figured that you should immediately head to the room while Spec and I rescue the patients.”

Both twins nodded before Spec piped up. “Where are the patients going to go? They still need to be taken care of.” Alex waved their hand. “I had The Hijacker book them into a hospital out of the county. They will be taken there after the raid.” This explanation seemed to suffice.

“I’m guessing that The Hijacjer is going to handle what’s in the lab?” Clyde asked, crossing their arms. “Yeah. It told me that it wants to handle it on it’s own, but it told me to help the experiments get out of there as well.” Clyde nodded, satisfied. “So, that’s it? We’re as prepared as we can be?” Alex shrugged and sighed. “Pretty much.”

Alex looked outside the kitchen window, gazing at the stars. “Are you just as nervous as I am?” Both twins nodded. “Who wouldn’t be?” Spec placed a hand on Alex’s shoulder. Clyde chuckled. “Try not to worry right now. It’s almost over now.”

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This is the end, ladies and gentlemen! I hope y’all enjoy it!

The Raid

(A DOAI Fanfic!)

Word Count: 5945

Warnings: A lot of gore, death, angst with a happy ending

The day of the raid was here. Knots laid in the pits of everyone’s stomach as the sun shone on their faces. Instead of the usual chatter that Alex and Spec had in the mornings, everyone was silent. Alex’s hands shook anxiously and fiddled with the silverware in front of them.

“Scared?” Clyde spoke softly, breaking the silence. All Alex could do was nod. “Heh, I can’t say I blame you.” Clyde huffed, fidgeting with their own claws. “Just try to breathe, Alex.” Spec gently patted their back. “We’ll be with you every step of the way.” Alex nodded and gently grabbed Spec’s hand, leaning their head against the Veldigun’s arm.

As per usual, Spec’s monitor began to buzz, filling the three of them with dread. They all walked over to it only to be greeted by The Hijacker. “Hello, everyone! So…are you all ready?” The group nodded slowly, making The Hijacker sigh. “I understand. This isn’t going to be easy for me either. We just…need to stay focused, okay?” All three of them nodded.

“Anyways, I plan on enacting this raid during the night. It’s just to make sure that NO staff are there. For now, try to enjoy yourselves. We don’t know if we are going to make it out alive. See you at eight!” The monitor buzzed and The Hijacker was gone.

“Nighttime huh?” Clyde softly chuckled. “A Veldigun’s natural environment.” Alex wasn’t listening to Clyde. Their breathing became erratic and so was their heart. Spec immediately took notice. “Alex? Are you okay?” Alex simply looked at them and shook their head. Spec rumbled softly before wrapping their arms around them, which Alex returned.

“It’s okay, Alex. We’ve got your back, so you’re not alone.” Spec spoke comfortingly. Alex shook, but tried to ease their breathing. After a few seconds of being held and steadying their breathing, they were able to calm down. “I’m-I’m okay now.” Alex said as they slowly let go.

Spec smiled, grateful to see that their buddy was okay. “Good. Why don’t I make all of us some breakfast? We can’t fight on an empty stomach.” Clyde chuckled and purred. “Ooh…that sounds great.” Alex snickered at the larger Veldigun. “That’s probably because you’ve been eating rabbits and squirrels.” Clyde raised an eyebrow and a clawed hand, but ultimately decided not to retort since Alex’s statement was true.

After a squeaky laugh, Spec hopped over to the kitchen. They grabbed some vegetables, a cutting board, and a knife. Then, they started to cut. “I’m guessing we’re going to make an omelet?” Alex asked, going over to Spec. “Yes and no. I’m making an omelet and you are going to relax.” Spec grinned. Alex nervously laughed. “Oh come on, Spec.”

“Nuh uh. You’ve been through enough as is. Let me make life a little easier for you.” Spec giggled with a smile. Their happiness was infectious, so Alex relented. “Alright. Alright. Just be careful with the knife.” Right as they said that, a searing pain spread through Spec’s hand. “Ow!” They cried as they pulled their bleeding hand away from the cutting board.

“Shit!” Alex immediately grabbed some bandages and disinfectant from the cabinet beneath the sink. Before they could tend to Spec’s wound, Clyde pulled Spec’s hand away. “No, Alex. Let me do it.” The larger Veldigun reached out their hand for the supplies

Alex handed it to them with a raised eyebrow. “Why can’t I help them?” Clyde sighed and shook their head. “Their blood carries the infection.” Both Alex and Spec widened their eyes. “I-I thought I couldn’t infect anyone.” Clyde chuckled as they wrapped up Spec’s hand. “Your touch is completely safe for humans, but never let one come in contact with your blood, okay?” Spec nodded and looked down at the cut up food. “Good thing none of it got in the food.”

After Clyde patched up Spec’s hand, they immediately got back to cooking. The tension of the environment had been eased, so there were a lot more friendly and warm conversations. Spec slid all three of the omelets onto three separate plates and handed two of them to Clyde and Alex. “This is good…” Clyde hummed as they chomped on the food.

“I do have a question.” Alex piped up and looked at Clyde. “How has Spec not been discovered? Their stories are pretty popular.” Clyde immediately burst out laughing. “That’s because Veldiguns don’t usually read fictional stories! Even I don’t!” Everyone couldn’t help, but laugh.

The hours flew by rather quickly. The group spent their time watching movies and playing video games. Even Spec was able to convince Clyde to play Resident Evil: The Village, which made the larger Veldigun jump. Before they knew it, the clock chimed at eight.

“Are we ready?” Clyde asked , flicking their tail anxiously. Spec and Alex looked at each other and nodded. “Alright. Let’s go see Lankmann.” As if that beckoned it, Spec’s monitor started to buzz. “Good evening, my little critters!” The Hijacjer appeared on the screen. “Are we ready to ride?” Alex slung the duffel bag of weapons over their shoulder. “Ready as we’ll ever be.”

“Good…Now stand back. I need to do something.” The Hijacker then stuck their claws out of the screen, causing Alex and Spec to yelp back in fear. It grabbed the sides of the monitor and pulled itself out of the digital world. “Woah. This is just like The Ring!” Spec squealed as The Hijacker placed a clawed hand on the desk to steady itself. It slowly pulled itself further out of the screen and stomped loudly onto the ground. “Ahh! It feels so good to be out of that digital world!”

“Damn, I’ve forgotten how short you were.” Clyde snickered, laughing like a maniac. The Hijacker rolled it’s eyes. “Haha…laugh it up.” It stretched and yawned. “Alright everyone. Let’s get going. This raid isn’t going to start itself.”

Everyone nodded as Alex snatched the keys to his car. “Hop in everyone. We ride when the moon rises!” The Veldiguns cheered before running out of the house. They hurried down the steps and hopped into the car. Clyde and The Hijacker sat in the back of the car, while Spec sat in the passenger’s seat. Alex joined them in the driver’s seat and started the ignition. “Let’s go.” They spoke sternly before driving away.

The night sky watched them as they drove to the asylum. They turned into the forestry beside the forsaken building instead of the driveway. “Smart move, Alex.” The Hijacker grinned, looking into the darkness. “Thanks. I figured it would be better to avoid the driveway. They’d be expecting that.” Alex floored the brakes, putting the car to a complete halt. They were here.

Getting out of the car, they all looked at the building in front of them. The Hijacker looked around before finding the power box hidden underneath some branches. It busted the lid of the box with a quick smack and opened it. “I’m heading down to the lab, but I’ll also deactivate any traps and cameras. When the alarms go off, run inside. See ya!” The Hijacker stuck it’s claws into the machinery. It’s body glowed with electricity before it disappeared into the electrical system.

Cameras burst into pieces as The Hijacker caused an electrical surge. All the caretakers looked around, confused, as the lights flickered. Doors unlocked and tasers were destroyed. Herbert Lankmann knew these signs too well. He stood in Room 66, right in front of Winfrey. “Brother…I thought you were dead.” He murmured to himself before turning to face Winfrey. “Heh…I knew one day that they would come for you.”

Winfrey huffed in exhaustion. “Just…let me go…please.” Doctor Lankmann shrugged and laughed. “Sure. That is, if they survive long enough to be able to rescue you.” He pulled out a remote from their pocket. “I’ve almost completed my research anyway. I will show the Veldiguns that power…is the only thing that matters.”

Lankmann pressed the button causing the alarms to go off. He sighed before heading out of the room, turning to the trap door, and climbing down into the lab.

Seeing the alarms go off was just the signal that the crew needed. “Let’s go, bitches!” Clyde immediately sprinted to the front door, Alex and Spec running to join them. Alex grabbed a shotgun from the duffel bag and threw a rifle at Spec. The smaller Veldigun caught the rifle and nodded.

Using their horns, Clyde barged through the front doors of the asylum. “Welcome to Fuck City! We’re the Fuckers!” Clyde laughed maniacally, running straight towards Room 66. Both Alex and Spec just rolled their eyes and ran towards the other rooms.

Caretakers, armed with knives, machetes, and tasers, sprinted into the hallways. Luckily, the duo were prepared for this. Spec immediately opened fire. Blood splattered everywhere as the caretakers fell, dead. They scratched and screeched as they scrambled towards Alex and Spec.

Alex grabbed the end of one of the patient’s beds. The poor guy was terrified. “Who’s causing those shots?!” He asked Alex. “My buddies and I are going to get you out of here. Try not to panic. You’ll be safe!” Alex grabbed the end of another bed as well and quickly ran off with both patients. Spec grabbed two as well, but both looked significantly more terrified of them than they were of Alex.

Caretakers ran in front of them only to be greeted with a bullet to the head. Brains splattered on the wall as the duo rushed to get the patients outside. “What are those things?” One of the patients cried as they pointed to a caretaker’s corpse. Their mask was off, revealing sharp teeth and a skull-like face. “Doctor Lankmann’s followers.” Alex responded.

Clyde ran, scratching the floor of the hallway as they did so. Then, they saw the humongous doors of Room 66. The Veldigun grinned to themselves. “I’ll free you, buddy.” Before Clyde could advance towards the door, dozens of caretakers swarmed around the doors.

An eerie laugh escaped from The Eastridge Demon. “Do you really think you powerless Veldiguns can stop me?” Without hesitation, Clyde rammed right into the caretakers. Their tail pierced through many of the caretakers, causing them to squeal in pain.

Blood and pieces of organs covered the floor as Clyde ripped into them. They sucked the souls out of each one of them. Ripping, squelching, and screaming filled the hallways. The caretakers didn’t stand a chance against Clyde. They only left a few cuts and scratches on The Smiling Snatcher. When the room went silent, the hallway was painted red.

Filled with pride, Clyde pushed the door of Room 66. “Winfrey!” They yelled, outstretching their arms. Winfrey widened their eyes as soon as they saw them. “Clyde…you came for me.” Clyde smiled at them. “I always would’ve.” The Eastridge Demon jumped over to the chains that held Winfrey down. “Hang on, buddy. I got you.”

Using their tail, Clyde was able to pick the locks open. First, Winfred’s leg’s. Then, their arms. Winfrey raised their right arm, rubbing their sore wrist. “Thank you, Clyde…They…they made me consume human souls…tortured the patients…” A tear fell down their face as Clyde climbed up their back. “It’s not your fault, Winfrey. You’re still a good person, but we need to go help Alex and Spec”

Winfrey nodded as Clyde hopped onto their shoulders. “Let’s wreck this place!” Clyde cried as Winfrey burst through the doors, roaring in the process. More caretakers ran into the hallway to try to stop them, but they were no match for the behemoth. Winfrey trampled them with ease and even grabbed one in their jaws, tearing them apart.

The lab shook as Winfrey trampled away. Doctor Lankmann gathered as many papers as he could and shoved them into a suitcase. He grabbed the USB and various syringes and containers. Then, he picked up a gun filled with a sedative liquid. “Alright everyone! It’s time to pack up and leave.”

A few caretakers climbed down the ladder to the lab, hoping to help their master. The surveillance monitors started to buzz and the lights shoved flashed red. Then, the doors of the cages creaked open. The experiments crawled towards the opened doors. “Looks like someone let us out of the box!” Jack laughed maniacally.

Shrieking filled the hallway as the experiments began to maul the caretakers. The Flock bit their throats out and Simon crushed their chest with his tentacles. Everything was so chaotic, Doctor Lankmann was too frightened to intervene.

Mortimer tried to crawl through the chaos. Blood splattered on their white clothes as they tried to get to the ladder, but the sound of sobbing stopped them. Mortimer peered into a cage and saw the mouse-like experiment. He shuddered and cried as he crouched in the corner. “I want my mama.” He cried to himself. Mortimer walked over to the mouse, an expression of empathy on their face.

“Hey there.” They spoke softly as they crouched down. The mouse backed away in fear. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” Mortimer said as they reached out a hand. “What’s your name?” The mouse shivered before gently taking Mortimer’s hand. “I’m Klaus.” Mortimer smiled as they gently picked up Klaus. “It’s alright. I’ll take care of you.” They gently carried Klaus to the ladder and climbed up.

Doctor Lankmann watched as his experiments ripped his followers apart. Then, they turned to him. Blood dripped from their jaws as they crawled closer. “Get away from me, you freaks!” He raised the sedation gun. Before he could shoot though, a voice came on the intercom. “Don’t worry about him.” The Hijacker’s voice came through the speaker. “I’ll take care of this monster. Go upstairs and help out the rest of my team.”

Jack looked at Simon with a raised eyebrow. Simon just shrugged, being just as confused as he was, but decided to obey the voice. Simon, Jack, and The Flock turned around and went right to the ladder. Doctor Lankmann sighed before a voice behind him made him jump. “Hello…brother.” The voice said.

All the patients were moved outside by the time the experiments escaped. Blood and stranded organs were strewn across the floor. Nearly all of which belonged to the caretakers. Now with no one left to save, Alex and Spec took more weapons to finish off the rest of the followers.

The caretakers pulled off their masks, revealing the monsters they truly are. The last of them screeched at Alex and Spec, surrounding them. “We won’t let you hurt anyone else!” Alex yelled before the two opened fire. Screams and squeals filled the room as the caretakers were pumped full of bullets.

Spec jumped and landed on top of Alex’s shoulders. The Veldigun growled as they relentlessly shot up the followers. “There are so fucking many!” Alex cried out, blowing the brains out of one of the followers. Hearing this, Spec decided to jump off of Alex’s shoulders and attack the caretakers to their right.

The enemies diminished rather steadily. They didn’t seem to be able to think on their own, so Spec and Alex were able to destroy them like a hoard of zombies. But a hoard can get overwhelming. Alex was shooting a plethora of caretakers when they saw something out of the corner of their eye. They saw a caretaker with a sharp machete creeping up behind Spec, who was shooting other caretakers.

“SPEC!” Alex ran over to them and pushed them out of the way. Spec landed on the ground and quickly turned around. Their worst nightmare came to life. The caretaker’s machete pierced Alex’s chest, specifically where their heart was. Blood dripped down their chest as they fell to their knees, gasping in pain.

“ALEX! NO!” Spec dropped the gun and ran over to them. Alex fell back into the Veldigun’s arms, grasping their chest. “Alex…no…please.” Hot tears streamed down Spec’s face. For the first time, they roared. They roared in pain and their tail acted as if it had a mind of it’s own. It swirled around, slicing and tearing all the remaining caretakers. Spec screamed and cried as blood and organs pooled around them. Eventually, it all went quiet.

Spec stood up, holding Alex in their arms, and began to walk through the bodies that covered the floor. “Clyde!” They cried, feeling Alex gripping them tightly. “Clyde! Help me!” Their twin heard their cries. “Spec?” Clyde murmured and Winfrey looked up at them. “Follow their cries.” Winfrey nodded at Clyde’s command.

Running as quickly as possible, Winfrey followed Spec’s screams. Then, they stopped in front of the doorway. Clyde hopped off of Winfrey. “Spec! What’s wrong?” Spec couldn’t speak. They only cried and whimpered as they turned Alex over so they could see. “Oh god…” Both Clyde and Winfrey looked at them in shock.

“You may not remember me, but I certainly remember you…” Doctor Lankmann turned around to see the face of his brother on the monitors. “Long time no see…” Doctor Lankmann couldn’t believe it. They had bested him. “Come to take everything from me? I’m not letting that happen again!”

The Hijacker began to crawl out of the monitor. It slammed it’s claw onto the table, crushing everything underneath it. The Hijacjer used that leverage to fully jump out of the screen. Doctor Lankmann yelped and stumbled backwards to get away. “So, after thirty years…we meet again.” The Hijacjer growled.

“Don’t you go feeding me your righteous lies!” Doctor Lankmann ran to their suitcase, but his leg was quickly caught by his brother’s tentacle. “As if you’re any better. You believe that hurting humans is the best way for us to live…denying us a future.” Doctor Lankmann hissed harshly. You don’t understand what it’s like…not to have any power of your own…not to be able to suck souls to properly belong in the Veldigun species…to not be a part of the design.”

Doctor Lankmann managed to grab a scalpel and stabbed the tentacle. The Hijacker screeched and let go. “Just because we were built with that design in mind, doesn’t mean we have to obey it!” The doctor roared angrily. “You only say that because you were blessed! You have some of the strongest powers in the species! I was always in your shadow! Everyone respects you!”

The Hijacker growled and ran towards their brother. They swiped their claws at him, hitting him near the eye. “Do you really think they respect me because of my power?” The Hijacker laughed. “They respect me because I see them for what they are! People that can choose their futures! Not animals like you think of us.”

Doctor Lankmann tried to claw at their brother’s neck, but was quickly shaken off. He huffed and panted. “Don’t you realize that we could have everything in the palm of our hands. I won’t be worthless anymore and we would have the perfect army. You aren’t innocent…you used to be a predator too. Can’t make fun of us…if you’re one of us.”

The Hijacker roared in their brother’s face. “I’ve changed my ways…I couldn’t stand to see a child cry, but you…YOU…feel no sympathy! You have no heart! You tortured innocent souls, including children! You…couldn’t even spare our parents.”

Doctor Lankmann laughed. “You don’t even care about me! Let alone your parents!” The Hijacker could feel itself getting more enraged. “DO YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?! Do you think I want to kill you?! We..used to be close, until you let some petty insults get to your head…” The Hijacker looked away. “I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I have no choice. I’m sorry.”

The Hijacker slammed their claws on the ground and snapped their jaws. Doctor Lankmann gripped the scalpel tightly and tried to plunge it into their brother’s throat…but they missed and stabbed them in the chest instead. The Hijacker rammed into him and used both hands to grab him by the throat. Raising Doctor Lankmann up off the ground, The Hijacker lowered their head as the life was choked out of their brother.

“I’m sorry…” They said softly, tears streaming down their face. Their hands squeezed tighter before they heard a loud crack. Doctor Lankmann’s arms fell limp and their body went cold. The Hijacker’s arms shook as Lankmann’s body fell from their hands. They covered their face and cried.

The experiments wandered around the bloody asylum, trying to find The Hijacker’s friends. Mortimer, with Klaus in their arms, turned through a hallway and ran into the others. “Have you guys found Alex yet?” They asked as they swayed Klaus back and forth. “Unfortunately, no.” Simon answered somberly.

Then, they heard the sounds of sobbing. The group of experiments ran towards the noises only to find something tragic. Spec had set Alex down against a wall. They had tried to patch up the severe wound, but it seemed like it wasn’t working.

“Alex!” Mortimer yelled as they ran over to their friend. They crouched down right in front of them. “No…!” No!” Tears now streamed down their face as Klaus buried his head into Mortimer’s shoulder.

Alex’s eyelids grew heavy as they looked upon their friends. “Mor…Mortimer…I’m…sorry…” Breathing became harder with every second. “I’m so sorry…Everyone…” Mortimer shook their head. “No, Alex. This wasn’t your fault. Not at all…” Clyde looked at Simon. “You, Scarecrow! Go get The Hijacker please!” Simon nodded and ran as fast as he could to the lab.

The Hijacker gathered everything, all the papers, all the evidence, and all the research, into a pile. They grabbed some matches that were hidden in the chest and lit one of them. Then, they dropped the fiery match, setting the work ablaze. “No one will know what happened here.” They said to themselves.

Simon slid down the ladder and ran to The Hijacker. “Sir?” He spoke softly. The Hijacker turned to face him. “The others need to see you. Something happened to Alex…” The Hijacker’s eyes widened. “No…” They grabbed Simon and quickly ran out of the lab.

“Alex?!” They called out as they ran. Simon pointed to a certain room and The Hijacker followed. There, they were able to join the group. “Alex?” The Hijacker set Simon down and crawled close to Alex. “Hi…jack…please…take care…of Spec…” Tears rolled down The Hijacker’s face as they nodded.

“Alex…please…” Spec begged. They felt Alex wrap their arms around them. “I..L-L…” Alex’s voice went quiet as their arms dropped down. Spec gripped Alex by the shoulders. “Alex?” No response. “ALEX?! Please! No no no!” Spec sobbed as they held their cold body close. Tears ran down everyone’s faces now that Alex was gone.

The Hijacker placed a clawed hand on Spec’s shoulder. “There is…a way you can save them.” Spec looked around at them. “How?” The Hijacker sighed before pointing at their hand. “Infect them.” Spec then looked at their own hand. “The legend…What if it doesn’t work?”

“Then, they’ll still be dead.” Winfrey spoke softly. “But it’s still worth a try. You are the only one here who can do it.” Spec nodded before ripping the bandage off of their hand. The wound was no longer bleeding, so they had to scratch it open. Blood now dropped from the wound. Spec held their breath as they placed their bleeding hand on Alex’s wound.

A few seconds passed, but still no response. Spec lowered their head and covered their face while the others closed their eyes. Suddenly, dark fur began to spread across Alex’s body. Stripes appeared on their arms and legs and small horns that slicked backwards appeared on their head. Near the wound, white spots that look like distant stars appeared on their chest. Cat-like ears popped up on their head and three striped tails appeared. Claws and dark green paw pads grew on their hands. Bat-like wings sprouted from their back, tearing the back of their trench coat. All of Alex’s stripes were a gradient color scheme. A dark blue turns into a light turquoise and then a bright green. This color scheme even applied to their wings and hair. This color scheme was similar to the aurora borealis. Alex’s white strands turned into a popping neon green. Even their glasses turned into a neon green tint.

Alex took a deep breath, startling everyone, and opened their eyes. Their eyes had turned into a very light shade of yellow, just like storybook depictions of the moon. Alex’s mouth was in the shape of a Jack o Lantern and a green glow emitted from it. Spec widened their eyes and crawled closer to them. “Alex?” They gently put their hands on Alex’s cheeks, feeling their fluffy fur.

Alex gently smiled and put their clawed hands on Spec’s arms. “Spec…did..did you?” Spec just wrapped their arms around them. “Alex! You’re alive!” They were still crying, but now they were tears of joy. Mortimer was crying too while everyone else was cheering. “I knew that it would work!” The Hijacker laughed.

Winfrey walked closer to the duo, amazement in their eyes. They crouched down, then sat on their knees. Winfrey outstretched their hands. “May I?” Alex understood what they were asking and nodded.

Winfrey gently picked up the new Veldigun. They used one hand to hold Alex and used the other to examine them. Winfrey held all three of their tails and examined their wings. “You are beautiful. A cutesy, friendly Veldigun.” This compliment made Alex blush immediately. “Right? They’re fluffy too!” Spec’s comment only made Alex blush more.

“I’m just glad they’re alive.” Clyde said as they petted Alex’s head. Winfrey put Alex down and stood up. Mortimer and Spec hugged Alex. Even Klaus looked happy that they were alive. “We might wanna get going…” The Hijacker nervously laughed. Alex tilted their head. “Why?” The Hijacker fiddled their claws. “Well, I set a fire down in the lab. I doubt any one of us wants to burn alive.” Everyone looked at each other. “Yeah…you’re right about that.” Winfrey spoke. “Let’s go.”

Everyone walked out of the asylum changed. Some were free. Some gained a greater appreciation of the world. Others found family amongst the ones around them. Whatever they gained or lost, no one was the same person as they were when they walked in.

Alex saw the patients first. They looked terrified as they gazed upon the Veldiguns. They raised their clawed hands. “It’s alright. No one here is going to hurt you. We were all hurt by the ones in there. Help will come for you soon.” This didn’t seem to calm them down, especially when Clyde came out.

“Hang on, everyone.” Clyde turned to Alex. “Do you have your cell phone on you?” Alex nodded, took the phone out, and handed it to them. Clyde took it and dialed for the police, or what was left of them anyway. “Hello? Yes, this is Clyde…Yes, the patients are ready for transport….Okay. Just take them out of this damn county…alright, bye.” Clyde turned to the patients. “The police will be here in ten minutes, but we gotta go.”

Clyde then turned back to Alex and handed their phone back to them. “Now, drive the car, car driver.” Winfrey rolled their eyes. “No need to be so rude Clyde.” Alex just laughed and waved it off. “It’s fine. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Alex then turned to Clyde with a smug grin. “Jackass.”

“I’ll hop in the trunk!” Jack laughed. “Why would you-?” Mortimer began to say, but they weren’t able to stop him. Jack hopped in the trunk along with The Flock. “I’ll just ride on top of Winfrey.” The Hijacker chuckled. “I don’t like cramped spaces.” Winfrey picked them up and placed them on their shoulders.

The car hummed when Alex started it. Simon, Mortimer, Klaus, and Clyde sat in the back while Spec sat in the passenger’s seat. Then, they all drove off, waving the patients and the burning asylum goodbye. Winfrey ran next to the car and they were easily able to keep up. All of the Veldiguns headed home as the sun began to rise.

A week passed since the raid and everyone was making a steady recovery. Alex had quickly grown accustomed to their new Veldigun body. They even discovered that they had powers of their own. Their tails can produce a sweet smelling mist that puts anyone to sleep and they also had a human disguise, so they were able to go out and do errands.

Mortimer was still caring for Klaus and relentlessly searched for his parents, but they still haven’t found them. Winfrey patched up some of Alex’s clothes so their wings and tails could fit through. Even though everything was peaceful, something was still on their mind.

“Alex, may I speak with you for a sec?” Clyde asked after dinner one night. Alex looked at them and raised an eyebrow. “Sure. What is it that you need?” Clyde fidgeted with their claws. “Alone, please.” Clyde gently took Alex’s hand and led them to their bedroom. Alex closed the door behind them.

“What is it that’s bothering you?” Alex asked, slightly more concerned. Clyde sighed then scratched their head. “You…You and Spec can’t stay here.” Alex’s eyes widened. “Why not?” Clyde looked up at them with sympathy. “Since Herbert is dead, other enemies will come. They will know that Winfrey is free. If they ever find out that you and Spec exist, you’ll become their main target.”

Alex looked horrified at the revelation. “Why will we become their main targets?” Clyde walked closer to Alex and put their hands on their shoulders. “Because you are proof that our belief is plausible.” Everything made sense now. Alex’s ears drooped down as they nodded. “I..I understand.”

Clyde sat down on the bed and sighed. “I don’t want to do this either. It feels like Spec and I just reunited! But…I know this is better for you both.” Alex nodded again and sat beside them. “Please, just tell this to Spec and tell them why, okay?” Clyde nodded, their tail flicking. “I will. I’ve learned from my mistakes. Winfrey and I have already found a house, just like this one, that’s quite a ways from here.”

“Will you ever come back?” Alex turned to ask. “When the war ends, Alex. Only then will it be safe for us to return.” Clyde said, tears running down their face. Alex hugged them, which they readily accepted. “Please…take care of Spec for me, okay?” Alex nodded and squeezed tighter.

After some packing, Clyde and Alex put the belongings, including Spec’s computer system, in the trunk and backseat of the car. Mortimer had taken Spec and Klaus out for ice cream. Winfrey called for a portable U-Haul trailer, which they hooked up to Alex’s car, and put the furniture inside them.

When Spec, Mortimer and Klaus came home, everyone was outside of the house. “What’s going on?” Spec asked, tilting their head. Clyde looked at Alex for any advice, so Alex gestured towards their twin. The larger Veldigun sighed as they walked over to Spec.

“Spector, there’s something I need to tell you and I need you to understand.” Clyde crouched down and put a hand on Spec’s shoulder. “Sure. What is it?” Spec’s innocent eyes looked upon their sibling. “You can’t stay here. It’s not safe.” Spec tilted their head. “What do you mean? Herbert is dead, isn’t he?”

Clyde nodded. “Yes, but other enemies will come. If they find out that you and Alex exist, you will be their main targets. It’s because you are proof that our way of life is healthy.” Spec looked at the ground and whimpered. “Look, this is more than just safety. I also want you two to have a future. I want you to enjoy your life and live to the fullest. We already found you two a house and packed your things.”

Spec still didn’t answer, so Clyde patted their head. “You know I’m doing this because I love you, right?” Spec looked up at Clyde, tears streaming down their face, and nodded. “Will I ever see you again?” Clyde struggled to find something uplifting to say. “I don’t know, but when this war is over, I will try to come back, okay?” Spec nodded before wrapping their arms around Clyde, hugging them tightly. “I love you, Clyde.” The larger Veldigun hugged them back. “I love you too.”

Mortimer walked over to Alex with Klaus in their arms. “I’m going to stay here. I’m still trying to find Klaus’s parents, plus the others can use my help.” Alex nodded a single tear streaming down their face. “Alright, see you later, buddy.” Both friends hugged each other tightly before separating. Alex waved to all the Veldiguns as they hopped into the driver’s seat. Spec did the same and sigh as they sat in the passenger’s.

“One last thing, Spec.” Clyde said as they stuck their head in the window. Then, Winfrey handed them a package. Clyde handed the package to Spec. “I made something for you.” Spec took the box and held it to their chest. “Take care of yourself, Clyde.” Clyde nodded. “You too.”

Everyone waved and said their goodbyes as Alex started the car and drove away. The group became smaller and smaller as they drove farther away. Spec looked down at the box Clyde gave to them. “I know it’s hard, but they want the best for us.” Alex said, looking over at Spec. “Besides, this goodbye isn’t forever.” Spec nodded. “You’re right. We have a future now thanks to them.”

Alex glanced at the box in Spec’s lap. “What’d they get you?” Spec shrugged then slipped their claws on the cardboard flaps. They opened the box to find two things, a makeshift plush of Twisted Alice Angel and a note. Spec grabbed the plush with one hand and read the note with the other.

“Hey Spec, I remembered that you told me one time that she’s one of your favorite characters. So much so that you said you wanted to sit on her lap. So, I decided to make you this. Winfrey had to help me with certain stitches though. Please have a wonderful future. Love, Clyde.”

Spec held the plushie close to their chest. Silent tears fell as they put a hand on the console. Alex softly smiled at Spec and took Spec’s hand in theirs. “Everything will be okay. I promise.” Spec nodded as they rested their head on Alex’s shoulder. Together, they drove off to their future.

A few years passed since they left Eastridge. Spec and Alex had gotten comfortable in their new home and had resumed life as normal. Alex got a job as an artist while Spec continued their stories. Everything was normal once more.

One day, Spec was laying on the couch while Alex was reading one of Spec’s manuscripts to check for errors. Then, there was a knock at the door. “I got it, Spec.” Alex smiled at their partner as they walked to the door. “Okay, thank you.” Spec hummed as they nuzzled into the couch.

Alex opened the door and their jaw dropped. “Spec…come here please.” Spec raised an eyebrow, but jumped off the couch anyway. “What seems to be the proble-?” Spec paused, seeing something incredibly special.

“Hi, Spec. Long time no see.” Clyde greeted them. The other Veldiguns were behind and nearly all of them were covered in scars. Clyde themselves looked like they were blinded in one eye. Spec’s face immediately brightened as they jumped into their sibling’s arms. “CLYDE!”


Thank you to everyone who read this lil series! This was a lot of fun to write and come up with. If you wish to create drabbles or fanart, all I ask is that you credit me. You all mean a lot to me and I’m glad you enjoyed the series. I’ll still make content for this AU, but this is the end of the main story!

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Time For Twins AU


(Just remember to treat Pastra like a  person, okay?)

This is just a list of headcanons that I have for the series! You may do with them as you wish!

Basic Stuff:

Alex - non-binary, asexual, they/them, Autistic

Spector - He/They, asexual, incredibly oblivious to sexual stuff, ADHD, they look cartoonish

Clyde - He/They, AroAce, they have an incredibly hard time establishing relationships, subtle ADHD

The Hijacker - They/It, AroAce, does NOT understand the appeal of being in a committed relationship

Winfrey - They/Them, bisexual, has a hard time finding mates because of their size

Mortimer - They/Them, pansexual, both ADHD and Autism

Simon - He/Him, straight, severe social anxiety, OCD

Jack - He/It, gay, hyperactive ADHD

Klaus - He/Him, they are child

The Flock - It/It’s, they are a big bird


The Hijacker would read Spec’s stories from within the computer. They’ll never admit it, but they love Spec’s work.

Even though Clyde acted like they didn’t care about their interests, they listened intently to Spec whenever they babbled about a hyperfixation.

Clyde and Spector were very close before the war. They played together as children and Spec looked up to Clyde.

The same goes for Lankmann and The Hijacker, but as we know, insecurity got to Herbert.

Alex was a social butterfly when they went out of the house, but they secretly felt very lonely

They also can’t flirt for shit. It’s their sweetness that pulls people in.

The same goes for Spec, but they are just more oblivious

Spec loves to make food for the ones they love. They cook almost everyday.

Alex shows their affection by giving gifts and physical touch. (They are so warm!!!)

Winfrey would take in little Veldigun children until they found their parents.

The Hijacker and Spec were the only Veldiguns that used technology

Klaus is actually the son of Patient 66 (oh boy, the angst…)


Spec often braids Alex’s hair to try to calm them down. They even do this to their tails! If anyone draws this, I will go feral

Those two cuddle all the time. One of their favorite things to do is to wrap a blanket around them and watch movies.

Many of Alex’s art pieces are in Spector’s novels

Spec often finds Alex sleeping in the strangest places. Sometimes on the table. Sometimes on the floor.

This is because their tails will force them to sleep, no matter what Alex does. This constantly annoys them

Speaking of which, Alex is a caffeine addict. They will chug four energy drinks at once

Mortimer ended up adopting Klaus due to not being able to find his mother.

I feel like they would be like Bandit when it comes to parenting. Especially when it comes to Klaus’s creativity

Winfrey is like a parent to everyone. Especially Clyde and Alex…

Clyde and Alex still fight on a regular basic. Clyde causes the vast majority of them.

One of Clyde’s favorite ways to torment Alex is to hold them up by one of their tail.

This was…until Alex swung themselves back at Clyde and fought them. I’ll let you guess who won.

Alex has some sensory issues. For example, they hate slimy textures. Especially, things like eggs, boiled noodles, and thawed meat.

Clyde uses this to torment Alex as well

It has gotten so bad that Jack and Simon have a “Days without Clyde and Alex brawling” board.

Jack knows every bit of drama and tea in the group. Don’t ask how he knows. He may be listening to you right now.

Simon takes care of The Flock. It reminds him of his old pet crows

Spec calls Alex “Little Critter”. Don’t ask why. They just think it’s cute.

Alex’s wings glow during the northern lights

The Hijacker spends most of their time in Spec’s computer. They get anxious around a large group of people.

That’s it so far! I hope you genuinely enjoy this strange little post!

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“We’ll make…you say…how PROUD you are of US! So…stay awake…just LONG enough to see…OUR WAY!”

If there ever was a bad ending to the Twins AU, that would have to be if Alex and Spector gets taken by Lankmann due to Clyde’s recklessness.

Alex (now Veldigun) and Spector would be fused together. Spec’s top half coming out of Alex’s back. Now, Clyde has to face the consequences of what they’ve done.

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6 months ago
@blazefirefox Bro These Tags Have Been Stuck In My Head For Days Now Just Finally Got Some Time To Actually

@blazefirefox bro these tags have been stuck in my head for days now just finally got some time to actually draw it out

@blazefirefox Bro These Tags Have Been Stuck In My Head For Days Now Just Finally Got Some Time To Actually

I lost steam on it those the end lol

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6 months ago
Lankmann Doodle Timee, Also Playing With Texturess

lankmann doodle timee, also playing with texturess

i like the background but the colors got weird because of my screen tablet ughh

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9 months ago

hey guys i really think lankmann should take a lesson or two, maybe in dramatics. idk tho

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9 months ago
Hey Guys Played Kinitopet Today This Is My Best Creation Yet

hey guys played kinitopet today this is my best creation yet

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8 months ago

hey doesnt , lankmann have mechanical looking hands.


in this picture the doai twt account posted (i think)

Hey Doesnt , Lankmann Have Mechanical Looking Hands.

that hand looks pretty mechanical

and he seems to play a pretty big role in controlling things.

almost like a ruler .

(cue ruler of everything bells playing)

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7 months ago
Hi Guys I Wanted To Draw Soul With A Top Hat And Suit But Didnt Know Where To Draw Him So Uhhh Lankmann

hi guys i wanted to draw soul with a top hat and suit but didnt know where to draw him so uhhh lankmann versus soul battle when

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