Dog Death - Tumblr Posts
Forever and Always - Part 4

Title: Forever and Always
Word count: 969
Characters: Blu and Girl
Warnings: Angst, crappy writing
Notes: I made this all the way back in 2017. Never got around to doing much with it. Shame. I enjoyed writing it. Even though it made me sad. So I’m posting it, unedited here.
December 23, 2024
"You can take as long as you like just call us when your ready." The veterinarian's voice was soft and distant. I could barely hear the door close behind him as he left. This room isn't making things any easier. The walls are plain white and the floor is concrete, I feel like I'm trapped in a prison cell. I slide down the wall finding it difficult to breathe, am I actually drowning? "O-okay," I say my breathe is shaking and my whole body is trembling. Did the vet leave? Is he still in the room? I can't bring myself to look around, I can't recall if he did or didn't leave.
Blu trots over to me he can tell I'm uncomfortable. He doesn't even realize what's going on. He doesn't know what is to come, I can't bring myself to tell him. Blu had gotten old, he can no longer jump in the car by himself. That playful twinkle could no longer be seen in his eyes, now his eyes were surrounded by white hairs. Hair that had replaced his once vibrant grey fur.
"Blu I don't know what I'll do without you," I choke out. I stroke his fur it's still as soft as the day I'd gotten him. I will forever look back on that day fondly, the day a little dreamer in rain boots, a tutu, and a tiara found her best friend. I wish I could go back to that day, and tell her of all the adventures she and her little pup would go on.
"I want you to understand that I still love you, but this is for your own good." I bury my head in his fur inhaling his doggie smell. I can smell the fresh cut grass he rolled in this morning and the bacon I dropped on him during breakfast. "I made a list I want you to hear before I say good bye. It started when I was six and it ends today."
"Blu I made a list a of reasons for why I love you,"I take his head and press his forehead against mine. I look into his eyes and smile. I'm sending my best friend away today, but at least I know Blu has lived a long and fulfilling life. I take a deep breathe then begin. "One hundred and five, your my dog. I don't have to share you with anyone else. You'll always be mine don't you forget that."
"Sixty-seven, your super protective some might say overprotective. You didn't need to bite Cassie that time she playfully punched me." I laugh, Cassie had gotten so mad at Blu. She was never really a dog person, I believe Blu knew that. From that point on I always had to warn my friends about the overprotective fur ball when they came over.
"Thirty-one, your a real cuddle bug. Thank you for letting me use you as a pillow or stuffed animal the many times I cried myself to sleep." Sometimes having a best friend to cuddle and listen is all that I ever really needed. People always try to cut you off and never listen, but a dog truly listens. They can’t talk so they listen. Blu knows how many times I just wanted to be heard.
"Eleven, you make me happy to be alive. I won't say I was ever depressed, but knowing you were always by my side made the world a little brighter." For an unloved thirteen year old who saw the world as one big nightmare come true, it was always comforting to know Blu was there. Blu had always been there for me. He was there when I turned sixteen and no one could make it to my party, he was there when I had received my scholarship, and he was there when I said yes to my friend. He had been my only family and I didn't want to let him go.
"Three, you have always comforted me." Blu was there for me that rainy night of June 19th, he let me sob into his fur for hours. When I lost a baseball game he would suggest a game a fetch the only way a dog could. He would drop a ball at my feet and wait for me to pick it up and throw it. It would always lift my spirits, I would hug Blu after and praise him for bringing it back. He was the friend that could always make me gr