peantbutter-honeycombs - Kind Words Are Like Honey🍯🐝
Kind Words Are Like Honey🍯🐝

A blog to where my weird dreams become reality. | Probably a lot of Fanart/drawings | A lot of weird rants I’ve had with friends | Some weird questions | Fandom Writings | Wips | Always looking for someone to talk fandoms with | Current Mood: Making tumblr friends is hard.

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Peantbutter-honeycombs - Kind Words Are Like Honey - Tumblr Blog

2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Five times Bells Hells notices how much Imogen cares for the child who travels with them — and the one time she realizes for herself.

Written in collaboration with the incredibly kind @somethingwritey

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2 years ago

I used to play soccer. Once at a torment my team had been playing with minimal subs in the HOT summer heat. Where we we located the closest natural shade was was probably a three, two yards a way. None of our parents had brought umbrellas or those cover tents so we were basically running our asses off in cruel heat for the entire length of the game.

Well, just before half tine this one girl on my team faints. The coaches and ref rush her to the bench and eventually she comes to while waiting for the paramedics. They tell her to hydrate. This girl grabs her CUCUMBER VILE GREEN GATORADE and starts sipping it down. I tell her, she should really be drinking water. She goes 'no I'm fine'.

Yeah. OoOKay.

She pukes not even a mintue later. And let me tell you it came out the same shade of green as when it went in.

Now whenever I see Cucumber Gatorade, I remember that girl and how grow it must have been to throw that garbage up.

Moral of the story; Don't drink Cucumber Gatorade, kids✌

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2 years ago

Indy: "I spent so long waiting in the wings, my feathers decayed and I didn't even notice."

FCG: ...

Indy: "How can I fly now, with nothing but hollow bones?"

The Rest of the Bells totally not eavesdropping:

Indy: "I Spent So Long Waiting In The Wings, My Feathers Decayed And I Didn't Even Notice."

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2 years ago
Again Im Not Saying Percy Needed A Dog. Im Not Saying That. But You Know, Dogs Are Pretty Frickin Great

Again I’m not saying Percy needed a dog. I’m not saying that. But you know, dogs are pretty frickin’ great so…

Meet Ansel De Rolo. The goodest good girl.

Percy and Ansel became companions during Percy’s slow move south, after he had fled white stone. During Percy’s travels, Ansel proved to be a worthy adversary to his inner demons as she often kept him emotionally grounded.

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2 years ago

All y'all complaining about Chris Rat in the new Mario movie like it isn't a opportunity. Call it the Mario Challenge. When this movie is released take it as personal challenge to memorise Mario's line and voice over the film. Vo Chris's Va.

Seriously, anything's gotta be better than Crispy Shits voice.

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2 years ago
Illusaiyra Inder Andermuur

Illusaiyra Inder Andermuur

(ill ¡ loo ¡ sai ¡ ruh) (in ¡ der) (and ¡ ur ¡ mor)

Nickname(s): Ily, Indy

Race: Elf (variant)

Class: Star Caller

Alignment: Neutral good

Illusaiyra Andermuur is a Star Caller with a warm and blithe personality. Wonderfully kind and cordial, she has a soft spot for the broken. Though she’s told time and time again that there is little use for broken objects, she argues that though they might never be fixed; they deserve to be loved. An ideal seen mirrored in her interactions with people. For all of her diplomacy, Illusaiyra is still a child. She can be immature, naïve, and sensitive when prodded. When in trusted company, this lighter side of Illusaiyra quickly becomes more apparent. Her instinctive immaturity and acceptance of her reliance on others flourishes in her travels with the Bells’. So much so that it eventually overthrows her maturity and becomes a charm of her character.

Art by the wonderful @oliviajoytaylor

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2 years ago
Anwen Lyleyis Nydaris

Anwen Lyleyis Nydaris

Anwen is described as a tender minded, naturally giving individual, as she tends to be highly attuned to other persons’ states of mind, good and bad. Though feeling a sense of duty to help those in distress, she understands it's important to find a balance, not all conflicts can be resolved peacefully. From this perspective, she seems to operate under certain principles of justice, citing that if people are treated indifferently by her, it should be from the intention of their actions and deeds. However, when questioned by the party as to how she accumulated such wealth in a short period, Anwen told the Nein that she enjoyed collecting objects such as gold and platinum coins from individuals often indiscriminately.

Anwen is inherently blessed with truesight effortlessly able to see things as they actually are. Initially, this was presented as Anwen engaging with imagined allies, as many of those she interacted with were not perceptible by the rest of the party. This was most noticeable in her interactions with Grufin, a Growlphyn native to the Ethereal Plane. As the party members were unable to perceive Grufin, Caleb Widogast proposed that Anwen had created a fictitious companion as a means of coping with her time in seclusion prior to meeting them. At some point in the future, Anwen invoked Grufin, to protect Jester Lavorre from the Palano Corsair, and thus making the Growlphyn tangible to the naked eye.

Separate from her gentle manner, it’s indicated that Anwen is dealing with deep-seated panic disorder and separation anxiety disorder involving a traumatic event from her past. It’s implied she has completely reconstructed the trauma, through dissociative amnesia. She has issues dealing with things that remind her of the traumatic event; she avoids relationships with other children her age. Anwen becomes unwittingly uncharacteristically heartless when she feels alternated memories are threatened.

Art by @oliviajoytaylor

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2 years ago

Kids Are a Handful of Love

Summary | Post Campaign, Fjord and Jester are pseudo parents to a little girl that's been traveling with Nein since the start of the campaign when they picked her up on the side of the Amber Rd. Though she doesn't refer to them as her parents and the two aren't married they're doting parents. Both are eager to finally give her a somewhat normal upbringing and provide the childhood they never had.

Author | Full writing credit to, @angelltheninth

Notes | This story was commissioned

Warnings | Fluff


When they decided to take an impromptu vacation off the coast of Nicodranas to spend some time with their kid, neither Jester nor Ford could have predicted how much fun it would truly be, or how much such a simple gesture would mean to their child.

She was still so small and new to many things, so of course when the opportunity to experience something for the first time presented itself she was eager to take it. Even if it sometimes ended with a fire or two. Oh well, nothing was permanently damaged. Except for Marius and his clothes. And he may have a few bite scars for life. But other than that Anwen was not a menace, no more than Jester at least.

“Where are we going today?” Anwen looked excitedly between Fjord and Jester as Fjord steered the ship toward the port.

“Nicodranas. We’re visiting Marion today. So make sure to bring her lots of shinies.” Fjord was of course referring to the treasure jewels they found recently, not to the big stash of coin and trinkets that Anwen ehm... borrowed along the way.

Anwen’s smile only widened, which showed off her sharpening dragon teeth, “Okay! I’ll go see and find something really sparkly and pretty!” She put a few jumps in her run as she took off towards the lower deck.

“And you tell me I’m the bad influence.” Jester smirks up at Fjord who only shakes his head, “Not very fatherly of you, blaming me for it.”

“Very funny. I know she’s just exploring, that’s fine, we were both like that when we were kids, I just wanna make sure she’s safe while doing it. You know?”

“For her to know she has us there with her.” Jester finished for him. They shared a knowing look. Fjord nodded, his head turning towards the little girl running up to them, “Exactly.”

“I found it!” Anwen held a big red jewel in hands, almost the size of her head, “It’s red like her.”

Jester knelt down to the little girl and patted her light brown hair, “I’m sure she’ll love it. But how about we put it in the Bag of Holding for now, really make it a surprise?” Anwen seemed a little reluctant, she really liked all things shiny and sometimes found it hard to part with them if it wasn’t on her own terms. But she relented and gave Jester the jewel, which the cleric then put away.

A few minutes later, they were docked in the Port, which was brimming with life. Fishermen offering new goods, posters and people offering and looking for helping hands for future voyages, all kinds of animals hoping to get a few pieces of fresh fish.

Jester and Fjord flanked Anwen and gently took her smaller hands on their bigger ones, “Come on little Bee Up!” They both lifted her up a few inches off the ground, at which Anwen giggled with excitement and kicked her feet before they touched the ground again. They did this a few times more as they walked around the market.

“I thought we were going to see Grandma?”

“We are, we’re just taking a little detour, maybe we can find a few more things for her.” Fjord scanned the market with expert eyes for anything tasty. His smile widened when he found the perfect thing, “Hey Anwen, look over there. See what I see?” Anwen tilted her head in confusion. Jester snickered as she watched her daughter’s eyes light up.

“Ice cream! Can we get some?! Please?” She looked excitedly between the two of them. Fjord and Jester merely smiled down at her and nodded, their smiles widening even more when Anwen’s eyes sparkled in excitement.

It brought them even more joy when the ice cream vendor gave them extra big scoops for being such an adorable family.

“Don’t eat too fast, it will freeze that smart brain of yours.” Jester patted Anwen’s smeared cheeks with a napkin, only for the little girl to go right back to devouring her ice cream. It was gone in a span of minutes, while Fjord and Jester were still halfway through theirs.

Next stop was a small store close to the center of the marketplace. There they bought various scented candles and a big basket, which Jester then arranged and wrapped in a big blue bow.

“What do you think? Will she like it?” The basket was almost comically big, shielding Jester’s head and part of her torso from view.

“I think we went a little hard on the candles there, but other than that yeah.” Fjord gave a thumbs up and immediately regretted his choice of words when he saw the mischievous look on Jester’s face, “There’s a kid here Jester.”

“I wasn’t gonna say it!”

“Say what?” Anwen looked confused but before she could ask again Fjord scooped the little girl up and put her on his shoulders, her hands tangling and fisting into his hair. It didn’t hurt him however, Anwen knew to be careful.

He tilted his head to the side and slightly upwards, “Ready to go see Grandma Marion?”

“Yes! Let’s go!” The little dragon girl pointed excitedly in the direction of the Lavish Chateau.

It wasn’t long before the three found themselves traveling through the currently empty halls and stairways, knocking on Marion’s door and being met with the brightest smile in Nicodranas.

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2 years ago

I was reading through Percival de Rolo’s wiki page for inspiration for one of my oc’s character descriptions; thing is I use reader to browse wiki. I was reading through and when I saw this image of a dog on Percy’s page I got really excited. Percy having a dog that didn’t know about. Dude could use his own emotional support animal. Good for him.

I Was Reading Through Percival De Rolos Wiki Page For Inspiration For One Of My Ocs Character Descriptions;

Yeah it was an ad for SpotOn GPS Fence.

Still I think Percy with a dog would be awesome. He could’ve named them Whitestone but short called them “Stone”. They could’ve been best buds with Trinket. They could’ve been the boldest good boy who’s also a freakin killer at Percy’s defense. God, I wish Percy had had a dog.

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2 years ago

I absolutely love this item!

New Item!Ricochet Sling BulletsWeapon (sling Bullet), Rare

✨New item!✨ Ricochet Sling Bullets Weapon (sling bullet), rare

The sling bullets come in a pouch, which contains 1d4 + 4 bullets. You have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with each of these bullets. When you hit with a bullet, you can choose to ricochet the bullet to hit another creature. Make an additional attack roll against a new creature within 20 feet of the previous creature. On a successful hit, the new creature takes 1d4+1 bludgeoning damage. You can repeat this process until you miss, only targeting creatures that have not yet been targeted. Once a bullet misses or hits a target and doesn’t ricochet, it loses its magic.

“They say a single Xeeblian slinger could level an entire platoon of enemy soldiers with one bullet. Seems impossible, but...” One Eyed Crunky grinned and winked his one eye before loading his sling with faintly glowing lead. The approaching guardsmen goose-stepped into range. “Watch and learn!” He yelled, leaping from cover. His sling blurred and the bullet rocketed sideways, shattering a tavern window across the street. “DAMNATION! LET’S SCRAM!”

Crunky and his companions fled into the night, unscathed, though the same can’t be said of the poor tavern-keeper’s precious egg collection. - 🖌🎨 Like our work? Consider supporting us on Patreon and gain access to the hi-resolution art for over 125 magic items, item cards and card packs, beautiful monster art and stat blocks, monthly setting pdfs with narrative hooks and unique lore, and vote for the content you want to see!🧙‍♂️

📜 Credit. Art and design by us: the Dungeon Strugglers. Please credit us if you repost elsewhere.

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2 years ago

Don't mind me. Just about to start another headcanon wip. This time for Bells' Hells and an oc. Expect mama Imogen and fun uncle Ashton vibes.

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2 years ago

Do you ever wonder if the echoing voices during Laudna's messages are the voices of the other individuals who hung beside her?... Yeah, me neither.

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2 years ago

I absolutely love the child headcanons. I would like to request one for Imogen Temult. Please, and thank you.

Imogen's reaction to seeing her child in the fields of her dreams almost swallowed by the red storm. I just see her waking in a panic and needing to sleep with her little one close for awhile.

Thank you!

Having a Nightmare About Their Child

Fandom: Critical Role, Campaign 3

Characters: Imogen Temult

Type of Request: Headcanons, Platonic

Notes: I love the child headcanons too! I hope you like what I did with this one!!

I Absolutely Love The Child Headcanons. I Would Like To Request One For Imogen Temult. Please, And Thank


She already has a feeling of dread as she remembers the scene. Remembers the dream as it's the same one she's had again and again. Except this time, you're there.

Imogen is screaming and trying to tell you to run. Her voice isn't heard due to the heavy winds of the storm and she's trying to fight herself to move to you.

When she wakes, she's crying and shaky. She's quickly getting up and looking around, looking for you. Relief fills her when you're still asleep.

She quickly moves to your cot. As if she's the child, she tries to climb in so she can be next to you. Just to let herself hold you and know that you're okay.

If you wake up due to Imogen's movements, she'll shush you and tell you that you're having a cuddle party. Laudna, overhearing this gladly comes over to join as well. It's a tight squeeze where you three are all curled up together, but it brings so much relief to Imogen.

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2 years ago

When will Disney announce MY dream Disney+ show Never Ever After? You know the show that takes place in the town beside the Disney logo. The one that follows a traditional background character who decides to unionize the other bcs and demand their happily ever afters.

Where's that show?

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2 years ago

Picture this Brian Murphy, Matt Mercer, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Aabria Iyengar as players for a short d&d series. GMed by Anthony Burch.

Series premise; DB20. The four play as themselves attending San Diego comic-con. There have been rumors of strange goings on after dark and whispers of panelists disappearing. It's up to the players to solve the mystery that threatens to make this the last SDCC ever.

Also there should be a fifth person who plays an intern to one of the other players.

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2 years ago

Enchanted is my favorite Disney movie. Ever. And I have been waiting for the Disenchanted official announcement since September last year.

The premise sounds great. Giselle upset with how her relationship with Morgan has turned after moving makes a wish for their lives to be a fairy. However she neglects to realize that in fairytale the stepmothers, which she is, are wicked.

I'm concerned about the baby. Now to be fair I don't know if they'll play an important role beyond being the reason the family had to move.

It's just babies due to their lack of most qualities necessary to make a full character, mostly act as objects within a plot, resulting in stories that tend to be incredibly grating and played out.

I don't want to get too deep into it. I just have some concerns. I feel like most of you understand what I'm trying to explain.

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2 years ago

I need there to be a oneshot with Beth May, Emily Axford, and Laura Bailey. The pure chaos! Bonus points if there pcs are Ron Stampler, Fig Faeth, and Jester Lavorre respectively. I dunno maybe their trapped in a middle plane and trying to get home to their respective planes. I really don't care what the adventure is. I just need them to play a session together.

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2 years ago

Imagine a herpetologist regularly stopping by to care for Medusa's snakes. Imagine them having to be blindfolded. Imagine this dork spewing off reptile facts to fill the silence. Imagine them both eventually falling in love. Medusa and the herpetologist.

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2 years ago

Linette Oak-Garica

Note: character I’m playing around with for either head canons or a one shot entailing Lark Oak-Garcia having a child. If you ask about them. I do have list of rad-facts.

Linette, nicknamed Lindy, is the human bard/rogue member of the Quest era teenage group.

During her early childhood, she was raised sheltered from the outside world. She was removed yet content. Happy interactions with her parents kept her from feeling the ill effects of seclusion. Throughout this early stage, her parents, father especially, took the opportunity to teach her necessary survival skills. By the age of five, she was capable of shooting, making camp, and other viable skills.

After a monstrous attack involving her mother, at the suggestion of her uncle, Sparrow Oak, she and her father moved closer to his family. With little explanation for the move, as well as the discontinuation of her training, Lindy took up baking as her new hobby. Born one year behind her cousin Normal, the two were somewhat raised together, developing a relationship akin to that of siblings.

Amongst her classmates, she’s considered the sweet cinnamon roll, popular girl. However, though she’s a bit rusty, she’s capable of holding her and disposing the evidence. That said, during her adventures with the Quest crew, she displayed symptoms of PTSD when faced with firearms and shadow-like monsters.

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2 years ago

Normal seems like the type of kid who in grade school wore one animal costume. The same costume every day, nothing else. Whether or not it got washed is anyone's guess.

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2 years ago

Jpegs are noncommittal. They struggle to hold themselves together. They wouldn't be able to support a Png.

Do you think a png and a jpeg could on purposed kiss?

2 years ago

Humor me for a second. Imagine if there was one more regular Critical Role player to make Laura and Marisha's starting dou a trio.

Hear me out... now make their pc a centaur. You have Laundna the creepy warlock, Imogen cowgirl sorcerer, and their cluess cinnamon role centaur third.

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2 years ago

Lark Oak-Garcia would either be the most doting gotta preserve the best thing in my life. Here's a note in their lunch dad or the tough love teaching my kid how to hold their own and a gun early dad.

Not elaborating at this time. Thank you.

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