Dogaressa - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
Im Working On A Little Something So Thats What The Pause Is, Heres Dogamy & Dogaressa To Fill The Gap

I’m working on a little something so that’s what the pause is, here’s Dogamy & Dogaressa to fill the gap though

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5 years ago
They Tired Out After Playing Catch

They tired out after playing catch

Ok, this was fun to draw. But I didn’t put much thought into this so some things might look weird like at some point Lesser dogs legs wore disturbing to look at but hopefully, I fixed that. I headcanon Chara to be such a dog person.

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4 years ago
Remember When I Drew Dogamys And Dogaressas Pups?
Remember When I Drew Dogamys And Dogaressas Pups?
Remember When I Drew Dogamys And Dogaressas Pups?
Remember When I Drew Dogamys And Dogaressas Pups?

Remember when I drew Dogamys and Dogaressas pups?

probably no. But here they are. 

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6 months ago

Sprite movement probably doesn't correlate with how much effort a monster is giving

There's a popular theory that suggests that how much effort a monster in putting in fighting you correlates with how much their sprite is moving. Toriel (Who is extremely reluctant to hurt you at all) and Napstablook (Who skips entire turns because he doesn't feel up to it)'s sprites barely move at all, while characters that really want to kill you like Undyne and Sans sprites bob and wave a lot. Undyne the Undying has a crazy amount of movement and is also the monster who puts the most effort into fighting you. This theory seems to have substantial evidence backing it up and is often used as a reason for why Papyrus would have to be ridiculously powerful.

It's also (probably) wrong.

Let's look at two other monsters who have completely stationary battle sprites.

Sprite Movement Probably Doesn't Correlate With How Much Effort A Monster Is Giving

Monster kid's genocide battle sprite is completely stationary with no animation at all. Zero. Zilch. This theory would imply Monster Kid was putting 0 effort at all into standing in your way, which obviously cannot be the case.

Ok, but monster kid is just a minor enemy who doesn't even do anything except trigger the Undying fight. One could argue that they don't have an animation because they don't create bullet patterns.

Sprite Movement Probably Doesn't Correlate With How Much Effort A Monster Is Giving

When Dogamy is slain before Dogaressa, Dogaressa will become enraged. Her attacks will do more damage, the patterns will go faster, the flavour text states that she "on the warpath", and she literally says she's going to chop you in half.

And you know what happens when you kill Dogamy?


So we have a case of a monster that starts putting MORE effort having LESS sprite animation. In my opinion, this proves that Toby Fox could not have designed sprite animation with effort in mind.

By the way, if you kill Dogaressa before Dogamy, Dogamy will become heartbroken. His defence drastically drops and the attack pattern he uses become significantly easier, a sad dog chucking a single heart at the ground. The dog doesn't even do damage. A pair of monsters with differing responses to grief. One who becomes depressed. One who becomes enraged. This would have been a PERFECT moment for Toby to drop a hint as to how the more effort a monster is putting in to fighting you, the more their sprite moves. But nope, Dogamy's sprite does the same thing as Dogaressa. Just stops moving.

And honestly even without that piece of evidence the theory was still a stretch to begin with.

-Sans is sweating buckets and trying harder to stop you than he's probably ever tried in his life and yet barely sways. Moldbygg has way more animation than him.

-Mettaton NEO barely moves either. His EX form (and arguably his box form) moves more than his NEO.

-If that theory were true even regular Undyne should have more animation than anyone else in the game.

-Asriel's final form moves way less than his god of hyperdeath form.

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