Dolan Twins X Reader - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

One Guy [Ethan Dolan]


Description: Y/N is in love with a twin, but not who you think.

A/N: Inspired by googledol’s edit on instagram. 

"There was this one guy. Smart,"

"Gray! That was amazing!" Y/N yells as she runs to hug him. She had asked him to help fix her dirt bike. She broke something while riding deep in the trails behind her house and even her dad couldn't figure it out, and her dad could fix literally anything.

Grayson had taken it back to his house and spent the whole night before looking through it, trying to pinpoint what was wrong with the thing.

After multiple curse words being used, finger pinches and dropped tools he figured it out.

The next morning he pulled into the Y/L/N's driveway at exactly ten thirty a.m. Y/N was already out riding her four wheeler when she saw Grayson's truck stop.

She drove up to him and jumped off. "Hey! You couldn't figure it out either, could you?" She gestures to her bike in the bed of the truck. Grayson chuckles and jumps into the bed.

"Help me get it down and onto the track and we'll see."

Once they got the dirt bike out on the trail Grayson said he'd test it out for her. Y/N waited over the hill that they'd made for jumps and she hears Grayson start it up. He revved it a couple of times and then sped down the trail and over the hill, doing a jump and landing close to her.

"Gray! That was amazing!" Y/N yells as she runs to hug him. "Oh my god! I can't believe you got it to work! You're so smart, thank you!"


Y/N's date had ditched her. Again.

The first time he had said he got sick, and she believed him because a respiratory virus had been going around lately. This time she didn't know what'd happened. She received no text, call, anything. She just stood there, outside of the restaurant they were supposed to meet at and waited for an hour. The place was a good thirty to forty minutes away from her house depending on traffic and it had just started raining.

She gets in her car and sends the boy, Daniel, a text saying she was leaving, and she doesn't want to talk to him again. She puts her phone down and buckles her seatbelt, then puts her foot on the brake to press start her car. She presses the button and nothing happens. She tries two more times to make sure she isn't crazy and again, nothing happens. She punches the steering wheel and tears well up in her eyes.

'Of course this happens. I've already had a shitty day.' She thinks.

It can't be the key fob battery. She had just replaced that. So, it had to be something wrong with the car itself. She grabs her phone and texts her dad. He and her mother went out of town yesterday for a convention in Florida. She told him what was going on and he texted back saying he was calling a tow truck for her, but she'd need to get a ride because her parents didn't trust Uber's.

Y/N sighs and leans back in her seat, going through her brain to see who she could call to pick her up. Grayson, is on a date. Ethan, is at home with the respiratory virus. Her Uncle is on vacation. Her friends are all at parties, most definitely drunk.

She's stranded at a damn steakhouse.

"I could text Grayson and ask him indirectly if he's still on his date." She says to herself and grabs her phone.


Hey Gray, how did your date go?

He texts back immediately.

Grayson Dolan

Ugh, don't get me started. How's yours going?

"Oh thank god." She mumbles.


Well I've been stood up again and now my car won't start, so I'm sitting in the parking lot, stranded until the tow truck gets here.

Grayson Dolan

I'm on my way.

Once Grayson arrives the man had just finished loading her car up. She thanks him and then runs to Grayson's car so she doesn't get anymore drenched than she is. She gets in and buckles her seatbelt and then sees the water on the seats.

"Sorry about the water, and thank you for picking me up."

"It's ok babe, they're leather. And you're welcome, gave me an excuse to leave anyway."

Her eyes widen and she turns to him. "Gray, you were still on your date?! You didn't have to leave to come pick me up!"

Grayson chuckles and shakes his head. "You're my partner in crime. I'd drop everything for you."

"And, he was also, well, unique."

"This one is for the boys with the booming system! Top down, AC with the cooler system! When he come up in the club, he be blazin' up got stacks on deck like he savin' up!" Grayson screams at the top of his lungs while he raps to Nicki Minaj's "Super Bass". Y/N laughs as she records him to put on her Snapchat.

'He doesn't even know I'm standing behind him.' She captions it.

After it's posted Grayson turns around, acting like his hand is a microphone and stops singing.

"Oh shit!" He exclaims.

"Just trust me on this one.We were incompatible."

They were so different. Grayson was shy, not really outgoing. And she would never hold that against him, but she was adventurous, talking to random people all of the time, wanting to take risks.

Opposites attract, but maybe not romantically.

"You said one guy. Am I to assume there were more?" Y/N's grandmother asks.

"Well... There was this other guy." She replies.

Grayson's twin, and Y/N's other absolute best friend, Ethan. She's been crushing on Ethan since seventh grade. He was smart, loyal, unique, loud and adventurous. They were basically the same person, just different genders.

"Hey pretty girl." Ah. His infamous nickname for her.

"Hey pretty boy." She smiles.

They're soulmates.

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6 years ago

MVC [Grayson Dolan]


Description: Grayson and Y/N get into a nasty MVC. 

Warnings: Car crash, Mentions of blood, and curse words probably. 

A/N: The twins are back today!

"I can't wait to get home and get in sweats." Y/N states as she stares at the window, watching raindrops, imagining they're racing each other.

Grayson squeezes her hand that rests under his and chuckles. "Get into sweats and then pass out."

"Hey, you got me food and now my tummy is full. I'm a happy girl." Grayson smiles lovingly at her and pulls her hand up to his lips, pressing a quick kiss to it. 

"I love you Y/N Y/M/N."

"I love you Grayson Bailey."

Life is great. His job is amazing. He's got great friends, family, and the perfect fiancee. Why would he ever think tonight things would change?

The SUV in front of them hits the brakes and skids into the next lane and hits another car.

"Oh my god." Y/N gasps.

Then the car turns. The force from the impact sending it into the left lane.

Grayson's lane.

The car is facing them, as if they were playing chicken. It rams its passenger side into the wall and stops.

"Fuck!" Grayson exclaims as he presses down hard on his brake.

He was going to fast to stop from hitting the car.

He couldn't stop it.

Grayson turned the wheel to the right so his side would take the impact. The back of the Porsche scrapes against the dividing wall, sending sparks flying through the air.

"Gray!" Her first reaction was to reach out for him and hold on for dear life.

Then they felt it. The impact. The turning of the small car. Then the front of it hitting the wall. Glass shattering. Then the car flying into the oncoming lanes. Landing in the middle of it all.

When the car finally stops. Y/N looks over at Grayson.

"Gray?" She asks shakily. His head is leaning against the broken window and there is a gash on his head. "Grayson!" A pain erupts in her lower stomach and she clutches it with her bloody hands. "Gray! Please wake up!" She cries.

Eventually the pain in her body becomes too much, and she loses consciousness.


Grayson wakes up in the hospital with a searing pain in both his head and left ribs.

"Hey you're awake." Ethan says and gets up to sit in the chair beside his twin.

"Where is she? Where's Y/N?!" Grayson freaks out after he realizes what'd happened.

"She's in another room. They wouldn't tell me anything or let me see her." Ethan explains.

"That's bullshit." Grayson groans. "She's practically your sister."

"It's a legal thing bro." Grayson sits up in his bed with Ethan's help. "Do you want to go see her?" Ethan asks. Grayson nods and grips his ribs.

They really fuckin' hurt.

"Ok. Press your call button. Your nurse knows where she's at."

Grayson presses the button and a couple of seconds later a older woman wearing dark blue scrubs walks in.

"Oh you're awake! How are you feeling Mr.Dolan?" She looks over the heart monitor and writes down what she sees.

"I'm fine. Where's my fiancee? I need to see her." He asks.

"Y/N is on the fourth floor. She's stable."

"Is she alone?"

"She is, but she's asleep right now."

"I want to see her."

The nurse nods and grabs the folded wheelchair from the closet in his room. She helps him into it and gestures for Ethan to come along.

Once they get to the fourth floor Grayson notices something. The hallway is decorated with posters about babies, and labor.

Why would Y/N be here?

The nurse stops in front of the room and gets a doctor.

"Mr. Dolan, this is you and your fiancée's Doctor, she is going to fill you in on your conditions." Then she pushes him into the room and Grayson's eyes divert to Y/N's peaceful face.

She's passed out in a hospital bed and she's still absolutely beautiful.

"Mr. Dolan I am Dr. Lee, I'm glad you're awake." She shakes his hand and then she shakes Ethan's.

"Is she ok?" Grayson asks.

"How about we start with your condition." Grayson reluctantly nods and Dr. Lee continues. "You have a nasty gash on your head that I stitched up, a mild concussion and three bruised ribs on your left side. Your ribs will heal, and your sutures will dissolve on their own, but in a week you'll have to have someone check your head. Other than that, you're perfectly healthy."

Dr.Lee takes a breath and turns to Y/N “As far as Ms.Y/L/N, she’s got some scratches and bruises, but the baby is ok.”

Grayson looks away from his fiancee and to Dr.Lee with wide eyes. “Baby? She’s pregnant?”

“Yes she is. About a month and a half along.” 

Grayson’s eyes well up with tears and Ethan puts his hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. 

“They’re ok Gray.”

“She is going to have to be very, very careful and not stress, but they are both really strong.”

“Thank you.” Grayson says. 

“You’re welcome, I’m going to leave you two with her, if you need anything just press the all button.” She smiles and then walks out of the room. 

It was silent for a few moments before Grayson turned to his twin. 

“I’m going to be a dad, E.” 

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5 years ago

Residents [Grayson Dolan]


Description: Y/N and Grayson are both Pediatric Senior Residents.

Warnings: Lacerations, stitches.

Y/N walks down the hall in the Pediatrics wing at the practice she works at. She's worked here for three years, straight out of medical school. She was in the middle of answering her sisters question about her two year old nieces cough when she ran into a wall, but the wall grabs her before she crashes to the floor.

"Shit. I'm so sorry." The wall says. She looks up at what she first thought was a wall and sees an attractive man looking back at her. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Probably shouldn't be texting and walking." She says and shoves her phone in the pocket of her scrub top.

"You a Doctor here?" The man asks.

"Yeah. Pediatrics Senior Resident."

"Me too. My name's Grayson Dolan, I just transferred here from the hospital." Grayson says. He puts his hand out for her to shake, and she accepts.

"Y/N Y/L/N. I was actually just going up to reception to show you around."

"Well it looks like I found you first."


"Hey, you wanna come with me to see my patient in Two? He's got two lacerations from running into a window and he's pretty upset." Grayson asks as he leans up against the counter besides Y/N.

"Yeah, sure." She follows him into the exam room and sees a little boy on the bed, curled up with his mom by his side.

"Mrs. Shaw. This is Doctor Y/L/N. She's the other Senior Resident here, and she's going to help me stitch Liam up, so it goes as quick as possible. Alright?" Mrs.Shaw nods and Y/N grabs a suture kit, some lidocaine and some gloves.

"Hi, Liam. My name is Y/N. How are you feeling?" She sits on the stool next to him.

"Owie." Liam cries.

"I know sweetheart, but me and Grayson are going to make you all better, but to do that I need to give you a tiny shot." She squeezes her fingers close together to exaggerate how small the needle is. "But I have a friend to keep you company while it's being done." She pulls a stuffed tiger out of her scrub pocket. "This is Tiggy. He's super strong and really nice, so I want you to hold onto him for me, ok?" Liam nods and cuddles Tiggy. Y/N looks over at Grayson and nods to say she's ready. Grayson nods back so she turns to Liam. "Alright bud, two tiny pinches. Right- now."

They both inject the numbing medication and Liam barely notices.

"Alright. Now we are going to fix you up bud." Grayson says as he puts the syringe down on the table. Y/N does the same and grabs her suture kit.

"Liam, you're doing really good sweetie, I'm proud of you. I'd be crying like a baby if I had an owie like this." Y/N says to the small boy. Liam smiles at her and cuddles into his mom.

Once they finish getting Liam fixed up both doctors walk the mother and son to check out, where the treasure box is.

Y/N takes Liam over to it while Grayson talks with the receptionist and Mrs. Shaw about getting his stitches out. She squats down to his level and opens the treasure box.

"Tell you what, since you are the toughest boy I've ever met, you can get two treasures." Liam's smile shines when she tells him that. "It'll be our secret, ok?" Liam nods and pick out a stuffed tiger, just like Tiggy and a coloring book.

"Thank you." Liam gives her a hug and Y/N beams.

"You're welcome. I'll see you when you come back ok?" Liam nods and they all say goodbye, but Liam turns back.

"Bye Tiggy!" Liam waves.

Once they get back to the Doctors Station Grayson leans on the counter and watches Y/N do paperwork.

"So, as a thank you for your help, would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" Grayson asks. Y/N looks up and smiles.

"Sure, here's my address." She says as she writes on a sticky note and hands it to him. "I've got to go examine some babies at the hospital, so I'll see you tonight." She grabs her stuff and walks over to him. She presses a kiss to his cheek. "Bye Doctor Dolan."

"Bye Doctor Y/L/N."


After Y/N finished seeing all of the newborn babies that are now her patients, she went home to get ready.

It was seven thirty when her doorbell went off. She grabbed her bag and walked to the door to answer it, and she was greeted by a handsome man with beautiful flowers.

"Grayson, these flowers are beautiful." Y/N smiles to him and takes them from him so she can put them in a vase. She gestures for him to follow and he shuts the door behind him.

He takes a look around her house. It looks exactly like he'd pictured it. Clean, cozy and warm. It also smelled like her, which he loved, because she smells amazing.

"So, where are we going?" Y/N asks, pulling him out of his trance.

"It's a surprise." Grayson replies, mischievous smile etched onto his face.

"There better not be a clown." Y/N warns and points at him.

She'd told him about her fear of clowns, and Grayson was known for his little pranks, so she was somewhat scared about the surprise.

"I promise there are no clowns." Grayson chuckles.


Grayson had booked a rooftop table at a very popular Italian restaurant. He knew Italian was Y/N's favorite food because she always talked about how much she loved it. She ordered Carbonara, and Grayson ordered Tortellini, along with wine.

They spent the entire time talking to each other and admiring the view. No phones, nothing to distract them. They talked about their childhoods, things they liked and did not like and their experiences with college and medical school.

"How'd you know you wanted to be a Pediatrician?" Grayson asks as he refills their wine glasses.

"I've always loved kids, babysat my family's babies and neighbors kids all of the time, but I also really admired doctors and what they do. I figured I could just combine the two." Y/N answers. Grayson could've sworn he saw a twinkle in her eye while talking. "How about you Doctor Dolan? Why'd you become a Pediatrician?"

"I actually started out in med school thinking I was going to be a plastic surgeon, but on my first peds rotation I fell in love with it. I mean what's better than being around adorable babies all day?"

"True." Y/N laughs. "So plastic surgery? You wanted to do nose jobs?"

"Yeah, I always thought it was cool that you could help someone be confident with their body, but peds grabbed me by the ankle and didn't let go."


After dinner Grayson took Y/N for ice cream, then back to her house and walked her to the door.

"Thank you for taking me out for dinner Grayson. I had a really good time." Y/N says.

"You're welcome, and me too." Grayson smiles. He starts getting lost in his own world by looking at her, but realizes something. "I never told you how beautiful you look tonight.- I mean not just tonight-."

Y/N blushes and looks down at her feet while she smiles.

"It's ok, I get it." She chuckles. "Thank you, and you look quite handsome as well."

Grayson smiles and looks at his watch quickly. "Shit, it's already close to one. I should let you go to bed."

"Yeah, you don't have to be in until eleven. I have to go in at seven." Y/N giggles.

"Well, to make it up to you I'll bring you coffee." Grayson offers. Y/N smiles and nods. "I'll see you at eleven sharp. Don't miss me too much."

"Shut up, you weirdo." Grayson and Y/N both laugh.

"Ok, seriously. I'm going to go home and you're going to go to bed. I had an amazing time tonight and I'd really like to take you out again."

"Yeah, of course. I'd love to." Y/N replies.

Grayson smiles and leans in. He presses a quick kiss to her cheek and starts walking away.

"Goodnight Doctor Y/L/N!"

"Goodnight Doctor Dolan!"

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5 years ago

Over Time [Ethan Dolan] 🎄


Description: Ethan and Y/N are co-workers, but they barely know each other. But they both have to work through the holidays.

Warnings: Cursing.

A/N: Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas!

This happened every year. Y/N's boss insisted on staying open on Christmas Day, so without fail, every year since she started working at Jeff's Coffee House; she got stuck working Christmas Day.

"So Y/N, you and Ethan are working Christmas Day. You guys need to be here at five in the morning to open at six." Jeff says as he approaches her the week before.

Y/N stops making another batch of cookies and turns to him. "Jeff, I've worked every Christmas Day since I've started working here." Y/N informs him.

"Well everyone else is busy or out of town." Jeff replies.

"My family is going to New York to spend Christmas with my grandparents. I was supposed to go, again." She argues.

"You never told me about that!" Jeff yells.

"Yes. I did. I put it on your calendar and I put a reminder on your desk on December first." She lets out an exasperated sigh. "If you want the store open on Christmas Day so damn bad, why don't you cover it yourself?!" She asks, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Now you're working open to close on Christmas Eve. You either show up or I'm firing you." Jeff threatens before turning and leaving.

What she really wanted to do was tell him to fuck off and quit right then and there, but she really needs this job, so she kept her mouth shut.

As she started the batch of cookies again she realized that he had said she's working with Ethan, the new guy. Great, he has a whole day to hit on her like the others do.


Christmas Eve was a mess, just like Christmas Day would be. Every other store is closed so everyone comes to Jeff's.

Y/N arrived ten minutes before she needed to be there, because it had snowed, so she needed to shovel the sidewalk and she had to preheat ovens. She clocked in, turned all of the lights on, preheated the ovens and pulled out everything that was prepared the night before so she could just throw it in. Then she went outside to shovel and salt everything so no one fell.

By time she got inside it was five fifteen and she realized Ethan still wasn't there. She didn't really know much about him. Just that he started a few weeks earlier and that he is around her age. She's never worked with him before, so she didn't even know what he looked like.


She was in the back at six pulling the last batch of cookies out and putting them aside to cool when the employee door opened. A guy, Ethan, she assumed walked in out of breath. He took his hat off and stomped the snow off of his shoes.

"I'm so sorry I'm late. I slid off the road and I tried to get ahold of Jeff to have him tell you I'd be late because I didn't have any way to contact you but he didn't answer his fucking phone." He rambles. "I swear I'm normally not like this." He finishes.

"It's ok. It happens." Y/N chuckles. "And just a piece of advice, don't go to Jeff about anything. He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and his money." Y/N grabs a sticky note, writes her number down and hands it to him.

"You're kind of a pro here aren't you?" Ethan asks as he grabs the sticky note out of her hand.

"Yeah, I'm a manager and I've dealt with his shit for four years. He's made me work every Christmas Day since I've started here and yesterday I had to work open to close because I pissed him off when I called him out on it." Y/N says as she turns the tv in to watch a movie.

"He seemed nice when I interviewed and for a week after but here lately he's been a douchebag." Ethan says as he puts the food in the cases along the front counter.

"Yeah he does that with everyone. You just have to learn not to listen to his bullshit and how to defend yourself." Y/N says as she grabs a piece of paper to doodle on.

"So this may sound stupid, but is it normally busy in Christmas Days?" Ethan asks as he comes up beside her.

Y/N looks up at the clock. "Not until elevenish or noon. And it's pretty steady after."

"Well I'm glad my first Christmas Day here is with you. You seem like a great person." He compliments.

"Thank you. I'm glad I get to spend my Christmas Day with you and not by myself. Normally the other person calls off."

"I wouldn't leave you here by yourself."


After a hectic day they closed up and walked to their cars.

"Merry Christmas, Ethan." Y/N says before getting in her car.

"Merry Christmas, Y/N."

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5 years ago

Home For Christmas [Grayson Dolan] 🎄


Description: Grayson's ex will be at the Christmas party he is attending. Y/N pretends to be Grayson’s fiancé.

Warnings: Cursing, cheating ex?

A/N Day 10 of 12 Days of Christmas!

Grayson immediately panicked when he heard that Giselle was going to the Christmas party. And who does he call when he panics?

Well, Ethan, but Ethan couldn't help him this time.

He called Y/N, the twins best friend.

"Gray. I just got in bed, and we just got off the phone like forty-five minutes ago." She whines.

"Y/N/N this is important!" He exclaims. "Giselle is going to the Christmas party!"

"How'd you not know that? She goes every year when she can." She wonders.

"That's not important! Do you not remember what I told her when we broke up?"

"Yeah I remember your dumbass saying "Oh I'll have a girlfriend the next time you see me and then you'll realize what you lost.". Is that what you're talking about?" Y/N asks sarcastically. "Not that I don't agree with the last part." She adds.

"Yes." Grayson sighs. "I know it was dumb, but I need you to do something for me."

"Like what?"

"I need you to pretend to be my fiancé."

"You're joking right?"


The twins, Y/N and Ethans fiancé, Noel, had all flown to Jersey to spend Christmas with the twins family.

Grayson had bought a engagement ring and gave it to Y/N after explaining the situation to Ethan and Noel, who both thought Grayson was insane.

"So how are we going to explain this to the rest of your family?" Y/N asks as they get out of the car to get their bags and bring them inside.

"Well they all already know I like you so they won't question that." Grayson says nonchalantly before going inside, leaving Y/N standing there in shock.


"I can't believe you're going to marry my baby! Oh I'm so happy!" Lisa exclaims while bear hugging Y/N.

She had seen the ring on Y/N's finger during Christmas Eve dinner and questioned her, but Grayson explained before she could.

"Congratulations! We were all waiting for this to happen." Cameron says.

See, that's the thing. With Grayson's comment the day before, they still hadn't had time to talk about it, and Y/N was still wondering what exactly he meant, but with the way his family is acting, she's getting really confused.

He's never seemed to have those feelings before now.


Grayson walks into the living room the next morning with a cup of coffee for Y/N,  just how she likes it and sits in the rocking chair before pulling her down in his lap.

Y/N was about to lose her mind. He acted like this was totally normal. Could he not see how confused she was?

They still hadn't had time to talk about it, because they couldn't get any time alone. There was either always family around or Grayson was busy doing "man" things with Ethan.

She planned to finally talk to him about it while they were getting ready for the party after they were done with presents.

"You guys excited for the Christmas Party?" Lisa asks.

"Yeah, it will be great." Grayson says and smiles up at Y/N.

"Yeah, it will be fun."


"Gray, I have a few questions." Y/N starts as she brushes her hair out.


"The other day when we got here, you said that your family already knew that you like me. What does that mean?" She asks as she watches him do his hair.

"Well, I've always had feelings for you Y/N. I thought you already knew that?" Grayson looks at her through the mirror with a confused expression, just like hers.

"You seriously think that you would have dated that cheating bitch if I knew you had feelings for me too?"

"You have feelings for me too?"

"Yes, you idiot!" Y/N chuckles.

Grayson was going to respond, but Ethan knocked on the door.

"Guys it's time to go!"

They both look at each other.

"We'll talk more later?" Grayson asks. Y/N nods and opens the door, finally feeling a weight lifted off of her shoulders.


At the party Grayson searched the room for his ex, but didn't see her.

"So where's Giselle?" Y/N asks as she wraps her hand around his bicep.

"I'm not sure. Her parents are here." He nods to the older couple across the room.

"She can't be too far then, unless she actually isn't coming." Y/N says.

"Yeah, I'd be ok with that though."

The party was great. Y/N and Grayson danced, ate, drank, took pictures with family and friends and played some games.

It felt right. Like she is supposed to be by Grayson's side and seeing just how happy everyone is about their "engagement" made her wish it was real.

They had said their goodbyes and went back to Lisa's house around ten at night, but Grayson and Y/N weren't ready to go to sleep.

"Let's go ice skate." Grayson says as he pulls out two pairs of skates. His and a pair for Y/N he had gotten specifically for their rink.

Y/N nods and follows Grayson outside. They put their skates on in silence, but once they get on the ice, they start to talk.

"It feels nice being here with you and the rest of your family, not just as your friend, even if it isn't real."

"It could be real. If you wanted it to be." Grayson says quietly as he gets closer to her.

"Us being together, or engaged?"

"How about both? I know you've been ready to settle down, and so have I. We know each other inside and out." Grayson pulls her close to him, engulfing her in his arms.

"I don't want you to settle for me though. If there is some girl that could make you really happy I want you to be with her." Y/N says as she looks into his eyes.

"The only woman who can make me really happy, in that way, is you." He admits.

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?" Grayson counters. Y/N nods. "So will you let me bring you home for Christmas every year?" He leans in.

"Of course." Y/N presses her lips to his and wraps her arms around him as best as she can.

When they finally let go of each other, Grayson smiles at her.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Gray."

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