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Hybrid Verse : Cruisemate (KSJ)

Author POV.
‘Kim Enterprise,the best cruise trip you’ll experience in this life...’
You are going through some websites and blogs.You are a traveller.It has been your passion since birth.However,this time the purpose of this trip is different.It wasn’t like the last time you want to explore a new city or having a holiday.
‘I will not marry someone just because to help your business.’
‘But you have to.’
‘Then watch me.’
And here you are,searching for a trip.It sounds cliche,but that what happened. You don’t want to marry.The idea of settle down and have family never come across your mind for who know how long.You enjoy being yourself with yourself. It won’t be easy,even if someone need to force you.
“That’s it,I’m going with this cruise.”You make up your mind and click in the application.
In a week,you prepare your luggage.Ready to jump on a cruise and leave this problem.Today is the day.You dress in a nice comfy outfit.Picking up your journal and a little backpack,you leave your room.
“Ready to go?”
“Always.”You answer your friend.She come here and pick you up with her husband.
“Emilia,don’t yo-”
“Answer the call from your parents or your brother.Ya,got it.”She speks with a bored face.You chuckle a bit.
“Sorry for being such a burden.”
“No sweety,you aren’t.I hate your family idea anyway.”That’s why you and her are a best friend friend for years.Both of you have similar thoughts,have a lot of things in common.
You then chit chat with your bestie and her husband.Krist was a good guy.It’s Emilia’s luck to find him.These two are a laid back couple and always support you.You didn’t feel like a thrid wheel at all when you’re around them.
“Good luck with your trip,we’ll miss you.”
“Yeah,wish me the best luck.”You bid both of them a good bye.Their presence leave your sight.Fading away in the crowd,you walk toward the cruise and go on board.Your journey begin.
Y/N POV. : Day 1
The first day is a little nerve wrecking.I’ve never gone to any trip with the cruise before.This is a whole new world.The smell of the breeze is refreshing.The sun shine brightly above my head.
“I need to find dining room.”I talk to myself while strolling down the corridor.This place is huge and confusing.
“Sorry.”I bump into someone without intention.The guy who is wearing pick up his hat and brush it with his hand.Making sure to get the durt off,he wear the hat.
“Sorry ma’am.”He bow in apology.
“No it’s my fault.”
“It’s okay.I’m also careless.Do you perhaps find something?”He asks.
You tell your destination.He nods and lead you to the dining room.When I enter,everyone bow.I don’t feel anything odd.Thinking it is a way of them greeting me.I continue to walk inside with the man.
“If you don’t mind,can I also join your breakfast?”
“Sure of course.”I accept it.I and him end up at the same table and get to know each other.
The meal was delicious.It was like in a 5 stars hotel.The man whose name is Seokjin told me that I should go for a spa or a gym.My eyes lit up when I hear the word spa.
“Thank you for your company and a great guiding.”
“No problem ma’am.”
“Y/N,you can call me Y/N.”
Day 2
The spa was amazing.I didn’t know they also have a hot spring for the customers.I really like the service.Refreshing myself from the spa,I decide to explore the cruise.By this week,I hope I’ll remember all of the route or I’ll be stupid for the rest of this trip.
The first floor was nothing much.That place is for the staff and sailors.The secong floor is some service room like the gym and Spa.There’s also the dance studio where they’ll have a yoga or zumba class. The outside is the swimming pool and outdoor bar.
Seeing the outdoor bar,I remember that the party is around the corner.I didn’t have a swimming suite or bikini with me.I’ll have to dress that floral sleeveless dress.
“What a beautiful scene,you agree?”I’m now standing on top of the bow. Hearing a voice beside me,make me startle.
“Oh it’s you.”I turn around and see a familiar face.
“A penny for your thought,Y/N”He smiles.I return the gesture.
“Nothing much.”
“A ‘nothing’ won’t make your eyebrows knot together,will it?”He reply.I look at him with suspicious look.
“You stalk me?”
“No it just this is my favourit spot.”So I’ve just found his favourit spot.This spot is where the breeze blow.It’s relaxing.
“So can you tell me what is inside your pretty mind?”He’s such a flirt.His words coming out of his mouth is smooth like a silk.I must admit he’s great with it.
“Trying to flirt me?”I ask and he chuckle.
“Is that make you uncomfortable?I apologize it just my habbit to be socialize with people.If you don’t like it,I’ll leave.”
The mature feature turn changes into a pouty face within a second.Great Y/N, you just misunderstand someone and accuse him.He is upset now,good job you idiot.
“Sorry,it just...well it’s not common for someone to talk to me with those kind of ... how to explain this?”
“So you mean there’s no one come up to you and flirt to you.Not even a single decent convo?”He asks back immediately.I can only nod in return.
Seokjin POV. : Day 4
It has been 3 days on my cruise.I shouldn’t feel such an exitement since it is my cruise and I’m always a captain on board.However,meeting Y/N make me feel like I’ve just start this job.
The first time I bumped into a pretty figure,never have I thought about knowing her name.I think she didn’t notice what she’s missing yet.I’m such a stalker. Keeping someone diary in my room.
Reading a part of her diary make something click inside my heart.She loves travelling so do I.This woman want to make me know her even more.When I encountered with her again at the bow,I decided to naturally flirt her.
Turning out it’s akward.She knew I flirted with her.However,I played it cool and said it was my habbit.Well a half truth there since dolphin tend to be socialize. I’m one of them,a hybrid.
“Sir,we’ll arrive our first destination soon.”One of the sailor inform me.I tell him to inform the customers and prepare for welcoming party.
NIght time comes.The party start and people are having fun.I sit around the corner while sipping my shot.Looking around,there are a lot of young couples as well as the married ones.Some people come with a group of friend while the others come here by themselves for relaxation.
She’s one of them.Noticing her stand alone with a drink.My feet act before my brain order.The muscle move itself to approach her presence.She is at the same spot,my favourit spot.Leaning toward the metal and look further toward the sea.
“You sure love my spot.”Again I’m the one who start speaking.
“You can’t deny the beauty of it,can you?”She reply with her eyes still looking at the sea.
“You didn’t talk much.Are you annoyed be me?”I ask.
“No,not at all.I’m just an opposite of you,social akward.”She reply and turn her face to me.Smiling and sipping her drink.
Her hour glass feature under the moonlight,what a beautiful sight.My heart skip a beat.I’m not sure if I’m breathing or not.Why I act like an idiot?Why...I’m not a highschooler anymore and here I am.Stunning by her presence.
The sound slow it beat down.Ballad song fill the air.People’re swaing in there place along the melody.Some start dancing on the floor.I bring out the courage in me and ask her for a dance.
“Would you mi-”
“Dancing with you,no.”She grabe my hand and we both walking to the floor.I am in love with this girl.Acting bold all of sudden,this is a great sign.
“You need to teach me though.”She speaks.
“We have all night.”I answer.The night for us is still young.
Author POV. : Day 5
After the party,you and Seokjin become a cloase friend.In this 4 days,you have that man wrapping around your finger without even realize it.For your diary,you seems to not care about it either.
Now you guys are walking along the shore.The cruise stop for a moment to refil the engine tank.Jin is wearing a uniform like always while you is wearing nothing fancy,a shirt with legging.
“I notice you wear uniform everytime we meet.”You speak and he look up from the sand.
“Well I’m the captain.I suppose to dress in my uniform like my sailors.”
“Oh you’re the captain?”You take in the new information that should have noticed since day 1 you met him.
He then talks about his trip experience.You listen him with all ears.When it comes to travel,any topic about it makes you interested.You laugh along some embarrase scenes he tells you.
“It must be cool to travel around the world.”
“Not around,but nearly there.It’s my goal.”
“Really that’s my goal too.”Your eyes spark like starts,he notices.Then you start sharing your story with him.Along the shore with the both of you chatting is a peaceful time.
Day 7
It’s been a week.The cruise is heading to next island,your second destination. You and Jin hang around more often.You two are a buddy and everyone will see you together quite often.
Being with him and hanging around somewhere in the cruise are a part of your routine.Today you are at his work space.The room full of equipment.You wonder how can he know what to work on.
“Confusing,but living with it for years make me know everything.”
“Yeah you need to live with it.”He chuckles with how confuse you are right now with all controllers.He explain you a bit about the ship.Surpriseingly,you find it somehow intersting.
“I wanna try,but I don’t want to die or kill anyone.”He laughs.
“It’ll be safer if I do it.”
Your day is basically learning about his job so does the sailor.You get to know everything about this ship,how it work,how he work and how his workers work. He offers you to join him the indoor swimming pool and mini water park.
“You didn’t come here yet?”He asks.
“You should be since it’s next to the spa.How come?”
You wander around the area,still mesmerize with it.You notice there’s a surfing, similutor one.Jin notice your stare toward the booth so he ask you to go for it.He even challenge you.
“I’ll make sure to beat you.”
“And I’ll make sure you regret your decision.”
The result turns out you win.Of course,you’ll win since it’s your favourit sport. Another advantage of you is you were a surfer before.Spending your whole childhood in Hawaii was paid off.
“Awe don’t cry,I know you can beat me next time.”You cheer him up.He puts a pouty puppy face on and you laugh.
Day 9
“Jin here’s you...lunch.”
You get into his room.Thinking a surprise lunch for him would be a great idea. Now it’s the stupid idea ever.He is standing there naked.You abruptly turn around,nearly drop the luch box.
“Uhh I’m...sorry.”You squeek out the last part.
Everything turns silence.The atmosphere get tense up for no reason.You aren’t sure whether he dress up already or not.You turn around to peak and that’s when you meet something bluish out of his back.
“Jin are you ok?Do you need surgery?Is that-”
“Jeez Y/N! calm down,calm,shhh...”He try his best to shut you down with one hand cover your mouth.He’s in the middile of putting a shirt on.
“What’s that?”The first thing you ask when he dress up.You open the lunch box and hand it to him.The scent of salmon comes out with a mix of lemon.
“Look delicious.”He comments.
“And smell delicious.”You add.He then frowns.
“What’s wrong?Spill the bean Seokjin.”Yoou use your different tone to act as if you threat him.He then raises his hands up.
“Swear to me that you will tell no one.This is between us.”You nod.
“I’m a hybrid,dolphin to be exact.”You open your mouth as if you’re going to scream so he quickly put his hand and cuff your mouth.
“ooow on at ossiel?” (How on that possible?)
You take a lot of time to calm yourself down before you can speak like a decent human.He start explaining everything about himself and hybrid things.You can’t take the information serious.Your mind os so mess up.
“Show me again.”You ask out of the blue.
“Huh I’s wierd..I..”
“Show me.”He looks at you with reluctant present in his eyes.He nods and lift his shirt.Revieling his back with the blue fin around the middle of his back.It isn’t huge,but rather a small bump from the tan skin.
You trace your hand down those bump.Quite fascinate with what you witness.On the other hand,Jin is sitting there.Shivering from your touch.It is like some one put a electric pulse into his viens.
That moment he realize something that shouldn’t be possible.
Day 12
Night out alone around the lounge isn’t the bad.You thought before coming here it would be a mess.This is what you want.A lounge with a chill vibe.People drinking around the counter bar or at their own table.Minding there own business and act like no horny kids.
“Here’s your order.”The waiter come and serve.
You didn’t see him today.May be he must be busy since this is the day you’re going back.They probably need around 2 days until we arive home safely.You sip your drink.
“Hey your here alone?”You dind’t answer.You want no one to interupt or ruin my moment right now.
“Aye being shy?”This guy must be drunk.
You wait for a moment your waiter pass your table.You speak nothing in return.When one of the waiters pass by,you call him to send this man out.He agree,knowing who you are.Hangin out with Jin make you enter the priority list of all workers with no reason.
“Thank you.”And you enjoy the rest of the night.
It must be the alcohol ,that start working in your viens, you feel dizzy.A little light head alert you to stop drinking.You decide to leave the bar.Walking along the corridor to find your room.
“Where are you going?”All of sudden you are pinned to a wall by the man.It was the same man from awhile ago.
“None of your business,move.”I push him,but he tighten his grip.
“Hard to get,I see.”He runs his hands all over your body.You start wiggling from his grip.When you tired,you scream
A slap land on your face.Tears start running down you face.No one has ever done that to you.You find a chance and kick him.Running away with all you power that left in your body,you try to search for the room.
“Oh Y/N your he- what happen?”
“Thanks god.”You meet your savior.Clinging on him like your life depend on him, make him confuse.
“Why do touch my girlfriend?”That drunk guy follow you and see you in Jin’s arms.Jin immediately catch up the whole story.
“Your girlfriend,as far as I know she’s mine.”Is it because of the voice he use or the alcohol,you don’t know.However,you feel safe yet flutter.
“Yours?Then why this girl hanged out at the bar alone.A dude who left a girl alone like you co-”
“And why my girl can’t have her time?”The guy try to get you from Jin,but Jin punch him.Knocking that guy to corridor’s floor.
“I’ll call the manager!”
“I’m in service,what’s your problem?”When Jin speak like that,the guy eyes widen.Jin call the guards to take him out of his and your sight.
‘You should be more careful.’He mumble with himself while carrying you to your room.Opening the door,he walks straight to the matress and lays you down.You are a sober.Drinking too much leave no sense in you.
He disappear into the bathroom and come out with a wet towel.Start wiping your face then your arms.He makes sure to clean you up.He asks for your pajama,but no answer coming out of your mouth.
“Y/N you need to change.”
“Don’t....wan..twooo...”You slur out.
“Change it or I change you.”
“Do it.”Your boldness increase when you drunk.Jin notice it.He reaches for your body and pick you up.
He cover you with a rob first and then start undressing you.When you say do it,you didn’t expect him to do for real.He is so close to take your dress off when you stop his hand.
“Change your clothe.”He answer with a dead emo face.You push him and walk like a zombie toward the bathroom.Taking off your clothe,you come back with only rob wrap around your figure.
“Sleep.”He orders.
“Sleep,you’re drunk.You cause much trouble today,starfish?”You cringe from the nickname he give you.
“I’m not a starfish.”
“Yes you are to me or you want me to call plankton?”
“Okay dad,I’m sorry.I’ll go to sleep,happy?”He nods as approvement.You who can’t stand on your own feet,falling down to the floor.Jin sigh and walk to you. Picking you up like a sand bag,he throw you onto the bed.
“Be gentle.”
“Sleep,good night starfish.”He leaves from your bed.Stepping further away until he reaches the door frame.
“Stay.”You who are so drunk beg him.He turns to see an upset face of yours.He still walk out the room.He won’t stay because he isn’t sure of himself.He isn’t sure how powerful his feeling is.It might turn him to someone you’ll regret.
You mumble that one word.Repeating it over and over again until it stops his feet.He can’t ignore your voice.He turns around and walks back to your bed. Draging a chair to sit beside your bed,he takes a seat.
You who smile like a kid finally get her candy approve his action.You close your eyes and slowly drift to sleep.Jin doesn’t move any muscle and sitting there, watch you to sleep until he also go to dream land himself.
Day 14
“It’s our last day.”You speak.You are on the same spot so does Jin.This time it’s different.He didn’t come here with a captain uniform.It’s rather a casual summer clothes.A shirt with a pant is something rare for him and you on this cruise.
There aren’t many hours left.You wish you can be with him longer.Your trip is fascinating especially gaining him on the way.Catching a new buddy isn’t something you expect.What surprise you even more is your buddy slowly turn into a crush.
“Will we see each other again?”He asks.
“I hope we will.”And then he hand you a journal.Looking at the cover,you realization hit your head.
“Dining room.”
“You didn’t read it,did you?”
“It depends on which part.”Using a journal in your hand,you slap his shoulder.
“Time to go”He tells.The cruise approash the port slowly.You can see the land is coming closer and closer in sight.As a goodbye,you hug him tightly.Unknowing, you tears stream down your eyes.
“Aye,starfish this isn’t our goodbye.”
“I hope it isn’t.”He gently place his lips on your forhead.The kiss from him can make you feel how upset he is with this departure for both of you.
2 weeks later
“You’ll meet him.”
“But how?I’m so stupid.Why didn’t I get any of his contact?”You bang your head to the coffee table.
2 weeks pass and you still can’t forget about Jin.Jin,the trip and evey activities were like tattoos imprint in your head.You can’t move on.You can’t and don’t want to.
For your cousin,you still get a call from them.Asking you to married someone to save their business.If they want money that much,why didn’t they married instead.
“How about your family reunion,will you go?”
“I need to.If not,my brother my chop my head off.”Emilia laugh.
A day later,you’re sitting in the retaurant.Your family reunion this year is inside one of our relative business,this restuarant.You didn’t feel like talking to anyone evn your own brother.
“Y/N what with that lame face?”
“I hate this.”You mumble,but he still hear you.
You walk out of the scene.Everyone is chatting with each other so no caring about your presenc missing.You walk until you reach the foundtain in the middle of the restaurant.
“Yeah.”You turn around and take you off guard.The presence you didn’t expect to see is now in front of you.Smile brightly and stare at your face for your reaction.
“Jin,is it really you?”
“What you think,starfish?”You jump toward him.Wrapping your arm around that broad sholder,you embrace it really tight.He pats your shoulder,assure you his presence is real.
“Oh finally he- you know each other?”You pull yourself back to see your brother curious face.He glances at you then Jin then you,switching between you and him for awhile.
“Uhuh?”You answer with an reluctant expression.
“So you know he’s your..”Jin shake his head.You look at him.Demanding for his answer.Your brother fade out of the scene.
“Jin...Seokjin..tell me.”You look at him suspiciously.He then grin like a chesire.
“What if I tell you,I’m your soon to be your fiance,what would you think?”You shock with a sentence that leave his lips.You don’t want to believe what you just hear.Can the world be that round?What’s going on?
“Your such a naughty starfish or should I say my naughty ‘run away’ bride?”
No,the world can’t be that round.IS the fate trying to play a trick on you?
How was it? This is the final for Hybride Verse set.I hope you enjoy every single story in this set as well as the others.Please pour the loves and comments down below.Thank you for reading and see you guys next time,bye.