Dont Remember If I Reblogged This But !! So Cute - Tumblr Posts
request - reaction to the s/o getting a dare and kissing them .
(you can imagine whether they are in a relationship or complete strangers situation or whatever) thanks!!
SVT and dared kiss

95s, 96s, 97s, 98s, 99s ··- ฅ^._.^ฅ
a/n: i am terribly sorry to the anon that requested this :"" i lost the ask but remember vividly the prompt and so i thought i would still try and write it out!! Hope you like thiss one reader! the maknae ones will be up next week. Likes, reblogs, comments, and ask are hugely appreciated <;33
genre: fluff
warning: none (do tell me if i missed any!)

Seungcheol: fiance
I imagined it as a friendly get-together party where, obviously, alcohol is involved. And based on the information that the tipsy live gave me, cheol’s assertiveness and self-confidence rises with the liquid courage. His grip against you tightens, and nuzzles to the back of your neck when he felt his energy lowering, but seems to be sober enough to drink for you when he knows you’ve had your fun. So when an innocent round of truth or dare is played and you were dared to kiss your ever-so lovely fiance, he’s like, “c’mere babe,” with the most loving smile and droopy bedroom eyes. Your friends are starting to regret it cause now you’re just making out. can't blame him for being so in love with you though. the added alcohol also helps lmao.
Jeonghan: rival
You and him are notorious for meaningless bickers and idiotic banters. but when it comes to achievement you two are literal enemies. But one hangout got you sitting next to each other and when the dare was shot at you, you were like "nuh uh man. him? Yoon jeonghan? kiss? no thanks. I can live my life peacefully without ever kissing him thank you very much" BUT HES LIKE "scared now are we? come on you already lost in last week's quiz, lost in a truth or dare too?", with a smirk so annoying you want to slap him in the face. But that seemed to be the final straw, and you know he knows because mentioning your past failures is a cardinal sin everyone seems to agree on. So with an exasperated sigh, and much to everyone's surprise, you pulled his lanyard and kissed him right then and there. What you didn’t expect was his hand slowly snaking around your waist.
Joshua: coworker (totally not inspired by the hating game)
You were on break with a few of your colleagues when a sudden game of truth or dare’s been brought up. A few rounds pass by quickly with a few coworker secrets being spilled and mundane dares presented but when your friend realized you weren’t paying attention and instead was looking at Joshua, a coworker you’ve been crushing on since forever, a lightbulb lit up above her head. “Y/n, I dare you to kiss him.” You felt blood rush up to your cheek, not only from getting caught but also considering on doing the dare. So when you caught him on the coffee corner, tucked away enough from everyone else but visible from your friend's table, you tapped his shoulder (making a mental note on how many HR rules you’re about to break) “Hey, Josh?” and when he turned around with the warmest smile ever you lean in and whispered “I’m so sorry for what is about to happen, please don't report me.” and land the most chaste kiss onto his lips. He stumbled back by surprise but seconds were all he need to register that HIS crush had just kissed him.
Jun: friend’s friend
You knew jun from a friend of yours, met once at a campus fair but hung out with your mutual friend together countless times after. Still, you wouldn’t consider him someone close, per se. Not that you don’t want to, but at the time he’s not the one you would call when you’re black-out drunk and had just vomited 2 times back to back. But when you got the opportunity to hang out with each other for a mutual friend's housewarming party, you simply can’t pass it up. Jun’s funny, witty, and annoying in the most ‘oh goodness’ way possible, and you may be developing a little bit of a crush on him. When a game of truth or dare was brought up and your friend’s knowing smirk was directed at you, you knew something awful was up when you picked dare. “Y/n, how bout’ i dare you to kiss jun.” jun and you were so taken aback that you physically distanced yourself from each other. And you saw genuine concern in jun eyes before turning to your friend and being all like ‘hey hey what's that about, lmao what, why how? What.’ but the obvious flustered look only made your friends tease. Knowing it won’t end unless you two do, he looked at you gently, “this okay?” he took your nod as a cue to pull you into a quick peck giving the both of you butterflies.
Wonwoo: barista
“Oh god he’s so handsome.” and yes wonwoo is, or so that's what the label on his shirt told you about his name. You were at a classy rooftop bar in a quite expensive hotel celebrating after a big work promotion with your close friends. Feeling life was taking you down its bright path, you didn’t expect to meet “the prince charming” himself along the way, your friend's words not yours. So when a game of truth or dare was cleverly planned out by one of them, you were inevitably dared to sit at the conveniently empty high chair in front of him. The dare was to just talk to him, but the cocktail in you boosts your energy way too much. “Hey, you.”, wonwoo seem to notice your presence and smirked, “Hello to you too beautiful. What brings you here? Need something sweet for the night ?”, to his surprise you said no but asked him to come closer. “Closer, c’mere,” you said with your head now resting on your palm. When he’s basically leaning over the counter, his arm supporting his weight you went in to kiss him (not missing the squeals from your friend’s table) “you seemed to be sweet enough, I’ll pass the drink tonight.” You could see how his face was red despite the dimmed-down lights but quickly fixed his composure only to lean in and kiss your cheek now. “Aren’t you a flirt.”
Soonyoung: secret admirer
So, no one knows this, except for your two best friends, but soonyoung has been crushing on you. And you know how loud and extroverted he is around everyone? Assuming that his adoration for you would be loud as well would be so far off. Even made you think that he’s secretly mad at you for something that you did, given how quiet he is around you. But nope, that man has fallen head over heels for you and can’t deal with his feelings. So, when your friends were being cheeky daring you to go and kiss him, his face instantly went red. Tomato red. You kissed him quickly to get it over and done with. Sweet peck with your hands on his waist to support the awkward act, but his face got even more vivid. “Soonyoung, you... You okay?” “Yeah yeah... N-No worries. It’s just i-i..” “You?” “I.. have ac-crush on you for so long and that... Kiss.. felt like a dream.”
Jihoon: crush
It’s the typical sunshine x grumpy situation in this case. You two have known each other for quite some time, meeting in campus halls, glancing over at each other, and shooting each other awkward smiles and waves. He’s not much of a talker, and you talk too much. So, when you were asked the dare, hanging out at a nearby cafe with your mutual friends, conveniently sitting right next to him, you were drenched in anxiety. That’s your crush for heavens sakes, are your friends mad??? So your go-to fight or flight response was to ramble. Simply diverting the conversation so they would forget what they say and you wouldn’t have to live through hell. Or heaven. You couldn't tell. But your friends were still continuously teasing, and jihoon’s ears were burning. So he swiftly grabbed your chin to look at him, “don’t talk too much, come here.” I can confirm, it was heaven.