Dorm Packing List - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

I!! forgot!!!

- fans!!!!! You’re dorm, 8 times out of 10, will not have A.C. (unless you got honors dorm, nerd) and it will be hot as shit in your dorm, even hotter if you’re on a higher floor (heat rises). As soon as you move in (and I mean as soon as you walk in the door) set up a fan or two. Get that air circulating, or you will die

- wallet/lanyard thingy. You’re going to have a key or two, plus a student ID, and you wont want to lose either of them (more than likely, if you do, it’s a lot of money to replace.) bring (or buy) a flashy lanyard so you don’t lose it

- laundry hamper!!! do not!!! carry!!! you’re stinky laundry!!!! by hand!!!! Gross!!!! it doesn’t have to be fancy lol, just something to carry your laundry up and down stairs. 

- on that note, lingerie bags. These don’t just apply for lingerie, use it for socks, bras, underwear, and masks. since you know, COVID happened. This prevents you from losing socks, you’re bras getting caught and tearing clothing, and most likely, you won’t have to wash them on delicate

that’s all I have for now, but if I continue to remember other things, I’ll keep rebloging. feel free to add your own as well!!!

College Packing Tips from a College Student

So I know COVID has prevented A Lot of us from going to college, or we just chose to not attend college. And that’s fine!!! You do you boo!!! In case you are, in fact, going to college this year and happen to be moving into a dorm (this also applies to moving into a new apartment) here are some tips for packing (and what to pack) when moving in. 

- pack a small bag for stuff you’ll need when you immediately arrive. This means disinfectant wipes, a mop/broom, paper towels, and command hooks if you happen to be needing them (you will, idc what you think, you will need them)

- bring command hooks!!!!! a lot of college dorm don’t allow nails in the walls for hanging things. I can already hear people saying they don’t need to be hanging any decorations and ooooohhhh boy you are in for a treat. Winter gear???? You want your coat on a heap on the floor???? towel???? you want the thing you dry your beautiful body with on the dirty ass floor????? bring command hooks coward

- wash your dishes before you get there. I know this isn’t possible in every situation, but if you can, wash your dishes/travel mugs/tupperware before you move in. one less thing you have to do 

- speaking of which, you will never have enough tupperware. you think I’m kidding??? I’m not. you bring that shit everywhERE you go, and you smuggle as much food as you can because your ass is paying for that, and by god, you will get your money’s worth

- communicate 👏 with 👏your 👏roommate(s) 👏 and this applies to apartments too. who’s bringing the mini-fridge?? who’s got the microwave??? are you having those in your dorm?? do they go to bed before or after 11pm??? comm👏un👏i👏cate

- bring,,,and extra,,,,,set,,,,of,,,,everything. towels, sheets, pillows, do it. yes it means a little more room in your bags, but pleaaaaseeee do it

- you will never have enough kitchen towels. I mean it. you will use those little shits for everything. wiping down a spilled drink, dusting, oven mitts, everything. I used them to wrap breakable things in my other bags

- I can’t believe I have to say this, but bring,,, shower,,,,shoes. If you are in a communal bathroom, there are probably dozens of college students using that same bathroom,,,,do you want foot fungus???? I didn’t think so

- door stop!!! sometimes dorm rooms don’t have these, always a good idea

- if you live in the north like me, and winter is a thing that happens for 6 months, think about bringing a shoe mat/tray for your boots. Doesn’t have to be a big one, but those boots are gonna be tracking in so much salt and snow and dirt, you want to put them somewhere

That’s everything I can think of off the top of my head, but please please please feel free to add more!!! stay safe!!!!! bring masks!!!!!! 

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