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2 years ago

Happy Dot Friday

Happy Dot Friday

Isn't she lovely~🎶

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2 years ago

Some cute Dots for TransVisibility Day

Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day
Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day
Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day
Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day
Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day
Some Cute Dots For TransVisibility Day

Just cos I kinda like the fantheory/headcannon

If disagree, that's you. Just ignore, ya know like an adult~

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2 years ago

Hit the tag limit but if I missed one sorry!

Love this, it's so cute and beautiful!! Thank you for including Genderfluid, I don't see it often!!!


Lil Animaniacs Piece For Pride :^)
Lil Animaniacs Piece For Pride :^)
Lil Animaniacs Piece For Pride :^)
Lil Animaniacs Piece For Pride :^)

lil animaniacs piece for pride :^)

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2 years ago

Omfg I suddenly want a Warners Chitty chitty bang bang crossover/au! Very much!!

Yakko as Dick VanDyke, his sibs as the two kids!

Pick random/favorite pairing for Truely... Max maybe? Or an oc.

Scratchy can be the grandpa lol

It just all fits so well in my head, but I'm sh!t at writing rn...

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2 years ago

Wakko's Wish fan-theory

Wakko's Wish Fan-theory

When Wakko finally makes it to the star, he actually wishes to become King. That way Salazar will be gone, Wakko can fix everything for the people of Acme falls, and he can take care of his sibs. When the light fades, and all he's holding is two coins, he's internally upset, confused and a little bitter. But then he sees the soldiers have stopped Salazar, his little sister is ok, and everyone is excited about his fortune. So he goes along with it. When they find their birth certificates at the hospital, proving they were royal, Wakko is left wondering if it was always true - or it was done by the Wishing Star

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2 years ago
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness
Max Is The Son Of Duke Goofy Of The Kingdom Of Fantasia, One Day, Accompanying His Father To Witness

Max is the son of Duke Goofy of the kingdom of Fantasia, one day, accompanying his father to witness his political affairs in Warnerstock, a certain boy catches his attention. Not knowing who he really could be...

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2 years ago

Screenshot dump of my fav Warner outfits to celebrate my birthday in hospital with mono

Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono
Screenshot Dump Of My Fav Warner Outfits To Celebrate My Birthday In Hospital With Mono

She!t hits different at 39 lol

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2 years ago

Rewatching "Dot's Quiet Time" from the original Animaniacs series and just the beginning sequence alone is my favorite part of the song.

Rewatching "Dot's Quiet Time" From The Original Animaniacs Series And Just The Beginning Sequence Alone

Like Yakko and Wakko

Rewatching "Dot's Quiet Time" From The Original Animaniacs Series And Just The Beginning Sequence Alone

Just being brothers

Rewatching "Dot's Quiet Time" From The Original Animaniacs Series And Just The Beginning Sequence Alone

Their little outfits!

Oh yeah, and then Dot just sitting there contemplating whether she's going to murder her brothers or not. (They're being annoying so I wouldn't blame her.)

Rewatching "Dot's Quiet Time" From The Original Animaniacs Series And Just The Beginning Sequence Alone

The song itself is pretty great too! I'm kind of disappointed it never got an updated release like "I'm Cute" did. (There's apparently a soundtrack version but I'm guessing it was released on one of the earlier CDs or someone just created their own version?)

This and the Animaniacs theme that plays on the stereo at the end of the song both deserve their own singles.

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2 years ago


My Hulu say og Animaniacs, TinyToons and Pinky and the Brain are expiring in two weeks??!!



Smbdy save them!!

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2 years ago
Chairman Of The Bored

“Chairman of the Bored”

PIP: Cheese balls are one of my all-time favorite foods. I always seem to meet the most interesting people when I’m around them, too. In fact, cheese balls bring to mind the time I met Bob Barker. … Yes, indeed. Bob Barker, star of the most popular morning game show. He’s an emcee, a host, and a celebrity all rolled into one. Anyway, eight months ago – it was Tuesday the 17th, I believe – or it might have been the 18th… no, no, it was definitely the 17th, because it was precisely one week after my Aunt Lucretia’s birthday, which is the 10th. Aunt Lucretia’s quite a woman. Loves to cook. She prepares a fabulous wor shu op. That’s a Chinese duck dish. I love Chinese food. I once went to a party where they served Chinese food and cheese balls. Now that was a catch-22 situation. Catch-22 was a movie, you know. It was long, very long. They say the book was better, but it was a novel and I never finish reading those things. … Of course, a lot of people don’t read much nowadays. They watch television. I caught a program on PBS last night. A very good show on chimpanzees in the media. They had a clip of J. Fred Muggs, the chimp from The Today Show. But it was Fred’s chimpanzee girlfriend that had me stumped. I couldn’t remember her name, so I looked it up. Her name was Phoebe B. Beebe. … Anyway, as I was saying, eight months ago, Tuesday the 17th, I went downtown on a nice, relaxing stroll. I love to relax. In fact, relaxing is a pastime of mine. Some people play golf. Others like tennis, horseshoes, bridge, canasta, and other such fancy hobbies. … Now, another hobby enjoyed by many is knitting. My grandmother was a great knitter. Knitted this sweater I’m wearing. It’s red, which is not my favorite color. I prefer mauve or mustard yellow. Now, don’t get me wrong: red is okay for ties and suspenders, but with sweaters I prefer more neutral colors. … But when I’m relaxing, I don’t care what I wear: long pants, Bermuda shorts, T-shirts, or formal attire. You name it, anything goes. Now, on the 17th, during my relaxing stroll, I recall wearing my herringbone jacket, my Laughlin, Nevada, souvenir tie, and my charcoal gray slacks. Or was it the navy slacks? Oh, I suppose it doesn’t really matter, does it? What matters is comfort. You know, I once stayed at a Comfort Inn – warm, cozy, comfortable. I love comfort. It goes along with that pastime of mine, relaxing. Now, for me, there’s nothing more relaxing than a nice, leisurely stroll, like the one I took eight months ago on the 17th. It was a bright, sunny day, which of course is the optimum condition for relaxed strolling. And as I walked along, I found myself humming a haunting melody. I kept humming and humming and humming and humming. I couldn’t get the tune out of my head. … I racked my brains to come up with the title, but to no avail. You see, I’m not terribly musical. And yet, I’d always wanted to play an instrument and be like my musical hero, Leo Sayer. … But who can compete with Leo? I think I was just scared that I’d fail. … Well, I decided right then and there to go buy a musical instrument. So on the particular Tuesday the 17th to which I was referring, I went down to the Sixth Street Music Emporium to buy a new tambourine – a terribly soothing instrument, contrary to popular opinion. And as I was strolling along, I detected a wonderful scent in the morning air. “What could it be?” I asked myself. … So I went toward that marvelous scent, distracted by its aroma from my musical mission. The odor was a mix of orchid flowers and bologna, which of course is one of the world’s most under-appreciated luncheon meats. That and pimento loaf. I love a good pimento loaf and mayo sandwich – the more pimentos, the better. Why, just the mention of pimentos makes my taste buds stand up and say, “Howdy.” Now there’s an interesting word: “Howdy.” Is it from “How are you” or maybe “How you doing”? “Howdy”’s one of those strange words that really has no origin. I like saying “How do” more than “Howdy” – more formal, I think. Not too flowery. But the flowery aroma of that particular Tuesday morning carried me on my fragrant quest. … Now, the smell was actually less bologna and more orchid – the beautiful flower found on the island state of Hawaii. Of course, I wasn’t in Hawaii, so I needed to search out the location of the nearest orchid. So, I visited every florist shop in town. Well, to make a long story short, not a single flower shop in town had any orchids in stock, which seemed mighty curious to me. Now, as we all know, curiosity killed the cat, but since I’m not a feline, I wasn’t too worried. Felines are funny creatures, don’t you think? … I had a cat once. It used its claws to tear my living room couch to shreds. It was a comfy couch, too. Had a sleep-away bed in it with a foam rubber mattress. Now, I bought the couch and the mattress at Levine’s Department Store on Third Avenue, the very same afternoon of that relaxing stroll aforementioned. I also bought myself a lovely tambourine on that same shopping expedition. Anyway, I didn’t want to pay extra for the delivery of the couch, so I decided to carry the couch home myself. It was quite cumbersome. And getting it through the store’s revolving doors was a bit of a challenge. And just as I emerged onto the street, by accident I bumped into a well-dressed man with an orchid in his lapel. It was Bob Barker, and he was eating a bologna and cheese balls sandwich.

Too many references to explain here; enjoy the links!

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