Ace Pride - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Happy Pride, From Both Miles And Sora! Hope Yall Are Doing Well During All The Drama Thats Going On!

Happy pride, from both Miles and Sora! Hope ya’ll are doing well during all the drama that’s going on!

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9 months ago

I totally approve of this decision.

I come with a proposal to the Ace Council. A group of asexuals, including me, have designed a new flag.

I Come With A Proposal To The Ace Council. A Group Of Asexuals, Including Me, Have Designed A New Flag.

We stole the purple from the bi flag for the bottom stripe and used the purple from the ace flag for the dragon, which is taken from the Welsh flag. We humbly suggest that this be our new flag /hj

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1 year ago

i’m here too! I am ace

Found This On Pinterest, But Count This Screenshot As A Reblog

Found this on Pinterest, but count this screenshot as a reblog

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11 months ago

Honestly as a neurodivergent asexual person Harvey is the fuckin’ best bachelor out there

Someone please get this man some anxiety meds, and some more model plane kits please, this sopping wet cat of a man must be protected at all costs. In my headcannons, he wears an asexual flag pin on his medical bag :3

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11 months ago

Y’know what. Screw it, random Harvey headcannon time:

This man is my personal little skrimblo, my grunkle if you will, so I have decided to compile my personal headcannons for him here for you folks!

His personal comfort show is Over the Garden Wall, I can imagine him listening to the soundtrack while he builds :]

He struggles with C-PTSD and RSD, which is possibly canon? Hinted at HEAVILY in his higher friendship/marriage dialogues. I just need him to know it’s gonna be okay ;-;

He enjoys antiquing and thrifting! I feel like he would heavily enjoy the pre-loved items, however making sure to properly cleaning them before he puts them away!

There is absolutely no evidence to prove this, but I feel like he would, or has collected coins. Really not sure why, I just feel like this fits him quite well.

Mentioned this in my last Harvey appreciation post, but I feel like he would be asexual or possibly demisexual! This might also be your local ace wanting more rep, but I get a strong vibe from this man.

He has a fear of getting tattoos. Both the commitment of having something on his body for so long, the risk of infection, and the fear of the actual process worry him, however he hopes to get one to represent Farmer soon :3

Harvey loves bugs. Another one I don’t have any evidence for, but I can just imagine him sitting on a bench outside with a little guy on his hand while he reads, or flipping over stones to make sure the pill bugs are doing well. (Also, he seems like the kind of person who had a bug hyperfixation, coming from someone with one)

He doesn’t know any instruments fluently per say, but he finds the mandolin to be a fun, and good instrument to play around with, especially learning songs for farmer!

He has a complex understanding of the International Phonetic Alphabet, and will go on happy rambles about etymology if farmer inquires! He is a doctor after all, and lots of medical terminology is based in latin, which has a deep connection with the IPA so this would make sense!

He is terrified of dogs, specifically small dogs. They just seem too evil and ill-intended, he cannot understand why these little goblins must be so aggressive, which is honestly valid

Anyways, that’s all i’ve got for now, but more coming soon possibly?? If folks want, I can do my headcannons for other characters as well!! Enjoy my friends :3

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10 months ago

HEYA FOLKS!!! This isn’t a stardew post, but pride is coming up, so I want to reiterate some important things before we start celebrating

- if you can, stay away from corporate pride collaborations, unless they directly donate or support queer organizations!! (Ie trevorproject, transhealth, etc.)

- If you attend protests or marches, and are worried about self defense, do not bring pepper spray, bring a bright flashlight!! Don’t bring anything that can be turned into a weapon against you.

- Pride is, and always has been a month of rebellion, protest, and queer rage, and it’s important to remember the roots of pride, including the more hard to face parts, not just the celebration. we carry the message of our mothers, our fathers, our parents, and all those who have supported us in the past.

- Support queer owned businesses especially!!! (Don’t think this one needs explanation, this isn’t also pride specific, but especially during june :])

- if you live in a place in which it isn’t as safe to be queer, stay safe. it’s always important to prioritize your safety and the safety of others, and i can assure you, even if it’s not tomorrow, things will get better.

- We have a lot of eyes on us during pride, especially in protests, so take this opportunity to share other messages. it isn’t solely a month of just queer protest, but uplifting the voices of those less heard. If you feel the need to, with your pride pin, wear a palestinian or ukrainian as well!!

As always, stay safe, stay healthy, and make this world just a little bit gayer my friend :D

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9 months ago

Love this making my abro heart very happy

Love This Making My Abro Heart Very Happy

Also mad me happy:

Abroromantics/Abrosexuals are valid!
ASKS OPEN! Feel free to vent, tell me things, anything!(unless it's nsfw (you can mention it but don't go into detail please)) DNI: pr*shipp

hi. i made some images.

Hi. I Made Some Images.
Hi. I Made Some Images.
Hi. I Made Some Images.
Hi. I Made Some Images.

feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required

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3 years ago

*pulls ace out my sleeve*



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6 months ago

I was just reminded of this post. And I jave said some stupid shit.

I would like to apologize to all asexuals.

I'm very sorry. I will strive to be better.

I hope you are kind enough to accept my apology.

untamellama - a blog

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I’ve officially set up my Etsy!

Ive Officially Set Up My Etsy! Https://
KoiInTheSky | Etsy
You searched for: KoiInTheSky! Discover the unique items that KoiInTheSky creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of se

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I’ve added more flags, now there’s rainbow, lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex, non-binary, gender fluid, pan, aro, and ace

Sexualitea and Gender Identitea Stickers | Etsy
Tea bag shaped stickers with a glossy finish themed around different queer flags 2” by 2.98” Current flags: Rainbow Lesbian Gay Bi Trans In

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Subtle Pride Badges | Etsy
1.5 inch badges based on pride flags, currently including: Progress Lesbian Gay man/mlm Bi Trans Intersex Non-binary Gender fluid Pan Ace Ar

Just added pride badges to my Etsy!

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1 year ago

I’m asexual, of course won’t I fuck real people, but if my favorite fictional character would ask me I’d be down for anything.

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11 months ago

Asexuals were always part of pride and it really fucking shows when people think it's a recent term.

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3 years ago

Last ones finally arrived and I feel whole!

💗💜💙 💓🤍💜🖤💙 🖤💜🤍💛 🖤🤍💜

Last Ones Finally Arrived And I Feel Whole!

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2 years ago

Get it??

Get It??

Happy Ace day

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2 years ago

Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.

I'm trying to prove something.

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