Double Belly - Tumblr Posts

If my fat had organized itself into a double belly like this, I guarantee you I would never have even contemplated losing weight. I’ve done research before and it seems like it’s just genetics, but if I’m wrong and anyone knows how double bellies are made PLEASE message me.

My belly's become a bit of a handful... (and yes that is a box of KFC next to me 😅)

My Belly's Become A Bit Of A Handful... (and Yes That Is A Box Of KFC Next To Me )

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I’ve just been doing a lot of semi-unintentional gaining recently. I’m considering picking up a bunch of food one of these days to stock up, gain a little weight back intentionally, and see how I feel about it. I’m hoping I put on weight differently. I want a double-belly but I don’t think that’s in the cards. Pretty sure it’s just genetics, but if anyone knows anything to the contrary let me know.

If I’m going to gain weight anyways, why not have fun and enjoy it?

I just keep flip flopping, so even though I’m fighting against the weight gain, I end up eating a bunch of calories the next time.

Two days ago at work, there were a few cupcakes in the break room and I decided not to eat any. The next day I ended up eating all that remained. I don’t know how many it was, I bet 4 to 6. I don’t know what to do. Gaining blog aside, I wish it wasn’t this hard to lose weight/keep off weight.

Obviously I have a good deal of will-power, I mean. I am a gainer who still managed to lose 40 pounds because I wanted to. I just started to screw up. I’ve regained around 6 pounds, I don’t know if this is related, but now I’m wanting to try gaining again. Maybe this feeling will subside, but I don’t know. A little bit of turmoil and internal conflict.

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11 months ago
Being Fat Is So Pretty
Being Fat Is So Pretty

Being fat is so pretty
OnlyFans is the social platform revolutionizing creator and fan connections. The site is inclusive of artists and content creators from all

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8 months ago
Said It Before And Its Worth Repeating, If Youve Got It Flaunt It!

Said it before and it’s worth repeating, if you’ve got it flaunt it!

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