;; Double Warning: Doppo Kannonzaka - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

i kinda wanna do some kin posting but i don’t know what to post about. so. im just gonna post about my most recent fictotype.

uh hi. im doppo kannonzaka (apparently). i have some memories of my canon, mostly based on this fan art my friend sent me once. that fan art is basically what awoke this kintype for me. i don’t fully know how to define this kintype, since, as i said, i have memories, but i kinda feel like i’m still doppo even now. it’s kinda like… i was ripped from my canon and placed into this body for whatever reason. im still me, im still doppo, just in a different form. that’s how i’d describe this and some other kintypes. they weren’t just me before, they’re me now.

in my canon, i remember being in a polyamorous relationship with the rest of matenrou, that being hifumi izanami and jakurai jinguji. i’ll be honest, i’ve only seen one or two hifumi kins in the wild, and zero jakurais. i don’t have a chance of finding my canonmates.

along with being in a polycule, other things were different. i was a trans male (and still am, the universe wants to fuck with me i guess). but that wasn’t the only difference. since a specific fan art is what awoke this kintype, my canon is somewhat based off the fan art itself. it was a size difference based, maybe ship art, of me and jakurai. i was small, and he was holding me in his hands. maybe it’s the g/t fan in me talking but it just kinda made this kintype click.

i remember being normal sized at one point, but the timeline is all fucked in my head, so i don’t know when i became small.

that’s pretty much it for specific canon details. this post really had no purpose other than dumping out canon details.

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1 year ago

i remember you, hifumi and jakurai. i remember you.

hifumi, i remember the softness of your hands. constantly moisturized. you always cared about your skin

jakurai, i remember the warm cuddles we had when i was worked up. you knew how to calm me down

i remember when you both were there for me when i was going through things. and i miss you

please return to me someday.

-from a doppo kannonzaka kin

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