Doyun Is A Somewhat Growing Famous Person - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
"Yeah, You're Right. I Could Have." Doyun Didn't Say Should Have. Despite Knowing She Was In The Wrong,

"Yeah, you're right. I could have." Doyun didn't say should have. Despite knowing she was in the wrong, it was hard for her to apologize -- there was a irritation in her voice even though it was her fault she'd run late. "The agency contacted me and say they could sign me this week. I couldn't leave...I'm--" Sorry. The word was on the tip of her tongue, yet she couldn't get it out. Doyun sighed, feeling the tears start to burn the corners of her eyes. Relationships shouldn't be about hurting each other and she knew that's exactly what she was doing.

"I am sorry, Minjun," she whispered, looking at the ground instead of at her boyfriend. "Could we -- could we just go home and try to move on?"

muse: choi minjun ‘mj’, bartender/paranormal youtuber, 26 open to: m / f / nb plot: couples on rocky ground? could be a famous/non-famous pairing

Muse:choi Minjun Mj,bartender/paranormal Youtuber, 26open To:m / F / Nbplot: Couples On Rocky Ground?

“you  could’ve  just  told  me  if  you  knew  you  couldn’t  make  it.” 

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