Drell - Tumblr Posts

Thane WIP! Hope you like it. Currently playing Mass Effect and this man stole my heart 😍🥲

Finished Thane Krios!

This is my Dual Impact MERP Drell Character (Long title huh?) Janus (Insert last name here). He's a Vanguard class so don't get to close to him. I am still learning the ropes of Digital Art so . . .
This is the line art so far I might colour it later and post it here.
And on of these days I might redo the front view . . . I hate it.

I actually tried to colour this guy last night. I gotta tell ya coloring drell for the first time . . . sucks balls! You have to figure out colour theory to try to make the creature look smexy in colour! And don't me started with the lining and the eyes! XP. This is still a WIP Hopefully b4 next week I will try to finish it.
OMFG!!! :*(
This picture makes me want to puke! I guess that means this guy is an awesome artist if he can make this little lady cringe! But seriously, this guy's art is awesome! You should check it out. In the meantime I am going to keep drawing and not cry for the Hanar and Drell :*(
Nahhhhhh!!!! Sexyness! X3

ART BY ~jupiterjeter.
Hot men with rifles uhhh yep
It's been almost a decade since I've had a Tumblr. I don't have many places to showcase my artwork so here's a good start I guess?
Behold, the saddest pieces of art I have ever created!
I like making pieces that make you feel something apparently.
Story below:
My canon Shepard has always died during the synthesis ending and met with her love; Thane, across the sea. After surviving Mindoir and becoming a legend during the Blitz, Shepard makes the ultimate sacrifice to ensure every single person she cares about is safe, leaving her to finally be at peace.

salarian thirst..... tiddy window.... also baby kolyat watching thane leave after he told him to “go and never come back”

irikah and kolyat