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Ink quietly sang to the radio in her room, spinning on her feet. It was hard, dancing without someone to dance with her. Cursing, she stumbles, but regains her balance.
"Im not very good at this, am I?" Ink grumbles to herself, shaking her head. Ink sighs, plopping on her very pink bed. She looked to her door, which she had left halfway open. Then, almost had a heart attack at the sight of Dream standing in the doorway, contemplating her quietly.
"Oh my god Dream, do you ever knock?!" Ink shreiks, choking on air.
Dream seemed confused. "Why did you stop?"
Ink looked at him quizzically. "Um... Because its in the middle of the night? And I want to sleep? How long were you there for?!"
Dream waved his hand. "Oh, only a couple of minutes. You seem to doubt your dancing, but Ink, you are really good."
Inks face lights up a bright red, her dragon tail wagging.
"Y-you think so..?"
Dream hums, coming in the room. Ink could see him fully now, only in a black tanktop and grey sweatpants. He smelled like flowers; this told Ink he had just stepped out of the shower. Dream had washed the highlights out of his golden hair, and it was still wet, flowed over his shoulders, and down his back in waves. He swishes his arrow tipped tail, his wings still wet as well and drooping from heaviness.
Poor Inks face could not go any redder than it already was at the sight of him. She sputters, finally just covering her face.
Dream laughs, coming closer to her.
"Come, Ink, I will show you how good you are at your dancing."
He pulls her hands from her red face, and before she could sputter out protests, pulled her close, one hand slipping around her middle, the other hand on her side. Ink rests her hands on his chest, staring into his eyes. He smiles encouragingly, and began to spin.
They stayed like that for hours, just enjoying each others company, staring into each others eyes.
My favorite ship :D

AngelTale AU Drink (Ink X Dream)