Angelinkfont - Tumblr Posts
Angel Ink Font Backstory: also Includes Dream and Nightmares sides of the story
Once, upon a time, a family lived in harmony, and peace. The father was part of a powerful guard, protecting the Kings of Heaven and Hell. They were very powerful, and full of life. One day, the Kings found two children that wandered into Hell. Their souls... Were so different... They were pure black, nothing like anyone had seen. Frisk and Chara stayed in the village, they were sweet and kind... Then one day, the Kings found them, with the one girl cradling her headless, mutalated sister.'The Monster did it.' Was what Chara said, and a black portal full of mindless, horrifying creatures poured out, forcing the brothers to seal the portal. However, the damage was done. The Monsters multiplied, and spilled into the Human realm. Thankfully, all species had special abilities to kill these creatures. Then everything... Changed.... Unknown to any of them, Chara did open this portal, she did summon the monster that murdered her sister in cold blood. But she hid it. Hid it until the right time when the brothers where apart. She planned to open the portal again, and shroud the realms in darkness and foul blood. The father did not want to fight. He wanted to help, but he had a family. The rest agreed, the children needed their father and wished the father best of luck. He begged them to forget about Chara and come with him to hide, but they refused, and the battle went south. Everything was destroyed. Chara had won. The brothers fled. However... She had no way to open the portal again with out a very, very powerful soul. Then, she remembered. The father had very powerful Hybrid children. It was her chance! So... After finding them, she raided the laboratory, only to just capture the father and his wife. The children escaped. The Humans hated them... Thought them of Monsters themselves, because Beasts that fled from Chara integrated themselves with the Humans, but they did not fully accept. So the children were part of their undying hatred and rage. They trapped them inside a barrier to where they would rot and die...Then... One day... A lady showed up... She had bright red hair... And a cheerful smile. She offered them to play a Game with her. They accepted... But the board wasnt right. There was something wrong. They didnt know this was Chara, until she revealed her real form, grabbing at the oldest child. However, the youngest boy stepped in the way to be taken. Then, the oldest grabbed her baby sister and ran. Chara eventually caught up with them, and stabbed the youngest through her soul. Chara couldnt finish the job, as the oldest teleported away, begging her sister not to die.
Then she had an idea. She took her sisters vanishing soul.
And fused it with hers.
Ink maintains complete control, due to her sisters weak soul.
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AngelTale Comic
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Angel Ink Font
Ink is a half dragon, half angel. Her feet are naturally clawed, like a dragons. Her wings are shaped as a dragons, but feathery on the insides.
Personality: Ink is a very temperamental creature. She dislikes humans, and absolutely despises Chara, for obvious reasons. She is sarcastic, and can be somewhat rude, especially towards humans. However, underneath her hard shell is a sweet, sad little child, just looking for guidance.
Relations: Ink has a terrible crush on Dream, and looks up to her best freind, Blue. She loves to baby Nightmare, and dress him up in dresses and skirts. Nightmare loves it though, since he likes to dress that way a lot of the time.
Clothes: Ink likes to wear skirts and skirts, along with yoga pants. She will occasionally wear dresses, but only on special occasions.
Weapon choice: Inks choice of weapon is a large, giant red sword.
Here have some Ink stickers-

My baby!~

Welcome! To AngelTale! Where our favorite characters of Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Blue and Chara exist in a world of 5 species, Humans, Angels, Demons, Monsters and Hybrids!
A thousand years ago, two children were born in Hell. They were cherished like any other villager and child, however, their souls were a solid black color. It was a strange color, something nobody had seen before. The kings of Heaven and Hell brought the children under their wings, to protect these strange souls. The girls quickly adapted, and they were still loved and cherished very much. This, however was the Kings' downfalls. Above and between the realms of Heaven and Hell lay a giant, black portal full of Monsters, horrible, mindless creatures of darkness and fear. One of the children were very... Interested.
The child wandered to the portal, and when she came back, she was different. She became feared, and her actions became very and utterly violent. The Kings tried again and again to help her, but to absolutely no avail. The day they were to banish her, fear ensued as the child slaughtered her sister, and overthrew the Kings, forcing the demons and angels to flee and the ones who couldnt to be transformed and fused into the Monsters of the middle realm. Before being banished from their thrones, the Kings sealed the portal of Monsters, but the girl had their plans.
To this day, fear and HATRED still thrives...
------------------ -------------------
"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The white haired, grey horned dragon girl snatches her ball back from the blue clad demon, who snickers.
"Ink, this isnt yours! This is why your not allowed in the park!" He points to a tiny crying hybrid child, and the one named Ink bristles.
"Hey! They insulted me! I deserve that! Give it back Nightmare!"
She grabs at the ball again, but Nightmare throws it, and the child chases after it. Ink tried, but Nightmare sighs and grabs her collar, yanking her back. Ink gives in and slumps.
"Awe..." Ink complains. Nightmare snorts.
"Ill tell Blue!"
Ink grumbles and crosses her arms, "Fine! Fine!"
Nightmare sighs. He was about 5'8 with blood red eyes, black hair with blond highlights, with short dark blue demon horns and an arrow tipped tail. Ink was 4'9 and a dragon/angel hybrid, with large, curling grey horns, a thick, whippy grey dragon tail, and large, feathery, white dragon wings. Long white hair flowed over her shoulders, bangs halfway to the point of covering bright cyan, cat like eyes.
Ink grumbles, being dragged through the park. Nightmare sighs as he heads back home. He wished his brother and Blue was back, they had went on a three day mission and it was only day one with two more to go. He inwardly groaned; it was very inconvenient considering Chara had been sending Monsters into their quaint little town, which they were coming back from destroying one when Ink wanted to go play in the park.
Shes so much like a child!
Nightmare thinks, as he looks back at the smaller dragon hybrid, she was already just clacking away at a game on her phone. He shakes his head. He reaches a large field, with a giant green barrier surrounding it. This was to keep people out. Only the four were able to cross through. Nightmare drags Ink inside; towards a magnificent mansion smacked in the middle of the field. This house had always marveled Nightmare.
What marveled him was the fact that Ink herself had built everything inside with her bare hands. She could be pleasant and sweet when she wanted, but she was more or less very grouchy. Very, very grouchy.
He drags her into the living room, which was right when you stepped in. Upstairs were lots of bedrooms, and downstairs, to the left was a giant, beautiful kitchen, the right was a big couch and a flat screen tv, with a game console, video games scattered everywhere. In the front was a lovely kitchen table, and a magnificent chandelier above it.
Yes, he marveled Inks work. He sighs as he sits Ink down onto the couch.
But she could be such a pain at the same time.
[CI]Welcome! To AngelTale! Where our favorite characters of Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Blue and Chara exist in a world of 5 species, Humans, Angels, Demons, Monsters and Hybrids!
Hello! Yami here with an important announcement: I am going to draw out asks about my AU!
So ask away!
![[CI]Welcome! To AngelTale! Where Our Favorite Characters Of Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Blue And Chara Exist](

Inkys Dragon Form!!!
Original Ink belongs to Myebi!!!!
Oops! My finger slipped!
Oh well!
I shall melt your braincells then while your here-
With a shirtless Dream :3


Dont worry, its just dinner!
*Muffled Screaming-*
Yes. Just dinner =)

Gacha Club Ink!

Welcome! To AngelTale! Where our favorite characters of Nightmare, Dream, Ink, Blue and Chara exist in a world of 5 species, Humans, Angels, Demons, Monsters and Hybrids!
Come ask!

Charas Puppets

Time: an hour
Tools: Medibang Paint and Ibis Paint X, my finger
Device: LG Stylo 4
Hello everyone! Welcome to my post! This is a drawing of Chara and the gang! I guess it shows how Chara is towards the four, she's completely obsessed with Nightmare, and needs Ink for her plans. She has no care for Dream or Blue, so she tries to get them out of her way, just to get her way.
Anyways, I hope everyone likes this post!
Oh dear, this took a while to make-

I was tagged by @thunfire0605 and @justrandomartpeeps !
Anyways, this is my AU Ink and Dream!
Who wants to see more Dream with slicked back hair-
Song: Diamonds by Rihanna
'Let's test your height, shall we?'

It's just a sketch of how much taller Dream is, which helps when Dream wants to cuddle her, because he's just a giant teddy bear with fluffy wings :3
Original Ink by @myebi
Original Dream by @jokublog

It's a Ink-
Time: about 30 minutes
Tools: Huion Sketch, my finger
Device: LG Stylo 4
Hello everyone! Welcome to my post! It's a drawing of my AU Ink, just a sketch, haha. She's so fun to draw, and she's so cute :3 an angry little feathery drago-
Anyways, I hope everyone likes this post!

Chapter 0
It was a beautiful day, the Earth seemed peaceful enough, and the humans and other creatures that inhabited the world went about their days happily. The living world was peaceful, until the black hole opened up in the sky. The living watched as it closed a minute later, and as two more opened in its wake.
From the two other portals, fell the Angels of Heaven, and the Demons if Hell. Quickly from both sides, word spread of a corrupted demon named Chara, freeing the Monsters from their place between all three worlds, and defeat of their good natured Kings. The living took the Angels and Demons in quickly, and watched as two beams of a yellow and purple light crashed into the Earth, as the portals close.
Everyone went rushing to their fallen Kings, the bothers curled up against one another, their crowns and spirits broken, along with their bodies, broken, bloody and battered. They were hauled to the hospital to be helped, and they eventually recover, but their damage was too great. They could not face Chara, or take back their thrones. The Angels and Demons slowly began to get angry and frustrated, taking it out on the two broken brothers. The brothers vanished after that.ย Some say they went into hiding out of shame, some say they were trying to get themselves back together. Eventually, they were forgotten, and became legends of cowardice, and stories to teach children to not become like they had.
This, however was all wrong. They hadn't hid. They were waiting. Waiting for the right moment to strike, when they collected their powers back, when they had healed.
This was ten years ago. The world had since grown accustomed to the Monsters, living with the spiritual beings, and fearing death. This is our beginning to this story.
Original Ink is by @myebi
Original Dream and Nightmare is by @jokublog
Original Blue- I'm not sure, if someone can tell me, I'd like to add them!

Chapter 1
Soft snores echo around the well decorated room full of drawings and pictures, purple walls complimented the pink carpet, and respectively matched the pastel pink bed. The two figures that lay under the covers were still asleep, one being a large, snoring Phoenix, the other a pure white haired girl, with thick, grey horns, and large, white, feathered dragon wings hanging over the bed. A thick, long grey tail pools over the bed and about reached the carpet, only an inch away. The dragon shifts to her side, yawning. Her eyes flicker open to reveal pretty, cyan blue eyes.
The girl slowly sits up and rubs her eyes. She looks at the Phoenix beside her and pokes his wing. He twitches, and whines, rolling on his back, spreading out his wings.
"... Dream, wake up. It's morning. You don't even need to sleep."
The flaming bird grunts in response, and transforms into a tall, blond haired boy, with large, feathered red and orange ears, large bird wings, and a large bird tail in the same respective colors. He whines and sits up, opening his eyes, revealing bright red, cat shaped eyes. He rubs his face with a hand, and watches as the girl slips out of bed and into her connected bathroom.
"Alright, fair. You sleep better when someone sleeps beside you though. "
The girl justย grumbles." Get out. I want a shower. "
The boy laughs and slips from her bedroom, stretching. He was greeted by a smaller male, with the same haircut, but with black hair. His eyes were also the same, but was complimented by large wolf ears and tail, colored as the galaxy above.
"Good morning brother!" The black haired boy chirps.
" Good morning, Nightmare."
Nightmare peeks at the girls room door.
"Ink have a bad dream again? "
The blond one sighs and nods.
" Yeah. Came to me last night asking me to stay with her. "
Nightmare frowns worriedly.
"Is she okay? I mean, Dream, this is like the fifth time this week. She has a bad dream every time she's closed her eyes. "
Dream sighs.
" We will ask later, I think she will tell us. Let's just go see what Blue has cooked up for breakfast."
Nightmare grins in excitement, his Wolf tail wagging.
" I thought you'd never ask!"
The wolf bounds off, making Dream roll his eyes and stroll after his brother, after glancing at Inks room door once more.
A full Nightmare curls up on the ground, whining.
"I don't wanna."
"Nightmare! Let's go!"
Nightmares ears flick as he transforms them into demon horns and a demon tail, his wings vanishing. He grumbles insults at Dream, and stands. They usually went on missions, mostly looking for the one named Chara. This was one of these times. Nightmare usually stayed home, because of his eldest brothers' paranoia that he may get hurt.
Dream had decided to take Nightmare along this time, only because of Nightmares expertise in weapons, especially blades. Nightmare looks over Dreams arm at the sheet of paper in his hands with the mission details.
"So, a Monster with intelligence in weaponry? That's new."
Dream nods. "Sounds like Chara is making them much smarter. Hope it won't be too much trouble."
Nightmare nods in agreement. He takes one look around the mansion before they leave. He was always awed by the large living room, with a giant, well made kitchen to the right. To the left, past the living room, was the hallway with five rooms and two bathrooms. A chandelier swung lightly above the kitchen table.
What made Nightmare in more awe was that Ink had drawn all of this with her magical abilities. Her powers consisted of making her art come to life, unless it was a living being. That was her limit. Nightmares eyes travel to the pretty vase of flowers on the table by the rather large, wrap around couch centered in front of a giant flat screen TV.
Dreams words bring him out if his trance.
"Alright, let's move brother."
Nightmare nods, smiling softly. He turns and follows his brother to the outside.
Nightmare and Dream by @jokublog
Ink by @myebi
I have no idea who Blue belongs to-
Ink with yarn

New Character sheets for my AngelTaleAU Nightmare, Dream, Ink and Blue!

Added Info: Nightmares weapons are diamond plated katana, with a beautiful moon inscribed sword sheath. He can also turn them into a black obsidian scythe with large amounts of negativity

Added Info: Dreams weapons are two interchangable pistols, meaning that their original form are pistols, bit with his positive magic, he can transform them into and gun he pleases

Added Info: Inks weapon is a giant, flaming red sword as long as Ink is tall. She can also transform into a white dragon with shimmering rainbow scales.

Added Info: Blue is the dragon Queen, her weapon consists of a giant blue trident, and a diamond dagger. She also has a dragon form, which is the blue color of her tail, wings, and horns.