Druck (skam) - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I'm watching Druck the German Skam and Jesus fuck I swear the girls in Druck are all so freakin' beautiful, I'm so gay for them

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6 years ago

I can't believe I'm watching 5 different shows in 5 different languages with basically the same plot mixed up a bit. That's when you know you're hooked.

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6 years ago



Guys another thing we can do, is write to the funk team! On their official website here’s what the contact page says:

You have something to tell us? How our program works better? Or maybe it’s not getting any better? Questions, suggestions, criticism? Here you can reach the funk team! We will answer you as soon as possible!


We could let them know our love for the show and what it means to us and why we really need more seasons! Here’s even a message I wrote if ya’ll wanna just copy paste and send:

Hello funk team! l recently saw in the druck newsletter that they need more viewers and the fandom is trying their best to get them, but even original skam gained national popularity in Norway in season 2 and international popularity in season 3 and had humble beginnings, so please at least give druck one more chance before writing them off! I truly believe this remake is the best one, so it will break many hearts to see it cancelled. Thank you for your time!

Or you could write any variation of what you want to tell them, but maybe if they saw the positive feedback they would consider renewing the show. And we’re also trying to increase viewership at the same time this is just something additional to let them know of our love for Druck! <3

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6 years ago

Okay but Robin Migné who plays Arthur/Mahdi is honestly the hottest Male in any Skam remake ever.

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