1 year ago
New AU!!! For Now Just Calling It L330-N, Which Was This Guy's Name!

New AU!!! For now just calling it L330-N, which was this guy's name!

Now it's just L33, though. Most of the other bits of his name rubbed off :/ He's wandering around redisovering humanity! Or what's left of it! He doesn't really remember much, but he thinks he's looking for someone...or something. He doesn't know, but he can feel himself moving closer and closer to whatever it is.

New AU!!! For Now Just Calling It L330-N, Which Was This Guy's Name!

And this is Casey Jones (Jr.) He's also wandering around, but he is looking for his mom! or, well, actually she went missing a few weeks back so now he's on the search for her and the mysterious family known as the Hamatos. All he knows is they should be able to help him find his mom and he isn't stopping until he finds them.

Currently plotting this au out, so designs may be tweaked a little here and there <3 I probably will be making this a comic, or at least a mini series of some sort. It'd be fun as a fic, too, though soooo we'll just have to wait and see <3333

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