Earendel - Tumblr Posts

And here he is, the little lad himself.
Like with Asha, I took a different spin then what most people have been doing with Starboy. Some of the early concepts took inspiration from Peter Pan, so I decided to go all in with this idea and make him a young boy instead of an older teenager. Which was also an idea mentioned in the Art of Wish.

He has a similar personality to what was shown in the movie, being the definition of chaotic neutral while also being very sweet and naive.
I wanted him to really be the emotional glue of the trio, letting Asha and Miguel open up to him about their feelings. He also has his own character arc, learning what it means to be human. That they can be very malicious and cruel, but also compassionate and empathetic. This was something mentioned briefly in the Art of Wish book I wanted to incorporate, shown below.

His appearance is very similar to the one above, especially in terms of clothing. He has a typical prince getup that’s black, and a long cape made of stardust. Also the little hood with the antlers. He appears to be around 12 years old, being a much younger star. Minus the clothes, his appearance is also similar to the art below.

(via Saira Vargas)
He doesn’t have an important backstory in this rewrite (at least at the time I’m writing this) so this section will instead explain the star’s and their magic.
Stars exist in a place known as the Celestial Realm. It is sort of hard to explain exactly what it is. The Celestial Realm is technically another dimension, though it can be seen through the night sky via magic, and can even be accessed by very powerful magic.
Older stars have the power to go from earth to the Celestial Realm through conjuring a portal fairly easily due to how powerful their magic can be. Though they mostly choose not to. More on that in a minute.
Very few humans have the ability to go from one realm to the other. Only those who have studied magic their entire lives are able to do so.
However, most people don’t try, thinking the Celestial Realm is just a myth. Meanwhile, the stars believe the humans are selfish and hollow beings because of their lack of natural magic and some bad history, so they don’t bother with them.
So, what can stars actually do? Well, nearly anything, as long as it does not bring harm to others. They can transform things, give inanimate objects life, let things talk, create physical things from stardust. The stardust can also be used to just create pretty visuals. The only things they cannot do are make people fall in love, or again bring harm to anyone in any way.
Phew, alright. That was quite a bit of rambling to get through. Hopefully I explained everything well, but feel free to ask for clarifications if needed.
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more.
Chapter Four: So I Make This Wish

The next morning is cloudy as we fade into Asha and Sabino’s house. Asha is laying in her bed, soundly sleeping. We see drawings covering one wall along with some other sparse decorations. She opens her eyes and blinks before sitting up. Valentino gets up from the foot of the bed and stretches, slinking over to Asha. She smiles and scratched him behind the ear. “Good morning Val.”
Asha gets out of bed and walks behind a divider. The smock she was previously wearing is tossed over the divider and Asha emerged in a red dress, tying her hair in a ponytail. She walks out of her room and looks around the main part of the house. Her expression becomes confused. The main room is empty. Sabino should have been up by now… “Sabino?” Asha calls. No response. She walks over to a window and looks outside. No sign of him. She finally walks over to his bedroom door and knocks. “Sabino, is everything alright?”
Taking a deep breath, Asha walks into the room. Sabino is laying in bed, facing away from the door. “Hey tonto, you slept in,” Asha says, walking over to Sabino with a smile. “Come on, time to get up.” She gives him a gentle shake, then frowns. Her voice trembles as she speaks. “Sabino?”

We cut to a small graveyard just outside the hamlet, where it’s raining around dusk. Asha is standing in front of several other people, looking sorrowful. We cut to a shot of a fresh grave with a tall rock as the headstone. A man dressed like a priest is standing in front of the grave, facing the crowd of people. It looks like the whole hamlet has gathered to mourn Sabino. He clasps his hands together. “Sabino was a good man. He helped Tomás aid many people who managed to escape Rosas. Without him, several of us would not live here today. When Thomás disappeared he took charge and acted as the Hamlet’s leader for several years. He was a brave, generous, and caring man that we will always be grateful for. May he now rest in peace.”
The other residents of the Hamlet repeat the last line and begin to disperse. Asha remains in front of the grave. Valentino softly whines and rubs against her leg. One girl with short hair lingers. She sighs and walks over to Asha “I’m sorry for your loss,” she says gently.
As soon as Asha notices the girl she instantly straightens up and changes her expression to a more neutral one. “He will be deeply missed. I don’t think it will ever be the same without him.”
There’s a few moments of silence before the girl speaks again. “Listen. If you ever need somewhere to go or anyone to talk to, my family will always be there with open arms.” She gestures to a man, woman, and a younger child who look similar to her, who are talking to Safi and his mother. “We knew Sabino quite well. He helped our family, and we’re willing to help his.”
Asha nods and looks away. “That’s very kind of you Hal. Although I think it would be best if I mourned alone.”
Hal frowns. “You don’t have to push us away Asha. We want to help you if we can. It’s the least we can do. You’ve helped the hamlet as much as Sabina had, and we want to repay you for it. Please, just let us help you.”
“I’m not pushing anyone away,” Asha says sharply. “I have a lot on my mind right now and the last thing I need is to do is let my guard down.” Hal looks surprised at Asha’s words. Asha’s expression softens and she sighs. “I’m sorry, I… I should go.” She turns around and walks away to her house. Valentino chitters and follows with his head hung low.
Hal begins to walk after her, but Safi grabs her shoulder, making her stop. “Just let her go,” he says.
The rain is beginning to clear as Asha walks into her house. It’s quiet as she looks around. Too quiet. She spots the chair where Sabino usually sat. His lute is leaning against it. Asha walks over to chair and sits down, picking up the lute. She gently plucks at the strings, then begins to strum it. Valentino leaps up onto the arm of the chair and presses against her. She blinks away tears and begins to do what any Disney heroine does when they’re distraught: she sings.
🎵 This Wish 🎵
Woman’s Voice
I thought our dreams were meant to set us free So why do I feel so heavy hearted? If I could show them everything I've seen What happens then? Do I dare to start it?
(Asha continues to play the lute, looking out the window towards Rosas. We can see the castle in particular standing high above the trees. Asha looks deeply conflicted)
But when I stand, my mind says "Sit down" But I’m done waiting on a wish that’s never coming I look around me now No, we’re not where we belong And I may be young, but I won’t hide this song
(Asha sets aside the lute and stands up on the second line. She walks out of her house with Valentino and gestures to the hamlet around her. She looks down on the last line before looking upwards.)
So I look up at the stars to guide me And pray that he’ll send me a sign If no one else will rise up here beside me Then let me be the first to stand in line So I make this wish To have something more for us than this So I make this wish To have something more for us than this
(We get a brief shot of the sky as the clouds part, revealing the starry sky. She looks back at the Hamlet one more time before walking into the woods on the first “So I make this wish”. She stands in a smaller clearing and opens her arms wide on the last “This”)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah More than this, oh-ah-ah-ah
(Fireflies fly up around Asha, making her smile a little. Valentino looks around with wide eyes and swats at a firefly.)
I’ve seen the fire inside you all aglow What you could be, what you could do The light that makes you whole But there’s a missing piece we buried long ago Now there’s an aching in my soul, about to overflow If I could shake away every hesitation If I knew where to begin Could I cut through the lies Open up their eyes To see the truth again?
(We cut to a little later as Asha continues to walk troughs he woods. She stops and looks back at Rosas. Then she looks down on “if I could shake away every hesitation”. There’s a mixture of emotions on her face. Fear and sadness, yet also determination.)
If you can hear me now, I’m begging you for a sign. Just tell me how to make it through My legs are shaking, but my head's held high The way you always taught me to
(She looks around the forest, as though she’s trying to find someone. She stops as she looks towards the willow tree, tears brimming in her eyes. A younger Asha and her father are sitting on the tree. They look up at the stars before fading away, and the camera pans up.)
So I look up at the stars to guide me And pray that he’ll send me a sign I know there will be challenges that find me But I can take them on one at a time So I make this wish To have something more for us than this So I make this wish To have something more for us than this
(Asha breaks into a sprint, climbing the tree and standing on a larger branch. She walks forward, holding her hands to her chest. She closes her eyes as petals swirl around her. Valentino chitters and looks around in awe.)
Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (so you make this wish) Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, ah-ah (to have something more) More than this, oh, ah-ah-ah
(Petals swirl in the wind around Asha before blowing out towards the sea. Asha doesn’t notice the other voice. She opens her eyes on the last line and smiles. She looks towards a smaller star in the sky and focused on it.)
So I make this wish To have something more for us than this
(Asha looks more confident and determined on the last line. The camera zooms out to show more of the sky and the song ends on a softer note.)

The star begins to twinkle, and glows brighter. And brighter. And somehow brighter. Asha frowns and shields her eyes as the whole sky is enveloped in bright starlight. The light spreads over the kingdom.

Hal, Safi, and his sister look out from a window and smile, letting the light wash over them. A few citizens still awake in Rosas watch the light in awe. Flazino, who’s tossing and turning in his bed settles as the light passes over him. We cut to Manuel and Amaya’s bedroom. As soon as the light touches Manuel he jolts awake, clutching his chest as he gasps. He gets up and grabs his staff, running towards the window. Charo yowls as he’s knocked off of the bed.

Manuel stares at the light and shakes his head. “No no no no-“ He freezes before turning around and running up to the wish chamber. He slams the door open and see’s the wishes shaking and vibrating. He slams his staff down, and magic flashes at the wishes.
The wishes slowly settle down. Manuel stands there panting, pushing his hair back into place as the light outside fades. Amaya walks in cautiously. Charo follows her and yawns, stretching. “Mi rey, what are you doing running around like a wild animal at this hour?”
Somebody did it,” Manuel says, looking at the queen.
Amaya blinks. “Did what dear?”
“Somebody summoned a star from the sky,” Manuel replies, turning back to the window. “And I think it landed in the Uncharted Forest.”

“What?” Amaya blinks, more awake and alert now. She walks up to Manuel and looks out the window. “Who would even attempt that?” Manuel’s eyes shift. Before he can respond-
We cut back to the forest. Asha is still standing on the tree, blinking and rubbing her eyes. “What was all that light?” She slowly gets down from the tree, holding Valentino. “You felt it too, right? It was so warm and loving and joyous.” Asha frowns and shakes her head. “I sound ridiculous. Light can’t be loving or joyous.” Suddenly a ball of light zooms past, making Asha jump back and yelp. Valentino chitters and squirms out of her arms, running after the light. “What- Valentino no! Get back here!”
The light barrels through the forest, making several animals scamper away. “Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry- OW!” The light crashes into a bush.
Asha slows down, cautiously approaching the bush. She pushes Valentino behind her with her foot. “Stay back.” She parts the bush, and the head of a young boy pops out. The two stare at each other for a few moments.
“AAAAAHHHH!” Asha screams and fall down, scrambling back.
The boy, who looks to be around 12 years old, flinches back. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.” He floats up from the bush and brushes himself off. He’s wearing a black tunic and pants with a long black cloak. The hood has little antlers. Curly blonde hair pokes out from the hood. The boy stretches and twirls around. “Man, that was a rough landing.”

Asha slowly gets up and takes a step back. “Who- Who are you?”
“Oh, I’m Earendel!” The boy says, floating upside down. He grabs Asha’s hand and shakes it.
“Okay…what are you? Why are you glowing?” Asha asks.
“Well duh, I’m a star!” Earendel says as if it’s obvious.
Asha blinks in shock. “You’re a what?”
“A star! Haven’t you seen a star before?”

Author Notes
Generally I don’t have much to say about this chapter. I think it mostly speaks for itself, but I do have a few thoughts.
First of all, huge credit to Jonah Who Two on YouTube for the rewrite of “This Wish”. I thought it fit this story perfectly. I only had to change a line in the chorus and a couple pronouns to make it work. Check out his original video here:
So yeah, Sabino gets axed in this rewrite. I wanted to do this for a couple reasons. 1. It establishes the danger of having a wish crushed for later events. 2. It’s the perfect catalyst for Asha to finally stand up and do something. She doesn’t know his wish was crushed, but she knows it was stolen from him, and that he died without a chance to ever fulfill it or get it back. So she makes a promise to herself to never let it happen again, leading into “This Wish”.
With Asha’s song, I wanted it to be less about her asking for guidance from the stars, but instead guidance from her father. As well as generally ease her mind. So she makes her own wish. And accidentally calls down Earendel.
I’ll keep my thoughts on Earendel here brief since hell get a lot more screen time in the next chapter. With the last scene I wanted to give the audience a basic idea of his character. He’s established here as a sweet, naive and curious kid. His personality will really shine through in the later chapters, and he’ll be the emotional glue of the trio.
I’ll have more to say with the next chapter. We’ll get to “I’m a Star” and perhaps Flazino and Asha finally meeting. Depends on how the pacing ends up.
Thanks for reading!
Chapter Five: You’re A Star!

Asha blinks and shakes her head. “What- of course not! That- That’s impossible! You’re supposed to be up there, not down here.” She says, pointing to the sky.
“Well, usually yes,” Earendel says, floating around Asha. “But you called me down with your wish. So now I’m here too help you make that wish come true.”
“Make my wish come true?” Asha looks up at the stars. “So those stories my father told me about the stars granting people’s wishes were true?”
“Yep, they were!” Earendel smiles and nods. “Although, it’s been a really long time since a star has even come down to Earth.”
“Because people tried to steal your magic,” Asha replies with slight worry.
Earendel nods before straightening up and landing in front of Asha. “But don’t worry, I’ll help make your wish come true.” He clears his throat and bows to Asha. “Fair maiden, you have given so much happiness to others, you deserve to have your wish come true. It shall be my honor to- woah whAT IS THAT?”
Asha looks to where Earendel is looking. Valentino stands there stiffly, narrowing his eyes at Earendel. “That is my genet, Valentino. Valentino, meet Earendel, the star.”
“Woah ho ho! A real genet? I’ve never seen one up close before!” Earendel leans down close to Valentino, making him jump back and hiss. “Hey, it’s okay buddy, I’m not gonna-“ he’s interrupted by Valentino swiping a paw at his face, which simply phases through his nose, “-hurt you.”
Asha clears her throat and picks Valentino up. “Okay, this has been fun and all, but I really need to go home now. I have a lot to do tomorrow, and the last thing I need is getting someone else caught in the middle of it. Especially a child.” She turns around and starts to walk away.
“Wait!” Earendel flies after Asha, stopping her in her tracks. “Don’t you want my help? That’s kind of the whole reason I’m here.”
Asha scoffs. “I don’t need anyone’s help. I am Alondra of Rosas! Trust me, I can handle myself.”
“But-but wouldn’t it be easier if I helped you? I can do magic, watch.” Earendel sprinkles a little stardust onto the ground. In that spot, a flower blooms and glows with starlight.

“Look, I appreciate the thought, really. But I don’t need you you tagging along and slowing me down,” Asha says, walking around Earendel.
“Your wish is a pretty big one though. I mean, saving a whole kingdom? Without your own magic? That sounds almost impossible without a little help.” Earendel says as he trails behind Asha. At this point several animals poke their heads out of the bushes and start to gather around Earendel, following him.

Asha sighs and rolls her eyes in annoyance. “Oh, how hard can it be? All I need is my sword. Now if you don’t mind I need to go get ready. Go home back to the sky or wherever.”
Earendel stops in his tracks and looks away. His glow dims. “Well, about that…”
Asha stops and closes her eyes, taking a deep breath before she turns around. “Don’t tell me…”
“I don’t know how to go home.” Earendel floats up to a tree and sits down between two branches. “You see, I didn’t travel here by myself when you made your wish. My magic isn’t strong enough. Our queen sent me down here to help you. So I can’t go back until she uses her magic to portal me back.”
Asha sighs and runs her hand down her face. “And of course that idiota had to send down the most annoying star to try and ‘help’ me.”
“HEY!” Earendel flies down close to Asha’s face, making her and Valentino jump back in surprise. He glows more red now and his anger makes several of the animals scuttle back. “Don’t you dare speak of Queen Chiara that way! She’s the kindest and wisest star in the whole galaxy, and I will not tolerate you calling her an idiota. Look, I don’t know why she sent me specifically down here either, but she did not do it arbitrarily.”
“Okay okay, I’m sorry.” Asha says. Earendel floats back, his hair going back to yellow. Asha stays silent for a few seconds before speaking again. “So, I’m stuck with you until my wish comes true?”
Earendel shrugs. “Pretty much.”
Asha sets Valentino down and sighs, sitting on a log. “Great. And here I thought this day couldn’t get any worse.” She puts her face in her hands. Valentino whines and tilts his head.
Earendel frowns as he senses Asha’s grief and floats over to the log, sitting down next to her. “Hey, don’t worry, everything’s gonna be okay. I have no doubt you can make your wish come true. You know why?”
“Why?” Asha asks, looking up from her hands.
“Because you’re a star!” Earendel says, jumping up and holding his arms out.
“…huh?” Is all Asha says with a perplexed look. “I thought you were the star.”
“Well yes, but not like that. I mean, y’know,” Earendel huffs and puts his hands on his hips. “How do I explain this? Oh, I know!” He snaps his fingers and whistles for the animals. “Hey, could you guys come help me out?”
The animals gather around Earendel and he sprinkled stardust onto them. They look around and start to speak.
“Woah, it worked!” “Who knew I would sound like this?” “This is amazing!”
Earendel smiles and throws stardust at several trees, making them come to life. They yawn and stretch their branches. Asha looks around, still very confused. “What’s going on here?” Realization slowly dawns on her face. “oh wait no doN’T START-!”
🎵You’re a Star🎵
Forest Critters
Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers? Or why flowers in the wind are effortless and elegant dancers? Or how the tides in the sea move along to the beat?
(Earendel spins around and starts singing as Asha facepalms. He points to the sky. The stars form a flower constellation, then reshape and move like waves.)
What's passed down generationally, to him, to her, to you? And to me? And why our eyes all look like microscopic galaxies? Have you ever wondered why you look up at the sky for answers?
(Earendel points to a large tree, who points to another with its branch, who points to another, who points to a sapling that sings the last bit. An owl hops onto a branch in front of Asha, and we see a close up shot of its eyes. Earendel smiles at Asha and flies up after the last line, splaying his limbs out wide and sending stardust everywhere.)
Well, you don't have to look too hard Just find that spark inside your heart If you're try'na figure out just who you are Don't look far Don’t be ashamed of all your scars It’s all okay, let down your guard If you really wanna know just who you are You're a star!
(The animals begin to sing along with Earendel and dance around him and Asha. Asha still looks confused, but smiles a little. Valentino meanwhile looks terrified. Earendel dances around them, beaming.)
Boom! Now I know this must be a lot Well, I- Don’t speak, just free your thoughts! In the game of life, we're all shareholders
(Butterflies fly out from behind Asha. Earendel holds up his hands as he sings the second line. Asha glances away and begins to speak before Earendel puts a finger to her lips and gestures to the animals.)
We glow up! Like we’re about to go…solar! See everything’s looking up for us, every one of us Supernova to the brink of something wondrous The world aglow in shades of color all over So get up! Show the world you’re no poser!
(The animals take over for the next part as several rabbits dance around Asha. One pops up in front of the camera on “solar”. Earendel floats in a hammock-style position as he follows a turtle down a stream, nodding to the beat. He floats by Asha and jokingly punches her in the shoulder. Asha stumbles a little, but stays smiling.)
We eat the leaves and they eat the sun It’s no mystery where all our soul comes from Hey, you still look like you're hanging on by a strand Just open your mind up and you’ll understand
(Two mice sing on a leaf, and the camera pans up to the rest of the flower blooming against the moon. Earendel circles Asha and grabs a couple sticks, bearing them against some mushrooms like drums.)
So do you get it now? …I guess so? Good enough for me!
(Earendel tosses the sticks aside and looks at Asha hopefully. Asha does not in fact understand any of this, but hesitantly smiles and tilts her head. What else can she say? Earendel shrugs.)
Well, you don't have to look too hard You’re more then the sun of all your parts If you're try'na figure out just who you are You're a star! Don’t worry if your world goes dark ‘Cause you’ll find home, it’s not too far If you really wanna know just who you are You’re a star!
(A herd of deer run b, and two lift Earendel and Asha onto their backs. Stardust swirls around them like wind. They leap off a short cliff and Earendel flies off. Asha falls and lands
Here's a little tree allegory That gets me inspiratory You’ve got so much to explore We all have got to write our own story Don’t look down if skies are stormy ‘Cause your sun will rise in the morning Hope you get this metaphor-y You have got to write your own story
(Earendel runs through a clearing, making the plants around him light up. Two raccoons dangle from another branch and sing to Asha, nodding to the music. Several quail run around Asha, lighting up the ground in a similar shot as the film. More animals gather around on the final line.)
You don't have to look too hard/Here’s a little tree allegory It's been within you from the start/That should be inspiratory If you're try'na figure out just who you are/You’ve got so much to explore We all have got to write our own story No matter if you’re small or large/Don’t look down when skies are stormy Just get out there and raise the bar/You’re sun will rise in the morning If you really wanna know just who you are I'm a star!
(Everyone dances joyously, with Asha at the center. She takes Earendel’s hands and dances with him, smiling. Even Valentino looks happy. Earendel spins away on his final line and points to Asha, along with the animals and plants. Asha punts her hands on her heart and the song concludes with everyone except Asha laughing and cheering.)
Earendel waves to the animals as they start to leave, his hair glowing brightly. “Bye guys! Thanks for all your help!”
“Bye-bye Earendel!”
“That was so fun!”
“I wonder when this will wear off?”

Earendel turns around to Asha, looking up at her with pleading eyes. “So can I help make your wish come true?”
Asha still looks hesitant. Her and Valentino exchange a glance and look back at Earendel. She has a bad feeling about this. But oh, those eyes. That face. How could she say no?
“Fine, fine, you can come and help me,” Asha says with a sigh.
Earendel grins and hugs Asha tightly. “Oh, thank you! Thank you so much Alondra!”
Asha reaches up and pats Earendel’s head. “Please, call me Asha.” There’s a hiss from below and the two look down to see Valentino trying to claw at Earendel’s leg. “And, well, you’ve met Valentino already.”
“Oh yeah!” Earendel reaches down and scratch’s Valentino behind the ear. Valentino stiffens at first, but relaxes and chitters happily. Earendel stands back up and floats off of the ground. “Now, that’s enough talking. Let’s go save a kingdom!” And he flies off into the forest.
“Wait! I need to get my gear first!” Asha calls. There’s a few seconds of silence before Earendel comes back, looking embarrassed.
“Yeah, and I have no idea what we even need to do,” Earendel mumbles, scratching his head.
Asha jerks her head in the direction of the Hamlet. “Come with me and I’ll explain I everything to you.” Earendel nods and floats beside her as they go back to the Hamlet. Asha takes out her sketchbook and flips to a page showing the wish bubbles. “So, King Manuel and Queen Amaya make everyone give up their wishes when they come to Rosas or turn eighteen. But not just any wish, their deepest desire that drives their heart. Almost like a part of their soul. And about once a month Manuel will grant someone’s wish. But the rest he keeps locked away in his tower.”
Earendel shrugs. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“Well, when someone is without their wish long enough, it starts to affect them,” Asha continues. “They become depressed and have no drive to follow their passions. And those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones get sicker and weaker as time passes. I’ve seen it quite a few times in Rosas. And some…” she hesitates. “some die if they get too weak.”
Earendel’s brows furrow and he looks at Asha. “Then why do they take them away from people?”
“My father said that Manuel uses them to fuel his own magic,” Asha replies. “He never told me how he found out, but knowing Manuel it seems plausible.” The hamlet comes into view.
Earendel nods. “So we need to free the wishes and return them to their rightful owners.”
Asha nods. “Exactly. We’ll sneak into the castle and free the wishes. The details are a little fuzzy but I’ll figure them out on our way.” She looks around as she walks over to her house to make sure nobody sees them. “Okay, wait here while I get ready.” Earendel nods and stands to the side as Asha shuts the door. He looks around and sits down, poking a flower and making it glow. He smiles.
We cut back to the castle. Flazino is rubbing his eyes tiredly. “So let me get this straight: a star fell out of the sky all of a sudden, landed in the middle of the Uncharted Forest, and now you want me to go and find it in the middle of the night?”
There’s a wider shot, showing he’s in the throne room of the castle. Manuel is standing in front of his throne. “Yes, exactly.”

Flazino sighs. “Can’t this wait until the morning? It’s too dark out to go on a wild goose chase.”
“No, this cannot wait a moment,” Manuel insists, tapping his staff on the ground for emphasis. “We need to find that star before someone else does. Grimm only knows what some stupid peasant might try to do with it.”
“And what are you going to do if I don’t go and fetch your little star?” Flazino asks, narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms.
Manuel chuckles and walks towards Flazino. “You know…it was very kind of me to let you keep your wish. Especially since everyone else in the kingdom your age has to give theirs up.” He stops in front of Flazino and pushes the tip of his staff against his chest. “But if you dare to defy me, I won’t hesitate to take it away. I could even crush it. Would you like that, boy?”
Flazino looks troubled by his father’s threats and looks away, schooling his expression. “I thought so,” Manuel says, pulling his staff away. “Now go get dressed, your horse should be ready for you.” Flazino nods and quickly walks out of the throne room.
We cut to a shot of Flazino, who’s now wearing a dark blue cloak, taking the reins of his horse from a guard outside the castle and riding off into the night. He gallops through the entrance of Rosas, and we see a brief montage of him riding through the countryside before he reaches the woods. He stops just outside, scanning the tree line. His horse softly nickers and takes a step back with worry.
“Hey, it’s okay, shhh,” Flazino says, petting his horse’s neck. “Come on. The sooner we find the star, the sooner we can leave.” He pulls the hood tighter over his head and walks into the woods.

Author Notes

I see why you all were saying rewriting this song was hell. Again I used a cover by Jonah Who Two, but that did not help in describing the visuals. There’s just so much going on so quickly. It works fine for a movie, but is hell on earth to write down. And I’m still a little hesitant when it comes to the lyrics. Earendel already gave a description of how he works for Asha and the audience, so I wanted the song to focus more on cheering up Asha and giving her a confidence boost. But I wonder if it would have been better to explain stars through the song instead Oh well, too late now. I just want to get to the villain song as soon as possible.
And we get a good introduction to Earendel! I wanted to draw a lot of his personality from the movie. He is very sweet and naive, but ready to throw hands for the ones he cares about (I’m sure that won’t be a problem later…).
He’s also very insistent on being helpful, because, well, he wants to prove himself to the queen. Like he says, he doesn’t know why she chose him to help Asha, but he’s willing to do the best he can. After all, who wouldn’t love some help from a star? So when Asha tells him no, it knocks the wind out of his sails. But he’s very persistent. It’s in his nature to be kind and caring towards others.
And we see the first glimpse of Asha being vulnerable around a stranger. It’s very small and brief, but it leads to Earendel cheering her up through “You’re a Star”. And seeing him be so genuine towards her, Asha lets him tag along. But make no mistake, at this point she’s still very reluctant about the idea.
And there’s the final scene with Flazino and Manuel. I meant to extend it to Flazino meeting Asha and Earendel and ending it there, but at that point I was just so tired of writing this chapter, so I ended it a little early. So the focus of the scene is more so the first time we see Manuel be directly abusive to Flazino. Which is especially harsh after we see what happened to Sabino.
And with that we finally conclude this chapter. Next chapter the trio will finally come together, so a lot of fun stuff there. Now if you’ll excuse me. *collapses*
Thanks for reading!
Character Fun Facts

Progress on Chapter Six has been a little slow, so I decided to offer something different in the meantime.
Asha 🗡️
She’s actually very good with children, and occasionally they’ll ask her to tell them stories from her adventures in Rosas. She also tells them a lot of the same stories Thomás told her.
She’s not very good at drawing people. She sticks to mostly drawing landscapes and animals.
Her sword was passed down to her from Thomás, who received it as a special gift from King Enrique himself.
She looks a lot more like her father then her mother.
She’s actually 20 in this story, while Flazino is 19. I decided to make her a little older in this story since she started stealing from Rosas at 14, giving her 6 years of experience, which made the most sense to me.
Earendel ✨
His real life counterpart is WHL0137-LS, which is actually the earliest and most distant star we know of at 28 billion light-years away.
His favorite animals are deer, hence the addition of antlers on his cloak. Quite a bit of the time he spent watching Earth was spent observing deer.
Since the sun is a star, his powers are connected to Rapunzel’s from Tangled. However, since he is a star himself, he doesn’t have to sing to heal people or make them younger.
He’s considered very odd for a star with his interest in Earth. The stars around him are old enough to still remember their conflict with humans, and they don’t understand how anyone could see them as anything besides monsters. But Earendel believes things could be different if they just tried to make peace.
Due to his beliefs he’s very ostracized from the rest of the stars. All except for Queen Charia, who seems to hold the same beliefs and treats Earendel with the most respect and kindness. Because of this he came to look up to her like a mother figure.
Flazino 🎵
On his eighteenth birthday, Dahlia scrapped up enough money to buy him a lute, which he absolutely loves. Which his parents watching him a lot closer however, he’s had very little chance to play it.
Although he lacks skill in magic, he’s very talented in things such as philosophy, literature, and the arts. Which really annoys Manuel, who is heavily into magic and politics.
Whenever he has a chance, he’ll slip off into the city wearing a cloak as a disguise and just pretend to be a normal peasant for a while. The only person besides Dahlia who knows this is Gabo, a local merchant’s son he befriended a few years before the story.
He’s actually a little allergic to cats, which he uses as an excuse to avoid Charo and Amaya.
Some rumors float around the castle that him and Dahlia are a thing, but that’s never been true. Him and Dahlia have always been just really close friends.
Manuel 👑
He always viewed Enrique as a weak and pathetic king who didn’t realize the potential of his own power. Although Enrique could never figure out why Manuel grew so distant from him.
He was actually the one to set Thomás up with Sakina when they were teenagers. He saw a spark between them and ultimately knew they would be a perfect match.
Instead of flowers, Manuel gifts Amaya bundles of herbs for special occasions that she can use in her potions.
He hates Charo just as much as Flazino does, but doesn’t dare to admit it around his wife.
He knew Asha before him and Thomás went their separate ways, back when she was a baby.
Amaya 🧪
There have been some accidents and shenanigans with her potions, like spilling a potion and making several of her books fly around the room, or Charo drinking a little and becoming huge.
Speaking of Charo, she found him as a kitten alone in a crate while walking through the marketplace. She took pity on him and took him in, even after Manuel told her no.
She’s actually very talented with the flute, and is probably where Flazino got his love of music from.
She always despised Tomás, viewing him as a dirty good-for-nothing peasant who just got lucky with the king. Completely ignoring her own history with Manuel of course.
She and Manuel never wanted kids, but since it would look off if they never had any heirs, the had Flazino out of obligation.
Chapter Six: A Chance Meeting

Flazino wanders through the forest on his horse, looking for any sign of the star. He doesn’t know exactly what he’s looking for, but he’s sure he’ll know once he sees it.
He spots an odd flower and stops, dismounting to get a closer look. It’s the same flower Earendel created while he was following Asha. He pulls it out of the ground and watches the petals gently glow. “I must be dreaming.” He stands up and looks around. “Unless the star did this.”
“Oh yeah, that’s Earendel’s handiwork.” A child’s voice says. Flazino spins around, trying to find the source of the voice as he puts his hand on the hilt of his broadsword. “Down here!” The voice says. Flazino looks down and sees a rabbit at his feet. The rabbit waves his paw. “Hello there!”

“…I’m definitely dreaming.” Flazino says after a moment of stunned silence.
The rabbit giggles. “Nope! You’re not. You see this star came down from the sky and gave me this special dust that let me and a bunch of other animals talk and sing.” He explains casually.
Flazino perks up. “Star? You’ve seen the star? Was it with someone? Where did it go?”
“Woah woah woah, calm down,” the rabbit says, holding his paws up. “He went to the hamlet with Asha and said they were going to go save Rosas. I can take you to them if you’d like.”
“Yes,” Flazino says, immediately getting onto his horse. “Yes. Please. Now.” The rabbit goes back to all fours and hops away. Flazino pulls his hood tighter over his head and follows.
We cut to just outside the hamlet, where the rabbit stops. “Here we are.”
Flazino dismounts his horse and ties the reigns to a branch. “Thank you.” The rabbit nods and hops away. Flazino pushes away some branches and steps through into the Hamlet. He stops and looks around in amazement, having never seen a community outside of Rosas. He looks towards one house in particular, the only one where light is coming from inside. A black stallion stands outside grazing, fully saddled. The light moves and briefly passes a window.
Flazino sneaks towards the house, his hand on his sword. He presses against a wall and ducks below a window. “Why didn’t you mention the prince before?” Earendel’s voice asks from inside.
We cut to inside, where Asha is tying a sash belt around her waist (like the one shown below). Earendel is sitting on the table, swinging his feet. “To be honest, sometimes I forget he exists.” Asha says.

“I’ve never seen him myself. From what I hear he barely leaves the castle,” Asha continues, putting on her hat.
“How come?” Earendel asks.
“Nobody really knows. But either way, I don’t think he’ll be much of a threat.”
Asha grabs her rapier and sheathes it. Earendel jumps off the table and floats next to her. “Are we finally ready to go?”
Asha nods. “Yes, yes, we’re ready. Let me-“ she stops immediately as she hears a snap from outside. There’s a beat of silence before Asha slowly walks towards the door. “Stay here, and keep quiet.” Earendel frowns and flops into a chair, putting his head in his hands.
Asha slowly walks outside and looks around. She peers around the corner where we last saw Flazino, but no one is there. The only things there are a broken twig and a few footprints in the dirt. Asha bends down to examine the prints in confusion.
A silhouette appears behind Asha, and a shadow falls over her. She freezes for a few seconds before quickly drawing her sword and spinning around, pointing it straight at the figure’s neck.
We get a better look at the figure and see it’s Flazino. He holds up his hands and steps back in surprise. “Woah, woah, easy there!”
“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Asha demands.
Flazino clears his throat and pulls his hood down. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Prince Flazino of Rosas. I’m here looking for a star that I believe fell out of the sky and caused that light earlier tonight. And you are?”
Asha smirks and does a little bow. “The Alondra of Rosas, at your service your highness.”
Flazino blinks in surprise. “You’re the Alondra?”
“What, did you expect me to be taller?” Asha teases.
“No. I guess I didn’t think you’d be so pretty,” Flazino says.
Asha is clearly caught off guard by this remark. “Excuse me?”
“Nothing, nothing, nothing at all,” Flazino says quickly, his face growing red.
Asha rolls her eyes. “Alright, listen. I really don’t have the time for this. I have no idea where your star is, so why don’t you go back to your king and tell him there is nothing worth his time in the forest.”
Flazino glances behind Asha, and we see a light moving from one window to the other in Asha’s house from his perspective. “I think you’re lying. I think you know exactly where the star is,” He says with a smirk.
“And what if I did, huh? Do you really think I would just let you take him back to Rosas?”
“I suppose not,” Flazino says. He slowly pulls out his sword. “At least, not without a fight. If you win, you can keep the star and you’ll never see me again. If I win, I take you and the star to King Manuel and let him handle you. Deal?”
There’s a beat before Asha shrugs. “Deal.” She wastes no time before she takes the first swing, but Flazino blocks it. They each swing at each other rapidly, their swords clinking as they hit one another.

Flazino’s fighting is much more refined than the guards, with much more agility and precision. But Asha doesn’t seem worried by this. She has the same air of boldness and even arrogance that she did with the guards. The two press their swords close to one another, their faces close.
“Not bad,” Asha says.
Flazino kicks her back and catches her off guard, knocking his sword into a tree. “Not bad at all.” He replies. He points his sword at her chin. “Now, about that star-” He’s cut off as a ball of stardust hits him in the face. He coughs and wipes his face, looking at the dust. “What the-”
Earendel floats above Asha’s head, clenching another ball of stardust and holding it up, ready to throw it. “Come at me! There’s plenty more where that came from!”
Asha quickly takes the opportunity to grab her sword. “Earendel, go back inside. Now.”
“No way! I can’t just let him push you around and hurt you without doing something,” Earendel replies.
“He just caught me off guard. I’ll be okay now.” Asha glares at Flazino, but he doesn’t even glance at her. He’s too busy staring up at Earendel.
“You’re the star?” Flazino asks hesitantly.
“Yes, I am.” Earendel flies closer to the prince. “If you’re here for my magic, good luck trying to take it. It can’t hurt anyone, but that won’t stop me from trying.”
Flazino is silent for a few moments as he stares at Earendel. Finally, he looks away. “I-I can’t,” he says, dropping his sword. “I can’t hurt a child.” Asha looks surprised by his words.
Earendel blinks and tosses aside the ball off stardust, which dissipates. “Oh, um…good.”
“Great,” Asha grabs Flazino’s sword and shoves it into his hands. “Now get out of here. And don’t come back.”
Earendel looks between Asha and Flazino in deep thought. An exclamation point made of stardust suddenly appears above his head. “Asha, wait!” Earendel says, waving away the dust. “What if he helped us?”
“WHAT?” Asha and Flazino say in unison, snapping their heads towards the star.
“Earendel, do you realize how crazy that sounds?” Asha asks.
“I know, I know, but hear me out. He’s the prince. If anyone knows their way around Rosas, let alone the castle, it’s him. He could help us get to the wishes a lot easier than if we went alone,” Earendel says.
“And what if he tries to betray us?” Asha asks.
“He already said he didn’t want to hurt me,” Earendel looks at Flazino. “Right?”
Flazino slowly nods. “Right…”
Earendel floats closer to Flazino. “Hey, listen to me. Asha and I plan to free the wishes of Rosas and take down the king and queen. Your parents. You should know that it’s wrong of them to take the wishes for themselves. And what happens to someone when they loose their wish.” Flazino glances away. That’s all Earendel needs to see to know he does. “But we can stop them. We can give the wishes back to their rightful owners and make everything better. Asha and I could do it on our own, but it would work so much better with your help. Together the three of us have a shot at changing Rosas forever.”
“It would be impossible to stop fath- Manuel and Amaya.” Flazino says.
“Yeah, well…it’s kind of fun to do the impossible,” Earendel replies with a gentle smile. Flazino’s eyes shift in contemplation. “So what do you say? Will you help us?”
“I…I will,” Flazino says with a sigh. He looks at Asha, who still seems uncertain. He kneels down, sticking his sword into the ground in front of him, bowing his head. “I swear on my honor, I will protect both of you and help you free the wishes of Rosas.”
“Very well,” Asha says after a beat. “You can come with us.”
“Yes! I knew you two would come around!” Earendel says, pumping his fist in the air and spinning in the around before flying towards the trees. “Come on, let’s go already!”
“Okay, okay, just slow down.” Asha grabs Max by the reigns and leads him towards Flazino. “You have a horse, right?”
“Yeah, right outside,” Flazino says, getting up.
“Good.” There’s a whining at Asha’s feet, and she looks down to see Valentino pawing at her leg. She bends down. “You can’t come with me this time buddy. But I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She scratches his head and stands up. “If anyone asks where we are, play dumb.” Valentino nods dutifully as Asha leads Max out of the Hamlet.
Outside the Hamlet, Flazino is mounting his horse while Earendel flies around in excitement. Asha mounts Max. The two horses eye each other with suspicion.

Asha looks at Flazino as he pulls his hood over his head. “Hey. I know we had a bit of a rough start back there, but…let’s try to make things work for now. For Earendel’s sake, you know?” She extends a hand.
“Sure. For Earendel,” Flazino says. He reached out and shakes Asha’s hand.
“Are you guys going to stand their chatting all night, or are we gonna go?” The star asks, floating in front of them.
“We’re ready to go,” Asha says.
“WAHOO! FINALLY!” Earendel turns around and soars off. Asha and Flazino snap the reigns of their horses and gallop after him. The camera pans up to show Rosas as the sun begins to rise and the music swells.
“Kingdom of Rosas, here we come!”

Author Notes
And at last, our main trio is together. It was really fun to write Asha and Flazino’s interactions. They’ll definitely shine more during the later half of the story, but I’m happy with their banter and quips when they first meet. I wanted to give them a similar dynamic to Phoebes and Esmerelda in this rewrite. I’ve always found their dynamic to be really fun and I don’t think we’ve gotten one quite like theirs since then.
Like the first chapter I think the weakest part here is the action. But as long as you can get the general idea of what I’m going for I think that’s okay. In my opinion, this kind of story should save that energy for more emotional scenes. And boy, do I have some emotional scenes in mind for later.
We also get to see more of Earendel being Earendel. With him I want to convey that yes, he is still a child and acts as such, but he is a little older and knows when to be serious. And again, ready to fight in a moments notice. Because man, I wanna see that more in Starboys.
And finally, yes, for the time being Valentino will not be with the main cast. Juggling the trio is hard enough, and I feel like he would just get in the way and wouldn’t add a lot. But he will come back during the climax, so he still has a purpose.
So that’s it for Chapter Six. The next chapter we’ll head back into the city and see more of our villains and side cast, so lots of fun stuff there.
Thanks for reading!
Hiii! I saw your ask box come up, I actually have two sets of questions! This one will be about your Upon A Star rewrite, and the next set will be about your original story, The Solomonars Chronicles.
So here's my questions:
What inspired you to create Upon A Star? Other rewriters or the Wish movie itself?
2. What gave you the idea to have Flazino be a prince in your rewrite?
3. Do you have any idea how many chapters your story will be?
4. What's the timespan of your story?
5. Are you including the others songs from the movie in here, or are you removing some of them?
6. Are the rest of the teens featured in your story, since we've only seen Dahlia and Simon so far?
7. Do all your characters have trauma? Lol. 😂
8. I can personally see UoS!Asha and WG!Asha getting along since they're both actively fighting back against the royals (and have sass), but what about UoS!Earendel and WG!Star? They might be different ages, but I could see them having fun together.
9. You planning to do the scene of the trio in Rosas together? Cause that's one of my favorite scenes in a wish rewrite!
10. Any hints for the ending? 😉
11. Out of questions, but I'd like to give you a hug!

Oh, hi! Thanks for the wonderful set of questions, can’t wait to hear the ones about the Solomonar Chronicles.
A mix of both, really. There were some elements in other rewrites I thought might fit in my own, and a lot of things from the movie I thought I could expand upon or do different. Like Asha being more athletic in the film.
I thought it just fit, and it was a spin I hadn’t seen anyone else do. I wanted him to be a sort of homage to the old Disney Princes while giving him a little more time to develop his relationship with Asha than the others did (minus the Beast and Naveen). Generally I thought it would be a really interesting dynamic to have, since him and Asha come from completely opposite backgrounds. It also made his relationship with Manuel and Amaya more compelling.
Around 20-ish chapters.
About 2-3 days.
I will include all of the songs except “This is the Thanks I Get”, which is getting replaced with “Good to Be King”. I’m still figuring out if it should be a duet or just Manuel singing.
They will all probably get cameos, but the only two that have major roles in the story are Dahlia and Gabo.
Yes, no-one is safe from my wrath Gabo and Dahlia are relatively fine. And Valentino I guess lol. And Earendel is safe for now. For now…
Oh yeah, I can see Earendel looking up to Star like a big brother. Probably jealous of his shape-shifting too. They’d get along great.
That’s the next chapter actually. I just have to write it… A lot of Earendel interacting with human stuff and Flazino and Asha being stressed parents.
*dumps this gif and runs away*

11. Aww, thank you!