EBook Launch - Tumblr Posts
My new art collection eBook is now available on Amazon with Kindle Unlimited (KU) and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) for a limited time.
DRAWING ENERGY: A Collection of Figure Sketches with a Stick Model, Portraits and Drawing Hands (Figure Drawing)
My new art collection eBook is now available on Amazon with Kindle Unlimited (KU) and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) for a limited time. DRAWING ENERGY: A Collection of Figure Sketches with a Stick Model, Portraits and Drawing Hands (Figure Drawing)
My new art collection eBook is now available on Amazon
with Kindle Unlimited (KU)
and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL)
for a limited time.
DRAWING ENERGY: A Collection of Figure Sketches with a Stick Model, Portraits and Drawing Hands (Figure Drawing)