Edd Gould - Tumblr Posts
2 year difference


In days like this I have no idea what to say.. So. Just decided to remade my old drawing of him.
(I wanted to add a speedpaint, but couldn't)
Watching his favorite movies and drinking Cola today.

Today is the day our Edd Gould passed away.
Unfortunately, the disease struck him, devouring him from the inside..
But his world will stay with us, his world remains alive...
Edd left a good mark on himself, pleased many viewers who continue to watch him!
He has not been with us for 12 years, but he is in our hearts, in our memories
I am sincerely grateful to him for a happy childhood, his world continues to shine and delight many people's faces!
Yes, let's raise a can of Coke...

I discovered Edd Gould's work in 2021 and was surprised to see how good he was at animation and art. He seemed like a really nice and kind person to know, I wish I had known about Edd and his work sooner, but I'm glad I got to know the amazing work he did here on earth. I thank Edd Gould for motivating me to draw and want to make an animation, thank you very much! 💜
I don't know if anyone from the eddsworld team will read this but know that you are doing a great job especially Matt Hargreaves. Edd Gould must definitely be proud of you! 💚
I made a simple drawing in honor of him
Thank you for everything Edd Gould! 💚

COMPLETELY forgot to post this oh my god. edd and his 3 edds :3 wanted to draw this dude but it also became me imitating his 3 different styles. still like how this turned out and decided it was going to just be a tribute for one of my biggest inspirations. edd is so cool guys.
Edd out of the context - 3:25
That is all I must say
[Love these sm weeeeee-💥💥]
Edd out of the context and more
I made TWO more videos because I can.
Back when I thought that 2 hours of Tom is too much.. But 18 of Edd is just... I can't explain it. "Do you know what INSANITY is?"

hi ! i was just wondering where you got the video of edd playing in the snow and if you have a link :o if you do thank you in advance ♡! :D ( if you don't thx anyway >_> )
Time code: 0:21


Art stuff with a pinch with @shenanigan-central and there characters with the poster there working on
From The Book of Edd Gould

Based on a true story . Or. True Journal entry atleast

Everyone say thank you eddvault for preserving (most of) edds journal entries for our entertainment
There are never too many photos. Еspecially photos of him.
all the pictures have been edited… I had to cover Chris up manually, because all you see here are screenshots from his stream.

3 more photos

found here: https://youtu.be/bqQLIpmutrc?si=n-yC8Pklzx3rjz1p
Its here ya just in time for a early gift for matt bday toooooo
little rant in tags but...
can we please stop tagging eddsworld character fanart with the irl names of the creators?? thanks

Hmm... Stickers? :D
(I apologize for the poor quality)

I discovered Edd Gould's work in 2021 and was surprised to see how good he was at animation and art. He seemed like a really nice and kind person to know, I wish I had known about Edd and his work sooner, but I'm glad I got to know the amazing work he did here on earth. I thank Edd Gould for motivating me to draw and want to make an animation, thank you very much! 💜
I don't know if anyone from the eddsworld team will read this but know that you are doing a great job especially Matt Hargreaves. Edd Gould must definitely be proud of you! 💚
I made a simple drawing in honor of him
Thank you for everything Edd Gould! 💚
HOLY FU-...three days in a row without uploading anything 🥲🔫
Firstly, I apologise
Secondly, time to speedrun - - - - - - - - - -
27 - Edd Gould

Look at him, so happy, animating with his friends in the background (Tom, matt and Paul, Tord can't be seen but he's there)
28 - Edd's birthday

The doodle makes me sad because I wanted to do something better but I was a little bit happy. Happy belated birthday edd
29 - your fandom inspirationI have 2, actually

@lunasilverpelt I love the way he/she draws because if I try to draw like that I get a deformed thingy.
And cata animations

Not only because he's a spanish speaker (that's the least important point) but also because heranimations are very nice and well done
Some random idea I have for my fanfic in Wattpad , I will surely wrote it. The song is not mine, it's from Dhmis 3, I just thought it would fit. I realized that even if Inside Job Part 2 hasn't launched yet, I like Ron and adding him will may give more protagonism to Reagan. So let's start!
-Here! Those are 10 dollars, now go away and buy something, I don't know, said Edd pushing the Inside Job characters outside the house
-Huh? Strange, said Reagan
-What are they gonna do to him?, asked Gigi
-Sing, probably, answered Andre
-But those songs are horrible!, said Gigi
-C'mon, guys! It's not that bad!, said Brett
-When we arrived they sang a song about our death, said Reagan
-And then they sang a song of how worthless we are, said Myc
-Yeah, but they can't do worse, right?, asked Brett
-Yes, said Reagan looking the inside of the house from a window
Meanwhile, the rest of characters were inside the house with Ron
-Umm, hello?, said Ron
-Have you ever wondered why we're here?, started to sang Edd
What's it all about, you've no idea
And everywhere you look all you see is hatred, and darkness, death and fear
But you know it doesn't have to be
That i don't know, and you don't know me
Cause even though we're different, it doesn't make a difference
And we can live in harmony
No, you don't know where you are
But together we will get far
And together we can understand about friendship!
-Emmm, no thanks, answered Ron
-No excuses, said Edd
And do you ever feel like life's unfair?, continue to sang
Cause everybody hates you, and no one cares!
But if you follow me
Maybe you'll see
That friends will be everywhere
-Can't I just go home?, asked Ron
-This is your new home, answered Edd, - Come with me, let's met the others!
So here we are with all my friends, and they love you, all of them, sang Edd pointing the other characters
-Yes we do!, sang Sayori
-Is it true!, sang Tord
-We are friends and it will never end!, sang Boyfriend
-What are you talking about? I don't even know you!, said Ron
-To love each other, is to care
To be kind, and to share!, sang Edd
-I love my friend so I give him a hug, said Chalice hugging Void
-I made this for you, cause I love you so much, sang Michelle giving Ron a cake
-I love my pet, 'cause she's now my daughter , sang Shaun grabbing Moonpie hands
-Okay?, said Ron confused
-Our hearts asked night and day, sang Edd
-To have a new friend which we can play
-So be happy, sang Sayori
-Because all perfect is here!, sang all the characters
-We don't have taxes!, sang Brock
-Food is free!, sang Darlene
-And lots of money come here!, sang Griff
-That's how we live in this house, sang Tom
-We are happy like those mouses!, sang Bruno
-And it's for forever, and forever, sang John
-And now we all worship the readers!, sang Edd, then everyone started to be in a prey pose, Ron was pretty confused with all of that
-There are readers, sang Yuri
-We are inside a fanfic, sang Colette
-We must entertain them, sang Jack
-We must entertain them with our pain, sang Peter
-Wait, what?, said Ron
-Or they will forget about us, sang Edd, the pushing Ron into a chair, - So, dear Ron, let's make a deal
Because none of us is actually real
-You don't even exist, sang Yuri
-And you're only fiction from a large list!, sang James while the others were tying Ron to the chair
-And we need you here to live with us here, sang Edd with a creepy smile
-And your heart will find it's home, sang Grom
-And our friendship will never go, sang Monika
-Now give us your hair!, sang Edd with a pair of scissors
-For that reviving machine from there!, sang the others characters
-And you will be forever with us here, continue to sang Edd
-So, how was the song?, asked Glenn outside the house
-Weird, answered Reagan
Thank you so much for reading, tell me if I write right or should I improve.
Now that I'm thinking, I need help. My fanfic is a completely bunch of nonsense franchises mixed together to the point it doesn't make sense. I mean, there is Spongebob, and Eddsworld. AND DDLC, it's already Cringe by just saying titles but it's more Cringe visually. Just take a look. This is chapter 18 in a nutshell

Happy New Year! Those are the characters that help me to go through 2022. I'm childish I know