Warriors Oc - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Sooo... As a first post (Ik this is gonna be really poorly formated, hear me out, I have no idea about Tumblr), just a lil adopt I did on Warriors Amino! I'm trying to keep myself distracted, yk, the usual... So far, designing with colour palettes is just really fun đź‘Ť

Sooo... As A First Post (Ik This Is Gonna Be Really Poorly Formated, Hear Me Out, I Have No Idea About
Sooo... As A First Post (Ik This Is Gonna Be Really Poorly Formated, Hear Me Out, I Have No Idea About

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2 years ago

Again, designs I made on WA using colour palettes... Yk, the usual đź‘Ť

Again, Designs I Made On WA Using Colour Palettes... Yk, The Usual
Again, Designs I Made On WA Using Colour Palettes... Yk, The Usual

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2 years ago

First doodle page of the notebook (Part 1)

These aren't in order of when I made em, it's just that... Well... None of these things go well together, so it's probably better to post em separately-... Yk, they're just really damn different topics n stuff (I'm not even done with the whole page either, and it's already this bad of a mess)

First Doodle Page Of The Notebook (Part 1)

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2 years ago

Heck it, posting lil kitty I drew recently... Gonna try to be more active, it's just that I have been drawing mostly cats for years, and now being free from that restraint feels... Weird?... Yeah, I got banned off the place I used to be active on, so suffer, y'all gonna have to see my rambles 🤭

Heck It, Posting Lil Kitty I Drew Recently... Gonna Try To Be More Active, It's Just That I Have Been

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2 years ago

Just a lil fella based on a generator kid, yk, nothing too interesting... Anyways, head is killing me, so expect a bunch of posts everywhere with the same heccing drawings, because I'm trying my best to contain myself from contacting my ex just to say how much of a hypocrite she is (She did exactly what I did to her because of my obsessive attachment to me), and that I hope she loses everything like I did 🤭

Just A Lil Fella Based On A Generator Kid, Yk, Nothing Too Interesting... Anyways, Head Is Killing Me,
Just A Lil Fella Based On A Generator Kid, Yk, Nothing Too Interesting... Anyways, Head Is Killing Me,

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2 years ago

Tried to draw cleanly instead of progressively drawing messier... Mf is probably a barn lesbian, and nothing can stop me from making the mf into one

Tried To Draw Cleanly Instead Of Progressively Drawing Messier... Mf Is Probably A Barn Lesbian, And

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1 year ago
Lure The People In With Pokemon And Submas. Hit Em With A Battle Cats Post Every Once In A While

lure the people in with pokemon and submas. hit em with a battle cats post every once in a while

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1 year ago
That's It That's The Post What A Nice First Post On My Avatar Yeh

That's it that's the post what a nice first post on my avatar yeh

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10 months ago

Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?

Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?

Pink, dew-covered grass pokes at you, tickling your ankles and swaying in a nonexistent breeze when you try to escape its touch, as though it is laughing at your hopeless attempts. All the while, though, a friendly cheeriness lingers in the warm air around you in this bright, welcoming place. Yet you don’t feel right. You don’t feel right at all.

It shouldn’t be this colorful, or warm, or gleeful.

What happened?


Welcome to Birds Of A Feather, a ClanGen blog following the story of four apprentices living in a vibrant and happy grassland, where days are always the same cycle of eating, prancing through the wet grass, and laughing heartily together. Always the same.

Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?
Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?
Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?
Why Does The Ground Feel So Muddy?







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6 months ago

Hello! I’m aware that this blog has been inactive since the introduction post, and I’m very sorry for that. My main issue with projects is that I get caught up in other things and forget to work on them, and this blog has been no exception unfortunately.

I’m going to try my best to get Moon 1 out soon, and hopefully updates can be consistent now that I have a style that I’m happy with for this blog. The apprentices have gotten redesigned into the new style, their new refs shown below:

Hello! Im Aware That This Blog Has Been Inactive Since The Introduction Post, And Im Very Sorry For That.
Hello! Im Aware That This Blog Has Been Inactive Since The Introduction Post, And Im Very Sorry For That.
Hello! Im Aware That This Blog Has Been Inactive Since The Introduction Post, And Im Very Sorry For That.
Hello! Im Aware That This Blog Has Been Inactive Since The Introduction Post, And Im Very Sorry For That.

Thank you so much for your patience and I promise that I’ll work as much on this project as I can.

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6 months ago
Moon Zero

Moon Zero

The Beginning: Wrenpaw

The soothing sound of trickling water caresses your ears, calming the sore muscles of your body. Your eyes flutter open, greeted by warm sunlight that swallowed your vision. Wet fronds of forest undergrowth tickled at your cheeks and brushed against the lids of your narrowed eyes. As you rise from the ground, disoriented and weak, you gaze at the lakeside clearing that you awoke within. With waterlogged fur and tired limbs, you stagger through the weeds towards a forked path that twisted deeper into the dark woodland. One path, the one that branches off to the left, is shrouded in shadows and overridden with bramble and thistles. The second, which extends to the right, is clear of obstacles, but reverberates with the sound of unknown forest creatures.

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5 months ago
Moon Zero

Moon Zero

You go down the left path.

Dead leaves slick with bitter-smelling water crunch and squelch beneath your paws as you stumble along the uneven trail. The thorns of bramble bushes tug and tear at your fur, but strangely you’re numb to it. Thistles nibble at your ankles as you walk. You can feel drops of blood travel down from the wounds along your flanks as brambles eat away at them.

Does this path ever end? Is there nothing here?

It had turned out that, yes, something awaited you along the trail. But it was not something you had ever expected to find.

Moon Zero

Two strangely familiar cats, drenched in foul-smelling waters and a viscous red — no, pink? — substance that poured from wounds along their soaked hides.

You discovered: Blood!

One lay unconscious, the other barely clinging on to whatever kept her awake. Upon seeing you, she rose a paw, weakly, from the foliage to reach desperately towards you. Her hooded blue eyes pleaded for help. Her mouth opened as though she wanted to cry out, but instead of words, blood cascaded from her maw. Now you recognize them — Kestrelpaw and Bramblingpaw. You grew up alongside them, though they were a few moons older. They were your best friends. Your… Clanmates.

You discovered: Clanmates!

You rush to the aid of your Clanmates, hurrying to the she-cat’s side and running your nose along her fur. She had no visible injuries besides one on her foreleg. Maybe some head trauma, but she’d be alright. You hoped. With your assistance, she hauled herself up onto her paws and swayed for a moment, as though she would topple over again, before righting herself.

“Thank you,” she said to you with a voice husky but full of gratitude. Now that you were closer, you could see that her bloody mouth was the result of two freshly knocked out teeth. “I tried waking up Bramblingpaw already but he won’t budge. I want to stay here until he wakes up on his own.”

You glanced at Bramblingpaw. With the amount of wounds he had, he might not ever wake up. But you wouldn’t say that.

The she-cat opened her bloody mouth to speak again, but she was cut off by a shrill scream and an ear-splitting howl that emitted from deeper in the woods. You glance at Kestrelpaw with worried eyes. You feel your curiosity tugging at your paws, telling you to go investigate, but should you when there’s two injured cats here?

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7 months ago

Another animation wip...doing multiple of these at the same time lol I'll make a purely warriors based blog at some point

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8 months ago
Various reference sketches of Rookfrost. He is a skinny, dark grey oriental/american shorthair mix with big green eyes, white toes, black ears, and a black nose bridge with a small scar. His most notable features are an angular, vaguely bird-shaped white mark on his chest and his polydactyl front paws which make him look like he has thumbs. In the centermost sketch he is standing with his body to the side and his tongue sticking out. A sketch in the upper right corner has him looking down at a book with a perplexed face.
There is also a small sketch of a back alley behind a takeout place, notably some boxes and wood palettes covered with tarp, which is where he lives. 
In the bottom left corner in a sketch of his head with the subtitle "#livinglikelarry" that says next to it "When you escape a cult and live behind a Chinese takeout (the food is good and you have friends now + you find your long lost brother)."

I did a complete overhaul of Rookfrost and Minecraftpaw's backstory (I am not getting into it right now it is... a lot) and decided to redesign Rookie a little because his being some sort of odd partial colorpoint was really bothering me. I made the last minute decision to make him polydactyl since it added to his general theme of "not fitting in". And also I may have accidentally drawn a thumb while sketching him and liked it too much.

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2 years ago

I post all the time I don’t know what your talking about

I Post All The Time I Dont Know What Your Talking About
I Post All The Time I Dont Know What Your Talking About
I Post All The Time I Dont Know What Your Talking About

My boy Rainpaw

I’m gonna post some Emberclan (roleplay I’m in) possibly so your going to see this guys face a bit.

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1 year ago


This is RoyalSun, he is from the same place as the cat in my earlier post. He has a pet snake named Cruncher and sits around all day doing nothing (hes just like me fr). His design was created by my friend AceieMochi on DeviantArt.


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11 months ago
Did Some Commission Work! These Kitties Were Precious To Draw... I Hope The Person Playing Didn't Ghost

Did some commission work! These kitties were precious to draw... I hope the person playing didn't ghost me though lol.

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