Eddie Brock Imagine - Tumblr Posts
we the people kindly request (desperately beg for) venom fic if you have time/inspiration ❤️

A/N: Eddie Brock x F!Reader x Venom. Symbiote Sex. Threesome. Feelings. Size kink. Major stretching involved. Buzzed sex, but they know what's up. I wrote this in an hour instead of showering for an event I have because I have no self control. ANY WAY - hope you enjoy:
It’s the day of Anne’s wedding.
Scratch that - it’s now the night of Anne's wedding.
There are tea lights and glistening silver pails of champagne and the band’s music clashes and folds in the vast ballroom. Anne is beautiful in silk and cream and no frills as you expected. She squeezes you tightly when you hug her - her waxy plum mouth in your ear whispering: thank you.
You accept it even though it seems weird. Like Eddie is some sort of charity case or is right on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Whatever.
You eat too many of the passed hors d'oeuvres. Too much blue cheese and figs and overly-salted prosciutto. Poached shrimp and mini grilled cheeses with gruyere. You don’t really care since you’re just here as emotional support. You’re like a therapy dog - a pet that Eddie can stroke at when he starts to get itchy.
“Weddings aren’t my thing.”
“Please. I - I just need you there.”
You think he’s handling it all relatively well. You really do.
He makes it through the ceremony and the first course, but then his eyes go all glassy and he keeps missing his fork on the table. It’s Venom who finally prods your ankle under your dress. The silent let’s go -
You snatch his hand - thumb sweeping over the warm skin. He lifts his head and when he meets your gaze, you inhale sharply. He’s got this hangdog expression - defeated. There is a distinct sadness to Eddie. He carries it with him - attempts to layer it beneath his own sarcasm and resignation. You feel bad for him despite the fact that so many of his regrets are due to his own behavior.
He’s trying though. He is.
“Wanna get out of here?” you ask even though you really want to try the cake.
His lips twitch in relief.
They’re staying at this cabin up in the Redwoods that isn’t too far from the venue. The air is sweet here - clean and herbal. Eddie gives you his coat as you try to maneuver your four-inch heels through the soil. They keep getting caught - sinking deep.
“Fuck,” you hiss as you try and gather the folds of your velvet gown. Eddie’s got his arms full of the ice cream that you demanded they pick up on the way back.
“If I don’t get cake then I’m getting something,” you declared as you parked at the off-road gas station.
“We don’t have a freezer,” he reminded. His voice was all thin and wispy like he was struggling to speak. “It’ll melt if you don’t finish it.”
You gave him a pointed look. “You’re literally harboring a symbiote that could eat an entire Baskin Robbins in five minutes.”
“Fair,” he relented. There was the tiniest pull of a smile. You were ready to pat yourself on the back for that.
They needed more though. Big ass guns.
You glided over to the cash register and asked for their top shelf whiskey. The pock-marked employee raised his eyebrow in a perplexed fashion, before grabbing what had to be an ancient bottle of Jack Daniels. You blew off the dust and presented it to Eddie proudly.
This time he grinned wide enough to show his teeth. A win.
“Just take your shoes off,” Eddie calls from the porch.
“The ground is cold,” you yell back at him. “Slippery. Bugs.”
“Christ,” he grumbles before he drops the bag of treats and strides over to you. He grabs you hard under your ass and lifts you clean off your feet before swinging you over his shoulder. It has to be all Venom - you doubt Eddie has the ability to pick you up with such relative ease.
Your head knocks against his ass and you squeak - slamming your fist into his lower back. He grunts. “Watch it.”
“I’m gonna throw up bacon-wrapped dates on you.”
“Just try it.”
They change into sweats. He’s shirtless and you’re in a sports bra because the space heater is making the walls expand and groan with hot air. You think Eddie broke it. He just won’t admit it.
“I can’t sleep unless it’s sixty-seven degrees,” You pop the top on the pint of mint chocolate chip. “I’ll die.”
He plops on the mattress making you bounce. “You’ll live.”
Eddie said he’d sleep on the floor, but you genuinely don’t give a shit. It’s not like they haven’t been in close quarters. They work together to a degree and Eddie has just come to like you and you’ve come to like Venom and then in turn come to like Eddie. It’s a whole thing.
“Let’s get drunk,” he says in between slick bites of rocky road.
Eddie and you are still on the bed and the lights have gone all blurry. It’s two in the morning. Venom has finally popped out of Eddie’s shoulder - adding colorful commentary to their conversation.
“Did you really meet Wolverine?” Eddie asks.
“Yep,” You screw your eyes shut before taking another swig from the ancient bottle of whiskey. “He was kind of a dick.”
“As are most mutants,” Venom adds sagely before giving you a direct look that means feed me. You laugh as you spoon melted ice cream into his jaws.
Things slow down after a bit - the pace goes to syrup or molasses or smoke. Eddie touches you more - stares at you more. Finally you ask him how he is - if he’s okay.
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “It - it was just a little too much. It was like the end of a life for me. I just - that could have been me, you know? The whole family thing - the - it just was weird.”
He’s making no sense and yet he is. You nod - offering him the bottle.
“She was not the one for us,” Venom declares.
“Since when did you decide that?” Eddie snaps bitterly. “You were the one desperate to get back with her.”
“I am competitive,” he states. “And Dan is a skinny worm-man who should not have beaten us.” He pauses. “But things have changed.”
Eddie rolls his eyes while Venom’s floating head stares at you like a creepy little phantom.
You’re both pretty buzzed and exhaustion has crept over you - sunk into your bones and skin. Eddie blinks slowly before he leans forward. “You’re too good to me,” he confesses against your ear - his nose dragging up the soft skin of your cheek. Out of reflex - you catch at his arms - curling your fingers around the curve of his biceps. He runs so feverish - all that liquid alien thrumming through his blood. “So sweet. Always - always nice.”
You cling to him - eyes wide as your mouth parts. The orange light from the cabin’s cheap lamps fall across his face - the shadow of his stubble - the fruit-ripe swell of his lower lip. His lashes are long and girlish and he is so handsome that you forget yourself. You can feel Venom pumping inside him - his voice melting into you: sweet sweet sweet
“Can -,” he shuts his mouth before he opens it again - his brow creasing. “Can we-”
He just leaves it hanging - leaves those words to roll off the edge. Can we what? Sleep. Fuck. Kiss. Swallow each other until we can’t breathe - until we choke on the parts of us that can’t be fixed. Eddie is sad, but so are you, right?
Don’t you have all those missing pieces - those fragments? You’re lonely like him - it’s why you agreed to come. It’s why Venom likes to twist that proverbial knife even though he doesn’t necessarily know he’s being rude: why would you not spend time with us? Don’t you spend all your nights with your cats and your tv shows about murder?
And really what was wrong with that? Nothing. But Eddie was Eddie and you hadn’t had anyone in a long long time. Too much work had left you desperate for sleep and now you were desperate for something else.
“Can we-”
You lean forward just enough to give your consent and Eddie’s blue eyes expand to the deepest trench of black before he grips the hinge of your jaw and crushes his lips to yours.
It’s overwhelming, of course. It is not just Eddie, but Venom. The power in it - the many, many limbs that he creates to please you.
It’s not rough though. It’s not rushed. It’s raw and intimate and the tiniest bit sad because it wasn’t your wedding day, after all.
Eddie is there - bearing his weight above you - dropping his head to capture your lips in an insistent kiss. His tongue is hot and drags against yours - his hips snap between your spread thighs as he fucks you at an even pace. Then there is Venom who helps him unravel - who touches every part of you frantically - he buries himself inside you with Eddie. He suckles and rubs at the peak of your sex - right above the wet, stretched flesh of your cunt taking him - them. He must be pressing inside Eddie, too because you can feel it.
Each spear of Eddie’s cock knocks you up the bed - punches pleasure up to your lungs and throat and the muscle of your heart until everything balloons and shivers. He pants with it - his lashes fluttering - his lips opening over yours as he gasps against your tongue. He breathes behind your teeth - the hot rush of uh uh uh and the slip of sugar and chocolate cream and whiskey. You fist at his hair before sliding your touch down the firm muscles of his back. You reach his ass and when you move towards the center of him, you crash up against the ridge and thick of Venom.
It’s as if they are this wild nest of veins or mating snakes. A ball. A tornado. A hurricane. They are interconnected in every sense of the word. Venom cradles your hips in such a way that he can angle you up so Eddie can sink down inside you - the head of his cock pushing up against something fleshy and sweet at the end of your body. Venom is in his ear and yours - telling and confessing in that guttural, echoing voice he has: beautiful - delicious - soft soft soft - Eddie and I will be so good to you - does that feel nice - does that feel lovely -
Every statement burns like a promise - like you have unwittingly agreed to become their third and maybe you have. You are with them - you understand them - you have enfolded yourself into the fabric of their relationship.
He - they - pin you to the mattress. The headboard creaks and threatens to break. At some point - Eddie becomes Venom and it’s his heaving black shoulders - liquid shiny skin - and apple-red tongue twisting between your legs and up inside you. The texture of its muscle scraping along the sensitive skin of your thighs - lapping at Eddie’s seed and your release until you cry for him - until you nearly break your fingers as you curl them into the scratchy sheets.
He doesn’t let up of course. He bends you in half - hitching your legs up over his enormous shoulders - rubbing against his sharp jaw. There’s the bright flash of his too sharp teeth and all that drool and still - his breath is all Eddie’s - all rocky road and liquor and your own salt.
“We could eat you for days,” he rumbles and you are almost blind with pleasure - with your four orgasms coursing through the slip of your body. The aftermath of their sex - spilling like rivers between them and it’s only dawn. It’s only pink-red grapefruit sky that filters through the blinds and bounces off Venom’s oil-spill skin. He climbs over you - framing your face with his too big arms - bearing his weight much like Eddie had the first time he fucked you.
“Does Eddie see this?” you whisper - torn up from screaming - moaning. “Does he feel this?” You reach down to wrap your hand around the cock hanging between Venom’s muscular thighs. It’s huge - not so much that you can’t handle it, but it will stretch you - it will make you suffer a little. You know that if it’s too big, he will fix it - he will change it for you - for you.
“Yes,” Venom growls - eyes shutting. He purrs as you pump him slowly - revealing the bulbous head on each downstroke. “He feels this - he sees you -”
You guide him in - slow and steady.
“Lift your hips, little one,” Venom urges - hunger in his tone - impatience. “I will be safe - gentle - please -”
You do as he says and you’re cunt is already puffy and drenched from hours of Eddie and Venom. You could not be wetter and when the head of Venom’s cock catches at your opening, you freeze - a bit nervous.
“Relax, tiny girl,” he croons as his tongue finds your clit. “Relax so I can feel you.”
He pushes inside an inch and you blossom around him - your muscles accommodating the thick of his length. You pant - chest heaving - eyes wide and it’s only pressure. There is no pain - just a massive heaviness read to undo you. He draws back before nudging further and it becomes a dance - a tease as he breaches you in phases. You cling to his wrists as he moves steadily - as his cock shears wild heat inside your core. You’re clenching - convulsing - your lower belly burning with it.
Finally - he buries himself to the hilt and it is overwhelming. You are impaled on him - pinned to this bed and sinking into the mattress. He has a hand under your thigh that he lifts as he moves inside you in short, quick thrusts. They’re grinds really - just stilted jerks because he does not want to rip you apart.
“You can - you can go all the way,” you murmur. He blinks and you see flashes of Eddie - pieces of him caught up in the shiny slippery fragments of Venom. The symbiote eases himself out nearly all the way before snapping forward and oh oh - you don’t even scream - just grunt like some feral thing and then he really fucks you.
You split apart - convulse and spasm as he wrenches climax after climax from you. Surely - you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. You won’t be able to sit. It’s so much and yet you tip your head back and plead: more.
By later afternoon, you wake up next to Eddie. You’re sticky everywhere. The air is dusted in their sex. There’s salt and sweat and when you peel your legs apart, there’s evidence all over.
You are so sore that it leaves your muscles heavy and sagging. Your bones feel too thin and everything is swollen and chafed. Your throat cracks.
Eddie is staring at the ceiling. He gives you a sidelong glance. He’s got the evidence of your teeth decorating his golden skin - a purpling hickey on his throat. The room is fucked. There’s a crack in the headboard - the sheets are no longer on the bed and thrown over the television. Through the doorway, you can see your lacy black bra hanging off the shower curtain.
Eddie stirs next to you.
“What’s wrong?” you finally ask because he’s freaking you out.
He inhales - his chest steadily rising before he releases his breath.
“That - that wasn’t weird for you?”
You drag your hand over your brow - rubbing at the skin furiously to stave off your headache. “Huh?”
“The - last night -,” he stammers.
“And this morning?” you add dryly - your lips twitching.
He tries to laugh, but it comes out choked. He shoves a hand through his hair.
“I-I would totally get if it was too much - if it was too freaky -”
You scoot your body close to his and press your palm to his mouth to shut him up. You lift yourself a little so you can hover over him - eyes absorbing the beauty of his face - his stunned features - in the glossy orange light of Four PM in California.
“Nah,” you murmur. “Let’s do it again.”
There. A wave of relief breaks across his pained expression.
He catches your hand when you pull it away - presses those pouty lips to your fingertips one by one by one. “Good thing I got late checkout,” he grins through the thin of your palm.
Pumpkins || Venom oneshot

Summary: Eddie is slowly getting ready to his first Halloween celebration with Venom. How will it end?
Warnings: None.
Words: 1221
Authors: Cass & Toro

"Eddie. Eddie...," Venom was mumbling into man's ear. "EDDIE, YOU DUMBSHIT, LISTEN TO ME, CAN YA?" Long, slick tongue ran quickly over Eddie's cheek. "Imma hungry, man."
Eddie shivered and growled. "I am not, give me a break... I wanna sleep. I need rest." Man muttered and hide his head under a pillow.
"EDDDDDIIIIEEEEEE!" Venom pounted deeply, forming an arm with which he poked Eddie's side. "You had to carve pumpkins. We wanna play! And eat! so move your fat ass now!"
"So you wanna play or eat? And since when you want to play?" Eddie asked as he sat up on bed.
Venom got more excited and he wrapped himself around man's waist, squeezing it tightly. "Thanks, man, knew you'd understand us," alien purred getting ready to be petted.
"Do you realize that you didn't answer any of my questions?" Eddie asked, dragging himself out of the bed. "I am still really tired," man added slightly.
Venom closed his eyes shut, pounting something quietly. "You annoy me, Ed. Don't make me angry. If you'll, I'm gonna rip your tongue off and eat it while you'll be watching," Venom turned his head to face the man. "Now, downstairs, Ed. Pumpkins!"
Eddie blinked. "Minute ago you were happy, and now you are threatening me?" He shook his head. "Okay, okay. We are going downstairs."
Venom was gently pushing Eddie so he would be going faster. "Fridge first, Ed!" Alien ordered strongly as he licked his mouth. "Food, food, finally."
Eddie yawned. "Okay, okay. You don't need to push me," he went downstairs and straight to the kitchen.
Man opened the fridge. "What do you want?"
"I want meat. Raw meat. Do we have some? Hmmm?" As soon as door to fridge got opened, Venom slipped his head inside, looking around. "Man, where is the chicken from last dinner, huh? I bet there was a chicken, where is it, Ed? Have ya eaten MY FUCKING CHICKEN?" Venom turned around to Eddie, blinking few times as he licked his long fangs
"I didn't eat your chicken, dude! Maybe you ate it by yourself when I was asleep." Eddie growled at Venom.
Symbiote has straighten his form out, his eyes were getting wider and wider. "Do you think I'm an idiot, Ed? Do I look like an idiot?! Ah, yea! I'm just a PARASITE to you, Eddie, you fuck!" Venom snapped loudly, vanishing instantly.
"If you say so, V," Eddie rolled his eyes and walked away from fridge to find equipment he needed to carve pumpkins. "Where do I put them?"
"WHERE DO YOU GO, ED!?" Venom appeared behind man's back, he squeezed man's neck. "I AM STILL HUNGRY AND YOU DIDN'T LET ME EAT ANYTHING, DUDE! DO YOU CARE WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW? DO YOU?!" Symbiote was grunting loudly, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, ED?!"
But out of sudden, Venom became quiet. "PUMPKINS! WE LOOOOVE PUMPKINS," he stated, licking over his mouth.
"I SWEAR TO GOD! If you kill me one day then you will have a big problem in finding new host." Eddie growled loudly, rubbing his neck. "I can let you eat inside of a pumpkins if you want."
But before Eddie has ended his sentence, Venom was already done with the smallest pumpkin, pushing it deep into his throat. "Argh mhmhmhm yyyeee..." Venom was articulating while trying to chew the pumpkin.
Eddie opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it and facepalmed. "I can't with you sometimes...," he sighed.
Venom has finally swallowed the pumpkin, and smirked widely to his host. "It's gonna be okay for some time. Now, crave these pumpkins," Venom pointed at the table, where rest of the pumpkins were located. "Crave 'em, Ed. Where are tools, you piece of shit?"
"Don't call me that, you parasite. I have them somewhere here in the kitchen. You have no idea why I do this anyway, so stop pushing me." Eddie frowned.
"Yea, Eddie has something to say as always, don't you, Ed?" Venom growled and vanished, letting man to prepare anything he needed.
Eddie rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. "God! I hate you sometimes!"
He started to prepare everything, it took him few minutes to get fully ready.
Two smaller pumpkins were already craved. Venom didn't show, so Eddie could work in silence.
He finished craving big pumpkin. Man saved one pumpkin and filled big bowl with pumpkin's pulp. "Venom? I have food for you and a little surprise."
Venom formed himself behind Eddie, resting his large chin over Eddie's shoulder. "I don't want to eat. I've already eaten. But what with a surprise? Is it some nice, little cat nor homeless doggo, so Venom could eat it?" Alien licked Eddie's ear.
"YOU JUST SAID YOU AREN'T HUNGRY! And even if I will ever get a homeless dog or cat, you will not be allowed to eat it." Eddie informed Venom and sighed. "Listen... I have knife here and one pumpkin. I want you to try and do what I just did," he explained.
Venom made an irritated grimace, his white eyes narrowed. "Do I look like a fucking artist, Eddie? I won't be carving pumpkins. Maybe instead we could hunt for some fresh flesh? Imagine it, we could crave some bad guys, Eddie, and hang them at your porch, what do you think, dude?"
"I think that you will take this knife and at last try or I'm gonna starve you until you will want come back to your home planet, asshole." Eddie said with soft smile.
Venom licked man's cheek with his long tongue, and without arguing formed two arms. He started craving the pumpkin, doing it much faster than Eddie did.
When he ended, he wrapped his symbiotic arms around Eddie's neck, hugging him.
There was a sentence craved out in the pumpkin. One simple sentence. 'FUCK YOU, DUMBSHIT', and next to it there was something that supposed to be a skull.
Eddie blinked and sighed. "Yea.... That's cute. Great job, buddy," he said, petting Venom's head. "Now, I can put candles inside and we can put them outside."
"And go hunt bad guys. It's Halloween. Bad guys don't know we're around. We can take them by surprise. You said by yourself that we can eat bad guys. And we're hungry, Eddie. Let's trick or treat them, Ed."
Eddie picked up one of the pumpkins. "You know that trick or treat isn't about eating bad guys, right? It's about candies but Imma afraid that I am too old for that."
Venom rolled his eyes, annoyed as he was. "Candies? To me lungs, kidneys, hearts are candies, so depends on what you like, man," symbiote smirked. "But we can scare some of that stupid children from neighborhood, too."
"No, we can't because this is a bad thing to do, and we don't do bad stuff. Let's just stay home, watch a scary movies and give candies to kids. What do you think, buddy?"
"Boring," Venom pounted but he nodded, "but I can agree on it if you'll order some chicken. a lot of chicken."
Eddie sighed heavily "Fine! I will order you a chicken. A lot of chickens but you will be a good boy, okay? You promise?"
Venom sticked his tongue out and poke Eddie's nose with its tip. "Sure. Venom's a good guy."

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace
The Interview || Venom x Reader + Avengers

Summary: After defeating Thanos, Venom has few days off. It's until Captain America and Iron Man themselves appear at Eddie's office for promised interview.
Warnings: None
Words: 1875
Requests: @thewildgardensstuff
Author: Cass & Rouge

Steve Rogers was sitting in a waiting room, reading some newspaper that he found on a coffee table. He drank two coffees already while waiting for Eddie Brock to show up.
They were set on an interview but reporter was getting late and Steve started to thinking that Brock probably forgot about appointment. "Would you be so kind to call him once again?," Steve asked a receptionist.
She smiled hesitantly. "I did few times with no response. I'm sorry. Please, be patient, I believe he's on his way."
Tony rolled his eyes. "I can't believe this! We waste our time here, right now I would be sitting in my lab creating some amazing tech and you would…," he look at Steve, "be sighing sadly to Peggy's photo or whatever you super soldier do, but no! You dragged me here," Tony growled.
Captain cocked his brow angrily. "Petience, Stark. It's one of these virtues that you lack," he said, sipping black liquid from his mug. "Brock and his alien friend have saved the world after all, we owe him this interview at least."
"Says the guy that drinks coffee like crazy. I own him nothin', simple 'okay thanks!' would be enough, but our golden hearted soldier had to be like 'sure! Interview is cool'. We're on first pages all around New York. Like it's not enough. I am going home," Tony got up from his seat.
Just in that minute Eddie bursted right through the door. "Shit! Sorry! So sorry, I am late! But I am here now! Come on, I mean. Good Morning Mr. Rogers and Mr. Stark. Let's go to my office and well... Let's start," Eddie was in such a rush that he even didn't notice he still was wearing his riding helmet.
"Take this shit off your dumb head, you turd," Venom growled in man's mind. "Like you wouldn't look ridiculous enough without this shit on your huge head."
Steve smiled and walked to Brock, he shook man's hand. "Hello. It's not a problem, at all, right, Tony?"
Eddie blinked and quickly removed the helmet.
Tony smiled sarcastically. "Oh no! No, no, no, not a problem. At all. It's not like we have world to protect. F.R.I.D.A.Y says we have a day off today," Tony said sarcastically.
"I am still so sorry I forced such a guests to wait," Eddie said and led them to his office.
When Brock went ahead, Steve approached Tony and snorted into his ear. "Only for this one time try to restrain your awful personality, Stark."
They both entered the office with a beautiful view on the San Francisco. "You have a nice place here, Eddie," Steve smiled at man as he took a seat in an armchair.
"Nah, you never stop you child-like wonder and boyish charm, Cap. No, thanks." Tony muttered and followed Eddie inside his office. He sat down next to Steve and shrugged.
"Thank you, it's nothing really. I bet it's not like your famous Avengers Tower," Eddie said.
"No, it's not. You are right here, Mr. Alien friend," Tony said with smile.
Captain rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry for my friend, he likes to be a dick sometimes," he explained. "So, what are your questions, Eddie?"
Venom formed himself and out his chin on Eddie's shoulder. "Hi, tasty guys."
"What? He said it himself. I just agreed with him. Agreeing with someone is beeing a dick?," Tony blinked and looked a Venom. "AH! Thanos eater, himself… Or… Itself?"
Eddie let out a little laugh. "So, uhm. How is it to be an avenger? I mean, you do a lot of things. Isn't it a bit too much sometimes?"
"It's overwhelming actually," Steve said. "But as long as we do a good job with eliminating all possible threats, I enjoy it."
Venom's eyes glistened from sun rays that were falling into the room through a window. "Mr Rogers sounds so reasonable. And looks yummy."
"Venom, stop that. Please," Eddie said and looked at Tony. "Mr. Stark?"
Tony looked up. "I agree with Cap. I mean, it's hard but we are heroes, right? I enjoy it because ladies love the hero type," he smiled explaining openly.
Eddie blinked and nodded slowly. "Any... Not so nice stories you can shear with us?"
"Jesus, Tony," Steve facepalmed. "Well. We have few," he said, glaring at Stark. "Sokovia… for example."
Tony knew that look. He knew that Cap blamed him for Ultron outburst, just like everyone else. Tony sighed, glaring at Steve. "Winter Soldier and so called 'Civil war'."
Eddie blinked and let out an akward laugh, feeling the tension growing between two Avengers. "S-Somwthing else? I mean, even we heard about those events... I was asking about some small stuff. Maybe funny even?"
"Being the Avenger doesn't mean a lot of funny things to happen, at least that's my opinion," Rogers said. "But I always like when we all are reunited. That's it. Our team is a family to me," Steve giggled, not looking at Tony.
Venom yawned. "Eddie. We're hungry."
"It is a lot of fun! Imagine this big guy," Stark pointed at Cap, "talking to a printer, saying stuff like 'come on, magic box, copy this documets for me'. But overall Rogers is right. Reunions are nice. One big family."
Eddie nodded and looked at Venom. "V, you see I am busy," he then turned back to Cap and Tony. "Bigest fears? Biggest dreams? I know this are kinda silly questions, but you know," Eddie winked at them.
Steve didn't want to admit it but Tony's comment about Steve's problems with technologies of any kind cheered him up. "That's truth. I might be out of ice since few years now yet all this things are still so incomprehensible to me," said he. "I still try to accommodate."
Venom poked Eddie's cheek. "Man, please, we're starving in here!"
Steve smiled and let of a soft laughter. "I think I have Twinkies in my bag." After these words Captain opened his leather bag and pulled out a pack of Twinkies.
Venom has opened his eyes wide and licked his long fangs. "Share, share?," symbiote asked politely, smiling.
"You can have even entire pack," Steve got up and walked to Eddie's desk, he out cookies on the counter.
Venom looked at Eddie. He remembered what Eddie has told them recently. If they want to eat something when there are other people in the same room, they should behave according to something that Eddie called savoir vivre. It meant they couldn't eat loudly and fiercely, they couldn't make noises.
Venom though about it for awhile and licked his fangs, he was shivering all over his body. And even though he knew they weren't alone with Eddie, and that Eddie asked him to behave before that meeting, Venom opened his jaw widely, letting saliva drip onto the counter of desk and he ate entire pack, including a cardboard.
"Hrr, yummy! Thank you, Cap Bootylicious!"
Eddie let out a loud sigh and shook his head. "I am so sorry for him... This creature isn't from here and well," Eddie shrugged with soft smile.
"I have something too. I had to eat it later but... There ya go," Tonny said pulling out a chocolate bar from pocket of his jacket. "Originally it had to be for Peter... But he fell down with his grades," Tony shrugged, putting bar on the table.
Venom instantly ate the bar, humming loudly as he did. "Yass, that was precious, we're feeling so so good now," Venom stated and snuggled with Eddie. "We love you, guys. Even you, Ed."
Captain laughed loudly and shook his head. "It's not that we haven't seen things similar to this before," he said. "You're welcome, Venom."
"Wow. Thanks, Venom," Eddie rolled his eyes. "Okay guys, two last questions and.... You didn't answer on last ones," Edie reminded softly. He started to pet Venom gently. "So, biggest fears and dreams that were the previous question. Do you love what you two and others are doing? And any interesing words to our readers?"
"I'm afraid of failure and losing people that I love," Steve said and smiled as he noticed how Venom nuzzled to Eddie's neck. "I like what we're doing. It's important that Earth has protectors," he added.
Tony storked his hair. "I am afraid of being alone and just like Steve. I am afraid of losing people I love and care about," he nodded. "I love what we do. It helps me repay my faults and fix past mistakes. Once I was taking lives. Now I am saving them. Mostly. And words to your readers. Do not be afraid, Avengers are here to save the day," Tony added quickly and shrugged, looking at Steve. "And golden thoughts, Cap? Maybe something like you have recorded for Peter's school?," he joked.
Steve rolled his eyes and looked at Venom. "If he's gonna be so annoying, I'll let you eat him alive."
Venom blinked and stiffened. "Gladly, with pleasure!," he licked his fangs. "Even though he's more like sardines can, we will eat him."
Steve rubbed back of his head. "All I can say is spread love, not hate."
Tony blinked. "HEY! I am not a sardines can! And you cannot eat good people? Right?!"
Eddie nodded. "That's true, V you can't eat Tony Stark. He is a good guy." Then Eddie checked if everything was recoded and clapped his hands happily. "I guess we are done. You two were just... Simply amazing! Thank you so much!"
"Pleasure is on our side," Steve said and shook Eddie's hand. He also petted Venom's head.
Symbiote opened his eyes widely, humming. "What a shame you ain't gay, Ed. Captain's so precious."
"Yea. Exactly what he said," Tony agreed with Cap.
Eddie blinked and blished. "VENOM?! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!"
"You call it truth. We say the truth. Look. Captain. Glorious, gorgeous hero. America's ass. Bootylicious. Handsome and tall. Good man. And you. Not tall, chubby, kinda handsome, with strange ambitions, socially awkward and unsuccessful with women," Venom summed up.
Captain blinked and laughed hardly, almost choking himself with a water he was sipping.
"I have a girlfriend, you idiot!" Eddie growled at Venon. "I am not all of this! You are."
Tony simply laughed at the whole show, shaking his head slightly.
Steve smiled. "That's so nice Venom but well, Eddie wouldn't have a chance. No offense, of course, but I am taken," he shrugged.
"What?!" Tony and Eddie said in union.
"By who?," Venom was seemingly interested in topic.
"It's a secret," Steve winked at Venom and Eddie. "Maybe one day you'll figure out."
Tony rubbed his chin, thinking. "That's weird, Cap," he said and looked at his watch. "I think our time runs out."
Eddie looked at clock, too. "I think so, I don't want to hold you any longer. World to save and all."
Captain and Stark greeted Eddie and left.
Venom let out a sigh. "And we have almost provided you new friends."
"They are way ower me. Sadly we could never be real friends, V. Let's go get something to eat and then sit to writing, Y/N will come to check on us later."

Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving
Uncle Venom II || Eddie Brock x Reader

|| Part I ||
Summary: Venom and Eddie have an important talk during one of sleepless nights.
Warnings: fluff
Words: 891
Authors: Cass & Rouge

It was just a few weeks since the baby was born and those few weeks were hard. The little girl was crying really often and most of the time was really stubborn when it came to attempts of calming her down.
This night was no different. Everyone was sleeping sweetly, Eddie was holding you close and even Venom was calm. Until Alice’s cries killed the calm and quiet night.
Venom formed his head and poked Eddie's shoulder. "Hey, Eddie, your kiddo has woken up."
But Eddie only snored louder and cuddled you to his chest even more.
"Hey, get up and move your fucking ass, baby is crying," Venom snapped quietly in man's ear.
But Eddie was sleeping still.
Venom narrowed his forehead and disconnected himself from his host's body. Symbiote crawled off the bed and headed to child's room.
Alice was crying louder and louder, she wasn't hungry or anything like this. She was simply missing the attention of her beloved parents.
Venom shrunk and squeezed under the door. Symbiote crawled into girl's room and headed to the cradle. He climbed on it and peered down on the girl.
Girl stopped crying and looked couriously at Venom, she giggled and raised her little hands to him. It's not the first time she saw Venom, she was used to him at that point.
Symbiote shook his head. "Not this time, little monster, we won't be your plush toy," he snorted as he stack his long tongue out.
Alice looked at Venom sadly and started to cry again, even louder than before.
Eddie dragged himself into the room, rubbing his eyes. He was still half asleep. "V... what the hell are you doing? I think I told you, we don't eat kids," Eddie muttered and picked Alice up, trying to calm her down.
Venom stack his tongue at him. "Shut up, you pussy, we tried to calm that little pinky monster down. We tried to wake you up as well," Venom snorted.
"Venom, Y/N talked with you about it. NO strong language around Alice," Eddie said and sat down in the rocking chair, then he turned back to Venom. "Well then, thank you if you did. She makes us both so tired," he mummed.
Venom jumped off the cradle and crawled to Eddie, he climbed on his lap and looked at Alice who was held tightly in her father's arms. "Sorry," Venom mumbled to Eddie.
"It's fine buddy," Eddie said and patted V's head. "Just please, control yourself, even if you hate me."
Alice looked at Venom and giggled softly. "I think she likes you, V," Eddie couldn't help butp smiled.
Venom formed hands and gently tickled Alice. "She's awful. I mean at least she got her beauty from her mama, not from you."
Eddie rolled his eyes and laughed softly. "She is beautiful as Y/N or awful then? make up your mind, dude."
"She's beautiful but overall she's a human monster to us," Venom said and laid his head on Alice's chest.
"But you still like her, huh?," Eddie asked. Alice gently hugged Venom with her tiny hands and quickly calmed down.
Venom smiled and licked her face. "Yeah. Otherwise we'd have her eaten long time ago."
"If you would then you would end up alone, who knows where," Eddie said with a frown.
Alice only laughed and hugged Venom a little tighter, then she closed her eyes, making some funny noises.
Venom nuzzled to her cheek and hummed. "She's soft. We can hear her heart beating, pal. It's interesting how such a little being can come to this world."
Eddie laughed and nodded, kissing girl's forehead. "V? Can you do something for me?"
"Depends on what you want us to do."
"If something bad will ever happen. I don't know, end of the world, car accident. Protect her and Y/N first. Please? Can you do this?," He asked, looking at sleeping girl in his arms.
Venom twitched and raised head up, he looked at Eddie. "Why do you say such a things, Ed?," Venom asked curiously. "Don't talk about such things, pal. We don't like it."
"I don't like it either but it's important to me. I want to be sure that no matter what, they'll be safe and no one will take care of it better than you, V," Eddie said and gently petted symbiot's head.
Venom frowned yet nodded. "We'll be guarding them, always. Hey," symbiote looked at man. "You go to bed, sleep or fuck Y/N, whatever pleases you," Venom lowered his tone. "We'll put her to bed."
"Just be careful with her, buddy, okay?"
"Sure," Venom grunted and jumped off Eddie's lap.
Eddie laughed and handled sleeping Alice to Venom. "So I will be in bed, in any case."
He got up from the chair and slowly walked back to bedroom to join you in the bed.
Venom stretched a little and grabbed girl in his formed arms. He crawled clumsily to the cradle and put Alice there.
Girl let out few quiet, sleepy noises and nuzzled to Venom's hand.
As soon as Alice was laying in her bed, Venom slipped under blanket and put head onto girl's chest. "Good night, little human kid. You're sweet and we'll protect you. And soon, when you'll grow up, we will be Venom together. And nothing will stop us, ever."

Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71 @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @biologyforliving