Eddie Munson Season 4 - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

DAYS LIKE THIS — stranger things

DAYS LIKE THIS Stranger Things
DAYS LIKE THIS Stranger Things

PAIRINGS: eddie munson x gf!reader

SUMMARY: after a long day of cuddling and sex, you decide to treat your man with dinner and even more attention.

WARNINGS: afab reader. mentions of sex. eddie not wanting to eat his vegetables.


The smell of baked chicken and fresh roasted green beans filled the trailer. You stirred the potatoes that were boiling in a pot of water as the sounds of your boyfriend, Eddie, strumming his guitar in his room filled your ears.

You were dressed in a long sleeve shirt of Eddie’s and a pair of thigh highs to keep your legs warm. The subtle sore feeling of your cunt made you think about earlier that morning when you and Eddie went round after round in his bed after Wayne left for work.

The oven timer rang, alerting you out of your thoughts to pull out the chicken from the oven. You grabbed a worn out oven mit from the drawer and grabbed the pan of chicken and placed it on the counter to rest, then you pulled out the steaming hot green beans, which were covered in garlic salt and pepper.

The potatoes were fork tender, you drained the water and doctored them up with milk and butter with some salt and pepper. You took your potato masher and mixed all the ingredients together to make some mashed potatoes.

After everything cooled, you plated up the food for the three of you. You covered Wayne’s plate with foil and stuck it in the microwave for him to have when he got home.

“Eddie!” You shouted down the hall as you brought him his plate.

“Yeah baby?” He called back. You opened his door to see him strumming his guitar shirtless with a pair of sweats on, his tattoo on display for you to see.

You smiled at your handsome boyfriend as you sat on his bed next to him.

“I made you dinner,”

“aw, baby…thank you…I’m starving!” He laughed.

You scooped up some potatoes on the fork and held it up to his mouth for him to eat. He willing ate them off the fork and groaned at the taste of the creamy mash.

“Fuck baby, you make the best mashed potatoes..” you giggled at his compliment.

He laid his guitar on his torso and opened his mouth for another bite of food. You playfully rolled your eyes and cut up the seasoned chicken breast and fed him a piece.

“You’re so beautiful.” He said with a smile as he chewed his food. You pressed a soft kiss to him lips, not caring if he was still chewing.

You picked up a few green beans with the fork and held it up to him again. He grimaced at the sight of the vegetable, “yeah, no.”

“Eat your damn vegetables, Munson.” You shoved the green beans into his mouth, he unwillingly ate the vegetable with a pained expression.

“The things I do for you..” he swallowed.

“I rocked your world this morning so you should do this for me.”

“I rocked your world, honey.” He sassed.

You rolled your eyes and shoved some mashed potatoes into his annoying mouth. He laughed as he swallowed them.

“I love you, baby girl.” His words brought a smile back to your face.

“I love you too, picky boy.” You placed a hand on his cheek and a soft kiss on his lips. Nothing felt better than this.

DAYS LIKE THIS Stranger Things

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1 year ago
Thinking About The Morning After With Eddie. Hed Be So Sweet And Hed Wake You Up With Kisses Down Your

Thinking about the morning after with eddie. He’d be so sweet and he’d wake you up with kisses down your bare back and shoulders.

The sunlight sneaking through the blinds, the birds chripping outside, eddie’s soft lips pecking down your spine.

He’d stop at the end of your sacrum, his rough hands grabbing at your ass, folding with it before giving your ass a light slap, making you whine at being woken up by his playful actions.

“Let me sleep, you ass.” You groaned, snuggling into his pillow, squeezing your eyes shut.

“But I miss you..” he whined, kissing your sides, his long hair tickling your back. You groaned, turning over to meet his chest.

“Well, this is a much better view.” He smiled as his gaze moved down to your tits, all in their bare glory.

You slapped his chest, giggling as you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him into you, pressing his delicate kiss to his lips.

His big hands travel down your body and settle on your waist. As you break the kiss, you both get lost in each other’s eyes, gleaming at each other and savoring the sweet moment.

“My beautiful girl.” He mumbled as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.

You giggle as he began pressing small kisses all over your face and neck, his lips feeling ticklish on your soft skin.

“Eddie!” You laughed, trying to push him off you. His fingers began to tickle your sides, making you laugh even harder.

You could get used to this.

Thinking About The Morning After With Eddie. Hed Be So Sweet And Hed Wake You Up With Kisses Down Your

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1 year ago

BE MY VALENTINE — stranger things

BE MY VALENTINE Stranger Things
BE MY VALENTINE Stranger Things

PAIRINGS: eddie munson x gf!reader

SUMMARY: eddie surprises you for Valentine’s Day even though you know how much he hates the holiday.

WARNINGS: afab reader. cuteness overload. one sexual joke.


“Valentine’s Day is just for companies to make more money by forcing people to buy stuff for their partners.” Eddie rants as he stuffed his face with pretzels.

Gareth and Jeff nod their heads in agreement. “Totally man, Sarah wants me to buy all this bullshit for her like flowers and chocolate just because of this dumb holiday.” Jeff scoffed.

You sat there listening to them go on about the stupidity of Valentine’s Day. You’ve known Eddie since you were young, as his uncle was friends with your dad, so you knew about his feelings for Valentine’s Day.

“Like, why do I have to buy my girlfriend all this bullshit when I can do that throughout the year.” Eddie mentioned.

Your head turned to him and eyes squinted to a glare, “yet, you don’t.”

“But I could.” He said with an annoying smile, to which you scoffed.

“Valentine’s Day is a day to spead time with your partner and acknowledge your love for each other, I think it’s sweet.” You told the boys, “yeah, I sent suzie her favorite chocolate and made her some flowers out of paper!” Dustin said, with a proud smile on his face.

“See, Dustin gets it.” You point out.

“Whatever..” Eddie and Jeff rolled their eyes and changed the conversation to their upcoming DnD campaign.


You sat in your room, laying on your floral sheets as you watched a romance movie as you munched on some popcorn. Your first Valentine’s Day with Eddie and you aren’t even hanging out with him, how upsetting.

The characters began professing their love for each other and you watching in boredom as your boyfriend couldn’t even do that.

Eddie wasn’t very open about his feelings, and he was often nervous about talking about them. You couldn’t blame him, you loved him the way he was.

A loud bang from your window pulled you from your thoughts. You rushed over to your window to open it and see Eddie standing outside of it with a big bouquet of roses.

“Holy shit, what are you doing here?” You asked as you smiled at him. He was dressed up in decent clothing. A nice and clean tshirt with a pair of black jeans and a leather jacket. You stepped aside as he climbed into your room, roughing up the flowers a little.

“Get dressed sweetheart, we’re going out.” He panted with a smile, brushing off his clothes.

“What? Why?” You questioned. “Because it’s Valentine’s Day, isn’t it?”

“But I thought you hated Valentine’s Day?” You asked with a confused expression, fiddling with your fingers.

“Yeah, but my love for you is stronger than my hate for Valentine’s Day.” He said, sitting the roses on your bed.

“Really?” You said excitedly, to which he nodded with a smile. You squealed and began jumping up and down over to your closet. You searched through your clothes for a nice dress, finding a pink floral one in the back.

You ran to the bathroom and threw on the dress and fixed your hair. You opened the drawer and grabbed some mascara and brushed on some your eye lashes, not having time for a full face of makeup.

You walked back into your room and grabbed some wedged heels from your closet. “Well, aren’t you the most beautiful girl in the world..” he grabbed your waist and pulled you into his chest from behind, pressing a kiss to your cheek. You giggled as his soft lips pecked your skin.

You moved towards your dresser and grabbed your favorite perfume and spritzed some on.

“Ready?” He asked. “Yep!” You smiled at yourself in the mirror. You both climbed out of your window and shut it before walking to his car that was parked beside your house.

He ran up to the passenger seat and opened your door, “m’lady,” he bowed. You laughed,”thank you, kind sir.” You said before bowing yourself.

You hopping into the car and sat as he ran to his side and hopping into his seat. He started the car and began to drive away, “Where are we going?” You asked, “The diner on Main Street.” He said with a smile as he turned his gaze to you. Your face lit up, that diner was the place you had your first date, “Eddie, you didn’t..”

“I did, asked them to reserve the same booth we sat in too.” He added. You stared at him in awe, This wasn’t the man who hated Valentine’s Day just a week ago.

“Why are you doing this? You don’t have to do this when you and I both know you hate it.” You said, but he stopped you. “I was being a dickhead last week. Yes, I think Valentine’s Day is mostly stupid but I love you and I want to do something special because I know you love Valentine’s Day.”

You pouted you lips as your heart bursted in joy, “I love you so much.” You confessed. He took your hand in his and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of your hand, “I love you too, beautiful girl.” He turned onto Main Street and parked on the side of the road by the entrance to the diner. He laid your hand on the consul and jumped out of the car to open your door for you again.

You smiled and took his hand and you both stepped into the colorful diner, the smell of burgers filling your noise and 80s music filling your ears.

“Eddie, hey!” The manager, Dillon said from behind the counter.

“Sup man!” Eddie replied before leading you to your table that he had saved for the two of you. You seat yourselves on either side of each other.

Dillon brings over menus for you both and you scan the menu over, looking at all the delicious greasy dishes listed.

“Order whatever you want, baby. It’s on me.” Eddie mentioned, you look up from your menu, “are you sure? I can pay…you already bought me flowers so just-“ you began before he cut you off, “No, everything is on me tonight. I gotta spoil my girl every now and then.” He smiled. You sighed, gazing back at your slightly sticky menu.

The cheeseburger sounded amazing, the diner food was always good, especially their burgers. You saw they were having a sale on their milkshakes for Valentine’s Day, $1.50 all flavor milkshakes.

“Baby, look!” You said as you pointed to the advertisement. He looked up and read the sale, he nodded, “get one, I’ll get one too.” He said as Dillon came back to the booth.

“So, what can I get for you guys?” He asked as he held up his notepad.

“I’m gonna get a bacon cheeseburger with fries and a strawberry milkshake.” Eddie said as he closed the menu.

“And for you?” Dillon asked, “I’m thinking a cheeseburger with fries and a vanilla milkshake.” You said, Dillon nodded and walked away with your orders.

Eddie grimaced, “Vanilla? So basic.” He joked to which you scoffed, “Ok Mr. Strawberry. I’m basic?” You asked as you tilted your head, “at least I’m getting my fruit in for the day.” He said, you bursted out laughed at his words, “oh yeah, totally. So healthy.” You giggled.

After a few minutes go by and chatter between the two of you continued, your food came out. The burgers were huge and the fries were stacked up. Your milk shakes had a mountain of whipped cream on top with a cherry to finish it off.

“Enjoy.” Dillon said with a smile as he walked away with his now empty tray.

Eddie quickly stole your cherry off your milkshake, “Eddie!” You exclaimed as you kicked his leg with your foot.

“Ow!” He yelped. You took your finger and flicked some whipped cream on your finger off his milkshake and into your mouth.

“Woah, no fair!” He exclaimed, you smiled at him “don’t worry, that’s not the only cream of yours I’ll be stealing tonight.” He began coughing, choking on his own saliva. “Jesus, baby. Not here..” he looked around to see if anyone heard, though everyone was busy eating and chatting amongst themselves.

When his eyes drew back to you, you shot him a small wink as you dug into your burger. You both ate your burgers and conversed about the most random things, laughs were shared and you felt happier than ever. Dates with Eddie were always fun, and they ended even better.

As you finished up and Eddie paid, you walk out to his van hand in hand. “Thank you, Eddie. I had fun tonight.” You said as you pressed a sweet kiss on his cheek.

“I did too, sweetheart. I love you, you know.” He confessed. You smiled, “I love you too, Eddie. So much.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, baby.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Eddie.”

BE MY VALENTINE Stranger Things

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