Eddie Munson X Fem!reader Angst - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

I see that you are taking requests for Eddie. I am a total angsty girl. How about a drug deal that goes wrong with Eddie so the buyers decide to get back at him by hurting you. And I mean really angsty on this one. She can die or be hurt really bad. Kidnapped, whatever you feel is good.

I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance if you want to do it. 😊🙄

@h-ness1944 , thanks for requesting! This took me two days to write, but I hope you enjoy this!


Deal Gone Wrong - Eddie Munson

I See That You Are Taking Requests For Eddie. I Am A Total Angsty Girl. How About A Drug Deal That Goes
I See That You Are Taking Requests For Eddie. I Am A Total Angsty Girl. How About A Drug Deal That Goes

Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

Requested: yes

Word Count: 1,945

Warnings: heavy against, swearing, graphic depictions of kidnapping, violence, blood, broken/fractured bones, bounds, locked in confined spaces, exhaustion, drug dealing, drug use, alcohol use, gun violence, near-death, vomiting, stalking

Summary: After a drug deal, the buyers take revenge on Eddie Munson by taking something very important to her.

(A/N: I will not add rape or sexual abuse into any of my fics due to personal experiences. Thank you!)

I See That You Are Taking Requests For Eddie. I Am A Total Angsty Girl. How About A Drug Deal That Goes


This fic includes stuff that some people may find unsettling.

"Haha, yes! Another one!" He exclaims, walking into the trailer.

You look up at him, smiling before looking back at her book, reading the rest of the page. He rushes over to the cabinet, searching around for the 'Special K' drug to give the dealers out front. Walking back out, he gives them a small amount of the drug before they flee the front door.

Eddie returns inside.

He walks towards the bathroom, telling you that he's gonna shower before bed as you nod and get off the couch when you feel that awful feeling of someone watching you. you look out the window, trying to see if there is someone near by as the gut feeling worsens. Taking a breath, closing the curtain then walking into the bedroom to change out of your current clothes.

Suddenly, you hear a window opening in the main room of the trailer, causing you to startle before grabbing a bat next to the chest of drawers, taking a step further into the living room. You look and see nothing as you sigh in relief before lowering your hands to your side. You're about to put the bat down when you feel something cold touch your back.

You knew it was a gun, somehow you just knew just from the way it felt on your clothed back. The male tells you to drop the bat as you obeyed, dropping the bat onto the floor as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You try to stay calm as fear rises within your body, the male grabs your shoulder and forces you out of the trailer until you feel something hard hit your head, causing you to immediately black out. Meanwhile, Eddie hears the commotion from the shower but brushes it off and continues on with his shower.

One other male climbs out of the van, helping your lifeless body in before sitting down next to you as the other guy with the gun sits on the other side of your body. A third male that sits in the drivers seat begins to drive off as it catches Eddie's attention behind the closed doors.


When Eddie exits the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, he makes way into the bedroom to get dressed as he decides to check in on his girlfriend. He becomes concerned as he rushes over to the phone and dials the number written on a piece of paper. It rings and rings and rings until someone picks up on the other end, saying hello as Eddie clears his throat.


"Hey, is Y/N there?"

"Uh, no. I thought she was spending the night with you?"

"No, she is not here but I'll look around the trailer."

He sighs, hanging the phone up before searching the trailer. He sees no trace of her, the book she was reading lies on the coffee table untouched which kinda freaks him out. Something is giving him an eerie but saddened feeling. With no trace, he becomes worried as he looks outside and still nothing. He begins to worry before running back inside and calling the police, telling them that his girlfriend is no where to be found.

They send the chief out as Eddie sits and waits on the couch. Once the chief arrives, he begins asking Eddie a bunch of questions, fear plastered on his face as tears begin to spill from his eyes, showing the chief that he is terrified and didn't commit the crime of his girlfriend's disappearance.

They continue to ask questions as Eddie becomes too overwhelmed before they stop so he can take a few breathes, trying to calm himself down. They all take some time as Eddie wonders where you are, praying that you're okay.


Once you begin to wake up, you look around the confined room and feels the pounding pain in the back of your head. You see a male in front of you, arms crossed as you stare at him. You try to scan his face so you can have a description for police, something she won't be able to do anytime soon. You feel his hand glide across your face, stinging before inhaling and exhaling. The man leaves you by yourself, closing and locking the door as you begin to yell.

You knew you were somewhere where anyone can't hear you, stopping and sitting there. Sighing, you decide to try and fight, knocking yourself over and onto the floor, causing the cheap wooden chair to break as your restraints loosen around your ankles and wrists.

"Jesus, that hurt." You murmur before getting yourself free from the ropes.

For the next few hours, you sit in the confined room and trying to find a way out, something to free you from the hell. That never came when the the same male from earlier comes back, holding a plate of food as he opens the heavy door, seeing you on the floor not tied up. Anger pours over him, coming closer and grabbing your face, seeing your scared and tired complexion.

"You stupid bitch," He said, dropping the plate of food. "You fucking slut,"

He rushes towards you as he pushes you back as your head hits the wall behind you, feeling the pain come back again but stronger as you feel him punching at your upper body including your face and neck. He moves his legs, kicking you in the stomach three times before going back to putting your hands and feet in the restraints again. You feel your stomach churn as you begin to purge, coughing as you spit the rest of the ruminants out of your mouth.

You lean against the wall, feeling very fragile and weak as every bit of movement hurt you severely. You have a coughing fit, thinking of your boyfriend and wondering if he is out looking for you.


Twenty four hours passed without realizing it as you continue to sit in your confined and lonely room, praying for something good to happen as the hope begins to die. She began to wonder if she'll ever make it out but can't seem to deal with that overwhelming feeling. She lays there, lifeless and numb.

Every other hour, you would get abused to the point where you're in pain, lifeless and hanging onto life. You had no one to talk to, no one to interact with, no TV, nor books as you feel your depression get worse.

You have had food, but it wasn't enough same as water. The men in the house didn't want your prints marked on their dishes, along with convincing you that you're gonna die and no one cares about you. You tried not to believe them, but your whole body got the best of you.


Eddie though, hasn't stopped looking for you. He even gathered Steve and Robin to help look for you, eventually finding nothing as he begins to loose hope. Steve and Robin try their hardest to keep Eddie going, telling him they'll find you somewhere.

"I just... I wanna be able to hold her again, kiss her. A piece of my heart has been ripped out, and I don't know if I'll ever get that piece back. I miss her."

"I'm sorry, man." Steve apologizes, feeling upset as well as Robin who rests her hand on Eddie's arm.

Tears well up in Eddie's eyes, sniffling before wiping the tears. He tries to keep his emotions in but cries as Steve and Robin try their best to calm him down, knowing that nothing will at this point. He cries for a while before getting the courage to keep looking, wiping away his tears, fearing that something bad happened and she is unable to move or live. With being sleep deprived, Eddie begins to hallucinate when he thought he saw you nearby, walking away from him.

Steve breaks him out of the trance, telling Eddie to hurry up as he follows Steve. He pulls out a medium-sized bottle of alcohol before opening the cap and taking a sip.

"Woah, drinking in mid day? Isn't it too early?"

"No, man. It's not. I'm losing myself here and need something to keep me company."

The carry on, looking around even more before giving up and going home. Eddie lays on the couch, staring off into the distance as he continues to drink more alcohol, not caring anymore. The stress takes over him, consuming him and making it difficult to do anything at that point, so he stays in the trailer and becomes isolated.


You sit on the edge of the bathtub in the bathroom of your captor's room, trying to process everything at the same time as the male stands right outside the door waiting for you to hurry up. Is you didn't get out in time, he would shoot you dead. You quickly and tiredly put your hands on the walls around you including the shower and toilet.

You flush the toilet and walk over to the sink, washing your hands as you unlock the door. You turn the nob, opening the bathroom door and stand behind the male. He is no where to be seen as you see the gun lying on a table beside you.

You notice that its not your typical pistol, it is a silencer pistol knowing that it will make no noise.

"Perfect," You whisper.

You keep the gun with you as you make your half dressed self way down the hall, keeping all senses open before seeing movement nearby. You hold the gun close, getting scared of the male as you accidentally shoot the male, causing a wave of fear was through you. Dropping the gun, thinking it is fake, you see a huge blood puddle around the deceased male.

It scares you as you run away, making way towards the back part of the house, trying to pry open the window until you feel a pair of arms wrap around your body.

"Where do you think you're going?"

You shout so many words that they don't make sense, causing your anxiety to be set high. He takes you back to the small room when he sees his friend dead and bleeding out for a gunshot wound. It causes his grip to loosen on you as you break free from his grasp, running towards the same area, this time pulling the window harder but fails again.

You get caught before being abused again, tossing your sore body into the confined room as you get tied up again, the male pulls out a knife and stabs you in your chest, barely missing your heart as the pain take over your body. You feel weak before laying there, not knowing what to do.

The male stands and walks away, needing a new plan due to the death of his own friend, deciding to call police to let them know a 'suicide' took place.

When the cops arrive, the male tells police that Michael (deceased male) had committed suicide. Of course, you didn't know the names of your abductors. You heard people walking around, too weak to move but knew that it had to be something good. So, you shout, thinking someone will hear you but nothing happens as you see the open wound, soaking your tank top.

"Help," You weakly call out. "Help. Please! I'm stuck."

You can tell no one was coming for you, so you lay there against the wall, slowly dying and telling yourself that this is your last day alive. You can't seem to speak out loud, but in your mind you muster up the words to say as Eddie flashes through your mind, wondering if he's okay. You hope and pray that you'll be out of the hell hole. You had no idea what day or time it was considering there's no clock around, so you went off of the counted hours in your head.

You go in and out of consciousness before blacking out all the way, lying there slowly loosing your life as your body tells you to take a little nap. No one is near you to save your life, so you convince yourself and accept that you're gonna die.


When the police leave the house, the male makes his way down to the confined room, finding your lifeless body on the ground with a large amount of blood coming from the stab wound on her upper chest. He is relieved that you're dead before bringing your body out and shoving it under a bunch of blankets in the trunk. He drives out a semi rural area in Hawkins, disposing your body unaware that you are alive and not dead, weakly making your way through to survive. Once he drove off, you lay there but actually begin to feel awful once again, closing your eyes again.


At the same scene your body is at, Steve and Robin notice a female body lying in a grassy part of rural area, feeling spooked before he rushes towards a phonebooth near by and calls the police, telling them where the location is at, having multiple cops come out including an ambulance.

When they arrive, the two officers clear Robin and Steve from the area before heading over to your body and see if you are still alive.

Steve is holding Robin in his arms, tears falling as they pray its not you. If it is, they hope your alive. Something unexpected begins to happen as it shocks everyone around them. One of the officers slides on a glove and gets down to you, putting his first two fingers on your skin, feeling the area where your pulse is.

Feeling slow beats of the pulse, he wonders if he's hallucinating but turned out he was right. You were alive and barely hanging onto life, fighting, so you can live to see another day,

"Holy crap," One officer says out loud.


"She's alive! She's alive! Get a stretcher out here now!" He shouts as the paramedics get to you, working you before loading you up onto the stretcher.

Robin moves to look at you, seeing your badly bruised body as she wonders what you endured.

"We have to get to Eddie and tell him the news,"


The two get into Steve's car before driving towards Eddie's trailer, basically running up to the small house and frantically knocking on the door as he opens, clearly annoyed and a bit intoxicated.


"They found her," Steve says.

"Found who?"

"Your girlfriend, Eddie. Y/N is alive and getting taken to the hospital."

"I don't believe you guys."

"Well, come on then."

Steve manages to get Eddie out of the trailer as they head to Hawkins's Medical Center and heads to the from desk asking about you. There is currently no information about you or what condition you're in as the three young adults move and take a seat in the waiting room, awaiting any news about you. They wait for hours and hours when a cop and doctor walk out of the operating room, coming to Eddie, Steve and Robin.

"We have declared that the woman that was brought in is in fact Y/N Y/L/N, based on the description of the missing poster." The detective reveals.

A wave of happiness flood their systems, but come back and listens to what the doctor has to say about your condition. He tries to explain it the best he can, but is uncertain of you awaking from your coma. The doctor also tells them that the surgery will be even longer dur to such horrendous injuries.

As the time passes, the three sit there as Nancy arrives wondering what happened as she hears that you being found is all over the news.

"Is.. Is she okay?"

"I don't know," Steve says, looking at Eddie and seeing that his nerves are high.

Eddie is sitting there, leaned over a bit as his chin rests in his hand, tears welling up in his eyes. The thought of loosing you made his mind wander but snaps out of the dark thoughts when he rises to his feet and makes way toward the counter, asking about you.

"She just got out of surgery, but it'll take a little while longer due to injuries."

He nods, saying okay before walking back to his seat. He sits down, leaning back as he taps his foot up and down. He rises and asks again later, but gets a different answer. He gets the okay to go and see you as he felt great excitement about it but has to keep calm.

He grabs a 'hello my name is...' sticker, writing his name before sticking it on as he walks towards the hall, making his way through the hallway and finding your room and the room number. Taking a breath, he calms his fast paced heart before entering as his eyes hit your lifeless figure. Just the sight of you made him upset as he sits beside you and crying into your hand.

"I'm sorry, I should've protected you. It's all my fault that you're in this position. I'm so sorry."

The night went very slow due to the coma, but everyone held their heads high and pray for you, hoping the prayers will be answered and they do. A few hours later, you suddenly wake up, panicking as you don't recognize the room you're in when you see someone familiar. Eddie carefully holds you close as he comforts you the best he can as he tries to not scare you.

"It's okay, I got you." He says quietly, loud enough for you to hear.


"Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here." He comforts her.

A month later.

Walking out of your boyfriend's trailer with your crutches, you stop and see Eddie pulling up to the small house before getting out of his vehicle. Greeting you with a kiss, you both make it inside and he helps you get comfortable before he takes a seat next to you, excited to tell you the news of the three men who captured you.

"One of the men, Michael Riviera was found dead at the scene. Police believe that it was a suicide-"

"I shit him, Ed. I shot him on accident, okay?"

"I know. I know you would never shoot anyone unless you are protecting yourself."


"The two other men, Nick and Theodore Miller, who are brothers, and they were sent to prison without the possibility of parole due to immense amount of violence done to you."

"Wow, Eds. That is great news, honestly."

"Yeah, and I'm happy that you're alive and well."

"No, alive and healing. I'm a survivor. I went through hell and made it out. I pretty much was a miracle basically. Not very many people survive abductions, especially women."

"Yeah, I know."

"Anyway, I have to keep this brace on for another few weeks due to my injuries,"

"Jesus, that sucks.:

You look around the room, noticing your untouched book has collected dust but you pick it up anyway and begin to read the page you left off, remembering the night you were taken away from Eddie. The one who you loved so much, knowing how hurt you both were. You continue on through the page, trying to stay calm but can't seem to read the book due to the past events. The last time you read your book, you were taken and held captive in a tiny room for over two days. You close your book and set it down, trying to understand everything you went through.

Even though you don't understand everything that happened that night, you pushed through life and didn't give up because you had a good support system and a boyfriend who wanted the best for you so you decided to do what's right not only for you mentally but physically.

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