Amelia / 20 / all requests are closed and a work in progress All the writings on this blog are being heavily edited.Check out my second account @strangerficsx
27 posts
Starry-moonshine - ON INDEFINITE HIATUS - Tumblr Blog
Hello, Please do a sadie sink x female reader containing fluff & makeouts, u can take ur time making it! Thanks. <33
[hi, love. here it is, I hope you enjoy it! And please forgive me for it being so short. I've been studying for my written test.]
Soft Kisses - Sadie Sink

Pairing | Sadie Sink x Fem!Reader
Warnings | makeouts
Requested | yes
Word count | 280
Summary | You and Sadie enjoy time together, lounging around and having a soft kissing session.
[A/N: i listened to apocalypse by cigarettes after sex late at night while writing this short scenario.]
Sadie Sink Masterlist

You and Sadie are laying side by side in your shared bed, the soft rhythm of music flowing through the room as it's peaceful just the way you both like it.
Above, your posters of various music artists sit pinned against the ceiling. Sadie turns to you as you continue looking up at the ceiling and deep in thought while tapping your foot to the mellow beat of the song.
"I need kisses," She says in a pout.
With that, you turn to Sadie and cup her cheek before leaning in. Your lips collide with hers as you both stay there before bringing her to straddle you. She brushes your hair back, tangling her fingers. Your hands rest against her back but pulling her forward slightly so you can be closer.
Sadie begins kissing your neck as you lean your neck back, letting her pamper you before coming back to your lips,
You pull away long enough to flip Sadie so she's laying on the sheet as you grab your book off the nightstand and hand it to her. She opens the book and going to the page you left off, reading the paragraph as you lay your head on her chest.
You lay there and listen to the soft rhythm of your girlfriend's heart, relaxing. You feel yourself getting sleepy as you drape your arm over Sadie's stomach, snuggling closer to her as she notices and smiles softly.
She begins to get sleepy after reading a few pages. Resting the open book on her chest, she falls asleep next to you. Your faces close together as you both stay there for the next couple of hours.
will you ever finish Sadie’s master list? i loved everything you wrote about her/her characters
Hi, love!
Thank you! That makes me so happy. I'm glad you love them.
Yes, I plan on releasing more - not just the WIPs but other unreleased scenarios and stories I have saved in my Google Docs.
Hello, I have read a lot of your work and I really loved it, so I was wondering if I could translate some chapter to wattpad, obviously I would give you credits and add the links to your account. 💗
Hi love.
Thank you that means a lot that someone loves my work.
Yeah, you can post my works on Wattpad. I have an account that you can tag on there. :)
(My WATTPAD username: emruddxo)
Feel free to use any of my fics! But yes, please credit them.
Hii!! May I ask a ziggy berman x fem!reader smut which is the part 2 of “ I’m on fire “ but then gets caught by sheila then sheila goes all homophobic and stuff, Thanks !!
Hi, love! Thank you for requesting this. It was fun writing this.
I wrote this while in school 😐😬
I'm On Fire (pt.2) - Ziggy Berman

Pairing: Ziggy Berman x Fem!Reader (featuring Shelia)
Requested: yes
Warnings: SMUT, minors DNI, thigh riding, fingering, scissoring, oral (f both receiving), getting caught in the act, homophobia, swearing, and crude hand gestures
Word Count: 963
Summary: Being the teens you are, you and Ziggy decide to spend some alone time together underneath the hanging tree until Sheila catches you two in the act.
Sadie Sink Masterlist

While you help clean up the dock around the lake, you feel someone behind you, snaking their arms around your waist. The hug startles you as you look behind your shoulder, seeing your girlfriend hugging you.
"Hi, Ziggy."
"Please, can we go to my cabin?"
"Ziggy, I am helping Cindy and Tommy clean the deck from the campers swimming."
"I know, but you're not a camp counselor. Please," She begs.
"Fine, let's go."
Ziggy pulls you towards her, you follow her into the woods and over to a secluded area also known as Sarah Feir's hanging tree. The tree gave you weird vibes ever since you came to Nightwing, but ignore it when you feel Ziggy's lips against yours.
You feel yourself weaken in the knees as your girlfriend deepens the kiss, pinning you against the tree. The bark pokes at your back, causing you to slightly groan as it turns on Ziggy.
“What?” She asks, brows furrowed.
You pull your top over your head, dropping it on the ground beside you both. Your bare chest is bare as Ziggy begins playing with your exposed nipples. In the meantime, you begin to feel weak as you release a breathy moan as Ziggy presses her lips against yours.
She pulls away from you as she lowers her hands down to your shorts, unbuttoning them and sliding her hand in your pantries lightly nipping at your clit with her finger tips. You grab Ziggy’s arm, looking her in the eyes.
You grab Ziggy’s hand, removing it from your panties and pushes her, turning around and pinning her against the bark, stripping Ziggy from her clothes. You finish undressing yourself, now completely bare, laying Ziggy down as you position yourself on top of her. She swings her leg over your hip as your clits touch each other. You begin bucking your hips against hers as Ziggy moves against you, moaning loudly. You go harder making it difficult to keep the moans and pants in as you both feel close. Ziggy bucks her hips faster against you, clits brushing against on another causing you to hit your high, riding it out as your girlfriend does the same. You fall beside her, pnating as Ziggy chuckles before sitting up, kissing your neck.
She begins to kiss the sensitive skin, sucking on it lightly as she marks your skin. Ziggy was a bit possessive when it came to you, so she wanted everyone to know who you belonged to. She leads a trail of kisses down to your collar bones, kissing every inch of your chest. She lightly flicks her tongue against your nipple, causing you to breath heavily.
“Ziggy~” You breath out, holding your hands up to your mouth.
Ziggy grabs your hands and puts them above your head. She uses her free hand to insert her middle and ring finger inside your wet cunt. Thrusting in and out a bit faster every few seconds.
Soon you hit your high quite fast, causing your hips and thighs shake a bit. Ziggy smirks at you before she pulls her fingers out of your wet entrance, licking your juices off her fingers. She lowers herself in front of your entrance, using her hands and holding your legs open. Spreading them so Ziggy can deep inside you with her fingers.
She begins with lightly licks and sucks against your clit before inserting her fingers in you again, but this time she makes things a bit more difficult.
“Oh, my god! Oh shit.” You say quietly.
You squirm under her touch, kissing your clit and giving light licks too. She sucks on it as you, who is under her, becomes to overwhelmed by the pleasure that your body gives in and shakes like crazy. Before you can even hit your high, you rise up and tackle Ziggy to the ground doing the same gestures to her that she did to you. You kiss her, finger her and give her oral, pleasuring her as she reaches down and rubs your clit causing you to come. Your juices drip on Ziggy as you continue on at the same time you ride out your orgasm.
When she’s near, you hear rustling in the wooded area around you but ignore and focus on your girlfriend. Before Ziggy could ride out her high, you and her watch as Sheila catches you both.
“Holy shit,” she shouts, covering her eyes.
You and Ziggy grab your clothes, throwing them on and trying to escape but Sheila stops you both.
“Wow, two dykes fucking. Holy shit, you know what they do to people who are homos.”
“We—” You begin before getting cut off by your girlfriend, Ziggy.
“Fuck off, Sheila. Who gives a shit. The only person who cares this much about homos fucking is you. Maybe you’re the homo, Sheila. Is that why you’re always on our asses?”
“No, I— I’m not into that bullshit. It’s gross,” She spills.
Sheila continues to scold you both as Ziggy hold up her hands, outstretching her middle finger and pointing it towards the brunette bully.
“Oh no, hope you don’t vomit.” You laugh.
Ziggy keeps a serious expression Sheila runs away, back to camp. She is probably gonna tell someone but they won’t believe her anyway. You and Ziggy look at each other.
“What a bitch she is.”
“Yeah,” Ziggy agrees before grabbing your hips and uses her fingers grab your belt loops, pulling you closer.
She brings your lips to hers, feeling the warm feeling coming back before you break away from each other. She drags you back to camp and into her cabin, finishing what both started. You both fall into the pleasure once more, enjoying each other’s company before it’s time to gather for group activities.
To all the Cindy Berman x Reader writers:
You make this world a better place, keep with this good work ❤
I see that you are taking requests for Eddie. I am a total angsty girl. How about a drug deal that goes wrong with Eddie so the buyers decide to get back at him by hurting you. And I mean really angsty on this one. She can die or be hurt really bad. Kidnapped, whatever you feel is good.
I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance if you want to do it. 😊🙄
@h-ness1944 , thanks for requesting! This took me two days to write, but I hope you enjoy this!
Deal Gone Wrong - Eddie Munson

Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Requested: yes
Word Count: 1,945
Warnings: heavy against, swearing, graphic depictions of kidnapping, violence, blood, broken/fractured bones, bounds, locked in confined spaces, exhaustion, drug dealing, drug use, alcohol use, gun violence, near-death, vomiting, stalking
Summary: After a drug deal, the buyers take revenge on Eddie Munson by taking something very important to her.
(A/N: I will not add rape or sexual abuse into any of my fics due to personal experiences. Thank you!)

This fic includes stuff that some people may find unsettling.
"Haha, yes! Another one!" He exclaims, walking into the trailer.
You look up at him, smiling before looking back at her book, reading the rest of the page. He rushes over to the cabinet, searching around for the 'Special K' drug to give the dealers out front. Walking back out, he gives them a small amount of the drug before they flee the front door.
Eddie returns inside.
He walks towards the bathroom, telling you that he's gonna shower before bed as you nod and get off the couch when you feel that awful feeling of someone watching you. you look out the window, trying to see if there is someone near by as the gut feeling worsens. Taking a breath, closing the curtain then walking into the bedroom to change out of your current clothes.
Suddenly, you hear a window opening in the main room of the trailer, causing you to startle before grabbing a bat next to the chest of drawers, taking a step further into the living room. You look and see nothing as you sigh in relief before lowering your hands to your side. You're about to put the bat down when you feel something cold touch your back.
You knew it was a gun, somehow you just knew just from the way it felt on your clothed back. The male tells you to drop the bat as you obeyed, dropping the bat onto the floor as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. You try to stay calm as fear rises within your body, the male grabs your shoulder and forces you out of the trailer until you feel something hard hit your head, causing you to immediately black out. Meanwhile, Eddie hears the commotion from the shower but brushes it off and continues on with his shower.
One other male climbs out of the van, helping your lifeless body in before sitting down next to you as the other guy with the gun sits on the other side of your body. A third male that sits in the drivers seat begins to drive off as it catches Eddie's attention behind the closed doors.
When Eddie exits the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, he makes way into the bedroom to get dressed as he decides to check in on his girlfriend. He becomes concerned as he rushes over to the phone and dials the number written on a piece of paper. It rings and rings and rings until someone picks up on the other end, saying hello as Eddie clears his throat.
"Hey, is Y/N there?"
"Uh, no. I thought she was spending the night with you?"
"No, she is not here but I'll look around the trailer."
He sighs, hanging the phone up before searching the trailer. He sees no trace of her, the book she was reading lies on the coffee table untouched which kinda freaks him out. Something is giving him an eerie but saddened feeling. With no trace, he becomes worried as he looks outside and still nothing. He begins to worry before running back inside and calling the police, telling them that his girlfriend is no where to be found.
They send the chief out as Eddie sits and waits on the couch. Once the chief arrives, he begins asking Eddie a bunch of questions, fear plastered on his face as tears begin to spill from his eyes, showing the chief that he is terrified and didn't commit the crime of his girlfriend's disappearance.
They continue to ask questions as Eddie becomes too overwhelmed before they stop so he can take a few breathes, trying to calm himself down. They all take some time as Eddie wonders where you are, praying that you're okay.
Once you begin to wake up, you look around the confined room and feels the pounding pain in the back of your head. You see a male in front of you, arms crossed as you stare at him. You try to scan his face so you can have a description for police, something she won't be able to do anytime soon. You feel his hand glide across your face, stinging before inhaling and exhaling. The man leaves you by yourself, closing and locking the door as you begin to yell.
You knew you were somewhere where anyone can't hear you, stopping and sitting there. Sighing, you decide to try and fight, knocking yourself over and onto the floor, causing the cheap wooden chair to break as your restraints loosen around your ankles and wrists.
"Jesus, that hurt." You murmur before getting yourself free from the ropes.
For the next few hours, you sit in the confined room and trying to find a way out, something to free you from the hell. That never came when the the same male from earlier comes back, holding a plate of food as he opens the heavy door, seeing you on the floor not tied up. Anger pours over him, coming closer and grabbing your face, seeing your scared and tired complexion.
"You stupid bitch," He said, dropping the plate of food. "You fucking slut,"
He rushes towards you as he pushes you back as your head hits the wall behind you, feeling the pain come back again but stronger as you feel him punching at your upper body including your face and neck. He moves his legs, kicking you in the stomach three times before going back to putting your hands and feet in the restraints again. You feel your stomach churn as you begin to purge, coughing as you spit the rest of the ruminants out of your mouth.
You lean against the wall, feeling very fragile and weak as every bit of movement hurt you severely. You have a coughing fit, thinking of your boyfriend and wondering if he is out looking for you.
Twenty four hours passed without realizing it as you continue to sit in your confined and lonely room, praying for something good to happen as the hope begins to die. She began to wonder if she'll ever make it out but can't seem to deal with that overwhelming feeling. She lays there, lifeless and numb.
Every other hour, you would get abused to the point where you're in pain, lifeless and hanging onto life. You had no one to talk to, no one to interact with, no TV, nor books as you feel your depression get worse.
You have had food, but it wasn't enough same as water. The men in the house didn't want your prints marked on their dishes, along with convincing you that you're gonna die and no one cares about you. You tried not to believe them, but your whole body got the best of you.
Eddie though, hasn't stopped looking for you. He even gathered Steve and Robin to help look for you, eventually finding nothing as he begins to loose hope. Steve and Robin try their hardest to keep Eddie going, telling him they'll find you somewhere.
"I just... I wanna be able to hold her again, kiss her. A piece of my heart has been ripped out, and I don't know if I'll ever get that piece back. I miss her."
"I'm sorry, man." Steve apologizes, feeling upset as well as Robin who rests her hand on Eddie's arm.
Tears well up in Eddie's eyes, sniffling before wiping the tears. He tries to keep his emotions in but cries as Steve and Robin try their best to calm him down, knowing that nothing will at this point. He cries for a while before getting the courage to keep looking, wiping away his tears, fearing that something bad happened and she is unable to move or live. With being sleep deprived, Eddie begins to hallucinate when he thought he saw you nearby, walking away from him.
Steve breaks him out of the trance, telling Eddie to hurry up as he follows Steve. He pulls out a medium-sized bottle of alcohol before opening the cap and taking a sip.
"Woah, drinking in mid day? Isn't it too early?"
"No, man. It's not. I'm losing myself here and need something to keep me company."
The carry on, looking around even more before giving up and going home. Eddie lays on the couch, staring off into the distance as he continues to drink more alcohol, not caring anymore. The stress takes over him, consuming him and making it difficult to do anything at that point, so he stays in the trailer and becomes isolated.
You sit on the edge of the bathtub in the bathroom of your captor's room, trying to process everything at the same time as the male stands right outside the door waiting for you to hurry up. Is you didn't get out in time, he would shoot you dead. You quickly and tiredly put your hands on the walls around you including the shower and toilet.
You flush the toilet and walk over to the sink, washing your hands as you unlock the door. You turn the nob, opening the bathroom door and stand behind the male. He is no where to be seen as you see the gun lying on a table beside you.
You notice that its not your typical pistol, it is a silencer pistol knowing that it will make no noise.
"Perfect," You whisper.
You keep the gun with you as you make your half dressed self way down the hall, keeping all senses open before seeing movement nearby. You hold the gun close, getting scared of the male as you accidentally shoot the male, causing a wave of fear was through you. Dropping the gun, thinking it is fake, you see a huge blood puddle around the deceased male.
It scares you as you run away, making way towards the back part of the house, trying to pry open the window until you feel a pair of arms wrap around your body.
"Where do you think you're going?"
You shout so many words that they don't make sense, causing your anxiety to be set high. He takes you back to the small room when he sees his friend dead and bleeding out for a gunshot wound. It causes his grip to loosen on you as you break free from his grasp, running towards the same area, this time pulling the window harder but fails again.
You get caught before being abused again, tossing your sore body into the confined room as you get tied up again, the male pulls out a knife and stabs you in your chest, barely missing your heart as the pain take over your body. You feel weak before laying there, not knowing what to do.
The male stands and walks away, needing a new plan due to the death of his own friend, deciding to call police to let them know a 'suicide' took place.
When the cops arrive, the male tells police that Michael (deceased male) had committed suicide. Of course, you didn't know the names of your abductors. You heard people walking around, too weak to move but knew that it had to be something good. So, you shout, thinking someone will hear you but nothing happens as you see the open wound, soaking your tank top.
"Help," You weakly call out. "Help. Please! I'm stuck."
You can tell no one was coming for you, so you lay there against the wall, slowly dying and telling yourself that this is your last day alive. You can't seem to speak out loud, but in your mind you muster up the words to say as Eddie flashes through your mind, wondering if he's okay. You hope and pray that you'll be out of the hell hole. You had no idea what day or time it was considering there's no clock around, so you went off of the counted hours in your head.
You go in and out of consciousness before blacking out all the way, lying there slowly loosing your life as your body tells you to take a little nap. No one is near you to save your life, so you convince yourself and accept that you're gonna die.
When the police leave the house, the male makes his way down to the confined room, finding your lifeless body on the ground with a large amount of blood coming from the stab wound on her upper chest. He is relieved that you're dead before bringing your body out and shoving it under a bunch of blankets in the trunk. He drives out a semi rural area in Hawkins, disposing your body unaware that you are alive and not dead, weakly making your way through to survive. Once he drove off, you lay there but actually begin to feel awful once again, closing your eyes again.
At the same scene your body is at, Steve and Robin notice a female body lying in a grassy part of rural area, feeling spooked before he rushes towards a phonebooth near by and calls the police, telling them where the location is at, having multiple cops come out including an ambulance.
When they arrive, the two officers clear Robin and Steve from the area before heading over to your body and see if you are still alive.
Steve is holding Robin in his arms, tears falling as they pray its not you. If it is, they hope your alive. Something unexpected begins to happen as it shocks everyone around them. One of the officers slides on a glove and gets down to you, putting his first two fingers on your skin, feeling the area where your pulse is.
Feeling slow beats of the pulse, he wonders if he's hallucinating but turned out he was right. You were alive and barely hanging onto life, fighting, so you can live to see another day,
"Holy crap," One officer says out loud.
"She's alive! She's alive! Get a stretcher out here now!" He shouts as the paramedics get to you, working you before loading you up onto the stretcher.
Robin moves to look at you, seeing your badly bruised body as she wonders what you endured.
"We have to get to Eddie and tell him the news,"
The two get into Steve's car before driving towards Eddie's trailer, basically running up to the small house and frantically knocking on the door as he opens, clearly annoyed and a bit intoxicated.
"They found her," Steve says.
"Found who?"
"Your girlfriend, Eddie. Y/N is alive and getting taken to the hospital."
"I don't believe you guys."
"Well, come on then."
Steve manages to get Eddie out of the trailer as they head to Hawkins's Medical Center and heads to the from desk asking about you. There is currently no information about you or what condition you're in as the three young adults move and take a seat in the waiting room, awaiting any news about you. They wait for hours and hours when a cop and doctor walk out of the operating room, coming to Eddie, Steve and Robin.
"We have declared that the woman that was brought in is in fact Y/N Y/L/N, based on the description of the missing poster." The detective reveals.
A wave of happiness flood their systems, but come back and listens to what the doctor has to say about your condition. He tries to explain it the best he can, but is uncertain of you awaking from your coma. The doctor also tells them that the surgery will be even longer dur to such horrendous injuries.
As the time passes, the three sit there as Nancy arrives wondering what happened as she hears that you being found is all over the news.
"Is.. Is she okay?"
"I don't know," Steve says, looking at Eddie and seeing that his nerves are high.
Eddie is sitting there, leaned over a bit as his chin rests in his hand, tears welling up in his eyes. The thought of loosing you made his mind wander but snaps out of the dark thoughts when he rises to his feet and makes way toward the counter, asking about you.
"She just got out of surgery, but it'll take a little while longer due to injuries."
He nods, saying okay before walking back to his seat. He sits down, leaning back as he taps his foot up and down. He rises and asks again later, but gets a different answer. He gets the okay to go and see you as he felt great excitement about it but has to keep calm.
He grabs a 'hello my name is...' sticker, writing his name before sticking it on as he walks towards the hall, making his way through the hallway and finding your room and the room number. Taking a breath, he calms his fast paced heart before entering as his eyes hit your lifeless figure. Just the sight of you made him upset as he sits beside you and crying into your hand.
"I'm sorry, I should've protected you. It's all my fault that you're in this position. I'm so sorry."
The night went very slow due to the coma, but everyone held their heads high and pray for you, hoping the prayers will be answered and they do. A few hours later, you suddenly wake up, panicking as you don't recognize the room you're in when you see someone familiar. Eddie carefully holds you close as he comforts you the best he can as he tries to not scare you.
"It's okay, I got you." He says quietly, loud enough for you to hear.
"Yeah, it's me. Don't worry, I'm here. I'm here." He comforts her.
A month later.
Walking out of your boyfriend's trailer with your crutches, you stop and see Eddie pulling up to the small house before getting out of his vehicle. Greeting you with a kiss, you both make it inside and he helps you get comfortable before he takes a seat next to you, excited to tell you the news of the three men who captured you.
"One of the men, Michael Riviera was found dead at the scene. Police believe that it was a suicide-"
"I shit him, Ed. I shot him on accident, okay?"
"I know. I know you would never shoot anyone unless you are protecting yourself."
"The two other men, Nick and Theodore Miller, who are brothers, and they were sent to prison without the possibility of parole due to immense amount of violence done to you."
"Wow, Eds. That is great news, honestly."
"Yeah, and I'm happy that you're alive and well."
"No, alive and healing. I'm a survivor. I went through hell and made it out. I pretty much was a miracle basically. Not very many people survive abductions, especially women."
"Yeah, I know."
"Anyway, I have to keep this brace on for another few weeks due to my injuries,"
"Jesus, that sucks.:
You look around the room, noticing your untouched book has collected dust but you pick it up anyway and begin to read the page you left off, remembering the night you were taken away from Eddie. The one who you loved so much, knowing how hurt you both were. You continue on through the page, trying to stay calm but can't seem to read the book due to the past events. The last time you read your book, you were taken and held captive in a tiny room for over two days. You close your book and set it down, trying to understand everything you went through.
Even though you don't understand everything that happened that night, you pushed through life and didn't give up because you had a good support system and a boyfriend who wanted the best for you so you decided to do what's right not only for you mentally but physically.
Full 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
✨ = re-written/edited * = requested 💋 = smut/nsfw
<warnings will be presented in each scenario. all character and actors will be separate from each other.>
All fics included on this blog are currently under editing. and unreleased fics are being written, please be patient. There are a lot of requests to unfold!
Please check out @strangerficsx! It's my second account I started a few months back, and began publishing Stranger Things content. Only if you all want to, of course.

Stranger Things

Steve Harrington
loopy confessions *
mini harrington / part one | part two | part three | part four
Eddie Munson
deal gone wrong *

Fear Street (1994,1978,1666)

Deena Johnson
first time 💋
Cindy Berman
the berman crush * (WIP)
alone * 💋
survive the night
Ziggy Berman
caught in the act *
i'm on fire / part one | part two *
life after
Nick Goode
after party confessions
Constance Berman
late night kisses


Rachel Green
none yet!
Monica Geller
none yet!
Chandler Bing
the one where you move in
Ross Geller
none yet!
Phoebe Buffay
none yet!
Joey Tribbiani
the one where joey falls for a waitress


Archie Andrews
the nightmare *💋

Joseph Quinn

broadway beauty

Emily Rudd

none yet!
Nami (One Piece)

none yet!

Sadie Sink

soft kisses
kisses down low

𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

Soft Kisses
none yet
Kisses Down Low
none yet
none yet

Max Mayfield:
none yet
Vecna's Curse
none yet
none yet

Ziggy Berman:
none yet
Life After
Caught in the Act
I'm on Fire / Part one | part two
Nights With You
cruel summer // masterlist
girlfriend ziggy #1
the berman crush (ft. cindy berman)
revenge (ft. sheila)
𝐉𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐡 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

Insecure | angst, fluff, (slight) smut (WIP)
My Broadway Beauty | fluff, broadway!au (WIP)

Eddie Munson::

Dealing Gone Wrong |angst with a fluffy ending
There's not very many fics for Eddie Munson or Joseph Quinn, so please, request something. I'm up for anything; smut, fluff, angst.
Can you write a Steve Harrington pre-season 4 fluff request where his girlfriend is Dustin's older sister after years of friendship and mutual pining and basically, she is taking care of him and the medicine makes him loopy enough for him to forget that they're already a couple, so he re-confesses and she teases him when he's better?
Here it is, sorry it’s late!
Loopy Confessions - Steve Harrington

Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Requested: Yes
Warnings: swearing, loopy steve, re-confessing one's feelings, FLUFF
Word Count: 859
Summary: While helping Steve clean up after getting drugged and beat up by Russians under the Starcourt Mall, he re-confesses his love for you unaware that you're already dating.

Knowing Steve, he was a bit dumb when it comes to love that's why he's always had dates and not girlfriends. That was odd to him but to you it wasn't because you knew how much of a dork he was and for that, women weren't as interested as you were. You had fallen head over heels for your friend, unaware that he likes you back but thought the same thing you thought.
Having a crush on each other was hard because you both wanted to confess but had the idea that if you or Steve confessed to each other one would simply decide that they don't want to date him/her, so you kept it a secret around him but Nancy and Robin knew something was up between you and Steve.
Finally, you thought it was a good idea to confess and little did you know, Steve liked you back. You started dating fairly quickly, and that made you happy. Things took a turn when Steve, Robin, you, Erica and Dustin broke into underground Russian head quarters beneath Starcourt Mall. It annoyed you to go with them but you went anyway because you wanted to protect you little brother, not notching Steve trying to protect you.
The three of you managed to get out alive but Steve and Robin risked their lives to protect you and the kids as you dragged Steve towards a bench in the mall, you ran and grabbed some medical supplies from the back in the first aid kit, prying it open and grabbing something, anything that can help Steve and his open sores.
"Steve, hey," You say as Steve looks at you, staring into your eyes. "I'm gonna give you some meds to ease the pain, OK? Then I'm gonna clean you up."
He nods, trying to process everything you just said as he gets distracted by your leg, noticing a large cut on it. He tries to get you to look at it, but you are more focused on Steve's injuries more than your own. you grab your hoodie and rip some fabric off it and grabbing a bottle of liquid medicine and reading the label to see if its safe for face wounds. Since it is, you drip some onto the cloth before dabbing Steve's wounds as he pulls away from you and winces at it.
"Ow, that hurts," He complains.
"I'm sorry, babe. I'm trying to be as gentle as I can be, but it is kinda hard to clean a wound when you're moving away."
He nods, moving closer to you as he tries to kiss you. You now pull away, eying Steve as he becomes sad as you grab some meds, pouring two out from the bottle. You hand him the two pills as he swallows them, waiting for the effects to hit. Once when the medicine kicks in, Steve becomes a little giggly as he plays with your hair as you focus cleaning his wounds.
"You're so pretty, I wish you were my girlfriend. That would be great if you were."
You chuckle at him while setting the cloth down and grabbing some bandages and covering Steve's open wounds. You finish up, tossing the bloody cloth and other stuff away before coming back and grabbing something for your leg sore, wrapping it up then packing up the first aid kit and setting it to the side, looking towards Steve as he grabs your hand.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I've always been in love with you and tired of thinking of you and around you but not physically. Will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend, Y/N?"
You giggle at your boyfriend, stopping almost immediately when he furrows his brows and complains that you're giggling. "Yes, Steve Harrington. I'll be your girlfriend." Bursting out laughing at him before stopping.
For the next few minutes, Steve is still drugged a bit before finally coming back together and acting like his normal self. You both rise to your feet, bringing him into a hug and telling him how scared you were when you saw how badly his open sores were. He holds you close before pulling away as you smile, beginning to tease him.
"I love you, Y/N Y/L/N. I've always been in love with you," You tease, imitating him.
"Okay, okay. You can stop."
"Thinking of you and around you but not physically," You continue teasing him more as he becomes slightly irritated.
"Okay, Okay. I hear you. You can stop now."
You begin making smooching sounds, holding your hands to your heart and smiling cutesy at him as he rolls his eyes. You slowly take it down and giggling causing him to pick up you, holding you close as you shout for him to stop. He playfully puts you on your feet as your bandage falls off, causing him to see it as he decides to help you.
You decline his offer as you grab your bandage, wrapping it around your leg and focusing on Steve. He brings your lips to his, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away from you.
Would you ever write for teenage Nick Goode (Fear Street 1978)?
Hello, love!
(I may have story with another character from ‘78 but will swap them out with Nick)
Yes, I want to write for teenager!Nick Goode. But I can never come up with an idea— I feel like everyone else has my idea.
You can request something for nick and I’ll try my best to figure something out.
I’m willing to write for nick Goode as a teenager. :)
more ziggy pls 🥺🥺
[Hi, love! sorry for the late post but I hope you enjoy this fic.
I know I'm using a gif of Max, but I couldn't find a gif of Ziggy w/ out her looking rebellious and upset.
And I thought this was cute, so I had to use this gif.]
Life After - Ziggy Berman

Pairing: Ziggy Berman x Fem!Reader (featuring Cindy Berman)
Warnings: not really just some curse words and soft make outs.
Word Count: 936
Summary: After the terror at Camp Nightwing, school begins and you thought it would be nice to bring Ziggy some flowers to not only commemorate your love but to cheer her up too.

It's been a month, a month after the horror of Camp Nightwing. You, your girlfriend and her sister were free but seriously injured. You wailed every night in the hospital waiting for your mother to get to you from Sunnyvale due to a business trip, but you found peace and comfort with Ziggy.
Even though the terror of what happened at camp Nightwing scared you terribly, you knew that you had to keep going not only for you but for Ziggy -- your girlfriend -- and Cindy. Getting a call from Ziggy on your aunt's house phone, you heard the sadness in her voice which made you sad so you decide to stop by a store before meeting her at the bus stop. You weren't expecting it to take longer than a few minutes. The breakfast crowed came in fast so they pretty much grab their stuff and pile up the lines to pay.
"Shit, there's no way I can make it in time." You curse, basically running towards the floral department as you halt. You see the part of the store was slightly empty so you quickly make your way towards the bouquets and try to pick something out.
You grab a mixture for Ziggy and a small but cute rose bouquet so she doesn't get left out. You didn't check the price because you knew that they were pretty cheap considering it was the late 1970s and early 1980s, so you just get them anyway.
Walking up to the cashier, you gently lay the flowers down on the counter as she rings them up not questioning what or who they were for. After she rings the bouquets up, you hand her the money - too much money to exact. But you didn't care as you quickly walk out of the store and making your way towards the bus stop.
Meanwhile at the bus stop, Ziggy and Cindy continue to wait for you until the school bus arrives, opening the door as Cindy steps in but Ziggy stays behind, looking around for you as her anxiety begins to rise but brushes it off and steps into the bus, taking a seat next to her sister. Cindy pulls out a cosmetic item and checks herself out in the mirror whilst fixing her pinned back hair as Ziggy rolls her eyes.
Running towards the bus stop, you stop in your tracks and see it leaving as you curse out loud. "Shit, shit, shit."
You decide to go to just to the Shadyside Bus station, saying you need to hitch a ride to the address of Shadyside High since it was a little too far for you to walk considering your healing injury from a month ago. You wait till a car catches your eye, walking over to it and asking for a ride to Shadyside high school. They nod, letting you in. You look around yourself and see a young mother with a baby in the backseat. You felt calm with her but if it were a man then you would feel sketched out.
The young mother heads towards the large high school, stopping in the parking lot and stopping her vehicle. You thank her and step out of the car, walking inside and holding the flowers close to you as you step through the crowded hallways and over to a clear space, looking for your girlfriend and her sister. You look around until Ziggy catches your eyes making you move your legs beneath you, walking towards her as if there's a magnetic pull moving you closer to her.
"Ziggy," You say, getting her attention. She looks you in the eyes and makes way towards you.
"I-- I brought you these,"
You hand Ziggy the bouquet of mixed flowers as a big smiles forms across her face, kissing you on the cheek before the lips. After a few seconds you pull away from her as she notices the small bouquet of roses.
"Who are those for?" Ziggy asks, curiosity rising. She points at the roses in your hand.
"These? These roses are for your sister. I figured I couldn't leave her out considering she's my friend." You explain.
"That's sweet, y/n. I'm sure she's gonna love them."
Ziggy leads the way as you both head towards Cindy as she is sitting on the stairs looking over her things -- deep in thought. You and Ziggy stand in front of Cindy as she notices you, looking up and setting her journal down.
"Cindy, hi."
"Hi, Y/n. How are you?"
"I'm good. Cindy, I got you these as a nice gesture." You smile as she smiles back at you.
"Did Ziggy put you up to this?"
You shake your head. "No, I didn't. Wanted to give these for being a great friend and helping me through the tough time at Camp Nightwing."
"Aww, that's actually sweet of you. Thanks."
"Your welcome, Cindy." You smile as the bell rings, letting the three of you know that it's time for first period to start.
You three walk towards Cindy's class but depart to ditch first period and make out in the girls locker room since it's always unlocked. Saying goodbye to Cindy, you grab Ziggy's hand lacing your fingers together before sneaking into the locker room, closing the door softly behind you and starting your make out session. The bouquet sitting near by because you didn't have time for her to shove it in her locker in the halls.
You guys actually stay there for the next two periods joking and hanging out, trying to keep the giggling down so no one hears you both.
"I love you, Ziggy Berman and I'm so fucking happy that we are alive and happy."
"Me too," She says. "I love you more,"
[Hello, love! Here it is. Hope you enjoy! And I will start writing Max Mayfield scenarios soon.]
I'm On Fire - Ziggy Berman

Pairing: Ziggy Berman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT, minors DNI, oral, fingering, shower sex
Word Count: 1,012
Summary: After Ziggy caught you pleasuring yourself, she comes in to help you.

Stepping into the warm water made you shiver, but the warmth made you feel better considering that it was a chilly night in Camp Nightwing. As the water pours over your body, you slowly move your hand down, lightly rubbing your lower stomach and inner thighs making you feel tingly.
You begin to slowly rub circles on your clit, the circular motion makes you tighten a little more. A soft moan escapes your lips not noticing the feminine figure outside of the bathroom cabin. You then move to insert your two fingers inside you, pumping in and out of your wet self.
Ziggy walks in to surprise you with a little date she came up with, going into the woods to eat and make out like every other night at Camp Nightwing. There was no way you both would do that outside She knew you were in the cabin showers getting ready to step into the shower but wasn't expecting to actually see you naked. You and Ziggy haven't decided on wanting to have sex, so the two acted on waiting until it was the right moment --and that moment never came. You always got interrupted by either Alice and Cindy or other campers.
Your moans turned her on as she walks into the bathroom and removing her clothes, only in her panties and bra. You hear shuffling and grasp the curtain pulling it to the side just enough to look out, seeing Ziggy startles you as you relax soon after.
"May I join you?" She asks, smirking.
Ziggy strips from her bra and panties, stepping in and sliding the curtain closed behind her as the warm water pours over her nude body. She brings you into a kiss, staying there for a few seconds before pulling away from each other.
"I'm on fire," She whispers.
The kisses between you intensifies as she grabs your hands and holds them above your head, leading her lips down to your chin then towards your neck. Kissing and lightly sucking on the sensitive spot. You lean your head back in pleasure, feeling your knees get weaker as her knee rubs against you causing you to become even more sensitive on your clitoris.
The rest got messy as Ziggy moves and kisses your chest before using her tongue and flicking your nipples, soon sucking on one as she gropes the other. You moan out, leaning against the wall of the shower, resting your hands on the walls trying to have a grip on something nearby. "Zig--"
You didn't notice but feel the water turn off, she pulls you out of the shower and you both pile on top of each other on your scattered clothes bringing Ziggy's clothes over as well. You lay down as your girlfriend helps spread your legs, lightly sucking and licking your clit. Moaning, you have a difficult time muttering any words due to the great pleasure as you feel Ziggy insert her two fingers, middle and ring finger, inside you. Her other hand resting above your cunt.
You feel yourself getting closer as the knot in your gut slowly loosens, soon you come on Ziggy's fingers-- riding your high as your breath studders. Your hips twitching as Ziggy pulls out her fingers from your entrance.
"Holy shit, Zig. That was fucking a-amazing."
"My turn," She smirks.
You get up, hair soaking not only your clothes but the wooden floor as well. You kiss her lips before leading the trail of kisses down to her clit, lightly licking it as you flick your tongue before moving away as you let her crawl over swinging her leg over you as she sits on your face as you continue to suck and lick her before holding her hips down on you so you can go deeper in Ziggy with your tongue. You feel her hips bucking back and forth, knowing that she's gonna orgasm soon.
As she continues to ride your face, the knot in Ziggy's abdomen loosens fairly quickly. She comes on your face as you continue to eat her out. Ziggy's moans are louder this time, her face turning a bright shade of red, she scrunches her nose as she overcomes her high, riding it out as her quick breathing slows, swinging her leg over you and sits on her knees and stares into your eyes.
You two are out of breath, but decide to continue as the thought of riding one another became a prominent thought. You grab Ziggy's left leg, swinging it over your hips and push on her right to tell her to straighten it out. You positioned yourself over her and slowly started grinding on her. Ziggy gains friction as you do the same, your clits passing along each other. You started moving your hips back and fourth harder and faster. The room was filled with moans and pants.
Ziggy admired you, seeing how beautiful you are on top of her. Ziggy's hair was sprawled out on the floor and her soft moans were pretty. "You look so pretty on top of me." She says, groping your breast and rubbing your nipple with her thumb, making you whimper.
You both were getting close to the end as Ziggy started bucking her hips matching her pace with yours as she came. You felt each other throbbing and you shut your eyes tightly as you ride out your high once again. Your eyes opened, looking Ziggy in her eyes as she smashes her lips against yours, kissing you hard and untangle your legs. You both sit there out of breath before scurrying over and grabbing the two towels nearby and wrapping them around yourselves, soon grabbing your clothes and sliding them on as she does the same. Ziggy put extra clothes in the bathroom prior because she was gonna shower that day but got distracted by you.
You and Ziggy leave the shower cabin and head out, seeing that it is now later in the morning as you both go on about your day doing what you normally do.
Hi, just wondering if requests are still open for Riverdale please? If possible can I please request an Archie x fem reader, where Archie is having a nightmare from the war and the reader calms him down please? Also with a smutty ending if you feel comfortable doing that. Thank you!!! 💕
[Hello, love. Here it is, sorry it's late!]

pairing: Archie Andrews x female reader
warnings: 18+, minors do not initiate, nightmares, SMUT, oral (M receiving)
summary: after archie has a nightmare, you help him relax...
word count: 703
[I put a keep reading thing on it to protect minors]

The explosions are heard all over the field, Archie running for safety as he watches his military buddies die as the anxiety takes over. Archie is tossing and turning in bed while sweat clings to his body, he soon wakes abruptly due to an explosion. The jolting of the bed causes you to wake up as you look at your boyfriend, worried.
"Baby, hey, hey. I'm here. Was it a bad one?"
He stares off into space before looking at you and nodding slightly as you cup his face, still looking into his tired, scared eyes.
"Do you wanna tell me about it?"
"No, it's good. I- I just need something else,"
He brings his lips to yours, kissing you harder than ever. You move so you can straddle him, wrapping your arms around his neck as Archie runs his hands down your hips and to your ass, resting them there. You pull away from him, smiling slightly.
"Just happy to have you,"
"Me too," He says.
Archie flips you to where he is on top, running a trail of kisses down your body and towards your thighs. You feel a slight tingle go up your spine, causing you to giggle.
"You good?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yeah," You say and nod at the same time.
He stops and doesn't continue on, you look down at him cocking an eyebrow at him. Archie sits up, letting you move as well, kissing his lips and running the trail of kisses down his neck then to his stomach then to above his length. You grab his shorts and pull them down, as he slides them off the rest of the way, tossing them to the floor.
You glide your hand up and down the length of Archie's cock before licking the tip, causing him breath a breathy moan as you smirk. You then begin to suck him hard almost deep throating him at the moment. He rests his hand on your head soon tangling his hand in your hair, moaning out loud.
"Oh, y/n," He moans.
He gets close as you move your mouth up and down on his length, feeling him squirm under you. You never thought that he would be so vulnerable due to your touch.
You suck him more as you feel Archie hit his high, he rides it as he comes in your mouth. You remove your mouth from his length and he looks at you while breathing heavily.
"Are you distracted now?" You ask wiping the spit mixed cum on your face with a tissue.
"Yeah, now it's my turn."
He grabs the tissue from your hand before tossing it into the trash bin next to the bed. He rests a finger under your chin as he begins to bring you to his lips but get cut off by your phone alarm going off.
"I need to be at the station by 6, so I need to get going."
"Yeah, no, that's fine."
"We can finish tonight, if you want?" You suggest.
"I can't. I have plans with Jug.."
You kiss each other, staying there for a while, soon the kiss deepens as he lays you down. He begins a trail of kisses down to your neck as you try to push him away.
"Hey, Arch,"
"I need to go, for real this time."
"Okay, okay."
He pulls away, sitting down on the bed as he watches you stand up and get ready for the day. He decides to head down and make some breakfast for you, so you don't starve.
"Here, I made you a breakfast burrito."
"Thanks," You say, walking up to him and kissing him passionately before pulling away.
You walk out of your shared house, to your car and getting in and heading to the station as you meet Betty at the entrance.
"Thank god, you're here."
"Sorry, a little late due to..." You trail off, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, I don't need to hear about that."
"Well, let's go inside and work. I don't want to talk about your sex life."
You begin to laugh as she chuckles as you both walk inside, getting straight to work.
hi! can i request for deena or sarah if theyre open?m! 💖
Hello, love. Yes, I can write for either one. Just request whatever you want and I'll write it. :)
hi!! are your requests open !!
Yes, my requests are open.
Ziggy berman x female reader getting caught in the act <3
Finally finished! I hope you enjoy it. :)
and sorry it’s so short. I was sick when I was writing this, and only wrote 575 words. I didn’t feel like writing more than that.
Caught in the Act - Ziggy Berman

Pairing: Ziggy Berman x female reader
Warnings: smut, swearing
Word count: 575 words
Summary: You and Ziggy get caught doing the dirty.

Since you are a counselor it was against the law when it comes to dating a camper. But no one knew because you and Ziggy kept not only your relationship a secret so no one knew you were together. However, things went differently then what you both were expecting on that late and warm night.
And, it was really late. After the color war and after all the chaos you and Ziggy endured prior that day...
After sneaking away and going somewhere private, you and Ziggy giggle as she kisses you. You take a seat on a table as she rest her hand on your lower stomach.
"Oh, shit."
Ziggy looks at you as you look at her before she slides her hand into your pants, and beginning to insert her finger. Breathy moans begin to escape your lips as you grab on to her arm. Your girlfriend continues pumping in and out of your wet cunt, soon you come on her fingers. Sliding her fingers out, she licks you off of her before she moves and begins to kiss you- leading a trail of kisses down to your chin then to your neck. She sucks on your neck, leaving a purple and blue mark on you before Ziggy moves her hands down to the bottom of your shirt.
Pulling it over your head, she tosses it down before kissing your torso. She nips at the sensitive skin of your breasts, causing you to feel over heated. She snakes her hand behind your back, unsnapping your bra in the process. You pull her face back to yours before pulling away long enough to remove her shirt. You and Ziggy are now both topless as she unbuttons your pants, and removing them in the process.
Before she can insert her finger inside you, someone busts through the door as you both stop and cover up. Looking over, you and your girlfriend see Cindy as her eyes widen at you both before turning away and looking at different things in the cabin.
"I'm so sorry,"
"What the fuck?! What do you need, Cindy?" Ziggy asks as she grabs your shirt and bra.
"I need you and Y/N to help me with something."
"Okay," You say.
Sliding your bra and shirt on, you watch as Ziggy does the same before you get your pants on as well. You look at your girlfriend as the lusftful look in her eyes fade, watching Ziggy roll her eyes.
"You can turn around now."
The awkward silence kicks in before you all break away from it and leave the cabin, heading over towards the mess hall. You sigh while Ziggy crosses her arms going back to the moody, rebellious state she was in prior that day.
"This is what you needed help with?"
You and Ziggy look at the older Berman then towards the messy tables in the cafeteria.
"Yes, because Tommy is out helping with something else. Alice and Arnie are no where to be seen along with Joan, Kurt, and Nick."
You and Ziggy help her clean up, before getting back to your cabin and calling it a night because you both were too tired to get things heated.
Pecking her temple, you get into the bed beside Ziggy's and curl up into a ball before falling asleep.
I was wondering if you could do cindy berman x fem reader smut and some max mayfield/ziggy berman smut and fluff
[hi love. here it is. hope you enjoy it!]
Alone - Cindy Berman

Pairing: Cindy Berman x Fem!Reader (featuring Alice and Arnie)
Warnings: SMUT, Minors DNI, oral (both receiving), fingering (both receiving)
Word Count: 899
Summary: Before the chaos sank in, you and Cindy finally decide on doing the dirty.
A/N: You and Cindy are dating.

The sun was setting in the distance, the cool air blew through Nightwing but the humidity was high. The sweat glistened on your forehead as you see Cindy, making your way towards her.
You walk up to Cindy, standing in front of her as she looks up at you and smiles. "Hey," She says.
"I need help with something …personal. And wondering if you would like to join me?"
"Sure," She agrees as she stands before grabbing your hand, you lead the way towards the mess hall -- door shutting as you kiss her before pulling away, still holding her hand and heading into the empty kitchen.
Rushing into the empty kitchen as you connect your lips with Cindy's, her hands feel your body, squeezing your ass cheeks then raising her hands to slide under your shirt and bra, lightly groping your breasts as her thumbs play with your nipples.
"Oh, Cindy." You moan between kisses.
She retrieves herself whilst sliding her hands down to the hem of your shirt, pulling your cropped fabric over your head tossing it to the floor. You unbutton Cindy's polo, sliding the shirt over her head and again, tossing it on the floor. She brings your lips back to hers as if she knew what to do in the moment.
You slide your hand in her pants as your massage her, the fabric of her panties preventing you from getting to where you want your hand to be. Cindy's breath shudders, pulling away slightly as she feels her knees weaken. You pull out your hand from your girlfriends shorts as she unbuttons them and slides them off, looking around and making sure no one is around.
You grab her and help her up on the counter, standing between Cindy's legs, kissing her soft lips. She lays down and you begin kissing every inch of her face, neck, and torso, leading the trail towards her breasts. You pull the straps off Cindy's shoulders, pulling her bra down as it rests below her breasts. You kiss the skin around her nipple before sucking the bud making Cindy lean her head back as pleasure rushes through her body.
"Shit," Cindy moans, moaning even more as you snake your other hand down to her panty line, gently massaging that area. You move away from her breasts and slide Cindy's panties off and throw them on the floor. You insert your fingers into her gently, curling them at the same time. You watch her, seeing her squirm beneath you and moaning so loud that the campers may hear.
"Shh, baby…"
Continuing to squirm, you pump in and out of her at a faster pace while rubbing her clitoris with your thumb. Cindy bites her lip as the pressure builds, knot tangling up in her stomach. She moans out loud, trying to keep them quiet so no one hears her. Without you realizing, Cindy comes on your fingers as you go deeper and begin to curl your fingers again.
"Oh, shit!" She moans.
Hearing the moans and watching her orgasm made your cunt twitch even more, feeling hers twitch too. You pull your fingers out of her and insert them into her mouth and licking Cindy's juices off her fingers.
Cindy sits up, looking at you and hopping off the counter to grab your waist and pull you close, kissing you once again before turning around and her pinning you to the counter, kissing your lips before moving down to your chest, nipping at the buds of your breasts. Flicking her tongue on one bud as her hands squeezes your breast while lowering your panties down with her other hand getting enough space to insert her middle and ring fingers in you as a soft gasp escapes from your mouth, panting.
She continues to finger you faster than you fingered her prior, making your legs shake as you hold Cindy closer lips separating. You grope the counter top with your hands, bucking your hips back and forth to gain more friction but soon orgasm on Cindy and the floor beneath you.
"Holy shit, Cindy."
You both lay atop the pile of clothes that were once on your bodies, out of breath and feeling great at the same time. She turns to her side, leaning her head on her hand and looking at you bringing you into a kiss. You pull away before offering to go and take the rest of the day easy since you both were tired from the intense sex session you guys had.
"You wanna go somewhere and take a break for the rest of the day?" You ask as she immediately nods.
"Yes, I would love that."
You smile at each other before getting up and getting dressed, heading out of the kitchen and towards the door of the mess hall. You grab her hand and pull her towards your (counselor) cabin, laying in the uncomfortable and squeaky mattress, covering up with the thin blanket and grabbing your book as she yanks it from your hand.
Cindy lets you lay on her chest, beginning to read the words on the crisp page. She delicately runs her fingers your hair, continuing on. Before you both knew it, you both fell asleep as the book lays on Cindy's lap. You and Cindy end up staying asleep for the rest of the night, sleeping in each other's arms.
omg i have a request for deena but you arent doing smut rn 😭😭
I'm so sorry, please forgive me.
I just haven’t been wanting to write smut. I may take a short hiatus on Tumblr for the next few days due to family stress.
Constance berman x fem reader where they sneak off to the church at night and end up kissing <3
Hope you enjoy it! :) <3
Late Night Kisses - Constance Berman

Pairing: Constance Berman x female reader
Warnings: none
Summary: You and Constance decide to sneak out and meet up at the church and exchange some late-night kisses.
Word count: 395
(author's note: I struggled with the time period a bit)

You and Constance had planned this out for a while but never got to do it, but tonight was the night you two would meet up at the church to spend time together.
You woke to the sound of pebbles hitting your window as you crawl out of your warm bed and scurry to the window as you look out, seeing your girlfriend standing and smiling up at you. You turn away and sneak past your sleeping brother as you slip through the cracked door, not caring about changing your clothes.
You greeted your girlfriend quietly as you grabbed her hand and led her to the church. Giggles escaped from your lips as she giggled before halting in her tracks when you both step into the church. She quietly closes the door and brings you into a soft and sleepy kiss as you wrap your arms around her waist.
"I love you, Constance."
"I love you too, Y/N."
You and Constance take a seat near the podium and smile at each other before kissing again this time the kiss is filled with energy before looking towards the door when you hear someone walking by as you both hide, trying to find another spot to stay and continue to be with each other.
Constance gropes your hand as you look into her big blue eyes, she smiles before cupping your cheek and kissing you one more time as you pull away from her and rest your head on her shoulder. You sigh as you look down at your laced fingers, falling asleep together.
When the early morning rises, you wake up and look around the room, seeing that you're in the church. You wake up Constance before you both say your goodbyes before sneaking into your houses and getting dressed.
"Y/N, where have you been?"
"Where were you?"
"I- fine, I snuck out to the creek nearby to watch the fish." You lie.
Your mother soon forgives you as she motions you to get dressed so you can do your morning chores before heading to church. You did your chores before heading out of your cottage and over to your girlfriend as you both smile at each other.
"I had fun,"
"I did too,"
You greet Abbigail before you three head down to the church to hear pastor Miller talk. You take a seat next to Constance as you both exchange a smile.
alice and cindy definitely had something going on in the ‘past’.
Legend says that if you say that Cindy Berman is straight, Emily Rudd comes and hits you with that shovel she had on the movie

Fear Street: 1994 characters

Deena Johnson
First Time | smut, fluff (WIP)

Fear Street: 1978 characters

Cindy Berman
The Berman Crush (featuring Ziggy Berman) - angst, smut (WIP)
Perfect | Smut
Tommy Slater
{coming soon!} Love Story | smut, angst, fluff
Teenage Nick Goode
After Party Confessions | fluff, slight angst (WIP)

Fear Street: 1666 characters

Constance Berman
Late Night Kisses | Fluff