Edgar - Tumblr Posts

Since Nutcracker Month is literally around the corner I decided to sketch out and give a better palette/layout ref of my Nutcracker Character’s most recent designs I do hope in the future to make a fully complete/clean ref for them

Nutcracker Month 2020: Day 15- Cosette
This one goes out t- OH! Its my day again! ItsaMe! Decided to draw both my rodent babs cause I love them so much. They are so precious together. Hope you like

It only half of the day but ahhhhh! Im dead TRANA! THANK YOU! I really love what you are doing with your entries and omg! People can say its cliché but I love the idea you gave of cat and mouse fight I just love love love! You also included my son! Awwww! Just Thank Once Again! Ack! And don't worry, I love them together. Ship it Fam. Its Canon XD
Nutcracker month 2020 by @artsynoova

Day 15: { Cosette + Edgar }
~ After his much needed rest, Hollyberry was back on the trail of Cosette, the little mouse nutcracker. The opponent of this world was a Very evil Cat- Who had a taste for mice. Hollyberry tried to attack, but was only left with a nasty scratch across his muzzle as the kitty pinned down the trembling Cosette. Edgar was doing everything in his power to stop that wicked kitty from devouring Her.. but his actions seemed futile as nothing seemed to stop it. Holly was getting pretty annoyed as he tried to figure out a way to put an end to this Mousers Mission... ~
Edgar: “ Unhand her at once You wretched Frivolous Feline !!!”
Mouser: *Hungry Yowls*
Hollyberry: “ I Know Most cats are scared of Dogs- But I’m much too small to make a difference.. If only I can make myself seem bigger than I appear... then I’ll be able to give this cat the fright of its life!”

Cosette; Picking up Hollyberry and giving him a cuddle: “ Thank you for the help little friend! I didn’t know you had such a vicious bark in you!”
Edgar: “ I have to admit your ingenuity was very impressive and incredibly realistic. Even I could’ve been fooled that a Doberman had made it into the castle.”
Hollyberry, Giving his tail a Slight wag: “ haha it was nothing! But I can’t take all the credit, Edgar helped me a lot in the rescue this go round.” :3
Cosette: “ That’s right, I didn’t forget about you Sir Prince~ That was very brave of you to charge a cat for my sake.”
Edgar: “ I-I couldn’t just let it..EAT you..”
Cosette; Giving him a Kiss: “ And for that I am very Grateful, thank you.”
Edgar; Becoming Flustered: “ I-I..hhhhhhh” >///////< 💦
Cosette: *Small Giggle*
Cosette & Edgar belong to @nijiomii
Hollyberry belongs to me :3c

Fam, you dont know how much I have been dying all day I have been lovin every single one of these and that includes yours OH MY GOD!!! You drew both my babies!!! Thank you so much Noova! Not only for this but once again planning out this whole event that has now made my Winter Season not only enjoying the Christmas Aesthetic Feels but also this. This entire things has been so much fun and really has made me happy to be apart of. Thanks again, just Ack! -cries-

Nutcracker Month 2020 Day#15
Week 3! And today is for @nijiomii ´s adorable Cosette!
I decided to draw her with Edgar beacuse they are cute <3

Of couse! The more the merrier! But omg, babies! I’m glad Sona get to see more rodents like her. And also, its fine. Cosette is kind to alot of people, and treats them like her second family. As for the compliments for Edgar Very kind of her to say she likes his eye color Honestly leaves him in a frozen state for a sec For his hooded cloak, that wasnt really his choice XD But still thank you fam!

Day 15 of nutcracker month is Cosette the cute Mouse!
Cosette belongs to @nijiomii
And nutcracker month belongs to @artsynoova
When Sona saw Cosette she ran up to her and said SISER!! Because she’s happy that’s there’s more Mouse like her and she of course asked Edgar how she loves his cape she said she loves the colors and she said “ I like your lime green eyes Edgar!”

I am in TEARS!!! SON! You lumpy egg bastard! THANK YOU!!!! I was not expecting this. Omg! My children, you drew them so cute! And an oreo cake!? Yas!!! I feel like this is payback for your B-Day gift Still I love this Bless you so much son

@nijiomii take my appreciation or feel the wrath of my powerful baby hands >:(((
jk i love you dude
It has been like this all day XD
And it's just gonna keep going
But thank you Ollie!
Also how dare you, yah egg

@nijiomii take my appreciation or feel the wrath of my powerful baby hands >:(((
jk i love you dude
So the past month I have been dead on alot of things.
Not just Social Media. My social life, personal feelings/mood, drawing motivation, etc.
Mainly cause my lil laptop finally killed over at the beginning of October and I had to purchase a new one after earning enough for it.
It's just been a really big mess at the moment, to which I'm sorry for not being on/responding to things on social media. I hope it gets patched up soon. To which it semi is. And I hope to post art again. I miss doing that.
Like this one

Every year I redraw this pic. And things keep changing every time. Can't wait for what the future holds.

Its that time of the year where its getting cold as fuck Time to bundle up I just love these two so much
As I am excited for the winter season to finally roll in. And the last Nutcracker Months being really fun. I just don’t have the time and mental energy to do it this year. I still hope to semi do something in spirit. But who knows? I do wish everyone good luck this year who are participating. Can’t wait to see what you bring. Happy Nutcracker Month 2021.

Gotta say, I’ve been lovin all the stuff you been doing with yah boi, Walnuss.
Such gremlin energy that I adore
And his interactions with others
High risk feral into full on fisticuffs
But it made me wonder
What if he met a mouse?
PFFF- DEAR GOD THIS GREMLIN! I fuckin love this Save him Actually don’t It will only get worse Cause in the end

She going to do what she said

She’s going pick him up
Mission Completed
She wins by default/generosity

Gotta say, I’ve been lovin all the stuff you been doing with yah boi, Walnuss.
Such gremlin energy that I adore
And his interactions with others
High risk feral into full on fisticuffs
But it made me wonder
What if he met a mouse?
New Years 2022
I hoped everyone wrapped up 2021 nicely and is excited for the new year. My main focus for this year is to actually feel more confident in myself. And to be proud of what I make. I know I do alot of redraws, but when I see how much I improved not just in my style but in character growth/everything. I feel truth happiness and proud how far Im come that don’t give myself. I hope you all get that experience of joy for yourselves this year. Happy 2022 Everyone

Heres the drawing by itself:

@speedartist-skyliner I really enjoyed your lil comment and the questions you left. His human design needed an undated aways. The markings on his face are actually his freckles. He has always had them. Overall nothing has changed in his looks Well, aside from his hair But that was changed along before the “curse”. He doesn’t really enjoy his appearance.

I told myself that I wanted to do something for MerMay
And wow, the month just flew over my head like nothing on bread
How the fuck that happened????
Anyways, VERY last minute but have some stuff from a AU with my goobers (minus the abomination at the bottom)
No real context aside from:
Fisherman Gal
Merboy gets caught in net
Fisherman Gal frees Merboy
And then BOOM! The power of Love baby!
They wanted to see each other again and they do
Thats all yah getting fellas
But in the end, I did a thing under my promise. Yay! To myself. Good Fuckin Job Nij. And I hope you all had a good May Summer is just around the corner Whoo!
Oh definitely
-holds up both Cosette and Edgar-
I'm a sucker for cute pairings/relationships
My story is gonna have a few but for now these babs have been my serotonin and my main focus
Both the wholesome and the tragic

@shibible ....I just finish these ....Only to be told there was a turnaround I didn't know there was a turnaround!!!! But I kid, I know its an old one I really like this bean tho XD Welcome to the House of Mouse
Nutcracker Season (# 8): Time with Herr Drosselmeyer
....Well kinda

“Oh, as much as I can ramble on like a broken record..... And you being a kind ear to this old man....”

“.....I wish you would just....speak to me kiddo....Bet you have some nice stories to tell...” ------- Hhhhh, I hate being dead and just stop existing from work But here we are Decided to do some doodles for this prompt to mainly get this character out ------- Its my old man!

His name is Lillian but otherwise known as “Lil’ Drosselmeyer A very short but full of tricks kind of man He is the royal kingdom’s craftsman/inventor, creating projects that are new and in general full of surprises for the royal family. Mainly for celebrations, yet the royal family wants him to make inventions to help their lifestyle. Nothing fun nor really exciting) (Man really said nah to it real quick) He has visited Edgar several times, especially when he is there at the kingdom to plan out for those events/projects He likes Edgar’s company, even tho he’s quiet most of the time But to see a face remain the same over the years, being so familiar in not a good way. It internally saddens him. He just wants to see the lad happy for once yet doesnt know how. ------- I want to share more about him, but oh lord just -holds papers- I aint good at explaining with simplicity We’ll see how we get it down tho Ack!

Im ashamed at myself for not doing anything with my rodent babs It's their season! 😭🎄 Oh well Pls accept this doodle I decided to finish from last year as an apology I love them so much 🐁💗🐀

This is a doodle I did in a Aggie Session before 2023 was wrapping up 📝✨ And I cant get over the changes I be surprise if anyone remembers his first concept design Im just really happy how far he has come I luv you my boi 💕🐀